ROH on HonorClub results (8/1): Robinson’s review of Dustin Rhodes, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich vs. The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson for the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 75)
Taped July 27, 2024 in Arlington, Texas at Esports Stadium Arlington
Streamed August 1, 2024 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake…

The show opened with a Death Before Dishonor recap narrated by the new ROH executive Paul Wight followed by a rundown of the matches… A recap from Battle of the Belts aired with Dustin Rhodes and the Von Erichs winning the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles…

1. Dustin Rhodes, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich vs. Jacked Jameson and “The Iron Savages” Bulk Bronson and Beefcake Boulder for the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles. Jameson did some pushups to boos from the crowd at the top and Ross topped him with clapping pushups. Bronson tried some clapping pushups on the apron and fell, cute spot. Ross put Jameson in the corner and hit the ten punches. Marshall tagged in and hit a big drop kick. Jameson slid out of a scoop slam and tagged Boulder who took a kick to the face. Marshall tried to scoop slam Boulder to no avail. Marshall slid away and both Von Erichs hit drop kicks and splashes in the corner.

Marshall hit a standing moonsault and Ross got a two count out of it. Boulder hit a big back elbow and tagged Bronson who hit some elbow splashes and then did clapping pushups. Ross stood up and ate some punches before hitting some of his own and then a slingblade for a two count. Dustin tagged in and hit his kneeling punch and atomic drop. Dustin hit a bulldog for a two count, and Boulder splashed Bronson on a bad pinfall breakup. Eventually the heels cornered Dustin and worked him over with some quick tags. Savages all took turns dropping their butts on a kneeling Dustin from the ropes. Dustin started fighting back but Jameson pushed him hard into the buckle for a two count. Boulder hit an earthquake splash for a two count.

Bronson locked in a chinlock but Dustin stood up and fought out and cleared the heels from the apron but ran into a spinebuster for a two count. The faces got dumped from ringside and Dustin finally made it to them only to not have them. Dustin hit a clothesline for a double down and got the hot tag to Marshall who came in with punches and a really nasty looking back body drop that dropped Jameson on his head. Marshall hit a dropkick and a body slam on Boulder and then a cannonball on Jameson in the corner for a broken up nearfall. Dustin came in out of nowhere and hit a destroyer. Dustin set Jameson up for shattered dreams but the ref stopped him. The Von Erichs hit shattered dreams while the ref was dealing with Dustin. The Von Erichs hit a Claw Back Suplex to get the pinfall.

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions Dustin Rhodes, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich defeated Jacked Jameson and The Iron Savages by pinfall in 12:00 to retain the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Jameson and The Von Erichs are still green and it really showed when they were in the ring together. The former Bear Country and Dustin made this all work. I guess Jameson is okay, but man that was a scary bump.

After Death Before Dishonor Mark Briscoe cut a promo with his new baby. He told “Roderick Strong good fight, but I’m still champ”. He rambled about The Conglomeration for a bit and thanked his teammates…

2.  “Top Flight” Dante and Darius Martin (w/“Flight Attendant” Leila Grey) vs. “Ace of Space Academy” GKM and LSG. Darius hit a suplex and Dante hit a flip over the ropes to get a two count on LSG. GKM hit a hot shot cutter. Ace of Space hit a double team inverted hip toss combo. LSG worked on the arm of Darius but he fought out with a back suplex and got the tag to Dante. Dante hit clotheslines on GKM and then an ensiguri and a springboard crossbody for a two count. Top Flight hit some tandem kicks and then Darius hit his slingshot flatliner for a broken up nearfall. Top Flight hit a poetry in motion to send LSG to ringside and Dante dove after him. Darius tried his F5 variant on GKM but muffed it and still got the pinfall.

Top Flight defeated Ace of Space Academy by pinfall in 4:00.

Robinson’s Ruminations: I’m not sure Top Flight needs Leila Grey, but I’m interested to see what she can bring to the table. Darius needs to let the F5 variant finisher go. He’s not big enough to hit it consistently. A fine little showcase match for Top Flight.

Backstage, Trish Adora and “The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo asked if they weren’t the most popular team and on a winning streak and why they weren’t getting opportunities. They complained about Top Flight getting too much TV time. Bravo complained he couldn’t get Leila Grey…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Ah, now the Leila Grey thing is starting to make more sense. This is to set up a mixed tag match, and I guess Infantry are turning heel. Interesting. I’d love to see Infantry vs. Top Flight, but I’m not sure how much experience Infantry have working heel. It seems like they just figured out their babyface match formula.

Aa recap aired of the Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch Texas Death Match from Death Before Dishonor. Riccaboni told us that Hirsch did dislocate her elbow on that moonsault (I’m sad we didn’t get a promo from either lady).

3. Robyn Renegade vs. Maya World. No entrance for World. Renegade stepped on the back of World and hit a back elbow, but World bridged out of the cover and slid away. Renegade hit a face plant style move on the apron. World used the ropes to dodge Renegade and hit a spear. Renegade raked the eyes and got a roll up two count. Renegade hit a superkick and an ugly looking pump-handle move to get the pinfall.

Robyn Renegade defeated Maya World  by pinfall in 2:00.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Man, what is it with folks trying out new finishers that they just can’t seem to hit clean? This was a nothing burger.

Backstage, Melissa Santos asked Anthony Henry if JD Drake is coming back anytime soon. Beef came into frame from through the curtain and called Henry cousin and asked if they were on TV. Beef said he came to surprise Henry and tell him “Lets Go!” Henry ushered him off camera quickly.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Beef is going to be more over than Henry, ugh.

4. The Beast Mortos vs. AR Fox. Mortos just growled in response to a code of honor request from Fox. Fox used his speed to out maneuver Mortos for a bit and then they traded roll up two counts. Mortos hit a shoulder block that turned Fox inside out. Fox used his speed again and hit a springboard dropkick to send Mortos outside and did a stalling dive to trip up Mortos and hit the dive without being caught. Fox sat Mortos in a chair and ran around the ring only to run right into a huge right hand. Mortos slapped Fox right in the ear and sat him down and ran around the ring. Fox popped up, slid through the ring and dove on the running Mortos, nice timing.

Fox did a skin the cat dropkick in the corner for a two count. Mortos came back with a slingblade bulldog and his popup samoan drop for a two count. Mortos slapped Fox in the face and posed. Mortos locked in a camel clutch with fish hooks that the ref broke up. Fox tried a rollup but Mortos stomped on him. Mortos hit some forearms to the kidney. Fox fought out and hit a rope hung DDT variant for a double down. Fox did a matrix bridge counter and hit a rolling cutter for a two count.

Mortos tried for a monkey flip but got flipped out of the ring to the floor. Fox followed him out from off the top turnbuckle with a dive. Back in the ring, Fox hit a 450 splash and got a two count. Mortos grabbed a torture rack and slid it into a backbreaker. Mortos hit a jackknife backbreaker bomb and a clothesline for a very convincing nearfall. Fox got a rollup for a two count. Fox flipped out of a chokeslam only to get a headbutt and then hit with a piledriver variant for the pinfall.

The Beast Mortos defeated AR Fox by pinfall in 10:00.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Mortos is getting built up the right way. Fox gave him a very good lucha style match here. The timing on that running dive spot was amazing.

MxM Collection were backstage and Mansoor put over Dax’s chops in a homoerotic manner.  Mason said they always come out on top and they touched tips and walked off and then posed.

5. Anthony Henry vs. Wheeler Yuta. The men traded some arm work and headlocks to start and Henry got a kick to the gut but ate a scoop slam and a senton. Yuta locked in a figure four variant and bridged, and Henry used the ropes for a break. Henry rolled outside and Ytua followed and they traded chops. Beef distracted Henry and Yuta got the better of him and Yuta took some of Beef’s popcorn. Yuta took off the turnbuckle pad and made Henry bite it and stood on his head. Henry fought him off and did his neck twist spot on the apron. Henry did a wrist stomp spot and hit a hatch suplex for a two count. Henry locked in a straight jacket and headbutt his back.

Yuta flipped it over and got a straight jacket of his own for a second before Henry slid around and got control again. Yuta fought out with an arm drag and a back suplex. Yuta hit an atomic drop and a splash in the corner. Yuta hit a forearm from the top rope and kipped up. Yuta hit a gutwrench DDT style move but Henry took it on his knees. Yuta tried the BCC hammer elbows but got rolled up for a two count. Henry tried for a cross arm breaker but Yuta locked his hands for a bit and bridged and rolled out and grabbed an ankle lock.

Henry rolled out of that but Yuta hit a german suplex. After some more reversals Yuta hit a clothesline for a small double down. Henry hit an arm drag, forearm and a jacket suplex with the bridge for a two count. Henry quieted the crowd so they could hear his kicks to the chest. Yuta ate them and the men traded mirror strikes for a double down. The men traded chops and forearms in the middle until Henry hit some arm lock headbutts and kicks. Yuta reversed and hit some arm trap head stomps. Yuta locked in a trap pin for the pinfall.

Wheeler Yuta defeated Anthony Henry by pinfall in 11:00.

After the match Henry argued a bit with Beef at ringside…

Robinson’s Ruminations: I enjoyed that match a lot and would love to see Henry wrestle in the Pure division. I’m glad that Beef didn’t get involved here, I’m more than fine with a slow build to his “debut”…

Backstage after Death Before Dishonor, new ROH Pure Champion Lee Moriarty talked about adversity, failure, growth and improvement. He put over Wheeler Yuta as a great champion. He said the championship validates his trash talk. He said it’s the renaissance era of the pure division…

6. “Premier Athletes” Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese (w/Mark Sterling) vs. “Supastarz” Tommy Mars and Nicky Eight. No entrance for Supastarz, who look like they came out of the ’80s glam rock scene, hence the Motley Crue inspired names. Nese hit a waistlock slam and posed. Nese hit a nasty back elbow. Daivari and Nese stomped Mars in the corner. Eight tagged in and got a drop toe hold and elbows to the head. Daivari missed an elbow drop and tagged Nese, who used his Macho hotshot to hit a dive on Mars. Daivari hit a hammerlock DDT and a top rope splash for the pinfall.

“Premier Athletes” Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese defeated “Supastarz” Tommy Mars and Nicky Eight in 3:00.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Squash match. Nothing here.

Backstage Anthony Henry said tonight wasn’t his night, and Beef came in with water and a hug. Henry asked why he was wet. Beef tried to cheer him up and then noticed the camera and cut a promo to it then…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Beef has a good deal of crazy man energy and charisma.

7. Jacobi Watts (w/ Nick Comoroto) vs. Fuego Del Sol. Watts grabbed the mic and tried to give Del Sol the preacher pitch but ate a drop kick. Watts hit a shoulder block. Fuego hit a flying head scissors and bridging northern lights for a two count. Fuego tried a top rope crossbody but got caught and slammed and hit with a clothesline for a two count. Fuego came back with a neckbreaker and some corner drop kicks. Fuego hit a springboard moonsault and a superkick. Fuego hit a double stomp to the head and tornado DDT for the pinfall…

Fuego Del Sol defeated Jacobi Watts by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: The Watts gimmick really needs some wins for credibility I would have thought, but he seem to get enough heat for ROH I guess. Fuego has a ton of charisma, I wonder if he’s one of those guys that would get better without the mask?

Backstage after Death Before Dishonor, Athena thanked Billie Starkz for her help and said she was proud of Lexi Nair. Athena said Lexi’s plan worked perfectly and hugged her while Billie got left out. Billie said, “I’m for the team,” as she walked off behind the other two.

Robinson’s Ruminations: I guess we’re going back to the Billie as the underdog story again.

8. Brian Cage vs. Rocky Romero. Cage gave Rocky a free shot and he got poked in the eyes, but Cage gave him a shoulder block right back. Rocky tried a flying head scissors but got dumped. Cage ate a corner boot and gave Rocky a clothesline. Rocky used his speed to avoid and dump Cage to ringside. Rocky used the stairs to hit a flying head scissors on the floor. Cage hit his outside in suplex and posed. Rocky hit some chops but Cage hit one in return to put Rocky down. Rocky rolled up Cage for a two count but got dumped into the turnbuckle on the kick out and hit with a german suplex and Cage got a two count on the cover.

Cage locked in a chinlock but Rocky fought out. Rocky did his spider cling again, but got hit with a superkick for it. The men fought on the apron a bit until Rocky hit Shurnoi on the apron. Rocky hit a baseball dropkick and a suicide dive to Cage on the outside. Back in the ring, Rocky hit a top rope crossbody and got a two count. Rocky tried an around the world DDT  but Cage caught him and Rocky slid out. Rocky hit the springboard tornado DDT and got a two count. Rocky hit some palm strikes and tried Shurnoi again but Cage reversed it into an F5 for a two count. Cage put Rocky on the top turnbuckle and Rocky tried a frankensteiner, but Cage stuffed it, and Rocky still hit the frankensteiner.

Rocky hit an old finisher for a two count. Rocky hit his rewind kick and fired up only to walk right into a gut kick and a spinning powerbomb for a two count. Cage put Rock on the top rope again and tried a back suplex, but Rocky bit him to break it and Rocky hit Shurnoi from the top for a two count. Rocky went to the top but Cage cut him off and followed him up. Cage slipped and nearly dropped Rocky outside the ring but caught them both and dumped Rocky back in the ring with a gnarly looking powerslam. Cage then hit Drillclaw for the pinfall.

Brian Cage defeated Rocky Romero by pinfall in 10:00.

Robinson’s Ruminations: That was a fine match until the end when we had yet another slip and close call with someone getting dumped on their head. Isn’t this show taped? Why show all these flubs to air?

A recap aired of the ROH Tag Team Title match at Death Before Dishonor…

Maria Santos welcomed “The Kingdom” Matt Taven and Mike Bennett to the interview set and they said the backstage interviewees were multiplying like gremlins, she rolled her eyes. Santos said they’d do whatever it takes to win. Taven said he always delivers and said they are closing in to one year as champions. Bennett took offense to the do whatever it takes line and said they said they are the best.

“The Infantry” Carlie Bravo and Shawn Dean slid into frame and said they’re on another roll and ran down their accomplishments. Dean said they were screwed last time they had a title match. Taven said history is about to get repeated on them and Bennett used the definition of insanity to call them crazy and walked off…

Robinson’s Ruminations: I guess we’re not getting the Infantry heel turn just yet. The Kingdom and Infantry have good chemistry so I’d like to see the run it back.

Dustin Rhodes walked to the ring with his ROH Six-Man Tag Title belt. Dustin said he sent The Von Erichs home with Kevin to give Kevin a break. Dustin got emotional about having a championship again after all this time and the crowd gave him a mild “You deserve it”. Dustin said the crowd means everything and how the wrestlers feed off their energy.

Dustin said he’s going to help continue to teach the Von Erichs and take the six man titles to the next level. Dustin said he doesn’t like to cry but the emotions overtook him. Dustin said his “one last ride” has lasted five years now and he hopes it does not end anytime soon. Dustin talked about how Dusty used to call him everyday and told him to “keep stepping” and how that motivated him. Dustin said he felt confident and wanted more.

Evil Uno came out and complained about Dustin “wanting more.” Uno said it’s been five decades, didn’t he have enough. Uno said the Dark Order was robbed and asked if the six-man titles weren’t enough. Dustin tried to talk but Uno cut him off and said he’d had five decades to talk. Uno said the family name is the only reason he wanted more and said he didn’t care about family lineages. Uno complained about Dustin showing up late to ROH while he was there every week rebuilding. Uno said since Dustin took the title shot away from them, they would take away his last ride.

Alex Reynolds slid in from behind and hit a chop block. As the Dark Order started the beatdown, Sammy Guevara came down the ramp and put down John Silver and Reynolds. Sammy hit Silver with a no look cutter and tried for GTH, but Reynolds saved him and pulled him to ringside. Uno complained from ringside and said Sammy was selfish too. Sammy tried to pull Dustin up and they shook hands and hugged.

Robinson’s Ruminations: I’m happy that the formula of the show got shook up a bit here with a big in-ring talking segment at the end. The content was fine, but it was in front of a crowd that only mildly cared. Dustin and The Von Erichs are going to feud with Dark Order some more, but where does Sammy fit into this equation? Was this just a re-debut to try and make sure Sammy gets over as a babyface by helping Dustin? Does he factor into the six man titles somewhere? I guess time will tell.

The overall show, even though the formula was shaken up was too long again. We certainly didn’t need all those squash matches in the middle, and who the hell was cutting this show and not fixing all those big flubs in post? Why weren’t these wrestlers told to try some spots again by the ref since it was a taped show? Lots of questions, and I’m sure no good answers. I will have more to say during my weekly ROH on HonorClub audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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