Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 46 results: Vetter’s review of The Philly Marino Experience vs. The New Guys for the Glory Pro Tag Titles, Rohit Raju and Zeeko vs. Kody Lane and Dan the Dad

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 46)
Premiered August 5, 2024 via
Taped July 28, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at Casa Loma Ballroom

Reed Duthie was back on solo commentary. For whatever reason, they did not release an episode last week. I believe this is the third time they’ve ever skipped a week, but this is the first time it wasn’t tied to a holiday.

* After several weeks of episodes from an outdoor event on Father’s Day, Glory Pro went back indoors to its regular venue. The crowd is perhaps 250. The lights are on, so lighting isn’t an issue.

1. Kody Lane and Dan the Dad defeated Zeeko and Rohit Raju at 11:08. Again, Zeeko recently changed his name from “Karam.” All four of these guys are regulars here. Lane and Dan came out first but the heels ran in and attacked them from behind, and they brawled on the floor. In the ring, Lane hit a huracanrana on Raju. He hit a senton for a nearfall at 2:00. Raju hit a snap suplex on Lane. Zeeko hit a leaping Flatliner on Lane for a nearfall at 4:30 as the heels worked Kody over. Dan finally got the hot tag and he hit a series of jab punches on Raju, then a DDT at 8:00.

Dan hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Raju went back to working over Kody. Kody hit a tornado DDT on Raju, but he missed his Lionsault. Lane and Rohit traded punches. Kody hit a top-rope flying senton to Raju’s back for the pin. Solid tag match, and the crowd is fully behind this babyface team.

* Backstage, The New Guys were talking about how close they came to winning. PME walked up and offered them a title shot. The New Guys readily accepted.

2. “PME” Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia defeated “The New Guys” Scott Stanley and Jake Bosche to retain the Glory Pro Tag Team Titles at 12:47. Duthie noted Philly’s weight loss, which I recently noted in a different review. Bosche and Tenaglia opened. They went for stereo dropkicks and had a standoff at 1:30. Collins entered and hit a uranage. The New Guys began working over Tenaglia in their corner. PME hit a team elbow drop move for a nearfall at 5:00.

Collins hit a spinebuster on Stanley. Bosche hit an enzuigiri and was fired up. Tenaglia dove through the ropes onto Stanley at 9:30. Bosche dove through the ropes onto the champs, but was caught. Stanley dove onto all of them. The New Guys got a nearfall in the ring on Collins, but Tenaglia made the save. Stanley went for a Sunset Flip, but Collins sat down and reached forward, and he grabbed Tenaglia’s arms for leverage to score the pin! The crowd cheered and didn’t really react to the fact the champs cheated to win.

Final Thoughts: A solid two-match show, but I liked the opener more, as those are four seasoned veterans who know what they are doing. The New Guys are fine but I do hate that team name. I would have liked Duthie to have pointed out that the PME cheated to win; maybe that will come up in a future episode, but it really shouldn’t be ignored, either. I definitely prefer the action inside before their regular crowd, rather than the sparsely-attended outdoor event where it was clearly too hot to even fight on the mat.

This episode only clocked in at 37 minutes, so I wish they would pad an episode with more video clips and backstage vignettes.


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