Fight Life “Squared Circle Seance 3” results: Vetter’s review of Richard Holliday defending the Fight Life Championship against the winner of the Sole Survivor match

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Fight Life “Squared Circle Seance 3”
Streamed on the TrillerTV+
October 20, 2024 in Rehoboth, Massachusetts at Hillside Country Club

The venue is the ballroom at the country club they regularly run. Unfortunately, the crowd was only about 80.

* This show was held only about 30 minutes away from the Beyond Wrestling show that day in Providence, R.I., and it allowed DJ Powers to wrestle here and appear at Beyond. Except for Powers, no one else appeared on both shows. (I point this out because at least half of the roster on this Fight Life show has appeared on a Beyond or a Wrestling Open show in the past two months.)

1. Seabass Finn vs. Sammy Diaz. Finn hit a springboard clothesline at 2:00. Diaz slammed him back-first on the ring apron. Diaz hit a splash to the back as Finn was draped over the top rope, and Diaz got a nearfall at 4:00. He went for a moonsault, but Finn got his knees up to block it, and they were both down. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees. Finn hit a German Suplex for a nearfall at 6:00. Diaz nailed a dive through the ropes onto Finn. In the ring, Finn hit another German Suplex and he was fired up. Diaz caught him with a running knee. Diaz hit a Frankensteiner, but Finn rolled through the move and got a rollup for the pin! A really good opener.

Seabass Finn defeated Sammy Diaz at 8:27.

2. “The Unit” Danny Miles and Trigga the OG vs. “Waves & Curls” Traevon Jordan and Jaelyn Brandyn for the Fight Life Tag Team Titles. Trigga and Jaelyn opened. Jaelyn hit a dropkick. Traevon got in and hit a Stinger Splash on Miles at 3:30. The heels began working over Jaelyn. They rubbed Jaelyn’s face on a title belt! Miles hit a delayed vertical suplex for a nearfall at 7:00. Trigga accidentally hit a stunner on Miles! Jordan got the hot tag and hit a series of clotheslines. He hit a sit-out powerbomb on Trigga for a nearfall at 9:00. W&C hit their team Flatliner move for a nearfall, but Miles made the save. Jaelyn went to the top rope, but Miles tripped him. Trigga struck Jordan in the face with the title belt while the ref was distracted and scored the cheap pin.

Danny Miles and Trigga the OG defeated Traevon Jordan and Jaelyn Brandyn to retain the Fight Life Tag Team Titles at 10:21.

3. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the basketball) and Little Mean Kathleen vs. Ariel and BMT in a mixed tag. Husband-and-wife team Ariel and BMT wore purple-and-black Cobra Kai gear. Jermaine and BMT opened. Jermaine hit his Euro-step neckbreaker at 2:00, and BMT crawled to the corner to tag in his wife. So, LMK tagged in and the women locked up, with Kathleen hitting a crossbody block. Marbury and LMK ran up the chests of their opponents in the corners. The heels began working over Marbury in their corner, with Ariel choking Jermaine while the ref was distracted. LMK got the hot tag at 8:00 and she hit some clotheslines and running back elbows in opposite corners on the heels, then a Vader Bomb for a nearfall. They did some comedy where the ref slam-dunked a basketball in a ‘hoop’ of the arms of the heels. Marbury hit a top-rope crossbody block, but BMT rolled through, grabbed a handful of tights, and scored the cheap pin. (Essentially the same finish as the first match.) Can no one win clean here?

BMT and Ariel defeated Jermaine Marbury and Little Mean Kathleen at 11:40.

4. Milo Mirra vs. AJP (w/Steven Lust). I don’t think I’ve seen Milo before; he has wavy black hair, a short trimmed beard and is of average size (he’s really not all that different in hair style from Seth Rollins.) Lust has his arm in a shoulder harness and he’s out of action. AJP attacked at the bell and was in charge. Milo hit a Blue Thunder Bomb at 2:30. AJP hit a standing neckbreaker for a nearfall. Milo hit a superkick, but he missed a corkscrew moonsault; AJP immediately hit a discus forearm for the pin. Decent for the time given.

AJP defeated Milo Mirra at 4:45. 

5. DJ Powers vs. Eric Chacha in an I Quit match. Powers is the teen heel I’ve compared to NXT’s Kale Dixon, and I’ve noted that Chacha’s look reminds me of a young TJP (and yes, I know TJP is not Latino, but the similarities are there.) They immediately traded punches, and Powers hit a superkick that sent Chacha to the floor. They brawled on the floor, and Chacha hit some chairshots across the bell. Powers accidentally chopped the ring post at 2:00. DJ whipped a chair at Chacha on the floor and I really hate that; not only are you risking injuring Eric, the chair also could have struck a fan.

Powers got a trash can filled with weapons and they got back into the ring. Chacha whipped Powers with a leather belt. Powers hit a Death Valley Driver into the corner at 5:00. He continued to beat down Chacha and he suplexed him onto a folded chair. Powers choked him with a hockey stick at 9:00, but Eric refused to quit. Powers hit a top-rope coast-to-coast dropkick as Chacha had a garbage can over his head. Powers nailed a con-chair-to chairshot to the head! The ref checked on Eric but he appeared out. (The match should have ended here.) Powers poured some water on him and hit him with a street sign. Powers handcuffed Chacha to the top rope and he whipped Chacha with the belt.

The ref used a key to remove the handcuffs at 14:00, and Chacha hit a plancha to the floor on Powers, and they continued to brawl at ringside. Powers powerbombed him onto the ring apron. He slid a door into the ring and set up a door bridge. They both fell off the second rope and through the door bridge at 19:00, and they were both down. Powers hit a jumping knee; Chacha hit a running knee. Chacha applied a sleeper on the mat and rolled him toward the middle of the ring. Chacha also used a chain around the throat as part of the sleeper, and Powers said he quit! A bit long and there were some dead spots, but overall this was alright.

Eric Chacha defeated DJ Powers at 21:29.

* Intermission

6.  “The Parliament” Lucas Chase, Jay Onyx, and Shawn Knyte vs. Mike Graca, Rip Byson, and Sammi Chaos. I’ve compared Graca to former AEW wrestler Jimmy Havok. Chaos is a really big woman, on par with Nia Jax, and she’s competed here before. Knyte is thinner and I’ve compared him to Kofi in the past. All six brawled at the bell. The heels began working over Byson in their corner. Graca got a hot tag at 5:00 and he cleared the ring. He hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall. Graca hit body-blows to Lucas’ stomach, but the heels worked over Lucas. Sammi got a hot tag at 9:00 and she hit a Stinger Splash in the corner on Lucas. She hit a scoop piledriver on Knyte, dropping him (and her weight!) on Onyx’ chest.

Onyx and Knyte tried to beat her down, but she hit a double chokeslam at 10:30. Byson hit a spinebuster on Onyx. Chase hit a spear on Byson. Graca and Chase traded forearm strikes, and Graca hit a Mafia Kick at 12:00. Graca hit a Dragon Suplex and a basement dropkick. Graca hit a Tombstone Piledriver for a nearfall, but Knyte made the save. Chase got a kendo stick and he struck Graca with it. Chase hit a jumping piledriver to pin Graca. That was a good brawl.

Lucas Chase, Jay Onyx, and Shawn Knyte defeated Mike Graca, Rip Byson, and Sammi Chaos at 13:39.

* Next up is the “Sole Survivor” match. (Now-defunct Warrior Wrestling had a match very similar to this.) We are starting with a four-on-four match. The winning team will then face each other in a four-way. The winner of THAT match gets a title shot!

7a. Ashley Vox, JT Dunn, KC Navarro, Mortar vs. Ricky Smokes, Kylon King, Dustin Waller, and Delmi Exo. King and Waller haven’t ‘been on the same page’ in this promotion in recent months, but they hugged before the bell. (Will that last?) Mortar was yelling at Ashley before the bell. Ashley was going to start but Mortar made a hard tag so he could begin. We eventually got back to Ashley opening against Delmi, and Ashley hit a deep armdrag. KC and Smokes tagged in for their teams at 3:30. Smokes hit some dropkicks on Mortar. Kylon hit a senton on Mortar for a nearfall.

Ashley hit a top-rope splash to the floor on several people at 8:00. King and Waller worked over Mortar in the ring. (Nobody likes Mortar in this match!) He began working over Kylon in their corner. Dunn hit a basement dropkick at 10:00. Mortar kept Kylon grounded. Kylon tried to tag out, but Mortar hit a Pounce on him at 12:00. Kylon finally hit a small package driver on Mortar, and he tagged in Smokes. Smokes and Dunn traded blows. KC got in and hit some dropkicks on Smokes, and KC hit a Code Red. Waller hit a plancha. Vox hit a German Suplex on Smokes at 14:30. Delmi rolled up Ashley for a nearfall.

Smokes hit a spear on Mortar. Vox hit a tornado DDT. Waller hit a Lethal Injection on Vox. Waller and King hit front-and-back knee strikes on Dunn. Mortar hit a double clothesline. Waller accidentally kicked Kylon! (I knew it was gonna happen!) Waller was momentarily stunned by accidentally hitting him, and it allowed Mortar to hit the F5 face plant and pin Dustin. Good action.

Ashley Vox, JT Dunn, KC Navarro, and Mortar defeated Ricky Smokes, Kylon King, Dustin Waller, and Delmi Exo to advance at 17:11.

7b. Ashley Vox vs. JT Dunn vs. KC Navarro vs. Mortar to receive a Fight Life Title shot. Mortar leaned in to whisper at Vox, as if making plans to battle two-on-two, but then he clocked her. Mortar hit a spin kick on Dunn at 1:30. He hit some punches on Vox; she fired back with some forearm strikes and she hit a missile dropkick, sending Mortar to the floor. Vox hit a rolling cannonball on KC. Vox hit a Canadian Destroyer. She got on Mortar’s back and applied a chokehold, but he ran backward into the corner at 4:30 to break the hold. She jumped right back on his back and he fell to a knee. Mortar hit a discus clothesline and pinned her at 5:09. However, KC immediately hit a mid-ring Sliced Bread and pinned Mortar at 5:18! Just like that, it is just Dunn vs. Navarro. They immediately traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. KC hit a modified 619 at 7:00. He hit a tornado DDT for a nearfall. Dunn nailed a tombstone piledriver and scored the pin!

JT Dunn defeated Ashley Vox, Mortar and KC Navarro to earn a Fight Life Title shot at 8:22.

* Dunn was handed a contract in a hard, black folder. However, Richard Holliday jumped in the ring, attacked Dunn, and began to stomp on him! Richard got on the mic and vowed Dunn would never be champion here, and he said this company is successful because of him. A promoter came to ringside and said we are having this title match… right now!

8. Richard Holliday vs. JT Dunn for the Fight Life Title. Holliday rolled into the ring, and Dunn hit a stunner for a nearfall just five seconds in! Holliday hit Dunn and sent him to the floor; JT rolled back in to avoid a count-out, but Richard stomped on him and kept him grounded. They brawled to the floor at 4:00 and away from ringside. In the ring, Holliday hit a Mafia Kick at 5:30. Dunn fell to the floor and again got in just before a count-out. Holliday began stomping on arms and legs.

Dunn fired up and hit some forearms but Holliday regained control. He hit a 2008 swinging suplex for a nearfall at 10:30, and Richard was shocked he didn’t get a pin there. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Dunn grabbed Holliday’s ankle but his boot came off. Dunn missed a Death By Elbow discuss forearm. Holliday peeled off his other boot, struck Dunn in the head with it, and scored the tainted pin.

Richard Holliday defeated JT Dunn to retain the Fight Life Title at 14:56. 

Final Thoughts: I liked this show and this is a good roster of the best of the Northeast BUT there were just too many finishes on this night with cheating. Hitting people with belts, boots, grabbing handful of tights. Sometimes, someone just has to win cleanly.

Okay, that complaint aside, I’ll go with the four-on-four match for best of the night. Those are eight really good wrestlers and they set it up well. When Waller and Kylon wound up on the same team, it made sense that they would accidentally hit each other and cause their team to lose; it furthers this simmering break-up, at least in this promotion. That show opening Diaz-Finn match was better than it had any right to be and it earns second. I think Finn has improved enough that he can drop the stupid fisherman gimmick and repackage himself, which includes dropping “Seabass” from his name. The main event takes third, as it was really good, even with one-too-many cheap finishes on this show.

Powers-Chacha was fine but would have been better if it was shorter and more focused. And a con-chair-to really should end it. Have you seen anyone in WWE or AEW continue a match after a blow that violent? No, I haven’t either. So for Chacha (yes, he sold it) to continue fighting for another 10 or so minutes, just felt absurd. I still don’t care much for Ariel & BMT, but at least they were in a mid-card match tonight.


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