Jersey Championship Wrestling “Up All Night” results: Vetter’s review of Alec Price vs. Mr. Danger, Masha Slamovich vs. Broski Jimmy Lloyd for the JCW Title, Brian Johnson vs. Sam Stackhouse

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Jersey Championship Wrestling “Up All Night”
Replay available via
August 24, 2024 in Atlantic City, New Jersey at The Showboat

Jersey Championship Wrestling, a sister promotion to Game Changer Wrestling, held “Up All Night” shortly before midnight at the Showboat in Atlantic City, N.J., on Aug. 24, 2024. This show took place a few hours after GCW’s “Homecoming, Night 1” in this same venue. This event aired live and free on youtube. I am surprised to see it was just 5 matches and an hour long, but hey, it was midnight eastern time! Only the diehards are here… all 45 or so of them. Emil Jay is doing solo commentary.

1. Griffin McCoy vs. Dustin Waller. These two fought in a scramble match just hours earlier in the GCW show. Last week, Waller lost his tag title belt he’s held for 17 months, and I wonder if he and teammate Kylon King are headed their separate ways. It does feel like they’ve accomplished just about everything they can do at this point! They traded slaps to the face early on and Waller hit a 619 at 1:30. McCoy shoved him to the floor, and Dustin was selling a knee injury on the floor. Griffin began kicking at the leg as they fought on the floor, and I think my guess of 45 fans is about right — 11 or so per side.

In the ring, Waller went for a Lethal Injection at 4:00 but his leg gave out, and Griffin kept focusing on the damaged limb. Dustin hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall. Griffin applied a half-crab at 6:30. Waller hit a Lethal Injection for a nearfall. Waller went to the top rope, but Griffin pushed the ref into the ropes, and Dustin fell and was crotched. Griffin went for a springboard move but Waller hit a superkick. The ref was pushed in the way, saving McCoy. Griffin hit a half-nelson suplex, then a springboard spin kick for the pin!

Griffin McCoy defeated Dustin Waller at 9:25.

2. Masha Slamovich vs. Broski Jimmy Lloyd for the JCW World Title. No long-winded promo from Lloyd; it’s too late for that. Needless to say, he has a significant height and size advantage on her. She hit a rolling Koppo Kick at the bell for a nearfall; I wouldn’t have ruled that out as the finish. They fought to the floor. In the ring, he charged at her but she got a leg up. She hit another rolling Koppo Kick for a nearfall at 4:00. Masha hit a running knee for a nearfall. Jimmy hit the Radio Silence (Fameasser) for a nearfall; Emil noted he hasn’t beaten anyone with it yet. She locked in the rear-naked choke, and the ref called for the bell!

* Jimmy immediately attacked her after the bell. He got on the mic and called it the “Atlantic City screwjob” because he didn’t tap out. He posed with the title belt and was booed. He dropped it and left.

Masha Slamovich defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd at 5:41.

3. Sam Stackhouse vs. “Mecca” Brian Johnson. Sam is the 400-pounder, while Johnson had a run at the end of the ROH Sinclair era. Sam backed him into a corner and chopped him. They traded forearm strikes. Mecca hit a bulldog and a frogsplash for a nearfall. Sam missed a top-rope moonsault. Brian untied a turnbuckle pad; Sam crashed into the corner and struck the metal, but he fell onto Brian and pinned him! Funny.

Sam Stackhouse defeated “Mecca” Brian Johnson at 6:35.

4. Rob Shit, Shane Mercer, Charlie Tiger, Ariel Van Go, and Bam Sullivan vs. Bobby Flaco, Hunter Drake, Jay Lyon, Braydon Toon, and R1. Mercer appeared at both GCW shows to hit his awesome Moonsault & Battery but he never had a match. Flaco is the short nerdy dork and I hope Mercer hits M&B on him. Rob and Hunter opened. Very quickly all 10 were fighting, both in and out of the ring. Van Go and Lyon traded some good offense at 3:00. I don’t know the young, thin, Black R1 (the only person new here); he traded offense with Van Go.

Bam hit some kicks on R1. Lyon entered and hit an exploder suplex and an enzuigiri. Brayden hit a top-rope Swanton Bomb. Lyon hit a Lionsault. Lyon and Toon hit stereo Asai Moonsaults to the floor. Mercer picked up teammate Rob and threw him onto all of Team Flaco. Mercer then picked up Hunter and threw him over the top rope onto guys on the floor at 7:30. It left just Mercer and R1 in the ring. R1 tried some kicks. However, Shane caught him, hit the second-rope Moonsault & Battery, and pinned the youngster. Decent for what it was. For no reason whatsoever, Mercer gave teammate Rob a Death Valley Driver after the win.

Rob Shit, Shane Mercer, Charlie Tiger, Ariel Van Go, and Bam Sullivan defeated Bobby Flaco, Hunter Drake, Jay Lyon, Braydon Toon, and R1 at 8:15.

5. Alec Price vs. Mr. Danger. I actually JUST called for Danger to start getting singles matches! He’s a great high-flyer, so it’s time to see how he can do in a longer singles match, instead of all those scrambles. Alec knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. They traded really quick reversals, and Danger hit a flipping senton for a nearfall. Price hit a huracanrana at 1:30, then a crossbody block. He backed Danger into a corner and hit a European Uppercut. He hit a kneedrop to the forehead and he kept Danger grounded. Danger hit an enzuigiri at 4:00, then a springboard clothesline and a top-rope moonsault for a nearfall.

Price hit a half-nelson suplex for a nearfall. He hit his series of jumping knees in the corner. Danger hit a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall at 6:00. Price hit a neckbreaker over his knee then a Tiger Driver. They traded rollups. Price nailed the Surprise Kick (step-up mule kick) out of nowhere for the pin. Decent little match. I definitely want to see more of Mr. Danger in singles action. He’s small but he’s a standout.

Alec Price defeated Mr. Danger at 6:52.

Final Thoughts: A decent little one-hour free show. I enjoy these JCW shows when GCW heads to New Jersey for doubleheaders, but I think the JCW shows work better at noon or 1 p.m. than they do at midnight. These are clearly shows with newer, younger wrestlers, and I think it would be beneficial to get fans who are coming to GCW early, rather than ask them to stick around late into the night. Waller-McCoy had a really good match to open, and Price-Danger was a solid way to close it. If this HAD been at 1 p.m., I would have not crammed so many guys of different sizes and styles in that 10-man tag.


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