WWE Raw results (10/23): Powell’s live review of Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn, Becky Lynch vs. Indi Hartwell for the NXT Women’s Title, Damian Priest vs. Jey Uso, Logan Paul’s appearance

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,587)
Dallas, Texas at American Airlines Center
Aired live October 23, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with highlights from last week of Damian Priest and Finn Balor beating Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso to win the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles… The Raw opening aired. Michael Cole, who was joined on commentary by Wade Barrett, welcomed viewers to the show…

Damian Priest and Finn Balor made their entrance while being introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin. Balor welcomed viewers to Raw and then got Priest’s permission to deliver his “All rise for The Judgment Day” line. Priest told him it wasn’t bad at all. Priest said Judgment Day was back with the gold and was then interrupted.

Cody Rhodes made his entrance dressed in a suit. Once in the ring, Cody asked how it felt to be interrupted. He said he had some choice words for the leader of Judgment Day, but he could see that Rhea Ripley wasn’t in the ring. Cody assumed they would claim there’s no leader of the faction, but Rhea is their Mami too. Cody said Ripley is cutting all the deals, including one with The Bloodline.

Cody said the low blow that Priest hit him with isn’t the final shot in their fight. Priest reminded Cody that he also put him through the broadcast table. Priest brought up Cody’s story and said it has to be that Cody failed. Cody loosened his tie and said they could put that theory to the test.

Priest asked if Cody was going to pretend that he doesn’t have a match against Jey Uso. Priest said they could meet at Crown Jewel, which Cody accepted. Cody said they could give everyone a preview of Crown Jewel. Priest said he liked that idea.

Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio started to walk toward the ring. Jey Uso ran out and attacked Dom from behind. Cody got the better of Priest and slammed his head on the broadcast table. Cody cleared the table and set up for a powerbomb.

JD McDonagh showed up and chop blocked Cody from behind. Priest placed a chair against the ring steps while McDonagh held Cody. Priest slammed another chair on Cody’s leg, which was up against the first chair. Adam Pearce and a group of producers and referees came out while Cody was down selling his injury…

An ad aired for Friday’s Smackdown on FS1 featuring the Roman Reigns and LA Knight contract signing, and Bianca Belair appearing… [C]

The broadcast team recapped the Cody injury angle and played up a left ankle injury…

Backstage, Cody was selling the ankle while Adam Pearce and Jey Uso stood by. Jey helped Cody walk slowly… The broadcast team hyped Cody vs. Priest for Crown Jewel. Cole wondered what shape Cody’s ankle would be in…

Powell’s POV: I read the Cody vs. Priest match being pushed by the broadcast team as good news in that Cody’s injury angle wasn’t done to write him out due to a legitimate injury.

Cole and Barrett ran through the previously advertised Raw matches and segments…

Chad Gable, Otis, Maxxine Dupri, and Akira Tozawa were inside the ring. The New Day duo of Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods made their entrance…

1. “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis (Maxxine Dupri, Akira Tozawa). Otis knocked Woods down with a shoulder block on the floor and then backdropped Kingston heading into an early break. [C]

Otis performed a Caterpillar on Kingston. Woods superkicked Otis, who came back with a headbutt. Otis ended up crashing and burning in his corner. Gable tagged in. Woods wanted to tag out, but Kingston was down. Woods started to perform what Cole referred to as a reverse Caterpillar, but Gable grabbed his leg and put him in the ankle lock. Woods countered into a pin for a two count.

Woods sent Gable to the floor. Otis returned and ate a cuple of kicks from Woods, who tagged out once Kingston was back on the apron. Kingston put Otis down with Trouble in Paradise and then performed a flip dive onto Gable. Woods hit his top rope elbow drop on Otis and then pinned him…

“New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods beat “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis in 10:20.

Powell’s POV: The match was fine aside from the idiotic reverse Caterpillar. It was very noticeable that the post match “New Day Rocks” chants were much tamer than they once were. The act is stale.

NXT Women’s Champion Becky Lynch was interviewed backstage by Jackie Redmond. Lynch spoke about Indi Hartwell never losing her title and said that’s what the title is all about. A woman (Xia Li?) could be seen crossing her arms while watching Lynch in the background for a moment. Lynch welcomed Hartwell to the big time… [C]

A video aired of Ivar and Valhalla at a viking ceremony. Valhalla narrated the video and said that when a warrior has proven his worth, he becomes a god who has the wisdom of Oden and the power of Thor. Valhalla said all will fear and tremble at the seat of the one true warrior…

Seth Rollins was cackling as he walked backstage and came across Rhea Ripley. Rollins said he didn’t see her crew anywhere, so he knew he wasn’t getting jumped. Rollins said that if she was looking for McIntyre, he had style and a title, so she was in the wrong place.

Ripley credited Rollins with keeping the title when Judgment Day did everything they could to take it away from him. Ripley played up McIntyre as a threat and said Rollins could use Judgment Day as insurance. Rollins said he understood why the group would want the champion, but he asked what he would want with Ripley.

Ripley said Rollins needs her. Ripley said Rollins is just “a world champion” and he could be “the world champion.” Ripley said that if Rollins decided to join Judgment Day, then Damian Priest could cash in his Money in the Bank contract on someone else. Ripley said that without Judgment Day, she didn’t know if Rollins could have a title reign like Roman Reigns. Ripley said they could have Seth’s back and make people acknowledge him.

Rollins got serious and said that if there’s one thing he doesn’t want, it’s to be anything like Reigns. “That wasn’t a no,” Ripley said. “Think about it.” Ripley smiled and walked away…

Backstage, Natalya spoke with Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae. Natalya wished Hartwell good luck in her match against Becky Lynch. LeRae asked about Tegan Nox. Natalya said she got hurt at NXT and then added that she’s fine and will return soon. Natalya went back to wishing Hartwell good luck…

Becky Lynch made her entrance… [C] Dallas imagery was shown while Cole set up a trailer for the Five Nights at Freddy’s film that will be in theaters and on Peacock…

Lyra Valkyria was shown standing in the crowd while Cole noted that she will challenge the winner of the next match for the NXT Women’s Championship on Tuesday’s NXT… Indi Hartwell made her entrance to a flat reaction. Candice LeRae walked with Hartwell and hugged her before heading to the back…

2. Becky Lynch vs. Indi Hartwell for the NXT Women’s Championship. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the championship match. LeRae was shown nervously watching the match on a backstage television. Early in the match, Hartwell avoided a baseball slide. Hartwell picked up Lynch from behind and swung her into the ringside barricade. [C]

Lynch set up for her finisher, but Hartwell avoided it and caught Lynch with a big boot. Hartwell covered Lynch for a two count.

[Hour Two] Hartwell went to the middle rope and was cut off by Lynch, who joined her on the ropes and executed a superplex. Lynch went for the Disarmer, but Hartwell blocked it. Lynch tried for a triangle and ended up with her shoulders down and took a two count.

Hartwell powered up Lynch and slammed her to the mat for a near fall. Lynch shoved Hartwell face first into the middle rope, but Hartwell came right back with a spinebuster and got another two count. Both women traded two counts and then Lynch applied the Disarmer and got the submission win.

Becky Lynch defeated Indi Hartwell in 9:30 to retain the NXT Women’s Championship.

After the match, Lynch and Hartwell shook hands. Lynch exited the ring and approached Valkyria. They exchanged words that weren’t picked up by the camera mic. Cole said Valkyria could be the toughest test of Lynch’s title reign.

Backstage, Xia Li threw a shot to the throat LeRae and told her that it was a message for Hartwell…

Powell’s POV: I wasn’t sure earlier, but that was definitely Li in the background of the Lynch shot. Lynch and Hartwell had a nice match. Barrett did a nice job on commentary of telling the story that Hartwell told him that she’d watched all of Lynch’s matches and felt she had the advantage because Lynch wasn’t as familiar with her work.

Backstage, Adam Pearce told a couple of security guards to be on their toes due to how things typically go during contract signings. Nick Aldis entered the room and told Pearce that they got off on the wrong foot. Aldis said that was on him and he takes full responsibility.

Aldis said that having Pearce removed from the building was a rookie mistake. He said he just wants to have healthy competition between the two brands. Aldis said it didn’t need to tarnish their personal relationship. He said he was there hat in hand and hoped that Pearce would accept his apology.

Pearce said he understands what it’s like to be the new guy and wanting to put your stamp on things. He said that while Aldis did cross a line, it was water under the bridge. Pearce said that rather than throwing Aldis out of the building, he was inviting him to stay to see how the flagship operates. Aldis thanked him and shook his hand before leaving. Pearce asked a referee how many security guards they had, then said it didn’t matter and told him to double the number.

Powell’s POV: As leery as I am of WWE booking another Raw vs. Smackdown feud for Survivor Series, they do have two very good performers playing the general manager roles. Still, I remain more excited about the idea of the company having two general managers for the draft and storyline trades. And I continue to hope that neither man ends up playing a heel authority figure.

Cole said the contract signing for the five-way match for the Women’s World Championship match was up next… [C]

Adam Pearce stood in the ring while security guards were at ringside. Pearce said things with the women had been chaotic and he didn’t like to reward that, but they settle things in the ring in WWE. Pearce introduced challengers Raquel Rodriguez, Shayna Baszler, Zoey Stark, and Nia Jax. The first three signed the contract once they entered the ring.

Jax asked Pearce where Ripley was. Pearce said Ripley had been the source of the chaos and said he would get her signature later. Pearce told Jax if she wanted Ripley, then all she had to do was sign the contract, which she did.

Rhea Ripley came out with a mic in hand. She said she could beat all four challengers individually. She accused Pearce of trying to set her up and called it a conspiracy. Ripley said the more Pearce tries to control her, the more she will make his life a living hell.

Ripley climbed onto the apron and said it was smart of him to book the match, but the end result would be that there will be four less women coming out of it. Ripley said she would keep her title and delivered her “Mami is always on top” line.

Jax took the mic from Pearce and said Ripley was smart for staying on the ring apron. Jax assumed that Ripley wanted her to squash the other challengers and said that would still leave Ripley with her. Jax told the other challengers that Ripley wanted her to squash them for her. Jax noted that Rodriguez was from Texas, which got a pop. Jax said she would break it down for her, implying that she was slow. Jax started to say the same line slowly and then a fight broke out.

Security intervened, but the women quickly roughed them up. Jax and Rodriguez ended up alone in the ring together and traded forearms. Ripley stood at ringside and laughed while security returned and pulled them apart. The fans delivered the obligatory “let them fight’ chant. Jax and Rodriguez broke free. Jax put Rodriguez down with a Samoan Drop. Ripley smiled and waved at Jax from the floor…

Powell’s POV: So they established that Rodriguez is from Texas and then had Jax take her out? Strange.

Backstage, Ludwig Kaiser told Giovanni Vinci that he needed him to beat Johnny Gargano and take him out. Bronson Reed showed up and said that “your boss” put up a hell of a fight and said they should tell him he would be ready whenever Gunther is ready. Kaiser told him to tell Gunther himself and then walked away with Vinci.

Akira Tozawa showed up and told Reed that he wanted a match. Reed tried to blow him off. Tozawa threw a chop to the chest of Reed, who didn’t flinch. “It’s your funeral,” Reed told Tozawa before walking away. Maxxine Durpri showed up and said Chad Gable wouldn’t be happy about Tozawa issuing that challenge…

Cole comically struggled to say a word and then laughed at himself. Johnny Gargano made his entrance to a flat reaction. Cole sent the show to break and then said curriculum, which was the word he had been struggling to say. “I said it, see!” Cole said… [C]

Powell’s POV: The post Vince McMahon era version of Michael Cole is so much fun. He’s so much better without the Vince imposed silliness and he sounds like he’s having so much more fun.

Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser made their entrance…

3. Giovanni Vinci (w/Ludwig Kaiser) vs. Johnny Gargano. Early in the match, they cut to a brief split screen ad for the aforementioned movie they’ve been promoting throughout the show. Gargano put Vinci down with a superkick. Kaiser climbed onto the apron. Tommaso Ciampa showed up and took out Kaiser. In the ring, Gargano hit One Final Beat on Vinci and then pinned him…

Johnny Gargano defeated Giovanni Vinci in 2:40.

After the match, Ciampa entered the ring and hugged Gargano…

Powell’s POV: The flat reaction shows that they still have their work to do with the DIY duo. There’s an audience that loved their saga in NXT, and there’s clearly a bigger audience that either didn’t see it or has moved on.

A subtitle promo from Shinsuke Nakamura was shown. He said a brutal beating from him is a beautiful thing and he was happy to give Ricochet that experience. Nakamura said that Ricochet’s efforts were an honorable sacrifice. Nakamura said he wants to find an opponent who “inspires the yet to be seen self within me” and “release the expression still trapped in my dreams.” Nakamura asked who is worthy enough to set him free…

Logan Paul made his entrance… [C] Cole plugged Rey Mysterio vs. Logan Paul for the U.S. Championship for Crown Jewel…

Logan Paul stood in the ring and was booed for the crowd. He said he just found out “that fool that I beat in my boxing fight last weekend” was dropped by his fight team. Paul said he made him lose the fight and his job. The crowd gave Paul the “what?” treatment, which he was ready for and had insults about his opponent for every time the crowd paused. Funny.

Paul said that once he becomes the U.S. Champion, he will give the fans something to talk about. He said he might even need to come back to Raw to defend his championship.

Dominik Mysterio made his entrance and was booed loudly by the fans while Paul applauded him. Paul told the fans to shut up and show Dom some respect. Dom entered the ring and continued to be booed whenever he attempted to speak.

Dom referred to himself as a champion and Paul as a future champion, and said he can’t wait to see him beat his deadbeat dad. Paul said he appreciated it. Paul said Dom grew up with a deadbeat dad and still grew up to become the champion of an entire continent.

Paul said he’s a kid who grew up in Ohio and blazed his own trail. Dom was booed when he tried to speak. Paul threatened to beat up everyone in attendance. Paul said could picture being introduced as the U.S. Champion so vividly. Paul said that made him realize that his favorite ring announcer was present.

Paul invited Samantha Irvin to join him inside the ring and told her that he owes her some thanks. Paul asked the fans to give it up for her. Irvin stood up and joined the heel duo inside the ring. Paul said he knew it was hard for her to announce him as the winner when he beat her fiance Ricochet at SummerSlam. Paul asked Irvin to introduce him as the new U.S. Champion.

Ricochet charged the ring and took Paul down. Dom tried to get involved, but Ricochet knocked him down and then booted Paul again. Dom went after Ricochet, who put him down with a knee strike. Ricochet went up top and attempted a 450 splash, but he rolled out of it because Paul pulled Dom from the ring to save him…

Powell’s POV: Dom and Paul getting the ultimate D-Bag duo heat was fun. I thought there was a chance that Paul would win the World Heavyweight Championship, so I could definitely see him winning the U.S. Championship.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Chelsea Green and Piper Niven made their entrance while Cole hyped their match against Natalya and someone who would replace the injured Tegan Nox… [C]

Natalya was handing out her shades to a young girl at ringside coming out of the break (no young boy copped a feel this week). Nikki Cross made her entrance as Natalya’s partner. Rather than run to the ring, Cross walked out slowly while staring ahead…

4. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Chelsea Green and Piper Niven vs. Natalya and Nikki Cross in a non-title match. Cross didn’t remove her jacket and stood in the corner and stared straight ahead while Natalya started the match for their team.

Cross eventually dropped off the apron and walked around in a daze while Natalya reached out for a tag. Cross walked to the back while Natalya put Green down with a discus clothesline that led to a two count. Niven made a blind tag. Natalya fought off Niven, but Green put her down with an Unprettier. Niven followed up with a crossbody block and then got the three count…

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Chelsea Green and Piper Niven defeated Natalya and Nikki Cross in 3:20 in a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: Cross had success under Paul Levesque’s booking in NXT as part of Sanity, so I’m hopeful that this latest character shift will lead to something that clicks for her on the main roster.

The broadcast team recapped highlights of the injury angle involving Cody Rhodes from earlier in the show. Cole said Cody suffered an ankle injury…

Jey Uso was shown warming up backstage when Drew McIntyre approached him. McIntyre said he was there to say he was sorry because he can’t imagine how it feels to have The Bloodline cost him a championship. McIntyre told him to get over it. McIntyre said that if Jey wasn’t on Raw, his match with Zayn would not be happening. McIntyre said that whatever happened during the match would be on Jey…

Sami Zayn made his entrance… [C] Backstage, The Miz complained to Adam Pearce that it’s been weeks since he’s had something worthy of him on Raw.

[Hour Three] Miz ran through his credentials and said he’s the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all-time. Miz said Nick Aldis knows the talent that he possesses. Rhea Ripley showed up and signed the contract from earlier and took the pen. Miz asked why the camera was following her as she walked away. Dom entered the picture and was holding his chin. Ripley comforted him…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance and brought the stupid sword…

5. Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn. McIntyre controlled the early offense. They ended up at ringside where Zayn executed a moonsault off the barricade. Back in the ring, McIntyre regained control with a suplex. Later, Zayn fired back with a series of strikes and then tossed McIntyre over the top rope. Zayn kicked McIntyre through the ropes and then dove over the top rope onto him, but McIntyre caught him and flung him over the broadcast table. [C]

Zayn hit McIntyre with a flip dive from the ring to the floor. Zayn rolled McIntyre back inside the ring and then went up top, but McIntyre cut him off with a punch. McIntyre went to the middle rope and set up for White Noise, but Zayn countered into a sunset bomb for a two count. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

McIntyre stuffed a Blue Thunder Bomb attempt and then dropped Zayn with a Glasgow Kiss. McIntyre counted down for his finisher, but Zayn caught him with a big boot first. Zayn followed with a Blue Thunder Bomb that led to a close near fall. McIntyre battled back with a couple of suplexes and neckbreaker. Both men stayed down until McIntyre kipped up.

Rhea Ripley made her entrance while McIntyre was setting up for his finisher. McIntyre went over to Zayn, who caught him in an inside cradle for a two count. Zayn performed an exploder suplex and then went to the corner for a Helluva Kick, but Ripley climbed onto the apron and distracted him. McIntyre put Zayn away with a Claymore Kick for the win.

Drew McIntyre defeated Sami Zayn in roughly 14:30.

After the match, Barrett said Ripley showed McIntyre that Judgment Day can make things a little easier. Ripley smiled while McIntyre exited the ring and walked past her…

Powell’s POV: A nice match. We see too many distraction finishes in pro wrestling these days, but at least this one served a purpose. I was expecting Zayn to take a lot more abuse given that McIntyre claimed that whatever happened during the match was on Jey Uso.

Backstage, Nick Aldis was shown talking with Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Adam Pearce showed up and dismissed the duo, then told Aldis that he appreciated him coming to Raw to smooth things over. Pearce said he invited Aldis to stay and watch the show, not to go around chatting with his “superstars.”

Aldis said it was just a friendly conversation. He said it had been a tough night for Pearce and he would make this easy for him. Aldis said he was going to leave. Pearce said that was a great idea and then they shook hands before Aldis left. Nikki Cross walked by Pearce in a daze. “I need a drink,” Pearce said…

Bronson Reed made his entrance… [C] Dallas sports imagery was shown and then more movie footage was shown… Akira Tozawa’s entrance was televised, presumably because Maxxine Dupri came out with him…

6. Bronson Reed vs. Akira Tozawa (w/Maxxine Dupri). Tozawa performed a clunky huracanrana that sent Reed to the ropes. Tozawa went up top and dove at Reed, who caught him and slammed him to the mat. Reed followed up with the Tsunami Splash for the win…

Bronson Reed beat Akira Tozawa in 2:35.

Powell’s POV: A dominant win for Reed. I believe the fans in attendance were humoring themselves with chants regarding the MLB playoff game at one point.

Backstage, Alpha Academy was talking with New Day. Otis had a Dallas Cowboys replica title belt. Akira Tozawa was selling his injuries. Gable told him he would make him a great tag team wrestler. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa showed up and spoke about being back after three years. They told Tozawa that he’s still a hero and gave him the replica belt. Tozawa did a little dance with the belt…

Drew McIntyre was shown walking backstage when Seth Rollins entered the picture and applauded him. Rollins congratulated him on his first win as the newest member of The Judgment Day. McIntyre told Rollins that he’s paranoid and said he didn’t hear Rollins say no to Ripley’s earlier offer. Rollins said he doesn’t need them now or ever, nor to beat him at Crown Jewel. McIntyre said he didn’t need them either. Rollins said no Judgment Day and may the best match win. McIntyre said the best man would win…

Cole and Barrett listed the following matches for next week’s Raw in Greenville, South Carolina: World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins vs. JD McDonagh, Xia Li vs. Candice LeRae, “DIY” Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano vs. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci, and Ricochet vs. Dominik Mysterio…

Jey Uso made his entrance for the main event… [C] Damian Priest made his entrance coming out of the break…

7. Jey Uso vs. Damian Priest. Cole played up Priest having a match added to Crown Jewel while noting that he’s a threat to cash in on either world championship. Roughly a minute into the match, Jey hit Priest with a suicide dive. [C]

Jey fought off Priest going for the South of Heaven chokeslam and put him down with a Samoan Drop, which led to a two count. A “we want tables” chant broke out. Moments later, Jey went for a suicide dive on Priest, who hit him with a Flatliner on the broadcast table. Back inside the ring, Jey and Priest traded kicks and then Priest executed another Flatliner and got a two count. Jey came back with a spear and followed up with a top rope splash.

Finn Balor ran out and climbed on the apron, so the referee didn’t make the count. Jey put Balor down. Jey punched Balor off the apron and then hit him with a suicide dive. When Jey returned to the apron, Priest threw punches at him. The referee pulled Priest away. Meanwhile, Balor grabbed Jey’s leg and pulled it to crotch him on the middle rope. Priest performed the South of Heaven chokeslam and got the three count.

Damian Priest defeated Jey Uso in 12:15.

After the match, Balor attacked Jey and threw punches at him. Balor hit Jey with his Coup de Grace finisher. Priest spoke to Balor, who went to ringside and brought back two chairs.

Cody Rhodes’ entrance theme played and he limped out with his bad ankle wrapped. Balor met Cody in the entrance aisle and was quickly disposed of. Cody chop blocked Priest inside the ring and then worked him over with a chair. Cody wrapped the chair around the left leg of Priest while Cole said “eye for an eye.” Balor pulled Priest out of the ring while Cody was grabbing the other chair. Referees ran out and ushered Priest and Balor to the back.

Cole reminded viewers that Friday’s Smackdown will be on FS1 and the show will feature the Roman Reigns and LA Knight contract signing for Crown Jewel. He also hyped Seth Rollins vs. JD McDonagh for next Monday’s Raw…

Powell’s POV: I really wish they would save the bad interference finishes for times when they really need them. I get what they were going for with Cody being the wounded savior, but there’s no reason the heels couldn’t have attacked Jey after a clean finish. For that matter, it felt like they laid it on pretty thick by having Cody suffer the ankle injury early on and then return wounded, yet still able to make the save at the end of the night.

Overall, this felt like a show that was fine if you saw it and fine if you did not. With stiff competition from both Monday Night Football and an MLB game seven tonight, perhaps that was by design. I will have more to say about Raw in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the October 23 edition

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Readers Comments (4)

  1. Adam Cole? Lol

  2. Another CM Punk reference by Nakamura. 1st the GTS now he said “Who is worthy enough to SET ME FREE”

    Cult of Personality lyrics “Only you can set you free”

    HHH is either throwing in little clues or trolling us big time

  3. The podcast is still auto playing.

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