Wrestling Open “Real As It Gets – Episode 134” results (7/25): Vetter’s review of Brad Hollister vs. Sammy Diaz for the Wrestling Open Title, Ichiban vs. TJ Crawford, Ashley Vox vs. Davienne

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Real As It Gets – Episode 134”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
July 25, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 350 range, definitely up a bit as there is a marquee title match tonight. Paul Crockett provided commentary.

* The show opened with a video package of Bryce Donovan and Ryan Clancy brawling through the building on a recent episode.

1. Bryce Donovan defeated Ryan Clancy in a falls count anywhere match at 12:35. The camera catches them fighting in the parking lot and up the stairs into the building, and into the ring. The bell rang a minute after first contact, and they went right back to the floor and continued to brawl. Clancy put him in a crossface on the floor at 3:30. They brawled into the second level of the venue and Bryce teased tossing Ryan out the window and down to the main level, but they fought their way back down the stairs.

Bryce hit a Black Hole Slam for a nearfall in the ring at 6:30. He hit a decapitating clothesline for another believable nearfall. Clancy leapt off the ring apron and onto Bryce on the floor at 9:30, and he got a nearfall on the floor. Bryce chokeslammmed Ryan onto the ring apron. Bryce got a kendo stick and swung; it cracked on the ring apron. They brawled by the door. A masked man wearing all black came in the door, and hit Clancy with a weapon! Bryce jumped on Clancy and pinned him on the floor. Bryce and the masked man scampered out the door, so we aren’t finding out who that person is right now…

* A video package aired of Sammy Diaz and Lucas Chase talking outside. Wrestling Open has done an exceptional job with these promos and building up Diaz for a title shot.

* DJ Powers & Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) walked to the ring. Last week, Sidney gave Channing a “gift” and presented DJ as a tag partner; Channing was not amused or enthused, but they look happy here. Teddy Goodz came to the ring in his street clothes and he wasn’t happy. He wondered why Powers is here, and Goodz isn’t! Sidney said he thought Teddy was retiring because he’s having a baby. Sidney offered to let Teddy drive them to shows, and Teddy rightfully looked insulted. Goodz said he’ll watch and see how the next match goes…

2. DJ Powers and Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeated CPA and 50 Cal at 6:13. Channing and 50 Cal opened. CPA entered at 1:30 but Channing immediately beat him down. CPA missed a second-rope missile dropkick, and the heels worked him over. CPA fired up and peeled off a button-down shirt and this time he hit the double missile dropkick at 5:00. CPA got a hot tag and hit a flying shoulder tackle, then a German Suplex on Powers. Channing nailed a piledriver to pin 50 Cal. Decent match. Goodz remained at ringside and it’s hard to tell if he was impressed with what he saw from the other heels. Thomas left the ring and headed to the back with Goodz!

3. Davienne defeated Ashley Vox at 8:33. Lauren St. James joined Davienne to the ring, but Davienne said she doesn’t think she can trust Lauren. I just watched a Davienne-Vox match from a show two weeks ago. Good reversals early on, and Davienne hit a backbreaker over her knee at 2:30, then a hard bodyslam. I compare Davienne’s size/strength to Rachael Ellering and she is much bigger than Ashley. Vox hit a huracanrana then a dropkick into the corner, then a rolling cannonball at 5:30. She hit a second-rope senton for a nearfall.

They traded rollups; these two are just really good dance partners. Vox hit a short-arm clothesline for a nearfall. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Vox nailed a superkick and a tornado DDT for a neafall at 8:00. Davienne hit a uranage, flipped Vox over and locked in a Boston Crab, and Vox tapped out. Much like their recent Beyond Wrestling match, they just really clicked. Davienne offered a handshake; Vox responded with a two-handed shove and Ashley stormed to the back!

* Sidney Bakabella joined Crockett on commentary.

4. “Waves & Curls” Jaylen Brandyn and Traevon Jordan defeated Wesfield Kelly and Graceson Kelly at 8:10. This feud has actually been brewing for months. Again, I can’t tell the Kelly twins apart although they do have different tattoos; I always compare them to NBA star James Harden and I think they have a lot of potential with their size and ability to have ‘twin magic.’ They came out first; W&C ran into the ring and all four immediately brawled. In the ring, W&C hit a team Flatliner move at 1:30, then Jordan hit a dive over the top rope onto one of the Kellys.

In the ring, the other Kelly hit a fallaway slam on Brandyn, and they wrapped his leg around the ring post and worked him over. Jordan got the hot tag at 5:30 and he hit a second-rope flying double clothesline. The Kellys hit a team slam on Jordan. Jordan hit a spear. Brandyn hit a top-rope crossbody block on a Kelly who was seated on Jordan’s shoulders, and Brandyn scored the pin. Good match; perhaps a bit shorter than I expected with the length of this feud.

* Backstage, Brad Hollister was yelling at his Big Business partners and trying to get them all on the same page.

5. TJ Crawford defeated Ichiban at 7:11/Ichiban wins by DQ (ref reverse decision). TJ attacked from behind. Ichiban hit a swinging neckbreaker. TJ went to work on the left arm. Ichban hit a bodyslam at 4:00 but sold the pain in his arm. Ichiban hit a Canadian Destroyer for a nearfall. Ichiban hit the Silver Bullet spin kick to the head at 6:00 but Ichiban kicked out at one! Ichiban hit a stunner. TJ stomped on the damaged elbow, then hit another Silver Bullet for the pin! That was really, really good for the time given. TJ continued to beat up Ichiban after the bell! He refused to stop the beatdown, so the referee reversed his decision and disqualified TJ!

Love Doug came to the ring and whispered to TJ, and TJ headed to the back.

* More footage aired of Sammy Diaz’ story and journey. Just really compelling underdog story.

6. Jermaine Marbury defeated Hammer Tunis at 6:11. No Stetson Ranch partners with Tunis, and no Benny the Basketball with Marbury. Jermaine hit some deep armdrags and his palm-to-head slam to the mat at 2:00. Tunis hit a running knee in the corner and he grounded Marbury and worked him over. Marbury fired up and hit some clotheslines and his misdirection offense that ‘broke Tunis’ ankles.’ (Marbury does this basketball gimmick incredibly well.) Tunis hit a powerbomb but Marbury rolled through and applied an anklelock at 5:00. Benny emerged from the back! The crowd popped at his appearance, and it distracted Tunis. Marbury immediately hit a top-rope crossbody block on Tunis for the pin. Fun stuff. Tunis was irate.

* Even more footage of Sammy Diaz and his story.

7. Brad Hollister defeated Sammy Diaz to retain the Wrestling Open Heavyweight Title at 18:08. Diaz got a rollup for a nearfall just seconds into the match. They fought to the floor. In the ring, Brad hit a series of body blows at 1:30. Diaz hit some chops, then a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall at 3:00. Hollister caught him and slammed him stomach-first to the mat, then hit a running knee in the corner, and he took over. Brad hit a release Northern Suplex at 6:00, then a German Suplex. Diaz was down on the floor; as he got back into the ring he traded forearms with Hollister, and Brad hit a running Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall at 8:00.

They traded more forearm strikes, and Diaz hit a huracanrana. Diaz dove through the ropes onto Brad at 9:30 and the crowd was fired up. In the ring, Diaz hit a Frankensteiner, then a top-rope frogsplash for a believable nearfall. DIaz went for a springboard move, but Brad caught him with a German Suplex! Nice. Hollister hit a low blow mule kick with the ref out of position, then a standing powerbomb for a believable nearfall at 13:30. This crowd was hot and urged Diaz back to his feet. They traded punches. Diaz hit a superkick and a running knee, then a springboard stunner for a believable nearfall!

Hollister shoved Diaz into the ref, then Brad hit a hard clothesline. TJ Crawford rolled into the ring with the title belt, but the ref immediately ejected TJ. Crockett noted this is the same ref who TJ had a problem with in his match earlier. TJ was literally carried to the back by several refs. Love Doug got in the ring and picked up the belt! Doug looked like he was going to hit Hollister with the belt, but instead he turned and nailed Diaz in the head with it! Hollister jumped on the knocked-out Diaz and scored the tainted pin.

* After the bell, Doug, TJ and Brad celebrated their dirty tactics. Doug mounted the knocked-out Diaz and hit more punches on him. Ichiban ran into the ring and attempted to fight them off, but the heels beat him down, too. Tyree Taylor ran in for the save and the heels scrambled to the back.

Final Thoughts: A very good main event, and the finish worked for me, as we’ve had a good tease over if this revamped Big Business faction could get along. I’ll go with that Crawford-Ichiban match for second, and looking back, the finish makes even more sense, as it set up the animosity between TJ and the referee. The Donovan-Clancy falls count anywhere match takes third, but the Davienne-Vox match was really good too. This was a really, really strong episode of Wrestling Open, as they put a lot of good stuff on the same show as the anticipated title match.


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