AEW Collision results (10/5): Murphy’s review of House of Black vs. Private Party vs. Top Flight for a shot at the AEW Tag Titles at WrestleDream, Darby Allin vs. Johnny TV

By Don Murphy, Contributor (@DonThePredictor)

AEW Collision (Episode 65)
Taped October 3, 2024 in Toledo, Ohio at Huntington Center
Aired October 5, 2024 on TNT

[Hour One] Collision opened with Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness checking in on commentary. Arkady Aura was the ring announcer as Darby Allin and Johnny TV made their way to the ring for the opening match…

1.  Darby Allin vs. Johnny TV. The match started out with basic chain wrestling with TV gaining the early advantage. As the action picked up, Allin hit a super plex in the ring, causing TV to roll to the floor. Allin hit a Coffin Drop on the outside, but TV retaliated and hit Allin with a knee strike off the ring steps. Allin recovered and back in the ring, went for another coffin drop but was kicked off the ropes and hit with another knee strike while he was dangling in the corner.

The finish saw TV for the Superstation and miss. Allin quickly hit him with a Destroyer followed by another coffin drop for the win.

Darby Allin defeated Johnny TV in about 7:39.

After the match, Allin issued an open challenge for the WrestleDream PPV and invited anyone in the back to step up to face him. When no one came out, Allin called the locker room a bunch of “complacent people.” Allin made his way up the ramp and when he turned his back to the entrance, was attacked by Brody King. King power bombed Allin on the ring apron and held him up by the throat with one hand against the ring post. King growled “I accept” and dropped Allin to end the segment.

Don’s Take: Coming off his loss to Jon Moxley, Allin is in reboot mode before he enters his next program. I’m not sure if that will be King in the long run, but that should be a fun match. I’ll give my WrestleDream picks next week, but at first blush, while I think Allin walks away with the win, I’d really like to see them do something with King and a win over Allin would be a step in the right direction. Allin is the type of performer that can take several losses and still be relevant when booked properly.

An ’80s style video aired of The Outrunners training with FTR. By the end of the video, FTR dressed and looked like the Outrunners. The graphic read “FTRunners.”

2.  “Grizzled Young Veterans” Zack Gibson and James Drake vs. “The Outrunners” Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum. The early part of the match saw both teams exchange moves. Eventually, GYV gained the advantage for several minutes over Floyd until he was able to tag in Magnum. Truth and Magnum took over on offense and cleared the ring of GYV by hitting a double clothesline on Gibson sending him over the top rope and to the floor. A double atomic drop on Drake sent him to the floor as the show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, Drake had Magnum in a leg lock. Magnum made the hot tag to Floyd who cleaned house for a bit, hitting both Drake and Gibson with multiple body slams. Truth and Magnum hit a double elbow on Drake. The finish saw Magnum go for a top rope move, but was knocked off by Gibson while Drake kicked Floyd out of the ring. GYV set Magnum up for the Doomsday Device but Floyd knocked Drake off the top rope. This allowed Magnum to roll up Gibson for the win.

The Outrunners defeated Grizzled Young Veterans in about 10:00.

Don’s Take: Ugh. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I get a kick out of the Outrunners, especially being someone who grew up on ’80s wrestling. That being said, GYV were not the team that AEW should have put in this spot. There were countless other teams that job regularly that would have worked here. But, with a tag division in need of some life, GYV is positive step forward. They haven’t been damaged permanently, but they need to start picking up some wins quickly.

A video package aired on Dr. Britt Baker, voiced over by Baker. She spoke about her next quest, which was to regain the Women’s Championship, held by Mariah May. She said she would be at AEW Dynamite on Title Tuesday ready to fight… [C]

Lexy Nair was backstage with Willow Nightingale, Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero, Kyle O’Reilly and Mark Briscoe. Nightingale spoke about her upcoming match with Trish Adora and said that Britt Baker would have to wait in line. Briscoe cut one of his “crazy man” promos, with the word of the day being “diversification.” Briscoe, O’Reilly, and Romero screamed as they left the area. Cassidy commented that Romero was “getting better at it”…

3.  Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora. Mariah May was in the front row for the match. Charlie Bravo and Shawn Dean came out on the stage with Adora but quickly returned to the back. The match was fairly even for the first several minutes with Adora getting in a good amount of offense. Nightingale retaliated and hit the pounce as the show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Adora regained the advantage coming out of the break. Nightingale retaliated and it was back and forth down the stretch until Nightingale connected with a big boot and a power bomb for the win.

Willow Nightingale defeated Trish Adora in about 7:57.

After the match, Nightingale confronted May at ringside. May tried to slap Nightingale but was pulled over the railing. Nightingale threw May into the ring steps and the ringside barricade. Nightingale had May set up for a power bomb on the ring steps but May slipped away, slapped Nightingale and ran off.

Don’s Take: Nightingale is the logical challenger for May and the two will likely meet at WrestleDream, unless the plan is to go with Baker vs. May or perhaps a three way. Either option is fine though I don’t see them taking the title off of May at this time.

Alicia Atout was backstage with Wheeler Yuta. She noted that Yuta would team up with Bryan Danielson on the Title Tuesday episode of Dynamite to face Caludio Castagnoli and Pac. Castagnoli, Pac and Marina Shafir entered. Yuta and Pac stared down each other until Castagnoli told everyone to leave except Yuta. He told Yuta to let it out. Yuta said he did everything for Castagnoli and trusted him. He said after the Blackpool Combat Club turned on Danielson, he doesn’t know who Castagnoli is anymore. Castagnoli said he wished Yuta would trust him and that he never steered him wrong. He asked him what Danielson ever did for him and said he always had his back and always would, no matter what. [C]

Lexy Nair was backstage with Mariah May. May complained about Willow Nightingale and Britt Baker wanting title shots. Christopher Daniels entered and told May that he was tired of her interfering in matches. He informed her that Baker would meet Nightingale this week at Title Tuesday with the winner facing May for the title at WrestleDream. May told him to “blow it out his ass,” which is always a solid insult.

4. Wheeler Yuta vs. Beef (w/Anthony Henry). Yuta attacked Beef at the bell. Beef got in a little bit of offense but this was all Yuta. Jon Moxley, Pac, and Marina Shafir were shown looking on from the crowd. Yuta finished Beef off with hammer strikes, followed by Cattle Mutilation for the submission win.
Wheeler Yuta defeated Beef in about 2:17.
Don’s Take: As you know, I’ve been fine with Yuta’s acting since All Out. The question remains whether or not he’ll stay a reluctant heel or eventually snap and break away from the Blackpool Combat Club. That’s fine if that’s the case as long as he’s not Bryan Danielson’s “little buddy.” We could also be in the process of a scenario where Yuta aligns with Danielson only to turn on him. Title Tuesday could potentially tell us the story.
Lexy Nair was backstage with Hook. She asked him for comments after someone attacked his father, Taz, on Dynamite. Hook said he was calling out whoever did it and demanded they show up at Title Tuesday to face him.
A video package recapped Ricochet vs. Will Ospreay from Dynamite…
[Hour Two]
5.  Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly (w/Rocky Romero) vs. “Premier Athletes” Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari (w/Mark Sterling, Josh Woods). Sterling did his usual pre-match mic work. All four men were in the ring early on before battling on the floor. Nese took out O’Reilly with a dive. Sterling distracted Cassidy but was chased off by Romero. Nese was able to take advantage of the situation and wrap Cassidy in the apron before dropkicking him. Daivari attacked both Cassidy and O’Reilly on the floor as the show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, Daivari was working over Cassidy. Cassidy made the hot  tag to O’Reilly and there was back and forth action from both teams down the stretch, including a spot where Nese accidentally clotheslined Daivari. The finish saw Cassidy go for the Orange Punch on Nese but was distracted by Sterling. Woods tried to enter but was stopped by Romero. The two brawled until Sterling low-blowed Romero. The pair put the boots to Romero until Mark Briscoe came out and brawled to the back with Woods. Cassidy hit a distracted Sterling. Cassidy then hit an Orange Punch on Nese while O’Reilly had Daivari in a guillotine choke. Cassidy pinned Nese while Daivari tapped out.

Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly defeated the Premier Athletes in about 10:19.

Don’s Take: Sigh. There were several details of the new AEW-WBD TV deal that were not disclosed. I’d bet money on AEW being required to feature the Premier Athletes on Collision each week. They’re talented, but I just don’t get the constant need to showcase them when you could spend the time building up some of the other talent on the roster that have a better chance of getting over and becoming relevant.

Lance Archer was beating up people outside by the production truck. Don Callis approached him and asked him if he was still managed by Jake Roberts. Archer grunted and walked off which Callis took as a “no.” [C]

Don’s Take: There was a time where being managed by Don Callis would be considered an upgrade. But…..

Lexy Nair was backstage with Mercedes Mone and Kamille. Mone touted her recent success and put over Kamille as the “Brickhouse.” Kris Statlander entered and told them to watch her match “bitches,” just as Kamille had done on Rampage. Statlander shoulder shoved Kamille as she left.

6.  Hologram vs. Nick Wayne vs. Action Andretti vs. Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes) in a four-way. As you might expect, this was a spot fest from the opening bell. The action eventually spilled to the floor with Wayne ramming Hologram to the ringside barricade and Andretti diving onto Wayne and Komander as the show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, the spot fest continued with everyone getting a chance to have spotlight moments. The finish saw Andretti miss a charge into the corner on Hologram. Hologram kicked Andretti and gave him an airplane spin into a power bomb for the win. During the match, Darby Allin vs. Brody King was made official for WrestleDream.

Hologram defeated Nick Wayne, Action Andretti and Komander in about 10:47.

Don’s Take: You can apply my comment about the Premier Athletes to Hologram as well. Though I think in this case, his role is simply the Tony Khan-created special attraction exclusive to Collision, which is fine.

Lexy Nair was backstage with The Beast Mortos. Nair asked him about his alliance with LFI when Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett entered. Taven said he thought they had something while Bennett asked Mortos if he could trust LFI. Strong told him not to make the wrong decision and that he was still under retainer. Mortos screamed throughout the segment.

7.  Kris Statlander vs. Zoey Lynn. This was a complete squash match with Statlander hitting Lynn with a package tombstone piledriver for the win.

Kris Statlander defeated Zoey Lynn in about 0:39.

After the match, Mercedes Moné and Kamille came out. Moné said that Statlander was impressive but she’s the face of the women’s division and the CEO. She said no one will disrespect her and sent Kamille in to get her. The two brawled with Kamille hitting Statlander with her Road to Damascus finisher.

Don’s Take: If you would have told me back in March that Mone would be the one to need solid opponents to carry her to a decent match, I would have disagreed. But seven months into the run, Mone has been flat on the mic and her matches have been underwhelming. Statlander, on the other hand, is coming off a great match with Willow Nightingale at All Out. Assuming the match happens at WrestleDream or shortly thereafter, it should be solid, more because of Statlander than Mone. At this point, I’m actually more interested in seeing Statlander face Kamille.

Darby Allin cut a backstage promo and challenged Brody King to a face-to-face meeting on Tuesday’s Dynamite. He said he’s never been able to pin King and that King owes everything to him. He said King will try to take it all from him, but he’s going to have to work really hard to do so. [C]

A video package highlighted Emi Sakura, noting that she will challenge Mercedes Mone on Tuesday for the TBS and NJPW Strong Women’s Championship…

8.  “House of Black” Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews vs. “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy vs. “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin (w/Leila Grey) in a three-way for a shot at the AEW Tag Team Titles at WrestleDream. Another spot fest early in the match. Everyone ended up on the floor again. Quen went to dive onto House of Black but was met with a knee strike by Black. Kassidy attempted the same thing but was caught by Black and Matthews and power bombed on the ring apron. The show went to its final picture-in-picture break of the night. [C]

After the break, Matthews had the advantage on Kassidy until Dante Martin tagged in and cleaned house. Once again, each team got their spotlight moment and down the stretch, Action Andretti came out. Grey tried to stop him but he three his water bottle at Black and Matthews. They went to confront him on the floor. Dante dove onto Black and Matthews, while Kassidy dove onto the pile. Kassidy rolled Dante back in the ring so that he and Quen could hit their Gin and Juice finisher on Dante for the win.

“Private Party defeated Top Flight and House of Black Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews in about 11:53 to earn a shot at the AEW Tag Team Titles at WrestleDream.

Private Party vs. the Young Bucks for the AEW Tag Team Titles was made official for WrestleDream. Tony Schiavone ran down the Dynamite lineup as Collision went off the air…

Don’s Take: Given Private Party’s win over the Young Bucks on Rampage, this was the predictable outcome. It’ll be a fun match but as I said, Private Party has been defined down so much that there’s no expectation that they’ll unseat the champions.

As we say each week, the standard edition of Collision. It’s fine if you saw it, it’s fine if you didn’t. WBD and AEW remain committed to making this week so we’ll see if there are any changes to the presentation once the new deal goes into effect. In any case, that’s all for now until next Friday and another edition of Rampage. In the meantime, Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons) can listen to Will Pruett’s (@itswilltime) excellent Collision audio reviews. Until next week!


Readers Comments (2)

  1. Why am I reading a collision review when collision hasn’t aired yet? What kind of voodoo is this?

  2. It’s actually Rampage.

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