Sean Henderson Presents “Beyond Good and Evil” results (9/13): Vetter’s review of Donnie Ray vs. Neil Diamond Cutter in an ultraviolent rules match, Colby Corino vs. Sean Henderson with relaxed rules

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Sean Henderson Presents “Beyond Good and Evil”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
September 13, 2024 in Newport, N.C. at Carolina Wrestling Academy

This is a wrestling training academy and I’ve seen multiple shows from this venue. However, the building is nearly empty; the crowd appears to be 30 to 40 fans.

1. Diego Hill vs. Jimmy Lloyd. I consider Diego a top-20 indy talent and he’s the reason I tuned in, and he got a big pop. Lloyd is certainly well-traveled as a member of the GCW roster. Diego hit an armdrag and some quick kicks in the first minute. Lloyd hit a decapitating clothesline for a nearfall at 1:30 and he kept Diego grounded. Diego fired up and hit some loud slaps, then an impressive Poison Rana. Diego hit a top-rope Arabian Press to the floor on Lloyd. In the ring, he missed a top-rope 450 Splash, but he hit a Lethal Injection at 4:00.

Diego nailed a top-rope Phoenix Splash for a believable nearfall. Diego hit a forward Finlay Roll then a Best Moonsault Ever for a nearfall. Diego hit a Canadian Destroyer, then a flying kick out of the ropes. However, he went for a move off the ropes, but Lloyd kicked him in the face. Lloyd immediately hit a powerbomb for the pin. Diego showed off all the reasons I think so highly of him in this fast-paced, short match.

Jimmy Lloyd defeated Diego Hill at 5:44.

2. Curt Robinson vs. Tungsten Redd for the PWF Crystal Coast Championship. I always compare Redd to Erik Rowan, as he’s tall and menacing. He wears a Texas Chainsaw Massacre-style butchers apron to the ring. Robinson wore a gold chain around his neck and the title belt around his waist, and he’s the babyface. He’s of average size, and smaller than Redd. They locked up and Redd easily shoved him to the mat. Curt hit a clothesline for a nearfall. Redd hit a chokeslam at 3:00. Curt fired up and hit some bodyslams, then a suplex for a nearfall. Redd hit a Death Valley Driver for a believable nearfall at 6:00. Curt hit a second-rope superplex for a nearfall. He hooked both of Redd’s arms, rolled him over, and scored the pin! Decent match.

Curt Robinson defeated Tungsten Redd to retain the PWF Crystal Coast Title at 7:40.

3. Kaitlyn Marie vs. Detective Chance vs. Stan Stylez in a three-way. Chance Rizer recently adopted this Sherlock Holmes-style detective gimmick. He wore a brown trenchcoat, a wide-brim hat and he smoked a cigarette on his way to the ring. He pulled out a tiny notebook and pen to jot down his investigations. Stylez was annoyed; he has the stereotypical look of a Jersey beach meathead. He put his vest on Kaitlyn’s shoulders and she was disgusted by it. She hit a senton. She nailed a rolling cannonball on Rance for a nearfall at 2:00.

Stylez grabbed a “shake weight” and was going to hit Chance with it, but Chance blocked it. Stylez ripped his pants off and struck Kaitlyn with them; he had more tear-away pants on underneath. Rance choked Stylez with the pants. They did some comedy with a can of spray whip cream. Kaitlyn hit a Death Valley Driver on Chance for a nearfall. She slammed Stylez and pinned him. More comedy than action but it was fine.

Kaitlyn Marie defeated Detective Chance and Stan Stylez in a three-way at 6:26.

4. Colby Corino vs. Sean Henderson in a “relaxed rules” match. Henderson is small, undersized, etc. I’m glad he runs shows, but he doesn’t do much for me in the ring. It’s been a month or so since I’ve seen Colby; his hair is quite blond right now but he has a darker mustache, and he’s looking so much like his dad that it’s eerie. Sean has a brace on his left shoulder. They charged at each other at the bell and immediately brawled on the mat, then rolled to the floor. Sean flipped him into the chairs as they brawled all the way around the building. They got in the ring at 3:00 and Sean has a cut on his forehead. Colby hit him with door debris. Colby put chairs over Sean’s head and hit an elbow drop at 6:00; this has been fairly one-sided.

Sean hit a back suplex and was fired up. He hit a Dragon Suplex and they were both down. He hit a Sliced Bread for a nearfall at 8:00. Colby hit a piledriver, then another. They fought on the ropes, where Sean hit a Sunset Flip Bomb, sending Colby crashing through a board bridge in the ring for a nearfall at 11:30. Colby hit a piledriver move along his back for a nearfall; he shoved the ref after Sean kicked out. Colby hit a DDT onto a garbage can lid. Colby hit a Mafia Kick, then a running One-Winged Angel through a door in the corner for the pin. This match doesn’t do much for me. Jimmy Lloyd ran into the ring and saved Sean. However, Sean accidentally superkicked Lloyd.

Colby Corino defeated Sean Henderson at 14:39.

5. Tenshi X vs. George South. I have loosely compared Tenshi to Lio Rush for similar size and build. South is now 62 and he got a nice pop; he is taller and heavier than Tenshi. They worked each other’s left arm, and South bodyslammed the light Tenshi. Tenshi hit a dropkick for a nearfall at 3:30. South hit a double-underhook suplex at 7:00 and he grounded Tenshi, and this match suddenly slowed to a crawl. South applied a claw to the head, pushed Tenshi to the mat, and scored the pin.

George South defeated Tenshi X at 12:33.

Dylan Crossley jumped in the ring and attacked Tenshi! These former tag partners have recently broken up, with Crossley turning heel.

6. Bojack vs. Xavion Stokes. I am a big fan of the 300-pounder Bojack, who really moves well for his weight. I don’t think I’ve seen Xavion before; at first glance, he’s comparable to a young Cedric Alexander. They shook hands, and Bojack easily backed Xavion into the corner. Bojack nailed a Pounce at 2:00 that sent Xavion flying. Xavion did some backflips to avoid Bojack’s offense and he hit a dropkick that sent Bojack to the floor. Xavion dove through the ropes, but Bojack caught him, and they brawled at ringside. Xavion hit a moonsault to the floor onto Bojack at 4:00. In the ring, Bojack clocked him with a forearm strike and got a nearfall.

Xavion got up and hit some hard overhand chops that Bojack no-sold. Xavion switched to spin kicks to the thighs. Bojack hit another stiff forearm and got a nearfall at 6:00. He missed a splash in the corner. Xavion applied a front guillotine choke, but Bojack turned it into a suplex to escape. Xavion hit an enzuigiri at 8:00. Bojack hit a uranage for a nearfall. However, he missed a spear into the corner. Xavion hit a top-rope springboard forearm that staggered Bojack. Xavion hit a Pele Kick at 10:00 and they were both down. Xavion hit a rolling cannonball for a nearfall. However, he missed a 450 Splash. Bojack nailed a Mafia Kick that knocked Xavion out, and the match stopped.

Bojack defeated Xavion Stokes via knockout at 11:18.

7. Donnie Ray vs. Neil Diamond Cutter in an ultraviolent rules match. Donnie carried a crutch and weapons to the ring. There is a board covered in plastic forks sticking straight up. I don’t know NDC but he is clearly in his late 30s or in his 40s, with a lot of gray hair. They hit each other with weapons, boards, etc. Both bled from their foreheads and this does nothing for me. NDC hit a Death Valley Driver, dropping Ray onto the fork-covered board. NDC then hit a frog splash for the pin. Not my style of match.

Neil Diamond Cutter defeated Donnie Ray in an ultraviolent match at 17:15.

Final Thoughts: Bojack vs. Xavion Stokes was the big highlight here. I hadn’t seen Stokes before, but he really impressed, and I’m looking forward to seeing him again. I don’t care that it was short, Diego Hill got to show off his crisp offense against Jimmy Lloyd, and that takes second place. Robinson-Redd was fine for third. Neither hardcore match did anything for me. I’d rather see Colby fight someone at his level. This was a quick watch, coming in at just under two hours.


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