2/26 WWE in Denver results: Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose for the Intercontinental Title, AJ Styles vs. Tyler Breeze, Baron Corbin vs. Zack Ryder, Naomi vs. Sasha Banks

Logo_WWE_dnWWE Live Event
Denver, Colorado at Pepsi Center
Report by Dot Net reader Jeffrey Peter

Pepsi Center was 1/4 full. The third level was completely blacked out with a curtain. The Colorado Avalanche had an Alumni game at Coors field tonight, which is probably the reason for low attendance. JoJo and Greg split the duties on announcing the event tonight.

1. AJ Styles beat Tyler Breeze. A surprisingly good match with some comedy of both wrestlers laying on top of the ropes showing off. AJ won in 7 minutes with a flying forearm off the top rope and pinning Tyler.

2. Baron Corbin defeated Zack Ryder. A better match than I thought it was going to be. This was a 10 minute match with Baron hitting the End of Days onto Zack and getting the pin.

3. Ryback beat Luke Harper (w/Braun Strowman, Erick Rowan) by DQ in ten minutes. Ryback was attacked by all three members of the Wyatt Family at ringside until the Uso Brothers came down to ringside and cleared the ring of the Wyatt Family. JoJo made the announcement about the DQ and then announced that it would now be a six-man tag match.

4. Luke Harper, Braun Strowman, and Erick Rowan beat Ryback and The Uso Brothers. About a minute or two into the match, Ryback jumped out of the ring and walked out on the Usos like he did during the six-man tag match on Raw. Braun get the pin on Jay eight minutes into the match.

5. Neville beat Stardust. Another good back and forth match with Neville hitting the Red Arrow on Stardust for the pin. After the match Stardust got the mic and said he wasn’t going to lose any more and wanted anyone to come down and give him another match. R-Truth answered the challenge.

6. R-Truth beat Stardust. About 30 seconds into the match Stardust tried to leave then Goldust music hit and Goldust came out grabbed Stardust threw him back into the ring and R-Truth hit the Lie Detector on Stardust and got the pin. After the match, R-Truth was celebrating by singing his theme song like he usually does then Goldust got in the ring with him and they danced. After the song ended, Goldust got a microphone and pleaded with R-Truth to put the GoldenTruth tag team together and R-truth’s answer was “Uh-Oh Little Jimmy is calling me” and he left the ring.

7. Kane beat Bray Wyatt in a street fight in 20 minutes. Both wrestlers used the kendo sticks on each other and had a really good match. Wyatt Family members came down to ringside and all four attacked Kane. While a couple members of the Wyatt family attacked Kane, the other two went under the ring and pulled a table out and brought it in the ring. The Usos came back down to ringside to even up the sides. The Wyatt Family members and Usos fought their way out of the arena. Bray grabbed Kane and was going to Sister Abigail him through the table, but Kane got out of it and chokeslammed Bray through the table and Kane got the pin.

8. Sasha Banks beat Naomi (w/Tamina). Sasha won this ten minute match with Bank Statement via tap out.

9. Sheamus beat Mark Henry. A good nine minute match that ended with Sheamus getting the Brogue Kick on Mark Henry and getting the pin.

10. Dean Ambrose beat Kevin Owens by DQ in an Intercontinental Championship match. Very good back and forth 30 minute match that ended in a DQ after Kevin hit Dean with a Chair. Kevin grabbed the mic and shot his mouth off about being from Canada and he didn’t care about the Denver horses or whatever winning some stupid game. He went back beat on Ambrose some more but Ambrose reversed it and did the Dirty Deeds to Owens and sent everyone home happy.

A really good event all things considered. 2 hours 45 minutes in length.

Biggest Pops
AJ Styles
Dean Ambrose

Biggest Heat
Kevin Owens
Ryback when he left during the tag Match

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