Wrestling Revolver “Square Game” results (1/31): Vetter’s review of Myron Reed vs. Trey Miguel for the Revolver Title, Paul Walter Hauser vs. Steve Maclin, Masha Slamovich vs. Ace Austin

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Revolver “Square Game”
Streamed on Triller+
January 31, 2025 in Indianapolis, Indiana at Fountain Square Auditorium

This show began at 6 p.m. CST. This is really well lit. It’s a small room so the crowd might only be 150-200. The sound is tinny and just not ideal; I’m getting a lot of feedback. I always point out this is Sami Callihan’s promotion, and he uses a lot of current and former TNA wrestlers.

1. Gringo Loco vs. Jake Crist. Crist is a former champion here. The sound has plummeted, but the feedback is now gone. Quick reversals at the bell, and Loco hit a Gorilla Press and a flipping axe kick. Crist hit an Asai Moonsault to the floor and celebrated with fans at ringside at 2:00. Jake dove off the top rope but Gringo caught him and slammed him onto the edge of the ring. Jake hit a tornado DDT to the floor. Both men dove back in at the nine-count, and they traded forearm strikes. Loco hit a mid-ring Spanish Fly and they were both down at 4:30.

Crist hit a modified Canadian Destroyer for a nearfall. He hit a Frankensteiner, then an OsCutter for a nearfall. Loco hit the reverse Spanish Fly, where they both landed on their stomachs, then he hit a clothesline for a nearfall at 7:00, and we got a “Fight forever!” chant. Crist hit a Tombstone Piledriver for a nearfall. Loco hit a top-rope flipping powerbomb for the pin. That was really good for the time given.

Gringo Loco defeated Jake Crist at 8:02.

2. “Fir$t Cla$$” AJ Francis, Rich Swann, and KC Navarro vs. BDE and “Alpha Sigma Sigma” Brent Oakley and KC Jacobs. BDE is a YouTube star who had a surprisingly watchable match last month against Francis. ASS are the tag champs but of course those aren’t on the line. Swann’s hair has grown a lot since I last saw him, perhaps 3 or 4 weeks ago, and he opened against Oakley. Brent hit a standing moonsault. FC took turns hitting some moves on Brent. KC Navarro entered at 2:30 and tied up Navarro. (The babyfaces are just so obviously green.) Jacobs hit a Northern Lights Suplex. AJ got a blind tag and he knocked down BDE at 4:00. All six fought in the ring.

The babyfaces beat on AJ in the ring and they clotheslined him to the floor. BDE dove through the ropes onto AJ. The ASS guys hit top-rope crossbody blocks to the floor. Swann hit a Lethal Injection at 7:00. Oakley hit a spinebuster. Jacobs hit a missile dropkick on Francis. BDE hit a Blockbuster on Navarro. Francis tossed BDE onto the Ass guys, and he walked across each of their chests. We had a tower spot out of the corner, with Francis crashing from the top rope to the mat at 9:30, and everyone was down. In a neat spot, Francis held all THREE babyfaces either in his arms or on his shoulders, and he slammed them all to the mat. He then chokeslammed BDE for the pin. The right team definitely won.

“Fir$t Cla$$” AJ Francis, Rich Swann, and KC Navarro defeated BDE, Brent Oakley, and KC Jacobs at 11:13.

* NOTE: Gia Miller turned heel here two or three months ago, beating up Ace Austin. She has since formed a faction of “monsters” that includes Krule and Madman Fulton.

3. Masha Slamovich vs. Ace Austin in an intergender match. This is a first-time-ever singles match. Ace has been a babyface here, but I presume he gets booed against Masha. Standing switches and they worked each other’s left wrist. He hit an armdrag and a spin kick, then a dropkick at 2:00. She hit a clothesline. She hit a twisting dive through the ropes, and she chopped him as he sat in the front row. In the ring, Ace got a jackknife cover for a nearfall and a backslide for a nearfall. She hit some kicks, some hair-mares and a stiff kick to the spine. She applied a Camel Clutch at 4:30 and also cranked on his nose!

Austin hit a dropkick and they traded forearm strikes. Ace hit a Russian Leg Sweep at 7:00 and a guillotine legdrop, then a Doctor Bomb for a nearfall. She fired back with a spinning back fist and a series of kicks, then her running Air Raid Crash into the corner for a nearfall. Ace hit a second-rope spin kick, then a plancha to the floor. He slammed her onto the ring apron. He climbed the top rope, but Gia Miller came to ringside, tripped Ace, and caused him to fall and be crotched in the corner. Masha immediately hit a spin kick to the head and her White Knight Driver (piledriver) for the pin.

Masha Slamovich defeated Ace Austin at 9:56.

* Gia Miller got in the ring and noted she left her monsters at home, but she has a “hunger” that Masha could fill. (Lots of sexual innuendo in what she was saying here.) She asked Masha to take her hand and join her faction, but Masha gave her the middle finger. However, Jessicka Havok snuck in the ring and chokeslammed Masha, then one on Austin.

* Damian Chambers came to the ring with Kayla Kassidy. Damian appeared to turn babyface at the last show. NOPE! Kayla got on the mic and told all the ugly fans to stand up and wish her man a happy birthday! Damian grabbed the mic and ripped the crowd and the city. (This is jarring after what was clearly a babyface turn just a few weeks ago; the commentators are as surprised as I am.) Out of the back came Tommy Dreamer! Massive pop for him. Tommy took the mic and praised the city of Indianapolis. They argued. “ECW is dead, Indianapolis sucks, and you get out of my ring,” Damian said. He poked his finger into Tommy’s chest. Tommy said, “Happy birthday,” punched him, and we got a bell to begin!

4. Damian Chambers (w/Kayla Kassidy) vs. Tommy Dreamer. Damian rolled to the floor, but Tommy grabbed him by his hair. In the ring, Tommy bit Damian’s wrist or hand. They went to the floor, where Tommy took a swig of a drink and sprayed it in Damian’s face, and they circled the ring as Tommy beat him up. A boy, perhaps age 8, got in some chops on Damian at 2:30, which got cheers. Sami Callihan joined commentary for two minutes, wondering about Chambers’ return to being a heel and he left. Meanwhile, in the ring, Chambers was in charge. Kayla hit Tommy behind the ref’s back.

Chambers hit a bodyslam at 5:30 and paused to pose. Tommy hit some jab punches and an elbow to the face, then a stunner for a nearfall. Damian hit a clothesline for a nearfall. Tommy hit a low blow. Tommy put him on his shoulders, but Kayla got in the ring and was in Tommy’s face. She spit on him, so he let go of Damian and set up to hit a piledriver on her. Damian hit a superkick to save her at 9:00. Damian pulled a door into the ring. However, Tommy hit a Death Valley Driver through the door in the corner and scored the pin. Meh.

Tommy Dreamer defeated Damian Chambers at 9:39. 

Jake Something is injured and will be taking time off. SO, he has vacated the Revolver Remix Title.

5. Jeffrey John vs. Crash Jaxon vs. Brayden Lee vs. Dex Royal vs. Dark Pledge (w/Killer Kelly) vs. Leon Ruffin for the vacant Remix Title. Crash is my pick to win this, based on booking here. I’ve always liked Brayden but I haven’t seen him in months; right on cue, the commentators said he just returned from a shoulder injury. Dex is also back! He just returned from a severe injury in August or September that left him sidelined. A nice pop for new mom Killer Kelly in her return (at least in a manager role!) Everyone ganged up on Crash, but he knocked them all down like they were bowling pins. Crash faked a dive to the floor (that’s how he broke his arm two years ago!) Leon hit a dropkick.

Leon hit a stunner on Dark Pledge at 2:00, then a dive through the ropes, but Jeffrey caught him and slammed him onto the apron. Dex hit some spin kicks and a springboard crossbody block on John. The commentators confirmed this is indeed Dex’s first match back from injury. Pledge hit a double DDT at 4:00. Crash sent Pledge flying with a running body block. He hit a sliding clothesline on Brayden. Crash then hit a dive to the floor, but he held onto the top rope so he landed on his feet. “It wasn’t pretty but it was effective,” a commentator said. Brayden hit a top-rope twisting moonsault onto everyone! Nice! In the ring, Brayden missed a 450 Splash.

Pledge hit an Angle Slam on Ruffin at 6:00. John hit a flying stunner. Brayden hit an F5 on Jeffrey. Leon hit a Rebound Lariat on Brayden. Pledge threw a chair at Dex’s head at 7:30 and I hate that. Pledge set up a door bridge in the ring. Dex nailed a top-rope Spanish Fly on John through the door bridge for a believable nearfall at 9:30. Crash hit some running body blocks in the corner on Dex; I think five or six in a row! Crash then hit a second-rope Death Valley Driver to pin Dex. Yep, the obvious choice was the winner, but that’s okay. He got a nice “You deserve it!” chant.

Crash Jaxon defeated Dex Royal, Leon Ruffin, Jeffrey John, Brayden Lee, and Dark Pledge to win the vacant Revolver Remix title at 10:25.

6. Steve Maclin (w/Killer Kelly) vs. Paul Walter Hauser. I am just soooo ready for Hauser’s 15 minutes of wrestling fame to end; he is the new Sweaty Shane McMahon. Can Maclin just beat the crap out of him? Please? They traded punches. Hauser hit an axe handle to the floor, and Maclin collapsed on a fan in the front row. They kept brawling at ringside, then along the wall, and Macline slammed him onto a bar at 3:00. They brawled over to the stage, where Hauser hit a backbody drop at 6:00. Hauser hit a series of chops against the ring. Maclin hit a running somersault splash off the stage onto Maclin, who was lying on a door bridge, earning a “holy shit!” chant. (I gotta admit, he’s working hard!)

They finally got back into the ring, where Maclin tied him in the Tree of Woe and hit a spear for a nearfall at 8:30. He dumped thumbtacks onto a horizontal door in the center of the ring, and he gave Hauser a Death Valley Driver onto them for a nearfall at 10:30. Hauser hit a Hammerlock DDT onto the door, but Maclin rolled to the floor to avoid being pinned. Kelly got in the ring and sprayed a chemical in Hauser’s face and he was blinded. Maclin hit a running knee and a double-arm DDT for the pin. Good brawl, and I say that while still wishing Hauser would just go away.

Steve Maclin defeated Paul Walter Hauser at 13:18.

* Maclin got on the mic and put over Hauser for calling him out and taking this match. “Sometimes you’ve got to be really dumb to be really tough,” Steve said.

7. Myron Reed vs. Trey Miguel for the Revolver World Title. I can’t say if this belt has actually been defended outside of the United States, so in my eyes, it’s not a “world” title. The bell rang, but Trey got on the mic and said he is proud of Myron, but he’s not proud of him “being the demise of the Rascalz.” He said Myron is still his brother and loves him. Trey offered a handshake but Myron was reluctant. He shook his hand but hit a low blow! Myron got on the mic and said “It’s f— the Rascalz; it’s the young Goat’s time!” Myron hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 2:30. They fought to the floor. In the ring, Trey went for a handspring-back-move but Myron kicked him in the face, and he kept Trey grounded.

Myron hit some forearm strikes and remained in charge. Myron came off the top rope, but Trey caught him with a superkick, and they were both down at 7:30. They got up and traded punches. Trey hit a spinning kick to the head. Myron nailed a kip-up enzuigiri, then a rope-assisted Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall at 9:00. Trey hit a Lionsault for a nearfall, and they were both down. Trey hit a Canadian Destroyer for a believable nearfall. They traded kicks and were both down again. Myron took off a chain and wrapped it around his fist, but he tossed it aside, and instead hit Trey in the face with the title belt! Myron then hit a springboard 450 Splash for the tainted pin. Good match. The show immediately went off the air.

Myron Reed defeated Trey Miguel to retain the Revolver World Title at 13:55.

Final Thoughts: A good main event to headline a good show. Revolver shows tend to get gross and bloody, but that wasn’t the case here. The main event carried the show, with Loco and Crist having a really good, short opener. Masha-Austin takes third. I enjoyed that scramble and I’m glad to see talents like Dex Royal and Brayden Lee back in action.

What they are doing with Damian Chambers is just not good. It’s jarring to go from heel to babyface to heel like that. The booking of him is just nonsensical. Yeah, he’s a great heel, but he sure got a big babyface pop last month. Pick a lane and stay with it! His match with Dreamer was what you’d expect at this point from a Dreamer match.

The ASS guys are just not good in the ring. They’ve hidden how bad they are by being in a lot of hardcore matches of late. Both guys looked lost at times tonight, and neither of them have put on any bulk or size; they are still just scrawny kids. It really stood out as Ace — who used to be slender — followed their match, and he has filled out so much. My complaints aside, the good far outweighed the bad. This show came in at a crisp 2-and-a-quarter hours.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Weird how every match was around 10 minutes. Shortest 8 longest 13

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