WWE Smackdown results (9/20): Barnett’s review of Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes, LA Knight vs. Andrade for the U.S. Title, Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton vs. Bayley and Naomi in a tornado match with Bad Blood ramifications

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

WWE Smackdown (Episode 1,308)
Sacramento, California at Golden 1 Center
Aired live September 20, 2024 on USA Network

The show began with footage of Cody Rhodes retaining the WWE title, and the subsequent fallout between Cody, Roman, and The Bloodline. Michael Cole said that Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns went face to face on the football field at Georgia Tech, Roman Reigns alma mater. That footage would air later. The Bloodline went through a set of metal detectors and got at downs as they entered the building. Jacob Fatu assaulted the security guards and asked if anyone else wanted to attempt a pat down. In the arena, LA Knight made his entrance for a United States Championship defense. He was followed by Andrade. 

1. Andrade vs. LA Knight for the United States Championship: Andrade stuck his hand out and both men shook hands. Knight landed an arm twist, and then rolled up Andrade for a two count. Both men teased landing their finishers, but were able to avoid any damage. Andrade rolled to the floor to regroup…[c]

Both men traded strikes in the middle of the ring. Andrade took to the top rope and landed a flying cross body for a near fall. He then hit the ropes, but Knight took him down with a back elbow. The action spilled outside, where both men traded punches near the announce table. Andrade tried to slam Knight into the table, but he reversed fortunes and smashed Andrade repeatedly. Knight then landed a slingshot shoulder block as the action moved back to the ring for another near fall. 

They battled on the apron, where Andrade got an advantage by sending Knight into the ring post. He then climbed to the top turnbuckle and landed a moonsault out to the floor…[c]

Andrade landed a running forearm and kipped up. Knight ended up seated in the corner. Andrade landed some stomps and then went for a meteora in the corner, but came up empty. Knight landed a DDT and got a two count on the cover. Knight played a game of turnabout and stomped on a seated Andrade in the corner. He then landed a running knee strike and then a neckbreaker a moment later for another near fall. Both men ended up the turnbuckles, but Andrade elbowed Knight back into the ring and delivered a double jump moonsault for another near fall. 

He set up for another Meteora in the corner and this time landed it for a close near fall. Andrade landed a jawbreaker and hit the ropes. Knight muscled him up for a body slam and then landed a big elbow drop from the top. He went for a BFT, but Andrade rolled him up for a near fall. He then followed up with a back elbow feint for another close near fall. Andrade backed up into the corner and dragged Knight up to the second rope. Knight attempted a jump up superplex, but couldn’t get the job done after two attempts. Andrade shoved him off and attempted a shotgun dropkick but failed. Knight quickly hit a BFT and covered for the win. 

Andrade defeated LA Knight at 17:24 to retain the United States Championship

After the match, Knight celebrated and eventually shook hands with Andrade, though Knight resisted at first. Cole and Graves threw to a video package from last week where the stipulation of this week’s Women’s Tag match between Tiffany/Nia and Bayley/Naomi was set. Backstage, Nia told Tiffany that Naomi and Bayley were coming for her title, so if she takes the pin tonight, she might want to consider leaving Smackdown. Cody and Roman’s segment is up next…[c]

My Take: A solid opener despite a few miscues from LA Knight towards the end. I didn’t expect Andrade to get the win there, but he’s shown himself to be a dependable veteran performer over the past month or so in these feuds with Knight and Hayes.

Andrade walked a hallway backstage where he ran into Carmelo Hayes. He compared Andrade’s choke to the Kings and the Lakers in years past. Hayes said he lost so he could put the fries in the bag. Andrade was incensed and threw him around and landed some strikes until officials broke things up. Cole and Graves then tossed to a video package that featured Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes. 

Both men were shown arriving at the football field at the stadium on the campus of Georgia Tech, where Reigns used to play College Football. They met on the 50 yard line on the Georgia Tech logo. Roman asked Cody to see the ground he stands on, and let him know that everything he can see was his. He said he shed blood, sweat and tears on this feud, and that makes it his. Roman then said if it was his field, it was his stadium, and his city. He asked Cody what he had done for his city. 

Cody responded with the fact that Center Stage was down the street, and an arena they used to call The Omni is across town. He said generations of his family have bled for and in this town, and it might be his stadium but this is his home. Roman reminded Cody that he was in a no win situation. He said he had nothing to lose. They took Jimmy, his wise man, and his bloodline, and now he’s a man without a country. He said he’s a man with nothing to lose. Cody said that if he was supposed to be surprised he’s not. 

He reminded Roman that before their first WrestleMania match he would end up a Chief without a tribe. Cody said WWE had a tribal chief and a WWE Champion, but it wasn’t him. Cody then said that he was no longer the biggest box office or the instant WrestleMania Main Event, he was just a guy who they used to call Roman Reigns.

Roman asked what he wanted, and he said his word that he’d have his back so Cody could have his. Roman agreed, but told Cody that when it was over he was coming for the title that was his. He went to leave, but Cody stood in his path and said it wasn’t his to take. Roman said that he was in his way……in life. He then walked off when Cody relented. 

Kevin Owens was shown watching the video on a backstage monitor. Byron Saxton asked for his reaction, and he remained speechless and just walked off…[c]

My Take: That was an excellent video package. Really high quality production, and both Cody and Roman felt big time in the process of telling their story. The eventual rematch between the two of them will be big business. 

KO was shown backstage again and looked disappointed. Apollo Crews stood in the ring. Giovanni Vinci then made his entrance. Footage was shown of Crews stealing a win from Vinci a few weeks ago.

2. Giovanni Vinci vs Apollo Crews: Vinci did not wear an elaborate robe this time and just wore his gear. He jumped crews with rapid fire strikes as the bell rang. Vinci landed a lariat in the corner and then pummeled Crews with punches. He then body slammed Crews into the ropes several times. Vinci then setup for a powerbomb, but Crews reversed into a crucifix and got the win. 

Apollo Crews defeated Giovanni Vinci at 1:41

After the match, Vinci attacked Crews and threw him into the ring barricade. He then delivered a brainbuster in the ring. Backstage, Kevin Owens said he would give him comments about Roman and Cody in the ring…[c]

My Take: Another week, another embarrassment for Vinci. Hopefully they have a payoff in mind for this that’s worth it.

A video promoting Saturday Night’s Main Event aired. Kevin Owens made his ring entrance for a promo. Owens said it’s pretty obvious everyone is wondering what he thinks about this situation between Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes. Owens said he’s gotta be honest….but he was then cut off by Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu. Tama had the microphone and soaked up some boos. He told the crowd they better let the right hand man speak. 

He said that last week Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes embarrassed their tribal chief last week, and that was a big mistake. Tama said they would get theirs at Bad Blood, but tonight Kevin Owens would get what’s coming to him on the orders of the real Tribal Chief Solo Sikoa. Owens said nobody ever wanted to hear what they had to say, and they should just get this over with. Owens got jumped by The Bloodline, but DIY ran down to even the odds. WWE officials broke things up, and Nick Aldis announced a six man tag between everyone involved later in the main event. 

Backstage, Naomi and Bayley strategized for their title match. They teased some dissension, but ultimately hugged it out and said they were both aligned in their goal to take the title off of Nia. In the arena, Tiffany Stratton made her entrance with Nia Jax. Cole announced it as a tornado tag match…[c]

My Take: We didn’t hear what Owens had to say, but it’s pretty clear he’s not too happy with Cody Rhodes. I have to imagine RKO will have the same reaction given The Bloodline was the storyline reason for his long injury absence.

Kevin Owens and DIY vs. The Bloodline was made official for the Main Event. Naomi and Bayley made their ring entrance in the arena. In a comical moment, Naomi helped Bayley remove her jacket when it got stuck. 

3. Naomi and Bayley vs. Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton in a Tornado Tag Team Match: Naomi and Bayley got an early advantage by getting the better of the strike contests early on. They then performed some double team moves, a DDT and a bulldog, on Stratton and Jax. They then landed a double team clothesline and made a double cover for a two count. They had a bit of a disagreement over the cover, which opened up a window for Nia to vault Naomi into the air. Tiffany then landed blockbuster from the top rope on Bayley and Nia covered for a two count…[c]

Nia and Tiffany focused their offense on Bayley during the break. Everyone was on the outside as the show returned from break. Nia tossed Naomi into the timekeeper’s area. She then attempted the same for Bayley, but Noami kicked her as she approached the barricade. Bayley then tossed Tiffany into the barricade and dove through the ropes onto Nia on the floor. Naomi followed up with a crossbody from the apron. Tiffany recovered and took down Naomi with a lariat. Bayley and Naomi then landed a double team suplex and dropkick combo on Tiffany, but Naomi pulled Bayley off the pin. 

They argued briefly, but landed a double back body drop on Nia a moment later. Bayley charged the corner, but Nia turned her away with an elbow. She then planted all of her weight onto Naomi. She then set up for an annihilator, but Bayley helped Naomi avoid it. There was a double pin moment where Nia and Bayley both made pinning attempts on their partners, but both women kicked out. Naomi avoided a powerbomb from Nia a moment later, but she reversed into a facebuster. Tiffany tried to break up a cover with a swanton, but she landed on Nia instead. 

Naomi and Bayley landed a One D on Tiffany Stratton. Nia landed a Samoan Drop on Nia. Bayley pulled her into a crucifix, and Naomi jumped over the top and we ended up in a double pin. 

Naomi and Bayley defeated Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton at 11:28

Michael Cole said they would attempt to get clarification on who would get the title shot after the break. The Main Event is up next…[c]

My Take: Not a bad match, but the triple threat seemed so obvious that I was just waiting for the double pin. And there we are.

A vignette aired where Chelsea Green was picking up trash and gagging around a dumpster, while complaining that she had to fight Michin on her own turf. She was attacked by bugs and a racoon at one point, and told Michin she would pay for this. Part VI of the Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes is happening next week. Backstage, Nick Aldis booked Naomi vs. Bayley next week for an opportunity to face Nia Jax. In the arena, Kevin Owens made his entrance. DIY’s music hit, but The Bloodline was shown taking them out backstage. 

Owens charged up the ramp, but he was quickly beaten down by The Bloodline. The Street Profits ran down to even the odds, and Owens climbed to the top rope and splashed everyone on the floor. Owens and The Profits got back in the ring and fired up the crowd…[c]

My Take: Good thing The Bloodline has pissed off nearly everyone on the roster. Otherwise Owens would have been in quite a pickle.

4. Kevin Owens and the Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins vs. The Bloodline (Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu): Owens and the Profits jumped out to an early advantage focusing on Tonga Loa. Jacob Fatu managed to tag in and that changed the tone of the match. The Blood line then cut off Montez Ford and made frequent tags to keep him away from his corner. Tama Tonga made a cover after a lariat and a running elbow stroke for a two count.

Fatu turned Ford inside out with a big lariat, but he missed a follow up hip attack in the corner. That opened up a window for Dawkins to tag in. He looked good for a moment, but Fatu leveled him with a kick and then hit a triple jump moonsault…[c]

Tama Tonga remained in control of the match with Angelo Dawkins struggling to make a tag. Dawkins broke free of a headlock and landed a suplex on Tama, but Jacob Fatu quickly entered the match and cut him off. Dawkins popped out of the corner with a body block to stagger Fatu. Jacob then charged into the coroner, but hit the post when he overshot his jump. Montez Ford and Tama Tonga tagged into the match, and Ford got the better of it with some strikes and a big running lariat. 

Ford continued the attack with a knee strike and a suplex. He then landed a standing moonsault and covered for a near fall. KO tagged in and dropped off the apron, he took a lap around the ring and landed lariats on both Tonga Loa and Jacob Fatu. He then delivered a running senton on Fatu and a frog splash from the apron on Tonga Loa. In the ring, he went for a Canonball and then a Swanton on Tama Tonga, but Fatu broke things up. 

Dawkins took Fatu out of the ring. Owens and Tama Tonga fought on the ropes, and Tonga learned a lesson about trying to superplex Kevin Owens. KO made a cover after a Fisherman’s Buster, but Tonga Loa broke it up. Owens landed a Stunner on Tama Tonga, but Loa pulled him out of the ring and threw him into the ring steps. The ref called for the ball for some reason?

The match was declared a no contest at 14:38

The brawl continued on the floor on the outside after the match. The Bloodline quickly took out Dawkins and Ford, and setup for a triple powerbomb on Owens. He fought his way out of it with the help of Ford, but Fatu splashed Fatu in the ring to put him down again. Owens continued to fight, and DIY ran down to offer an assist. They were quickly kicked out of their shoes by Fatu, who then returned to attack Kevin Owens. They stomped on Owens in the ring, and then Fatu took to the top rope, only for Cody Rhodes to make his way out to the ring.

Cody ran off Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa with a chair, and then landed a Cody Cutter to clear out Jacob Fatu. Owens teased hitting Cody with a chair but eventually put it down. Cody gave KO a hug and raised his hand to close the show.

My Take: The ref calling the match was contrived. Cody waiting until KO was just about out of friends and half dead was a choice that I assume will ultimately lead to KO finally blasting him with a chair eventually. If Owens goes full heel, it would be a refreshing change of pace for him. There was a good show, but didn’t quite cross the threshold into being great for me. I’ll be talking with Wade Keller on his post show following Smackdown, and I’ll be back with a members only audio review tomorrow.

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Readers Comments (2)

  1. WOW!
    Old school Saturday Night’s Main Event music!

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