NXT No Mercy results: Moore’s live review of Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry for the NXT Championship with Trick Williams as special referee, Roxanne Perez vs. Jaida Parker for the NXT Women’s Championship

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

NXT No Mercy
Streamed live September 1, 2024 on Peacock
Denver, Colorado at Ball Arena

Pre-show Notes

Megan Morant and Sam Roberts checked in from the WWE studio set. Separate shots of Ethan Page and Joe Hendry were shown as they arrived to the arena. The pre-show hosts then ran through the advertised No Mercy card. Morant sent the show to the Wes Lee vs. Zach Wentz hype package. The panel then gave their thoughts on the match with Roberts bringing up that Wentz won the TNA X Division Championship in Ultimate X a few days ago…

Morant sent the show to a Sarah Schreiber interview with Kelani Jordan. Jordan talked about her gymnastics background. About Choo, Kelani said she has a chip on her shoulder due to Choo choking her out. She then talked about her past opponents being a challenge. Jordan talked about Choo being Jordan’s first opponent in WWE on NXT Level Up.

About retaining the championship, Jordan talked about it being surreal being the inaugural champion, but she wants to create a legacy. Jordan said Choo is a person with nothing to lose, but nothing is more dangerous than a person who has everything to lose. Jordan said she has everything to lose and will defend that title. The show then went back to Roberts and Morant discussing the Jordan vs. Choo match…

Morant sent the show to the Jaida Parker hype package. Roberts and Morant then gave their thoughts on the Perez vs. Parker match. The show then cut to Peacock commercials…[c]

Sarah Schreiber interviewed NXT North American Champion Oba Femi about his opponent Tony D’Angelo. Oba talked about how Tony D is a man about Power. He said he showed Tony D power by showing up at Tony D’s restaurant. Oba said everyone was afraid there except Tony D. Oba said Tony D has a false sense of confidence. Oba talked about how he has no weaknesses or vulnerabilties and he’ll prove that he’s inevitable. The show then cut back to Morant and Roberts giving their thoughts on the Femi vs. D’Angelo match…

The show cut to Blake Howard (Play-by-play commentator of Level Up) interviewing Axiom and Nathan Frazer about their upcoming match. Axiom talked about how he and Frazer bonded during their best-of 3 series. Frazer joked about winning that series. Axiom joked about Frazer losing a Heritage Cup match against his friend [A-Kid]. They both talked about coming together as one of the best tag teams in NXT.

Howard brought up the friction between Axiom and Frazer. Frazer said that’s not wrong and there was a bit of shortcomings. Frazer said those disagreements brought them together. Axiom said they are going to be a better tag team after getting back the titles. Frazer said Axiom is his best amigo. The show then went back to the pre-show hosts giving their thoughts on the match…

Morant sent the show to a Roxanne Perez hype package. Morant and Roberts then gave more thoughts on the Perez vs. Parker match. The show cut to Peacock commercials…[c]

Back from break, the hosts ran through the advertised card again. Roberts sent the show to a Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry hype package. The show cut to NXT GM Ava arguing with Stevie Turner and Robert Stone on the phone. Trick Williams showed up. Ava advised Trick to call his upcoming match down the middle.

Trick said his momma raised him to be a man of his word, but if either Ethan or Joe come at him, he’ll come and check em. Trick then got Ava to dance and go Whoop Dat Trick with him. The show then cut back to the pre-show hosts giving their thoughts on the Page vs. Hendry match. Morant sent the show to a Vic Joseph sitdown interview with Ethan Page. Page made Vic say multiple times how his upcoming match is historic.

Vic asked Page what he thinks about his ego being bruised by Joe Hendry. Vic started to sing Hendry’s song about Page which pissed him off. Page then talked about how Joe might be the biggest star in TNA, but that’s not a complement. Page said he’s ready for anybody and everybody. Vic then talked about his thoughts on Trick being referee.

Page said that Trick colluded with Ava to get in the match, even being promised a title shot if Hendry wins. Vic asked Page if he thinks Trick will call it down the middle. Page said he doesn’t think so, especially if he gets a title shot if Hendry wins. Vic brought up Pete Dunne saying Trick won’t make it to No Mercy. Page said Pete’s business is Pete’s business. Vic asked Page if he can keep his emotion. Page took off his glasses and said that he’s been doing media, like going to baseball games.

He then talked about starting the Era of Ego, and NXT has been hot since. Page said you can say Whoop Dat Trick all you want, because Page will put his all into keeping his title. Vic thanked Page for a good interview and a handshake. Page said he’s not shaking Vic’s hand. The show cut back to and closed with Morant and Roberts giving their thoughts on the Page vs. Hendry match..

John’s Thoughts: These pre-shows are decent for viewers who don’t watch a bit of NXT, but to everyone else who even pays a little bit of attention, it’s a waste of time. Again, the only reason it’s an hour is because they took their formula 20 ish minute show and put in more Peacock ads. To WWE’s credit, they did add a few sitdown interviews, but those were standard interviews about how “I’m going to win”. The best interview was the Ethan Page one with Vic Joseph doing a good job getting at Page and Page doing a good job expressing and developing his character.

Main Show Review

The intro teaser for No Mercy aired…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in from the entrance ramp where they fired up the large arena crowd (the arena looked pretty filled up)…

Entrances for the tag team title match occurred. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in-ring championship introductions…

John’s Thoughts: Smart match to start the show off with. Axiom and Frazer are that dynamo type of tag team that can bring up the crowd energy. I’ve been two a few arena shows featuring Chase U in a match and crowds tend to really get into that lovable act..

1. “Chase University” Andre Chase and Ridge Holland (w/Thea Hail, Duke Hudson, Riley Osborne) vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer for the NXT Tag Team Titles. Chase got a one count after a running knee. Axiom put Chase in an Octopus Hold. Frazer tagged in and hit chase with a speedy dropkick. Holland tagged in and shoved Frazer in the air. Holland then used a reverse Giant Swing to hit Frazer with a modified Dragon Suplex.

Axiom tagged in. Frazer knocked down Chase to give Axiom a one count. Frazer tagged back in and hit both opponents with superkicks. Frazer got a two count off a Shooting Star on Chase. Axiom tagged in and put Chase in an Ankle Lock. Chase escaped and both men took each other out with clotheslines. Holland and Frazer tagged in. Holland dominated by giving Frazer a series of Belly-to-Bellies.

Holland hit Frazer with a elevated DDT for a two count. Holland caught Axiom out of the air and turned it into a Jackhammer. Holland went to the top rope and hit Frazer with a diving headbutt. Frazer broke up Hollands pin with a diving punch. Frazer held Holland for Axiom’s dropkick to get a two count for Frazer. Holland tagged in Chase. Axiom was crotched when Holland ran the ropes.

Chase hit Axiom with a Spanish Fly into a Tiger Driver for a two count. Holland tagged in and took down Axiom with a series of chops. Axiom rallied back with aggressive chops and a superkick on Ridge. Axiom hit Chase with a Dive. Frazer and Axiom went for dives on Ridge, but he caught them out of the air and put them over the barricade. Axiom and Frazer gave Holland axe handles while he was posing.

Axiom hit Chase with a Frog Splash. Frazer hit Chase with a Slingshot 450 for a good nearfall. Both men traded strikes. Holland tagged in and Chase put Frazer in a Electric Chair. Holland hit Frazer with a Doomsday Device for a nearfall. Holland power bombed Frazer into Chase’s Gamengiri. Holland Side Slammed Frazer. Axiom broke up Chase’s pin by shoving Holland into Chase. Chase and Frazer got to the top rope.

Axiom blind tagged in. Frazer hit Chase with the Superplex, Brainbuster, Superkick combo. Chase kicked out. Axiom accidentally hit Frazer with a Golden Ratio. Holland turned Axiom inside out with a Clothesline. Holland hit Axiom with an assisted Power Bomb Backstabber. Axiom kicked out. Frazer took out Holland and chase with a Missile Dropkick. Frazer hit Holland with a Flip Dive. Axiom got a two count on Chase with a Inside Cradle.

Chase hit Axiom with a neckbreaker. Frazer blind tagged in. Axiom hit Chase with a Spanish Fly. Frazer hit Chase with a Phoenix Splash for the win.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom defeated Andre Chase and Ridge Holland via pinfall in 13:33 to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions. 

Chase U stood together after the match . While Osborne and Hudson left the ring they were blindsided by Ridge Holland. Holland then gave Chase a clothesline. Holland called Hudson a son of a bitch and tossed him into the barricade. He also tossed Osborne in the barricade. Holland Press Slammed Chase to ringside.

Thea Hail was crying as Holland cleared the announce table. Holland gave Chase his Redeemer DDT on top of the announce table (That sounds like a move Miro would use). The ref called for a stretcher for Chase. The crowd actually chanted “One more time” (LOL… only in pro wrestling)…

John’s Thoughts: Awesome tag team title match with some wonderful false finishes by the end. We know Axiom and Frazer can go, but Chase U never fails to impress. Andre Chase gets underrated for his in-ring ability because of the gimmick. Ridge Holland had one of his best and cleanest matches in WWE in this match with some awesome innovative suplexes and good nearfalls. Surprised that they took the titles off Chase U so quick, but it did make that Golden Ratio nearfall look good. The Holland heel turn was what you would expect to happen when they drop the belts due to the character development of him being a hot head in the past.

An ad aired for the NXT Halloween Havoc PLE…

Vic Joseph noted that the same venue will be the Raw venue the next day. Jaida Parker was shown arriving to the show earlier on. Roxanne Perez was also shown. A replay aired of Ridge Holland laying out Chase University…

Vic sent the show to the Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz hype package…

Entrances for the next match took place…

2. TNA X Division Champion Zachary Wentz vs. Wes Lee in a non-title match. Vic noted that both men have been tag teaming since 2015 in Rockstar Pro. Both men started the match at a few stalemate sequences. Wentz managed to land a basement dropkick after tripping Wes. Wentz caught Wes with a corkscrew crossbody. Wes ducked to ringside to avoid a superkick. Wes chop blocked Wentz on the apron and sent him into the ringpost.

Wentz caught a roundhouse and got to his feet. Wes came back with a backbreaker on the apron. Wes hit Wentz with Hammerlock Clinch Knees. Wes sent Wentz into the buckles several times. Wes hit Wentz with a Hesitation Dropkick and then mugged for the camera. Wes got a two count. Wes worked on Wentz with a elbow lock. Wentz got to his feet and both men traded shortarm right hands.

Wes hit Wentz with a back hick. Wentz hit Wes with his signature handstand Tiger Knee strike. Wentz rallied with axe handles. Wentz took down Wes out of the air with a Dragon Screw and Snap German. Wentz caught Wes with a PK to send him to ringside. Wentz turned Wes inside out with a PK from the apron. Wentz caught Wes with a Triangle Wisper of the Wind. A TNA chant ensued. Wentz hit Wes with a Swanton Bomb (nice little odes to Jeff Hardy).

Wes rolled up Wentz. Wentz reversed a meteora into a Boston Crab on Wes’s surgically repaired back. Wes escaped. Wentz hit Wes with a superkick. Wentz hit Wes with a Gamengiri. Wes came back with a Gamengiri and Frankensteiner. Wes hit Wentz with a Phoenix Splash for a two count. Wes hit Wentz with a Cardiac Kick finisher. Wentz kicked out.

Vic joked that Wentz got hit so hard he might think his name is Carter now. Wentz hit Wes with a Blockbuster DDT. Wes rebounded with a meteora to leave both men lying. A This is Awesome chant ensued. Wes cleared the announce table. Wes tossed Wentz into the steel steps. Wentz dodged to send Wes’s knee into the steel steps. Vic noted that the Referee is counting slow on purpose to get a winner in this match.

A TNA chant ensued. Wes got Wentz on the table with a nice hook kick. The table fell on it’s own. Nice! (It probably crumbled because it was gimmicked to break during the Ridge Holland spot).  Wes hit Wentz in the head (more like to the side) with a sick looking double stomp. Wes tossed Wentz into the ringpost. Wes then dropped the X Division Title and got a steel chair. Trey Miguel showed up and took the chair from Wes. Wentz hit Wes with a Canadian Destroyer from the apron. Wentz hit Wes with a UFO cutter for the win.

Zachary Wentz defeated Wes Lee via pinfall in 13:37.

John’s Thoughts: A fast paced and strong match between the former MSK-Rascalz. Quick pace to start and quick pace to end. A part of me wanted Trey Miguel to interfere to set up a Rascalz triple threat, but maybe sometime down the road. Funny spot being the table breaking on it’s own. That was followed by the scary spot of Wes hitting Wentz with a double stomp to the head, missing the head by grazing the sides of his head for the good illusion (It was supposed to be a Meteora, but the height made it look like a double stomp). Again, with Trey around, I wouldn’t mind if these two pros run it back. I wouldn’t mind if they tag again because all tag teams come back together.

An ad aired for WWE Bad Blood…

A Instagram video aired of Hank walker and Tank

Trick Williams met up with Joe Hendry to tell him he’ll call the NXT Title match down the middle. Hendry said that’s good and he promised Trick a title match if he wins…

Entrances for the next match took place…

3. Kelani Jordan vs. Wendy Choo for the NXT Women’s North American Championship. Choo worked on Jordan with wristholds. Choo got a one count off a Monkey Flip. Jordan escaped a Mercy Hold and hit a Huracanrana. Jordan knocked Choo off the apron with a dropkick. Jordan caught Choo with a Plancha. Choo rolled away to escape the One of a Kind. Jordan rolled up Choo for a two count. Jordan came back with a dropkick and high kick. Jordan did a flip into a standing Moonsault for a two count.

Choo crotched Jordan on the top rope. Choo use a lariat to get Jordan in an outside-Tree of Woe. Choo knocked Jordan to ringside with a dropkick. Choo hit Jordan with a foot necktwist. Choo caught Jordan with a Superkick in the corner for a two count. Choo sent Jordan into the buckle with a Catapult. Choo then hit Jordan with a Flatliner. Jordan rolled up Choo for a two count. Choo came back with a throat chop.

Choo hit Jordan with a axe kick to the lower back. Choo did a cartwheel into a clothesline. Jordan came back with an elbow and Sunset Flip for a nearfall. Choo hit Jordan with a boot and Sleepy Elbow Drop for a two count. Choo put Jordan in a Tree of Woe. Jordan escaped by kicking Choo. Both women took each other out with clotheslines. Choo caught Jordan with a German Suplex. Jordan came back with a boot and flip elbow.

Jordan caught Choo with a Zig Zag looking move. Jordan hit Choo with a Tornado DDT right into a Split Legged DDT for a nearfall. Choo did a Undertaker situp. Choo no sold a crossbody. Vic said it’s like Choo is possessed. Jordan hit choo with a Five Star Frog Splash. Choo tripped up Jordan on the apron and hit her with a Snap Suplex at ringside.

Jordan escaped a Full Nelson. Choo reversed the ten punches into a Power Bomb. Choo hit Jordan with a Khalas for a nearfall. Choo escaped a Rear Naked Choke and gave Choo a Jawbreaker on the rope. Choo and Jordan went to the top. Jordan blocked a Superplex. A little bit of a botch with both women slipping off the ropes. Choo put Jordan in the Rear Naked Choke. Jordan fired up when the referee was lifting the hand to see if she was awake.

Jordan stomped Choo. Jordan rallied with forearms and hit Choo with a Russian Legsweep. Jordan hit Choo with a 450. Jordan hit Choo with the One of a Kind Moonsault for the victory.

Kelani Jordan defeated Wendy Choo via pinfall in 13:19 to retain the NXT Women’s North American Championship.

After the match, Tatum Paxley showed up and knocked out Choo with a Dragon Sleeper. Paxley then laid what may be a Wendy Choo doll on Choo’s body pillow…

John’s Thoughts: A hard worked match. Unfortunately, the crowd wasn’t into anything Wendy Choo was doing, which I would attribute to her lack of character development. The match build only consisted of Jordan feuding with other wrestlers while Choo was just stand still in the background, trying to be creepy, but not looking creepy. The crowd was cheering Jordan, but Choo got no heat on her end. Again, if this feud had more heat, it would have stood out in a good way…

A Jaida Parker hype package aired…

A Wolfgang tweet aired of him demanding a tag team title shot for Gallus. They then aired a replay of Ridge Holland beating down Chase University. They then cut to Andre Chase being stretchered and drove off by an ambulance…

Sarah Schreiber caught up with Ridge Holland and asked him why he attacked Andre Chase? Ridge turned for a second and acted like he was going to speak, but then walked away…

Entrances for the North American Championship match aired. D’Angelo was wearing suit pants and suspenders as opposed to his sweatpants. Vic Joseph noted that Oba Femi only had 21 televised matches on NXT…

4, Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo (w/Channing Lorenzo, Luca Crucifino, Adriana Rizzo) for the NXT North American Championship. Oba tossed Tony D. Tony D came back with a double leg takedown. Both men took each other out over the top rope. back in the ring, Tony D came back with a forearm and German Suplex. Oba put the boots to Tony D. Oba got a two count off a suplex. A replay showed Tony D turning his ankle early.

Tony D used a tackle to escape a Guillotine choke. Oba came back with clubbing blows. Tony D backdropped Oba. Oba reversed a Stinger Splash with a Delayed Suplex. Oba caught Tony D with a European Uppercut. Oba hit Tony D with a Northern Lariat. Oba worked on Tony D with methodical offense. Oba hit Tony with a Shoulder breaker for a two count. Tony D rallied back and threw some hands.

Tony D went for a dive, but was caught. Tony D and Oba brawled to the apron. Tony gave Oba a DDT on the apron. Oba came back with a front kick. Tony D then gave Oba a overhead Belly to Belly. Tony D rallied with Right Hands and a Belly to Belly. Tony hit Oba with the Fisherman Suplex for a nearfall. Both men traded elbows. Tony D hit Oba with a Power Slam.

Tony D hit Oba with an Electric Chair slam for a nearfall. Oba then went to Luca and shoved him to the ground. Oba then took down Stacks and Luca when they tried to stop Oba from using a Crobar. Tony D tossed Oba into the steel steps and then got a nearfall off a Spear. Oba then tossed Tony D to escape a side slam. Tony D escaped a power bomb. Oba came back with a 2nd power bomb attempt. Tony D escaped.

Vic noted that nobody has kicked out of Oba’s power bomb. Tony D escaped a power bomb and planted Oba with a Uranage. Oba recovered and gave Tony D a sitout power bomb for the win.

Oba Femi defeated Tony D’Angelo via pinfall in 13:47 to retain the NXT North American Championship. 

An ad aired for Wrestlemania in Vegas…

John’s Thoughts: Both men are fan favorites, but it seemed like more fans were behind Oba Femi. A good sign as to how he’ll end up on the main roster. Only 21 televised matches and since match 1 he’s looked like a potential WrestleMania Main Eventer. Credit to Tony D for looking good on his end. I would argue that Tony D’Angelo and Oba Femi are two of of the fastest learning WWE Developmental projects as Tony D also has looked good since day 1 on NXT 2.0. Good match between two rookies.

Trick Williams met up with Ethan Page to also say he’ll call the match by the middle. Page said that was a Joke like Trick being Champion. Page then gloated with the title and noted that Trick won’t call the match down the middle because Trick gets a title shot if Page loses. Trick said Page better abide to his rules or else he’s going to whoop dat trick tonight…

Sarah Schreiber interviewed Zach Wentz who was with Trey Miguel. Wentz said he may have won a match tonight but he lost a brother. He then said he was thankful to have a brother in Trey Miguel. Trey said the best thing they do best is move forward. Trey and Zach then challenged Axiom and Nathan Frazer for the NXT Tag Team Titles…

A Roxanne Perez hype vignette aired…

Jaida Parker cut a promo about being on point and how she’s about to be NXT Champion. The single take followed Jaida Parker to her entrance to the ring. Roxanne Perez then made her entrance. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in ring championship match introductions…

5. Roxanne Perez vs. Jaida Parker for the NXT Women’s Championship. Jaida escaped an early headlock. Perez then got in the side headlock takedown. Jaida escaped with a leg scissors. Perez escaped and did her pose. Parker hit Perez with an armdrag and then did Perez’s pose. Perez slapped Parker. Parker came back with a Shoulder Tackle. Parker draped Perez in the corner. Perez escaped the signature Banzai Drop. Parker came back with a clothesline and Underhook Suplex.

Parker went for a Tope Suicida, but got caught in a Fireman Carry. Perez tripped Parker on the steel steps. Parker sold injured ribs. Perez then curb stomped Parker’s ribs into the steel steps. Perez worked on Parker with stomps. Perez hit Parker in the ribs with a double stomp for a two count. Both women got dueling chants. Vic noted that this reaction is why NXT has the best women’s division in pro wrestling.

Parker rolled up Perez for a two count. Perez sent Parker to ringside with a dropkick. Perez stretched Parker on the buckle. Perez then put Parker in a Abdominal Stretch. Perez also worked on Parker’s ribs with elbows. Perez and Parker traded Boo-Yay right hands. Perez draped Parker on the 2nd Buckle with a Uppercut. Perez hit Parker with Parker’s signature Draping Banzai Drop and subsequent strut.

Parker caught Perez and hit her with a deadlift Power Bomb for a nearfall. A This is Awesome chant ensued. Parker rallied back with clothslines and a body slam. Perez came back with a front kick. Parker countered Perez with a Spinebuster for a nearfall. Perez hit Parker with an elbow. Parker caught a crossbody and reversed it into a Slam to drape Perez on the 2nd buckle. Parker then gave rapid slaps to Perez’s ribs. Parker then gave Perez her signature draping Banzai Drop for a nearfall.

Parker’s ribs gave out on her. Parker reversed a Russian Legsweep and hit Perez with a Reverse Suplex. Perez reversed a Hip Attack into a rollup. Perez then turned a Crossface into a Rings of Saturn to give Parker elbows to the ribs. Parker deadlifted Perez to her feet and gave Perez a Samoan Drop. Perez dodged a Vader Bomb. Perez got a two count of a Magistral Cradle.

Parker escaped a Pop Rocks attempt. Pakrer hit Perez with the Hip-notic. Perez rolled to ringside. Parker went for Hip-notic again, but Perez dodged and sent Parker through the timekeeper area barricade. Perez hit Parker with Pop Rocks at the time keepers area. Both women broke the ten count. Perez hit Parker with Pop Rocks for the victory.

Roxanne Perez defeated Jaida Parker via pinfall in 14:50 to retain the NXT Women’s Championship.  

After the match the lights dimmed for a new entrance theme. Former Stardom wrestler Giulia made her entrance. Giulia confronted Perez in the ring and both women faced off to end the segment…

John’s Thoughts: Nobody saw Parker as a serious threat for the title, but tonight she really shattered those expectations by putting together a wonderful match with one of the best women wrestlers in the world. She gets extra points for being one of WWE’s NIL developmental projects. She’s up there with Oba and Tony D. The crowd really fired up for both women. This kinda reminds me of Tiffany Stratton (though Tiffany Stratton was trained by Greg Gagne and Ken Anderson before WWE. Does Jaida have formal training?). Nice debut for Giulia who looked good and and a good entrance. She’s someone I’ve expected to take the title off Perez for a while.

Sarah Schreiber asked Ava for a medical update on Andre Chase. She said she doesn’t know, but he’s still in the hospital and she’ll give everyone an update ASAP. Sarah then brought up a bunch of tag teams asking for title shots. Ava announced Hank and Tank vs. Gallus vs. The Rascalz to become number one contenders. Ava also announced that there will be a NXT Title match on NXT’s debut on the CW…

Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah and Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne were announced for the upcoming NXT show on Tuesday…

A hype package aired for the NXT Championship match…

Special guest referee Trick Williams made his entrance in a cut and sleeveless referee shirt. Vic pointed out the story going into this match: “will Trick call this match down the middle, even though it benefits him to have Page lose”. Say his name and he appears! I believe in Joe Hendry! ClapClap. Joe Hendry made his entrance (very cool to see Joe Hendry have his signature entrance in a big arena).

The camera then followed Ethan Page to the entrance for his promo. He said he’s going to do what he does best, win. NXT Champion Ethan Page made his entrance. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in ring championship introductions. Vic Joseph noted that it was historic that a TNA contracted wrestler was wrestling in a WWE PLE main event…

6. “All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry for the NXT Championship with Trick Williams as the special guest referee. Page got in Trick’s face to tell him to call it down the middle. Page pressured Joe to the corner and Trick broke up the five count. Hendry then used Collar and Elbow to send Page into the corner, with Trick doing the same thing and breaking the 5 count. Hendry then showed off by quickly escaping a wristlock.

Hendry took down Page with a wristlock slam. Hendry no sold Page’s shoulder slam. Page kicked Hendry in the gut. Hendry came back with a shoulder tackle. Hendry hit Page with his signature delayed vertical body slam. Page kicked out at two. Page rolled up Trick for nearfalls. Page caught Hendry with a Yakuza Kick and mounted punches. Page got loud “Ethan Sucks” chants.

Page posed on the 2nd rope for boos. Hendry came back with a lariat. Page came right back with shoulder tackles. in the gut. Page gave Hendry a back elbow and soaked in more boos. Page put Hendry in a Guillotine Choke. Hendry deadlifted Page into a Suplex. Page came back with a spinning roundhouse and then tossed Hendry into the ringpost. Page got a two count off a suplex.

Page argued to Trick about the count. The crowd chanted “put some clothes on” in reference to Joe Hendry’s recent song about Page. Hendry blocked a Superplex. Page blocked a Super Standing Ovation. Page hit Hendry with a Super Power Slam for a nearfall. Hendry gave Page a Super Fallaway Slam.  Hendry hit Page with his signature Senton Plancha.

Page recovered and hit Hendry with an Ego’s Edge on the apron. While Trick was counting, Page was yelling to count faster. Page beat the count at nine. Hendry escaped a Ego’s Edge and gave Page his own Ego’s Edge  (I love those Smackdown vs. Raw finisher steal button presses). Page kicked out at two. Page and Hendry traded Boo-Yay right hands. Hendry took down Page with clotheslines and a Fallaway Slam.

Hendry did a kip up and signature turn. Hendry then led the crowd in a stomp stomp clap. Hendry hit Page with the Standing Ovation Uranage. Trick was about to count, but he saw Page’s foot under the rope for the break. A “ref you suck” chant ensued for Trick. Page shoved Hendry into Trick. REF BUMP!!! Page hit Trick with a Standing Ovation. A 2nd referee ran out for a two count. Page was about to hit Hendry with a belt. Hendry hit Page with a rollup for a two count.

Page DDT’d Hendry on the belt. Trick Williams stopped the ref from counting because he was recovered. Page punched the other ref. OTHER-REF BUMP!!! Page punched Joe in the balls while Trick was distracted with the other referee. Ethan Page gave Joe Hendry a Ego’s Edge for the victory.

All Ego Ethan Page defeated Joe Hendry via pinfall in 15:08 to retain the NXT Championship. 

After the match, Pete Dunne dragged Trick Williams to ringside and gave him a Bitter End. The show ended with Dunne’s theme playing…

John’s Thoughts: A fun championship match. What was even more fun to see was Joe Hendry getting to finally do his act in a arena crowd, a filled up arena crowd at that. Hendry’s gimmick was very over (as you would expect) with this crowd and they even referenced the song Joe sang about Page. What made me even more shocked was the crowd chanting “Ref you suck” at the most popular babyface in NXT, Trick Williams, when he caught the rope break. By the way, Trick didn’t do it as bad, but why is it when wrestlers become the referee, they suddenly lose their powers? As in why do they have to sell a REF BUMP shove for two or three minutes?

Anyways, I’m also very happy for Ethan Page finally getting that push I thought he deserved ever since TNA. He was a good person to be the heel of this match because he can pull out heat at-will. My guess is that the next match will be Trick vs. Page on the CW premiere. Overall, this was a good PLE. As I continue to mention, the Developmental wrestlers are really shining on the big stage and carrying these shows. Jaida Parker in particular stood out the most as she became a true star tonight. I’ll be by in a bit with my same night audio review for the Dot Net Members and Patreon Patrons.

NXT No Mercy Poll – Grade the overall show

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NXT No Mercy Poll – Vote for the best match

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Readers Comments (4)

  1. I feel like the only people who watch these pre game show are people whose remote controls need batteries

  2. So it’s Labor Day eve so people may not have watched the show live but I highly recommend going back to watch it (and the good news is you can ffw thru the unending recaps)

    Every match except the Wendy Choo match was good to great. Main Event was outstanding (reminded me of a real old school Tully Blanchard type match)

    Btw, I’d MUCH rather see the D’Angelo Family on my TV Mon nights over New Day, Final Testament or Alpha!!

    I’m very excited to see Guilia in action in NXT

    Everything doesn’t hit in NXT but overall this is my fav brand currently

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