House of Glory “Believe In The Glory” results (10/9): Vetter’s review of Mike Santana vs. Jay Lethal, Zilla Fatu vs. Idris Jackson for the HOG Crown Jewel Title, Joe Hendry vs. Joey Janela

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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House of Glory “Believe In The Glory”
September 29, 2024 in New York, N.Y. at NYC Arena
Streamed on the TrillerTV+

This event was released on October 9. JD from New York and Hilary Wisdom provided commentary. Lighting here is decent and the crowd is maybe 600.

* There is an underlying story told in several matches that Charles Mason is in jail, but he still has his influence over his minions. Not sure where Mason is, but he also is “in jail” and accused of murder in GCW, so he’s taking some time off. 

1. Amazing Red vs. Joey Silver vs. Darren Richardson vs. Jay Lyon vs. J Bouji vs. Jay Armani in a six-way scramble. Silver is a goofball and he throws candy to the crowd. The announcers pointed out that Lyon’s tag partner Midas Black is still out with an injury. Red came out last. All six are fairly regulars here in 2024. They paired off with the three Black men working together and attacking Red, Silver and Lyon at the bell. Bouji hit a flying clothesline on Silver in the ring as everyone else fought on the floor. Lyon hit a spinning heel kick. Richardson hit a dropkick on Lyon at 2:00. Red and Richardson locked up, and the announcers said this was teacher vs. student. Red dove through the ropes and crashed onto Richardson but kept flying, going over the guardrail and landing in the second or third row!

Red got back in the ring and fought Armani. The three Black guys again worked together to choke Red in the corner. Bouji hit a guillotine legdrop on Red at 5:00, and the crowd cheered and rallied behind Red. Red fired up and began kicking the heels. Armani put a Figure Four Leglock on Red. Silver and Lyons jumped back in the ring at 7:00, but were immediately dumped right back to the floor. Red again dove through the ropes. In the ring, Silver did an Old School tightrope walk on Richardson and hit a bulldog for a nearfall. Lyon hit a series of chops on Armani. Lyon hit a T-Bone Suplex on Richardson, then a swinging uranage on Richardson for a nearfall. Silver dropkicked Richardson in the face as Darren was tied in the Tree of Woe. Lyon hit a rolling cannonball on Richardson at 10:00.

They all fought in the corner. We had four guys hit clotheslines and were down. Red hit a top-rope Code Red with Armani doing a full rotation and landing on the mat. Red hit a frogsplash. However, Red was thrown to the floor. Lyon hit his flip dive to the floor. Meanwhile, Richardson rolled up Silver with a handful of tights to steal the pin! A good high-energy opener; I love a good scramble to get the crowd going.

Darren Richardson defeated Amazing Red, Joey Silver, Jay Lyon, J Bouji and Jay Armani at 12:49.

* An ad aired for their next show on Oct. 18.

2. Raheem Royal and Nolo Kitano vs. “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller for the HOG Tag Team Titles. Kitano carried his sharp sword and he wore black pants, while Royal wore red pants. Waller and Royal opened. Waller hit a 619 and a DDT for a nearfall. Kylon entered and hit a powerslam on Royal at 2:00. The heels began working over Waller on the floor. In the ring, Royal hit a powerbomb for a nearfall at 4:30. Kylon finally got a hot tag at 6:00 and he beat up the heels. Kylon hit a backbody drop and a double Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. He hit a German Suplex on Royal, who rolled to the floor. MG hit a team powerbomb move for a nearfall at 8:30, but Kitano made the save. Waller hit a sunset flip bomb on Kitano. King and Royal crashed from the top rope to the mat and I can’t say who got the worse of that; all four were down.

Royal and Waller got up and traded forearm strikes. Royal hit a bulldog move on Kylon. Kitano hit a swinging neckbreaker on Waller. Kylon hit a brainbuster. Kylon hit a superplex and Waller immediately hit a Mamba Splash on Royal for a nearfall, but Jay Armani appeared and pulled the ref to the floor at 12:30. Kylon hit an Asai Moonsault on Armani. Meanwhile in the ring, the heels sprayed mist in Waller’s eyes. They hit a team doublestomp move and pinned Waller. A bit messy at times but great energy and I enjoyed it.

Raheem Royal and Nolo Kitano defeated Kylon King and Dustin Waller to retain the HOG Tag Team Titles at 13:06.

3. Gringo Loco vs. Fuego Del Sol for the HOG Cruiserweight Title. Loco has been competing in Germany over the past week; he probably left right after this match was recorded. Fuego did a huracanrana but Loco rotated and landed on his feet. They jawed and shoved each other. Fuego nailed a flip dive to the floor at 1:30. Loco caught Fuego and powerbombed him onto the ring apron. In the ring, Loco hit a top-rope moonsault. He tied up Fuego on the mat and was in charge. Loco hit a flipping powerbomb for a nearfall at 4:30. Fuego hit a running neckbreaker and they were both down. Fuego hit an enzuigiri at 6:00 and shoulder blocks into the corner.

Fuego hit an Asai Moonsault to the floor. They fought on the ropes, and Loco hit a top-rope Spanish Fly for a nearfall at 8:00, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Fuego tied him in the Tree of Woe and hit a doublestomp to the chest, then a Coast-to-Coast missile dropkick for a nearfall at 9:30. Loco hit a standing Spanish Fly then a tombstone piledriver for a nearfall. Gringo hit a Frankensteiner and his tornado DDT for a nearfall at 11:30. They fought on the top rope, where Gringo hit an Angle Slam, with Fuego landing stomach-first on the mat, for the pin. That was really good; these two were on the same page throughout. The crowd chanted “please come back!” at Fuego.

Gringo Loco defeated Fuego Del Sol to retain the HOG Cruiserweight Title at 13:22.

* Another commercial for Oct. 18, featuring Nic Nemeth vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo.

4. Joe Hendry vs. Joey Janela. Janela came out first. The crowd sang along with Hendry’s theme song, then busted into the “We believe!” chant when it ended. They locked up to open, as the commentators talked about Hendry’s amazing year. Basic reversals early as they worked each other’s arms and this has been a friendly competition. Janela rolled to the floor at 2:30 to stall. Back in the ring, they hit shoulder tackles with neither man going down. Hendry hit a delayed vertical suplex for a one-count at 4:30. Janela hit a back suplex for a nearfall, then a diving back elbow, and he kept Hendry grounded.

Hendry hit a suplex at 7:30 and they were both down. He hit a fallaway slam and kipped to his feet and got an ovation. Hendry set up for the Standing Ovation (modified chokeslam, but to the chest), but Janela escaped and went to the floor. They fought at ringside. Back in the ring, Janela hit a DDT, then a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 10:00. Janela hit a huracanrana and a superkick for a nearfall. They fought to the apron and traded chops. Hendry hit a DDT on the apron. In the ring, Hendry hit a pop-up powerbomb for a nearfall at 11:30. They traded European Uppercuts. Hendry hit the Standing Ovation and scored the pin. Really nice build.

Joe Hendry defeated Joey Janela at 13:43.

* A video aired from outside in a playground, where Idris Jackson was confident he was going to beat Zilla Fatu. I’m not so sure…

5. Zilla Fatu vs. Idris Jackson for the HOG Crown Jewel Title. Both men are still pretty early into their careers; Zilla has just reached 32 matches in his career, according to data. Zilla hit a belly-to-belly suplex at 2:00. He hit some chops and a diving headbutt for a nearfall, and was in complete control. Zilla missed a plancha to the floor and crashed onto the thin mat at ringside. Idris went for a Figure Four Leglock around the ring post but he let it go. In the ring, Idris worked the left leg and kept Zilla grounded, and the crowd rallied for Fatu. Idris tied him in a leglock at 7:30. Zilla finally hit a pop-up Samoan Drop at 9:00 and they were both down. Zilla hit some clotheslines, a shoulder tackle, and a tilt-a-whirl slam. He hit a frogsplash for a nearfall at 10:30.

Idris got a rollup with his feet on the ropes for a nearfall. Idris went for a Figure Four; Zilla kicked him away and Idris crashed into the ref! Zill and Idris hit double clotheslines and everyone was down. Zilla went for the Samoan Spike, but Idris hit him with a weapon and shoved the weapon into his pants. The ref got into the ring and made a two-count, but Zilla kicked out. Carlos Ramirez jumped in the ring and hit Idris with a chairshot to the back! Zilla hit the flying Samoan Spike and scored the pin. Good action.

Zilla Fatu defeated Idris Jackson to retain the HOG Crown Jewel Title at 13:34. 

* Sam Leterna interviewed Hendry backstage. He said it was the first indy show he’s ever done in New York City, and he praised HOG and its fans.

6. Megan Bayne vs. Lena Kross for the HOG Women’s Title. They stood toe-to-toe and Australian star Lena is maybe a half-inch or inch taller! An intense lockup to open and some standing switches. They hit shoulder tackles with neither budging. Lena finally knocked her down at 2:30. Bayne dropped Lena with her own shoulder tackle. Bayne hit a double-underhook suplex. They fought to the floor where Lena slammed Bayne forehead-first on the apron at 4:00. She whipped Megan into the guardrail, and Megan hit it so hard it popped the crowd. In the ring, Lena got a nearfall. In the ring, Lena hit a twisting side slam for a nearfall and was in complete control.

Bayne hit a leaping clothesline at 8:30, then an Exploder Suplex, then another. Bayne hit a fallaway slam for a nearfall. Lena hit a superkick and a German Suplex, but Bayne popped up and hit her own German Suplex. Bayne nailed a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall, and they were both down at 10:30. Lena hit a powerbomb with a jackknife cover for a nearfall. Lena hit a hard knee strike for a nearfall at 12:30. Bayne hit her F5 faceplant for a nearfall. They sat cross-legged on the mat and traded open-hand slaps to the face at 15:30. Lena hit a sliding German Suplex. Kross hit a Nigel-style Tower of London stunner for a nearfall. Bayne hit a spear for a nearfall at 17:30. Lena hit a big boot and a TKO-style stunner for a nearfall, and the commentators praised this match, and the crowd launched into a “Fight forever!” chant. Bayne hit another flying clothesline, then the Tombstone Piledriver for the pin. That was impressive.

Megan Bayne defeated Lena Kross to retain the HOG Women’s Title at 19:01.

Mike Santana has a mystery opponent for his HOG Heavyweight Title! The crowd popped for the modified Macho Man Randy Savage theme, as they all knew it was Jay Lethal! Sam Leterna joined commentary.

7. Mike Santana vs. Jay Lethal. I didn’t hear the bell so I started the stopwatch at the ROH-style handshake. Standing switches and friendly reversals. Santana knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. Lethal hit a basement dropkick at 3:30 and did a Fargo Strut. More standing switches and hammerlocks. They started trading forearm strikes at 6:30. They fought to the floor. Lethal suplexed him on the floor; Santana rolled into the ring at 9:30 and Lethal immediately tried to get a cover. Lethal applied a sleeper but it appears Santana may have hurt his right knee. Santana barked at the ref, making sure he doesn’t stop the match. They got up and Santana was hobbled. However, he slapped Lethal and insisted the match continue! They started trading forearm strikes! Santana hit some loud chops at 11:30. Lethal hit a dropkick and Santana collapsed and clutched his knee. Jay stomped on him and hit a snap suplex. “He knows his prey is wounded,” a commentator said.

They traded more chops and it must be warm in there because the sweat was flying off of them. Lethal hit a back suplex. Lethal hit a dropkick on the damaged knee at 14:00, and Santana was down on the mat. Santana hit a running sit-out powerbomb and they were both down. Santana hit his rolling stunner for a nearfall at 16:00. Lethal hit an enzuigiri. Santana hit a Death Valley Driver for a believable nearfall; I thought that was it. They traded chops while on the ring apron. Lethal hit an enzuigiri, then a dropkick that sent Santana to the floor. Lethal hit a dive through the ropes. In the ring, Lethal hit a top-rope elbow drop for a nearfall, and they were both down at 19:00. Lethal went for the Lethal Injection but Santana avoided it. Lethal hit a piledriver for a nearfall. Lethal repeatedly hit the knee, then he applied the Figure Four Leglock and the crowd let out a “Wooo!,” but Santana reached the ropes. Lethal hit an enzuigiri, and he again went for the Lethal Injection, but Santana avoided it. Santana hit his discuss clothesline for a visual pin, but two heels pulled the ref to the floor, and the ref called for the bell. A really good match despite the non-finish.

Mike Santana vs. Jay Lethal went to a draw due to outside interference at 23:08. 

The commissioner came out and ordered a bonus tag team match! And it will be for the tag team titles!!!

7b. Nolo Kitano and Raheem Royal vs. Jay Lethal and Mike Santana. All four brawled at the bell. Santana accidentally hit Lethal. Kitano and Royal jumped on Santana and kicked his damaged knee, as Lethal was down on the floor. Royal hit a basement dropkick and a standing moonsault for a nearfall at 1:30. Santana hit a flapjack on Royal. Santana went to tag out, but Lethal pulled back his hand, hopped off the apron and was BOOED. Lethal headed to the back! The heels hit their team doublestomp for a believable nearfall at 3:00.

Lethal returned to ringside! The crowd was all over him. “Send him back to Jacksonville. We don’t want him here anymore,” a commentator said. Lethal hit Santana with a title belt, and the ref called for the bell. Jay finally hit the Lethal Injection on Santana. The crowd loudly chanted, “F— you, Lethal!” as he tried to speak on the mic. The heels were going to ‘Pillmanize’ Santana’s ankle, but all the babyfaces (Amazing Red, Fuego Del Sol, Jay Lyon, etc.) on the show ran to the ring to make the save.

Jay Lethal and Mike Santana defeated Nolo Kitano and Raheem Royal via DQ at 3:52.

Final Thoughts: I’m so glad that HOG is back on Triller+ as they always deliver great shows. Despite the finish, Lethal-Santana was really good and easily best match of the night. I presume that with them working for competing promotions, a clean pin wasn’t in the cards. The Lethal heel turn was really well done, too. I really enjoyed that Bayne-Kross match; it’s the first time I’ve seen Bayne take on a woman taller than her, too. That match takes second. Janela-Hendry built nicely and takes third. A lot to like here. HOG usually takes a LONG half-time, but with this not airing live, that was edited out. The show clocked in at just over three hours.

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