5/8 WWE 205 Live results: Anish V’s review of “The Matches That Made Me” featuring Oney Lorcan, Jeremy Borash debuts

By Anish Vishwakoti, ProWrestling.net Staffer, (@AVX_9001)

WWE 205 Live
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed May 8, 2020 on WWE Network

Another week of 205 rolls by and we get another look at a 205 Live wrestler talking about the ‘matches that made them.’ Tom Phillips opened up the show introducing Jeremy Borash, who made his debut on WWE programming. Borash made a quick jab at Phillips before taking a look at a clip from Lorcan. Oney was seen hopping over and then carrying a big log of wood (not an innuendo). His choice of match was Ultimo Dragon vs. Dean Malenko with nine titles on the line, from Starrcade on December 29, 1996.

Anish’s Thoughts: Out of all the matches chosen by anyone so far this was the most fun choice I feel, especially given the fact that it is a historical cruiserweight match.

After the full replay of Malenko vs. Ultimo Dragon, we cut back to Oney Lorcan weightlifting with his dog substituting for a weight. Lorcan picked his own match that ‘made him.’ He said that the match he picked was not only his favorite match on 205 Live, but his favorite in WWE, period.

Lorcan chose his No Disqualification Tag Team match featuring himself and Danny Burch against the “scumbags” Ariya Daivari and The Brian Kendrick. It is cool to note that Lorcan is the first person to choose a match of his that he got a victory in. After the match, Borash and Phillips both agreed that Lorcan and Burch could be tag team champions one day.

Borash and Phillips closed the show talking about who they think will win the NXT Interim Cruiserweight Championship. Borash picked Drake Maverick. Phillips accused him of being biased and we closed the show with Borash sticking to his pick of Maverick while Phillips walked off the set.


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