ROH on HonorClub results (2/1): Robinson’s review of ROH Tag Champs Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Tom Lawlor and Fred Rosser in a Proving Ground match, four corner survival matches

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 49)
Taped January 27, 2023 in Bossier City, Louisiana at Brookshire Grocery Arena
Streamed February 1, 2024 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake.

The show opened with Lexi Nair sneaking around with her cameraman to find sad sack Dalton Castle eating cheese and lying in wait for Johnny TV. Castle said he found TV and that Lexi would want to see him smash TV’s face. Castle stormed in on Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie but they had Jerry Lynn with them and Castle decided against his sneak attack. Castle asked Lynn if he got his email. Lynn said yes and that “Castle’s Friend” could have a match next week. TV chimed in that Castle’s friend could only be imaginary, so he’d fight “Castle’s Friend” and then they walked off. Lynn told Castle to go take a shower, and Lexi agreed that he did stink…

The announcers ran through the show’s lineup, including Slim J vs Ethan Page (oh boy!)…

1. “SAP” Angelico and Serpentico vs. Kameron and Allen Russell. No entrance for the Russell twins. The announcers told us that tickets for All In are on sale as Angelico started with some mild chain wrestling and grabbed an arm for Serpentico to stomp on from the top. Serpentico rolled up a Russell for a two count. SAP double kicked Russell in the corner and Angelico threw Serpentico into a flatliner and then got a broken up nearfall for it. Serpentico hit a neckbreaker and elbow drop for a two count. The announcers put over Serpentico’s new black mask. The Russells got in some double team action with a double hip-toss.

The other Russell hit a scoop slam on Serpentico for a two count. Serpentico fought out with a superkick and a running elbow and got the hot tag to Angelico who came in with clotheslines and a step up clothesline using his opponent as a launch pad. Angelico hit a big knee lift to the chin and then his rewind kick. Angelico tripped a twin and locked in his deathlock finisher, only for the other twin to break it up. The non-legal twin got dumped outside and Serpentico dove on him. Angelico locked in another submission move, this one an arm trap with his leg in a hammerlock and then grabbing a half crab on the other side for the tap out win.

“SAP” Angelico and Serpentico defeated The Russell Twins by submission.

After the match, Maria and The Baby Boys came out on the stage with Serpentico’s mask and taunted SAP. SAP ran after them as the cameras cut…

Robinson’s Ruminations: A showcase match for SAP. Russell Twins looked just fine in what little they got here.

A commercial aired for All In…

2. Nyla Rose vs. Emmy Camacho. Rose held onto the code of honor and hit a clothesline for a two count. Rose bounced Camacho’s head off the apron like a basketball and tried for the beast bomb, but Camacho fought out. Rose hit a side slam and a splash. Rose hit a german suplex and then locked in a torture rack which she used to hit a TKO-like move for the pinfall.

Nyla Rose defeated Emmy Camacho by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Hello squash match my old friend. The “story” here was that Camacho is a student of Athena’s.

Another run down of matches was shown, including Aaron Solo vs. Dalton Castle…

3. Jacked Jameson and “Iron Savages” Bronson and Boulder vs. KM, Braxton Hunter, and Jon Cruz. No entrance for the jobbers. The jobbers fought over who was going to start as Boulder “flashed” the crowd to cheers, ugh. Jameson started and hit a pumphandle slam on Hunter and did some pushups. Bronson pressed Hunter over his head, but Hunter slid out and tagged out. Bronson hit a spinebuster on KM and then the Savages sent KM to Titty City. Boulder dumped KM outside with a clothesline and then pulled Cruz into the ring and splashed him in the corner. Savages all tagged in and chugged some Sauce and then hit “The Sauce Toss” for the pinfall. Jameson and Bronson tossed Hunter into the air and Boulder power slammed him.

Jacked Jameson and “Iron Savages” Bronson and Boulder defeated KM, Braxton Hunter and Jon Cruz by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Squash match. Titty City is getting over. I hope this moves up to Collision soon, so I don’t have to watch it.

Lexi was backstage with Ethan Page and asked him if he’s still on the right path to the title he wants. Page reiterated his promise to his daughter and said that the colors on his gear were the daughter’s choices. Page said he’s going to continue to win and wear these colors until he’s the champion.

4. Aaron Solo vs. Dalton Castle. Some generic boys had to pull Sad Sack Castle out onto the stage on a production cart and had the longest sad entrance ever, ugh. Castle held onto the code of honor until the ref pulled him off and then ran right into an elbow from Solo. Solo low bridged Castle to the outside and posed. Solo ran Castle’s head into the turnbuckle and Castle fumed at ringside. Solo ran Castle into the barricade, but then Castle ran him into the ring apron. Back in the ring, Solo beat down Castle with axe handles. Solo hit a superkick and another kick and posed. Castle came back with an elbow and a clothesline. Castle hit a wicked looking suplex and then Bangarang for the pinfall.

Dalton Castle defeated Aaron Solo by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Castle gets a win, but he’s still a sad sack. I can’t wait for this story to be over.

Backstage Lexi was ambushed by Nyla Rose while she was trying to do a piece to camera. Rose asked where Billie Strakz is, and Lexi covered for Billie. Rose called Lexi a good minion and asked why can’t Billie be a good minion. Rose said next week ROH is going to be in Athena’s hometown and then told Lexi to get Billie to fall in line before she has to hurt Billie. Rose said she “is the chaos”.

We got a rundown for more matches including The Righteous vs The Infantry.

5. ROH Tag Team Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Tom Lawlor and Fred Rosser in a Proving Ground match. Rosser and Lawlor shoved each other and shook hands before Kingdom jumped them. But, Rosser took it right to Taven with a clothesline. Bennett got the knee up on a rope run and Taven got in control with a spin kick. Kingdom hit some tandem offense and got a two count. Bennett ran Rosser into the buckle hard but Rosser came right back with a belly to belly. Lawlor came in and hit a judo throw and then he and Bennett traded forearms in the middle of the ring. Lawlor hit a few body shots and then hit a lifting slam for a two count. Taven got a leg trip that gave Bennett a chance for a spinebuster for a two count. Kingdom hit a brainbuster and frog splash combo for a broken up nearfall.

Lawlor came back with a jumping knee strike and then he and Bennett traded punches in the middle until Bennett hit a superkick and german suplex. Lawlor hit the power surge knee lift for the double down. Hot tag on both sides and Rosser broke a double clothesline and hit one of his own and then suplexed Bennett and hit a back suplex on the apron on Taven and got a broken up nearfall. Lawlor used Bennett as a battering ram and then stacked up Kingdom in the corner. Lawlor and Rosser hit stereo gutbusters and Rosser got a two count on Taven.

Rosser and Lawlor locked in submissions but Bennett was able to throw Lawlor onto the other submission for the break up. Bennett and Lawlor fought on the outside and then Lawlor and Rosser ran into each other. Bennett hit a DVD on the ramp on Lawlor. Bennett hit a DVD and Taven hit Just the Tip as the announcers told us time was running out. Kingdom hit a powerbomb neckbreaker combo for the pinfall.

ROH Tag Team Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett defeated Tom Lawlor and Fred Rosser by pinfall in a Proving Ground match.

Robinson’s Ruminations: The story of these Proving Ground matches is that they keep running close to that ten minute time limit. It’s going to run out on them soon, and that’s a good story, but I would still like to actually see a clock graphic on the screen.

6. Slim J vs. Ethan Page. J called for a clean break and Page gave him one, only for J to use the ref’s hand to slap Page with it. Page returned fire with a shoulder block and a delayed vertical suplex. Page hit a cradle slam and then tried for Headshot, but Page pushed the ref in the way and Page stopped. J hit a Shurnoi to retake control. J hit some standing clotheslines and then a lucha rope walking shoulder block. J locked in a chin lock and then transitioned into a sleeper.

Page broke out with a snapmare but J hit a enzuigiri. J went up top and missed a moonsault as Page rolled out of the way. Page hit a clothesline and back body drop. Page hit a big boot and then a pull-up powerslam for a two count. Page tried Ego’s Edge but J reversed it with a huracanrana and then J hit a wheelbarrow flatline for a two count. J tried for a backpack move but Page fought out and then hit Headshot. Page then hit Ego’s Edge for the pinfall.

Ethan Page defeated Slim J by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Not for nothing, but the announcers really do a great job of telling the stories of all wrestler’s gimmicks every match. Even if it’s a dumb gimmick like Slim J’s, they play it straight and do a good job of it. Slim J is in this really weird spot, he’s a jobber, but he’s a “jobber to the stars” that never gets any wins. He’s got great moves in the ring, and looks good during the matches, but you can never take him seriously because he never wins, let alone that terrible holdover gimmick.

7. Billie Strakz vs. Killa Kate. No entrance for Kate. The women traded arm work before Starkz hit a sunset flip for a two count and as she popped up Starkz hit a kick to the head. Starkz tried to dive on Kate on the outside but Kate cut her off with a forearm. Back in the ring, Starkz hit a spin kick. Starkz hit a rewind kick and went to the top, but Kate followed her. Starkz fought Kate off and hopped down. Starks hit an electric chair roll up slam for the pinfall.

Billie Starks defeated Killa Kate by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Yet another squash match.

Backstage Rachel Ellering told us that the brackets are about to be revealed. Ellering and Hirsch said it’s going to be a tough competition but they are prepared. Ellering and Hirsch laughed at the idea of them being paired round one in some foreshadowing. They both talked each other up and said they are ready.

8. “The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo vs. “The Righteous” Vincent and Dutch. Dutch brought out his 4×4 again as the announcers talked about how vulnerable looking Undisputed Kingdom is at the moment and how Vincent has a winning record against Taven during the entrances. Bravo dapped up Dutch for the code of honor as Dutch looked bewildered.

Dutch punched Bravo down and tagged in Vincent who came in and took a back elbow for a one count. Infantry hit some tandem offense for a two count. Dean hit a scoop slam and elbow drop for a two count on Vincent. Bravo tagged in and hit a drop kick. Dutch hit a blind tag and tripped Bravo. Bravo came right back with some jabs but then ate snake eyes. Righteous slammed Bravo into the corner and then Vincent hit a back suplex for a two count. Dutch hit a gut wrench powerbomb and Vincent hit a splash from the top for a broken up nearfall.

Dutch worked a neck wrench on Bravo and then a bear hug. Bravo fought out with elbows but Vincent grabbed his leg and stopped the hot tag. Dutch missed a middle rope leg drop and that gave Bravo the opening for the hot tag. Dean came in with clotheslines and back elbows on Vincent. Dean hit a back body drop on Vincent and then an around the world DDT for two count on Vincent. Bravo came in and hit his crossover punch. Infantry tried Boot camp but Vincent blocked and Dean got plastered by Dutch outside. Righteous hit Autumn Sunshine for the pinfall on Bravo.

“The Righteous” Vincent and Dutch defeated “The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Just as I expected, The Righteous are on a hot streak for a showdown with Kingdom soon. I was sad to see Infantry lose here, but they are really finding their pace and working these tag matches at a very high level.

Backstage Lexi asked Red Velvet about the tournament coming up. Velvet said she’s confident and that she’s going to win tonight and show the world “the chef is always cooking”…

9. Queen Aminata vs. Reiza Clark. No entrance for Clark. Clark tried a scoop slam but Aminata slid out, hit a chop block and then a big running forearm. Clark missed an avalanche in the corner and Aminata hit a snapmare and running knee. Clark fired back with a chop and then the women traded chops and forearms in the middle until Aminata hit a headbutt and big boot. Aminata tried a hair throw but Clark reversed. Aminata hit a drop toe hold in the corner and then a running hip attack and a face wash. Aminata went to the top and hit a double stomp for the pinfall.

Queen Aminata defeated Reiza Clark by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A squash match against a bigger opponent isn’t something you see often. Aminata showed some heel mannerisms here, leaving me wondering if she’s going heel for the tournament.

10. Gringo Loco vs. Bad Dude Tito. Tito kicked away the code of honor. Tito hit a standing head scissors and then a lucha arm drag that Loco flipped out of. Tito then laid Loco out with a clothesline. Tito worked over Loco with chops and punches in the corner and then a big t-bone suplex for a two count. Loco hit a tilt-a-whirl side slam for a two count. Loco chopped Tito who begged for more. Loco kicked him and shot him off. Tito dropped Loco and grabbed an STF that Loco had to get to the ropes for.

Tito hit a snap suplex and went to the top, but Loco cut him off and a electric chair bomb for a two count! Tito went to the outside to recoup, but Loco hit him with a moonsault. Loco threw Tito into the ring and Tito shot off and dove on Loco. Tito went to the top but Loco cut him off again. Loco followed him up and hit his springboard Spanish Fly for a two count. Loco tried a twisting springboard moonsault but Tito rolled out of the way and hit a blue thunder bomb for a two count. Loco tried a crossbody move and Tito caught him and hit an F5 for the pinfall.

Bad Dude Tito defeated Gringo Loco by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Luchador Road Dogg vs. Everything Wardlow wishes he could be. I was super impressed by Tito in a singles match! I want to see way more of him. He has power, he can follow the lucha style, he can do it all!

Backstage, Lexi caught up to Dalton Castle in the bowels of the arena and asked him who his friend is. Castle apologized for bringing her into the sneak attack. Lexi asked her question again, but Castle said she wouldn’t know him. Castle said he’s new as Lexi asked more questions. Castle tried avoiding the questions and fell into a laundry basket and used his foot to wave goodbye to Lexi.

11. Trish Adora vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Diamante vs. Red Velvet in a Four Corner Survival match. Adora hit a double clothesline on Velvet and Hogan. Diamante and Adora traded forearms and then got rolled up by the other two. Hogan hit running corner attacks on the others, but Diamante moved and hit a dropkick on Hogan. Velvet hit a calf kick for a broken up nearfall.

Velvet punched Adora to her knees but then ate a kneeling german for a two count. Diamante hit a rope-hung neckbreaker on Velvet. Diamante hit a leg sweep on Adora. Hogan rolled up Diamante for a two count. Hogan dumped Diamante to the outside and hit a suicide dive on her. Velvet tried to dive on Adora but got caught and slammed, Hogan tried the same thing to the same result. Diamante came in and ate Lariat Tubman, but Diamte rolled out of the ring. Velvet hit double knees and then The Mix on Adora and got the pinfall.

Red Velvet defeated Kiera Hogan, Diamante, and Trish Adora won in a Four Corner Survival match.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Didn’t last long, but it never slowed down. Velvet getting the win means she’s probably going to do well in the tournament.

12. Jack Cartwheel vs. Alex Zayne vs. Blake Christian vs. Lee Johnson in a Four Corner Survival match. No televised entrance for Zayne. Cartwheel did a cartwheel and Zayne asked for one more, as he did it Christian dropkicked Cartwheel in the face to send him out to the floor. Christian hit a back elbow on the other two. Christian hit a missile dropkick on Zayne and Johnson from the top. Cartwheel hit his flagpole trip and pole vault elbow drop on Christian. Johnson hit a neckbreaker on Cartwheel for a broken up nearfall. Christian hit a leapfrog dropkick on Zayne and then a half dragon suplex on Johnson. Zayne hit a ripcord huracanrana and then a german suplex throwing christian onto Cartwheel for a broken up nearfall.

Johnson hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Cartwheel for a two count. Christian locked a clover leaf on Zayne in the turnbuckle and then hit a top rope elbow drop on Johnson for a broken up nearfall. Cartwheel hit a cartwheel kick, but Christian hit a springboard frog splash on him. Christian hit a suicide dive on Johnson on the outside. Christian hit a spear on Zayne but Cartwheel pulled Christian off the apron. Cartwheel went up top and Zayne followed him. Christian hit a Spanish Fly off the apron on Zayne to the floor. Cartwheel hit his handspring dive onto the pile outside. Cartwheel threw Johnson inside and tried a cartwheel splash but missed. Johnson hit a reverse DDT for the pinfall.

Lee Johnson defeated Jack Cartwheel, Alex Zayne, and Blake Christian in a Four Corner Survival match.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Crazy action that filled TV minutes that I won’t remember two weeks from now. I’m all for these lucha showcase matches, but there needs to be some sort of through line. Johnson won here, but it won’t mean anything for his momentum later.

As for the overall show, it was fine enough. There were some squash matches and some crazy action. The most compelling story at the moment is The Righteous climbing the ranks to fight the vulnerable tag team champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, and that is a sad place to be. I will have more to say about this episode in my weekly ROH on HonorClub audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I see exactly what you are doing and you will be banned if you do it again. Don’t push it. I’ll be deleting your comment soon.

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