By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)
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Wrestling Open “Episode 163”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
February 13, 2025 in Worcester, Massachusetts at Electric Haze
Paul Crockett and Brett Ryan Gosselin provided commentary again. This is the third episode recorded here in this building, just a few blocks away from the White Eagle, which has been the home of Wrestling Open for three years. The room is a bit darker, the ceiling seems a bit lower, and it holds slightly fewer fans. Attendance is maybe 100-150.
* The show opened with a recap from last week where Brad Hollister and TJ Crawford argued.
1. TJ Crawford (w/Love, Doug) vs. Gabriel Skye. I’m a big fan of both guys and this should be good. A good lockup and Skye hit a dropkick, then a spin heel kick. TJ went to the floor and he used a distraction by Doug to trip Skye at 2:30. In the ring, Crawford hit some chops and was in charge. He kept Skye grounded, and the crowd rallied for Gabriel. BRG and Crockett talked extensively about TJ leading the revamped Big Business and how that is (poorly!) going. Gabriel hit a top-rope missile dropkick at 7:00 and he was fired up.
Skye hit a Northern Lights Suplex and a sit-out powerbomb move for a nearfall. Skye hit an enzuigiri and a superkick, then a standing powerbomb. TJ gouged an eye; a 9-minute call was spot-on. TJ pushed Skye into Doug, who had jumped onto the apron. TJ immediately hit the Silver Bullet spin kick to the head for the tainted pin. Good opener.
TJ Crawford defeated Gabriel Skye at 9:23.
2. Channing Thomas vs. Brett Mettro. Crockett noted how Channing shook hands after his win last week, which is so out of character for him. No sign of Sidney Bakabella. Bio Pro student Mettro wore his ugly green singlet. Thomas hit a DDT and was in charge. He hit a dropkick into the corner for a nearfall at 2:00. Mettro hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but he missed a move off the top rope. Channing immediately hit a flipping overhead neckbreaker (Ace Austin’s “The Fold”) and got the pin. BRG called it a running Blockbuster, which is an accurate description. Basic but fine. Channing again shook hands and left!
Channing Thomas defeated Brett Mettro at 4:17.
* Footage aired of Lucas Chase turning on the Church of Greatness in the double cage match a couple months ago.
3. Brother Greatness vs. Hammer Tunis. This match continues the fight between the Stetson Ranch and the Church of Greatness, which BRG and Crockett extensively discussed early in the match. Lucas Chase appeared at ringside and barked at Brother Greatness, allowing Tunis to drop BG throat-first on the top rope at 2:30. Tunis beat down BG as Chase kept barking at Brother Greatness, riling him up. Tunis nailed a uranage and a DDT for a believable nearfall at 5:30. Tunis set up for a finisher, but Brother Greatness got a forward roll and the flash pin! Okay match.
Brother Greatness defeated Hammer Tunis at 6:17.
* A video package aired of WWE ID prospect Bryce Donovan. He came to the ring and said he’s tired because he just got off his flight from Orlando, and “I’m a pretty big deal now.” He was annoyed that he was asked to team with Bobby Orlando again. Jariel Rivera got in the ring; he was in his red trunks wrestling gear. Jariel asked for “one more chance” from Bryce. Bryce said he “didn’t get the job done.” He grabbed Jariel by the throat, and he said he was angry about it. This brought out youngster Brando Lee, who also was dressed to wrestle and he challenged Donovan! Bryce described himself as “a walking, winning lottery ticket.” He said Lee can fight Rivera instead.
4. Jariel Rivera vs. Brando Lee. I’ve only seen Brando a few times; he’s comparable to Lee Moriarty. He hit a flying crossbody block and got a nearfall. Rivera (think a young Juventud Guerrera) nailed some loud chops. Rivera nailed a rolling neckbreaker for a nearfall at 3:00. Rivera nailed a Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall. Lee hit a dropkick and was fired up. He nailed a doublestomp to the chest and a rolling Death Valley Driver for a believable nearfall at 5:00. Bryce distracted Lee! Jariel tossed Lee off the top rope to the mat, then he nailed a spear for the pin. Good action from some solid up-and-comers.
Jariel Rivera defeated Brando Lee at 5:26.
* Bryce got in the ring and grabbed Jariel by the throat, but then he released him! “What is going on with these two?” Crockett asked.
* In a video shot outside, Ray Jaz said he’s getting his title shot against Ryan Clancy on Feb. 27. Viewers then heard from Clancy, who said he’s ready for the match.
5. Brad Baylor (w/Ricky Smokes) vs. Erik Chacha. The WWE ID prospects wore their Wrestling Open tag belts to the ring. Chacha is the undersized Ecuador native who I’ve suddenly seen on multiple northeast shows in recent weeks. Quick reversals and Chachas got some nearfalls; Crockett wondered if Baylor was taking him too lightly. Baylor hit a clothesline, mounted Erik, and repeatedly punched him, then hit a bodyslam at 1:30. Crockett talked about the new WWE Evolve show on Tubi and how we’ll be seeing Baylor there, as Brad applied a chinlock and kept Chacha grounded. Erik fired up and hit some spin kicks, but Baylor caught him with a powerslam and a twisting suplex for the pin. A squash, really, but good action.
Brad Baylor defeated Erik Chacha at 4:07.
* Handyman Jake Gray ran into the ring to chase off the heels before they could beat up Chacha some more. Gray issued a challenge for two weeks from now!
6. Eye Black Jack Pasquale vs. Nicholas Robles. EBJ just won the “Tournament For Tomorrow” last Thursday. Robles is the clueless 1980s rocker; he’s been here many times. He came out to Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me” but he carries his cowbell and he yelled at the crowd. They traded shoulder tackles; both have good physiques but it appears Pasquale is maybe an inch taller, and he knocked Robles down and to the floor. In the ring, Robles hit a basement dropkick on the left knee, and he kept EBJ grounded. Robles grabbed his cow bell and played it. Pasquale cut him in half with a spear, then he hit a twisting uranage for the pin. I enjoyed this. The rookie is impressive.
Eye Black Jack Pasquale defeated Nicholas Robles at 4:34.
* Brett Ryan Gosselin got in the ring and confronted EBJ. They shook hands. Gosselin said Jack hasn’t pinned him, and they are going to have a match next week.
7. Gabby Forza vs. Tiara James. Gabby has the clear power advantage and the crowd is behind her. Gabby hit a bodyslam at 2:30 and BRG pointed out that Gabby has a bloody nose. Tiara jumped on Gabby’s back and applied a sleeper, and she yanked on Gabby’s hair to pull her to the mat. Yes, Gabby has a broken nose again. Tiara hit a guillotine leg drop and kept Gabby grounded. She hit a running Meteora double knees at 4:30, then a spinebuster for a nearfall, and she applied a sleeper on the mat. Gabby slammed Tiara stomach-first to the mat. Gabby escaped and applied her own sleeper. Tiara used her feet to push off the turnbuckle and flipped over (the Hart-Piper Mania spot) and pinned Gabby! The commentators called it a big upset.
Tiara James defeated Gabby Forza at 7:31.
* Footage aired of Max Caster putting up $50,000 of his own money to anyone who can hurt Ichiban like he’s never been hurt before. More footage aired of the first Ichiban-DJ Powers match from a week ago.
8. Ichiban vs. DJ Powers in a no-DQ match. This is the third match I’ve seen from cocky rising star Powers this week! Ichiban charged at him at the bell and immediately hit multiple punches. Powers hit a hard back elbow and took control. He hit a Mafia Kick at 2:30 and remained in charge. Ichiban hit an impressive dropkick, and he got a board from under the ring. DJ put it away! They fought at ringside and back into the ring. The commentators agree that Powers’ whole focus is taking off the mask and embarrassing Ichiban. Ichiban got a chair and jabbed it in the stomach at 5:00, then struck him across the back. He slammed DJ’s head on the open chair for a nearfall. DJ hit a low-blow uppercut, and Crockett noted it is legal in this match.
Ichiban hit a superkick, but he leapt off the ropes and crashed on the chair. DJ repeatedly hit him with the chair. The chair ricocheted off the top rope and onto DJ’s head. Ichiban immediately hit a handspring-back-elbow at 9:00, then a top-rope guillotine leg drop, sending Powers’ face into the folded chair for a nearfall. Powers hit a superkick and a frogsplash going more than halfway across the ring at 10:30!
Powers yelled for Channing’s assistance! Channing Thomas came to ringside, and he’s in his street clothes now. Channing slid the door into the ring, and he got into the ring, too. Powers instructed Channing that they are putting Ichiban through the door. However, Channing blocked him! DJ shoved Channing. “Channing doesn’t want to be told off by a 19-year-old kid,” Gosselin said. Channing slapped DJ! Ichiban immediately speared Powers through the door in the corner. Ichiban then nailed his leaping Flatliner for the pin. A really good main event.
Ichiban defeated DJ Powers at 14:05.
Final Thoughts: A really good main event that was well worth tuning in to see. The TJ-Skye opener took second. Nothing else was particularly above-average, but I enjoyed a lot of these short to-the-point matches. I’ve liked what I’ve seen from the new young guys coming up like Pasquale and Rivera. And of course, Wrestling Open continues to be a place to see the ID prospects. I continue to be impressed by the week-to-week storytelling.
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