Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian for a shot at the TNA Title at Bound For Glory, Rosemary and Wendy Choo vs. Jordynne Grace and Sol Ruca

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

Zackary Wentz, Chris Bey, and Ace Austin vs. Mike Bailey, Leon Slater, and Kushida: The big spot match of the night. These types of matches are fun and actually stand out when the rest of the show isn’t filled with similar matches. Wentz’s springboard cutter finisher looked great. It was also nice to hear Bailey give Slater a big endorsement during backstage segment, which took away any sting from Slater taking the loss for his team.

Josh Alexander and Eric Young: Alexander struggled a bit initially to get the fans to buy into his babyface comments, but he and Young eventually won them over. It was pretty easy to see Alexander attacking Young coming and yet it was still an entertaining segment that solidified Alexander as a heel.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Laredo Kid: A clean win for Gresham with no sign of the awful poison octopus ink. There have been video packages that suggest they are not done with that silliness, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Jordynne Grace and Sol Ruca vs. Rosemary and Wendy Choo: A soft Hit. There was a very obvious edit right before the finish, but what was saw of the match was solid. The interference of Tasha Steelz for the disqualification made for a weak finish, but Masha Slamovich coming out to help the babyfaces set up next week’s six-woman tag match.

Lei Ying Lee vs. Hyan: A soft Hit for a solid TNA debut for the former Xia Lee. I was pleasantly surprised to see her working as a babyface. My only complaint is that the match went a tad longer than it needed to for what felt like it should have been an all out showcase match for Lee.

Heather Reckless vs. Xia Brookside: A soft Hit for a distraction win for Reckless. It was pretty comical when Reckless lost the large hair extension. I don’t know if it was accidental or if it just happened to fit in nicely with her relationship with Ash By Elegance and The Concierge, but it worked either way.

TNA Impact Misses

Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian for a shot at the TNA Championship at Bound For Glory: A soft Miss despite good match quality. Kazarian stealing the win after using brass knuckles was an unnecessary swerve. The problem with Santino Marella calling off the finish and restarting the match raises the question of why he doesn’t do this in other matches when they miss heels cheating. Plus, this was just a weak and random way to determine the number one contender for TNA’s biggest show of the year. On the bright side, Hendry winning was very well received by the live crowd and he has a lot of momentum heading into the title match with Nic Nemeth. They took a weak path to get there, but they have the right Bound for Glory main event.

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