Freelance Pro Wrestling “New Uprising” results (8/29): Vetter’s review of Storm Grayson vs. August Matthews for the Freelance Title, Koda Hernandez vs. Alec Price for the Freelance Legacy Title

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Freelance Pro Wrestling “New Uprising”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
August 29, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois at Logan Square Auditorium

The venue is in a tavern. I’ve seen shows from here before. Everyone is standing and the crowd is maybe 250. K-Mel and Jason Midas provided commentary.

1. Isaias Velazquez vs. Alfonso Gonzalez vs. Tornado Kid vs. Mason Morgan vs. Alfredo Albiter vs. RJ Sowa in a scramble. Velazquez and Gonzale are regulars here; I am assuming the other four are new. Morgan is a flamboyant Black man; I recall seeing him before. The four youngsters beat up Isaias and Alfonso early on. Morgan and Alfredo traded quick offense; they are training together, the commentators said. Tornado Kid wore a yellow mask and hit a tornado DDT at 2:30. Sowa (think NXT’s Myles Borne) hit some back suplexes, then an impressive flip dive to the floor at 4:30, earning a “holy shit!” chant. Tornado Kid hit a flip dive to the floor on everyone.

Alfredo hit a top-rope crossbody block to the floor on everyone. Mason hit a DDT on Sowa. Gonzalez hit a backbreaker over his knee. Tornado Kid put Alfredo on his shoulders and did an Airplane Spin, then dropped Alfredo to the mat and pinned him. A fun opener; I always like to open with a scramble to get the crowd going.

Tornado Kid defeated Isaias Velazquez, Alfonso Gonzalez, Mason Morgan, Alfredo Albiter and RJ Sowa in a scramble at 7:24.

2. Shazza McKenzie vs. Darin Corbin in an intergender match. MN native Corbin has now topped 20 years of ring experience. She immediately tied up his arms and got some nearfalls. He dropped her with a shoulder tackle and mockingly did her signature pose. She walked the tightrope and hit a huracanrana at 3:00. He dropped her onto the ring apron. In the ring, he hit a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker, and kept her grounded. She hit a stiff elbow at 7:30. Shazza hit a knee to the back as he was in the ropes, then she hit a series of kicks to his chest as he was tied in the ropes.

Shazza got underneath him in the corner and hit a powerbomb for a nearfall. Darin cut her in half with a spear for a nearfall. She sidestepped another spear and he crashed into the corner. She hit a back suplex and got a nearfall at 9:30. He went for a Ginger Snap stunner but she blocked it. She accidentally hit her throat across the top rope and staggered. Moments later, he hit the Ginger Snap for the pin and was loudly booed. They had good chemistry.

Darin Corbin defeated Shazza McKenzie at 10:09.

3. Trevor Outlaw (w/Frank the Clown) vs. Trip Jordy. Frank got on the mic and put over Outlaw Trip is of average size and height and short brown hair. Outlaw stalled at the bell. Trip hit a plancha to the floor. The commentators said they both trained at the Nightmare Factory in Georgia. In the ring, Outlaw stomped on Trip and kept him grounded, and Frank helped choke Jordy. Jordy fired up and .hit some back elbows, then a standing neckbreaker at 6:00, then a Flatliner for a nearfall. Jordy hit a stomp to the head, then a top-rope elbow drop for a nearfall at 8:00, but Frank put Trevor’s foot on the ropes. Jordy pulled Frank into the ring and teased punching him. However, Trevor grabbed him, hit a swinging neckbreaker, then a Pedigree for the pin. Basic but it was fine.

Trevor Outlaw defeated Trip Jordy at 8:33. 

4. Koda Hernandez vs. Alec Price for the Freelance Legacy Title. This is the reason to tune in. I’ve said for a while that Koda is the rising star in the Midwest, and the crowd was fully behind him, so Alec rolled to the floor and was booed. In the ring, Price hit a deep armdrag and grounded Koda. Koda hit the Three Amigos rolling suplexes at 4:00, then a dropkick that sent Price to the floor. In the ring, Alec hit a huracanrana and a springboard crossbody block, and he took control of the action. He hit his series of running kneestrikes in the corner at 7:00. Koda hit a sunset flip powerbomb out of the corner and they were both down, and the crowd rallied for Koda.

Koda hit a basement dropkick, then a butterfly faceplant for a believable nearfall at 8:30. Price hit an Air Raid Crash over his knee! Price hit a top-rope flying leg lariat for a nearfall at 11:00. They traded forearm strikes while holding onto each other’s left wrist. Koda hit an enzuigiri. Price hit a spinning back fist and a roundhouse kick. Koda hit a uranage at 14:00. Price avoided a Razor’s Edge and turned it into a rollup. Price hit a springboard tornado DDT onto the floor, and that earned a “holy shit!” chant. In the ring, Koda hit a second-rope Exploder Suplex. He then nailed the Razor’s Edge for the pin. That was a blast.

Koda Hernandez defeated Alec Price to retain the Freelance Legacy Title at 15:37.

Darin Corbin, who lost the belt to Koda, returned to the ring. He swore at the crowd; the fans chanted profanities back at him. Darin said Koda was great the night they faced. Darin doesn’t believe that Koda could beat him again, and he wants a rematch! Koda agreed, but he wants to pick the stipulation. Darin agreed. Koda said it would be a Chicago street fight!

5. Jake Something vs. Davey Bang. A huge size mismatch here, and it’s unusual to see Bang in a singles match, as tag partner August Matthews is in the main event also in a singles match. I’ve noted it before, but Davey looks older and more mature with his short haircut. Jake attacked from behind at the bell. Davey hit some dives through the ropes, then one over the top rope, to knock Jake down. In the ring, Davey avoided a powerbomb and turned it into a huracanrana. He dove through the ropes, but Jake caught him and slammed him on the apron at 2:00. Jake nailed a short-arm clothesline and was in charge.

Jake hit a running shoulder tackle for a nearfall. Davey hit a handspring-back-elbow at 4:30. Bang hit an enzuigiri, then a springboard flying clothesline, then a standing moonsault for a nearfall. He leapt off the ropes, but Jake clocked him with a forearm strike for a nearfall, then a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 6:30. Davey hit an enzuigiri. Jake hit his running body block. Bang nailed a Poison Rana and that popped the commentators. Bang went for a 450 Splash but Jake got his knees up. Jake set up for a brainbuster, but Bang got an inside cradle out of nowhere for the pin! That was a fun match.

Davey Bang defeated Jake Something at 8:58.

6. GPA and Laynie Luck vs. “White Meat” Stone Ambrose and Robbie Reeves vs. Shane Mercer and Calvin Tankman (w/James Russo) for the Freelance Tag Team Titles. I LOVE the pairing of Tankman and Mercer and the champs came out last. Ambrose and Reeves are both younger, newer guys. Reeves has wavy black hair. Laynie opened against Calvin, but he easily shoved her to the mat. Calvin and Ambrose charged at him but they bounced off him to the mat. Now Robbie and GPA got in and tried shoulder tackles but they couldn’t budge him. Tankman dropped them both with a double shoulder tackle at 2:00. Mercer tagged in and he started suplexing people across the ring.

GPA and Laynie were whipped into each other’s arms and they paused to kiss, and that got booed. Stone and Ambrose began brawling with GPA and Laynie in the ring. Tankman got back in and knocked everyone down again. Laynie hit a DDT on Mercer! Tankman powerbombed Laynie onto GPA in the corner at 5:00. Tankman whipped the couple into each other. Mercer got back in and hip-tossed Ambrose across the ring. Tankman did the same to one-up his teammate. Tankman and Mercer hit stereo delayed vertical suplexes. Mercer hit a Tour of the Islands-style powerslam at 8:30.

Mercer helped toss teammate Tankman onto Ambrose for a nearfall. Mercer and Tankman were pushed into each other. Babyfaces hit Lungblowers on each of the champs. All four challengers worked together to powerbomb Tankman out of the corner at 11:30 and that earned a “holy shit!” chant. The four challengers then worked together to pick up Mercer and toss him to the floor on Tankman! GPA tried to steal a pin with a rollup. Robbie dove through the ropes onto several opponents. Ambrose dove off the top rope onto everyone at 13:30 and we got a “This is awesome!” chant.

In the ring, Mercer set up for Moonsault & Battery, but Ambrose turned it into a sunset flip powerbomb for a nearfall. Robbie hit a double clothesline on GPA and Luck. Mercer then hit Moonsault & Battery on Ambrose, while Tankman was hitting a Rikishi Driver on Robbie. Mercer then tossed Ambrose at Tankman, and Calvin hit a Hidden Blade forearm on Ambrose for the pin. A fun brawl; Ambrose and Reeves had a few mis-timed spots but they are vastly improving. No one should beat these champs for a long time.

Shane Mercer & Calvin Tankman defeated GPA & Laynie Luck and “White Meat” Stone Ambrose & Robbie Reeves to retain the Freelance Tag Team Titles at 15:31. 

7. Storm Grayson (w/Sabin Gauge) vs. August Matthews for the Freelance Title. Grayson has been champion here for a while. August is so lanky it’s hard to take him seriously as a threat. Matthews hit some chops early on, then a huracanrana. Grayson hit an enzuigiri. Matthews  hit an Axe Kick at 2:30. Sabin hopped on the ring apron to block August from doing a dive, so the ref ejected Sabin. August immediately hit the dive to the floor, then a top-rope crossbody block in the ring. They brawled on the floor, and Matthews hit a moonsault off a bar onto Grayson at 5:00. They returned to the ring, but Grayson slammed him back-first on the apron.

Grayson did a slingshot, sending August into the ring post. In the ring, Grayson remained in charge. He hit a buzzsaw kick and an enzuigiri in the corner, then a standing powerbomb for a nearfall at 9:00. He hit a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. August hit a doublestomp to the chest. The ref got bumped. Sabin Gauge returned to the ring and hit a springboard stunner on Matthews. Davey Bang ran in to make the save, and he brawled with Sabin. Alfonso Gonzalez got in the ring with the belt but he accidentally struck Grayson with it at 12:00!

Bang and Matthews superkicked Alfonso. Bang nailed the Spears Tower on Grayson! August got a nearfall, but Gauge struck the referee and knocked him out. Bang hit a moonsault to the floor, while Matthews hit a dive to the floor. Isaias Velasquez came out and teased he would hit a piledriver on Bang. The distraction allowed Storm to hit a piledriver on August, then a knee strike to the side of Matthews’ head. Isaias used the knocked-out ref’s arm to make the three-count, and the crowd booed. A bit overbooked of a finish with all the run-ins, but it was fine.

Storm Grayson defeated August Matthews to retain the Freelance Heavyweight Title 14:26.

Final Thoughts: An entertaining show. As expected, Price-Koda was the standout and well worth checking out. Even though it was short, I’ll go with Bang-Jake Something for second. The main event takes third. I do really enjoy that Tankman/Mercer pairing, so I hope the promoters find a  worthy challenger for them.


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