Beyond Wrestling “Wrestling at the Rock 2” results: Vetter’s review of Donovan Dijak’s appearance, Marcus Mathers vs. Megan Bayne, Drew Gulak vs. Slade, Midnight Heat vs. Waves & Curls

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Beyond Wrestling “Wrestling at the Rock 2”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
July 6, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at Redemption Rock Brewing Company

This show was just released this week despite behind held on July 6. This is inside a brewery in an awkward-shaped room. I recall reviewing the previous Wrestling at the Rock event from this room back in May.

1. “Big Business” Brad Hollister, TJ Crawford, and Love, Doug defeated CPA, 50 Cal, and Bobby Orlando at 12:00 even. CPA’s partners also wore button-down shirts and ties. Mullet-wearing hillbilly 50 Cal opened against mullet-wearing Love Doug and they were transfixed looking at each other’s hair. Funny. 50 Cal hit a dropkick. Orlando entered at 2:00 and worked Doug’s left arm. CPA entered and peeled off one shirt, revealing an identical one underneath, and he fought TJ Crawford. The babyfaces hit triple stunners at 5:00. 50 Cal and Bobby took off their dress shirts and they have their normal shirts on underneath.

Hollister hit a German Suplex on CPA. Doug choked CPA in the ropes at 7:00 and the heels began working over CPA. CPA hit a double missile dropkick. Orlando got the hot tag and he hit some clotheslines on TJ and a bodyslam at 9:00. He hit a Lungblower on TJ. Doug hit a slingshot crossbody block on Orlando. CPA peeled off a second shirt to reveal a third, and he hit his comedy-style 619 on Doug. CPA and Hollister brawled. 50 Cal peeled off his shirt. However, Hollister hit an assisted powerbomb to pin 50 Cal. Really good opener with a decent mix of comedy.

2. Kennedi Hardcastle defeated Nahir Robles at 6:06. Kennedi is the Ruby Soho-style emo woman. Puerto Rican Robles has been a regular of late in Beyond Wrestling/Wrestling Open. Standing switches and Hardcastle got a backslide for a nearfall at 1:00, then a senton. Robles hit a running buttbump in the corner, and she applied a leglock around Kennedi’s waist. Kennedi fired up and hit some clotheslines. Kennedi hit a running kneestrike to the collarbone for the pin. Decent.

3. “The Post Game” Mike Walker and Vinny Talotta (w/Matt Quay) defeated “The Batiri” Kodama and Obariyon at 11:55. The Batiri are short, muscular guys who wear yellow-and-black face paint. I’ve really liked what I’ve seen from Post Game this year; they are decent cocky frat boy-style heels. Dark-haired Talotta opened; he pushed one of the Batiri on the mat and did push-ups on his back. The Batiri worked over the taller blondish Walker. Vinny hit a big backbody drop at 8:30, then a spinebuster for a nearfall. Walker hit a superkick. The Post Game hit a team spinebuster move for the pin. Solid action.

4. Gal defeated Handyman Jake Gray at 3:26. Gal just competed in a body-building competition while Jake looks like he’s a scrawny teen; he had his handyman’s toolbox; I hate this gimmick. It’s essentially Duke “The Dumpster” Droese. Gray jumped on Gal’s back, but Gal just shrugged him off. Gal put Jake on his shoulders and did several deep squats. Jake hit a tornado DDT. Gal slammed him and made a cocky one-foot cover, then he hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall at 2:30. Gal hit a discus clothesline for the pin. I am totally fine with this being so short.

5. Rex Lawless defeated Brett Mettro at 6:00 even. Mettro is one of the trainees at the Beyond Wrestling school. This should also be really short; Lawless has a significant height and muscle mass advantage. Brett tried some punches that Lawless no-sold. Rex hit a running boot at 1:30 and he kept Brett down and worked him over. Brett hit a bodyslam. Lawless hit a chokeslam-style sit-out powerbomb for the pin. Pretty basic.

6. Thomas Santell defeated Julius Draeger at 9:43. Draeger really reminds me of the look of NXT-era Simon Gotch; he’s also a trainee. Silver-haired Santell is in his 40s and looks like a math teacher. Santell grounded Draeger and ‘surfed’ on his back at 2:00. Draeger choked Santell and worked him over. Santell fired up and hit some clotheslines. Santell hit a double-underhook suplex at 7:00. Santell tied Draeger in a Sharpshooter, and Julius tapped out. This was a basic NJPW-style Young Lion’s match. I don’t mind having three rookies on a show, but back-to-back-to-back was probably not the best route.

7. Drew Gulak defeated Slade at 8:30. Slade is bald with a goatee and looks like the scary inmate in every prison movie you’ve ever seen. Gulak has his hair shaved down, looking almost like Trent Beretta. Intense standing switches to open. Gulak bodyslammed Slade against the ropes at 3:00 with Slade awkwardly crashing to the mat. Drew applied an anklelock and kept Slade grounded. They hit simultaneous clotheslines and they were both down at 6:00. Slade hit a pair of Exploder Suplexes. Gulak got an O’Connor rollup, leaned back and grabbed the ropes for leverage, and scored the cheap pin!

8. Aaron Rourke defeated Paris Van Dale in an intergender match at 6:04. She slapped Rourke to open the match. He hit a missile dropkick. Paris hit a German Suplex for a nearfall at 1:30. She hit a summersault off the ring apron onto Rourke on the floor. They got back in the ring and traded hard slaps to the face at 4:30. Rouke hit an STO uranage. She went for a stunner but he blocked it and he hit a superkick. Rourke then hit a split-legged moonsault for the pin. Solid match.

9. Davienne defeated Ashley Vox at 9:24. Davienne has the size advantage and is similar to Rachael Ellering; Vox just returned from injury, and this is one of the few matches on this show where the outcome is a bit of a mystery. Standing switches to open. Vox leapt off the ropes but Davienne caught her and slammed her to the mat for a nearfall at 2:30. Vox hit a rolling cannonball in the corner, then a second-rope senton for a nearfall at 5:30. Vox hit a huracanrana, and she tied up Davienne on the mat.

They got up and traded forearm strikes. Davienne hit a hard boot to the chest that sent Ashley flying. Davienne hit a basement dropkick in the corner for a neafall at 8:30. Vox hit a clothesline and a spin kick to the head in the corner. Davienne hit a standing powerbomb, turned her over into a Boston Crab, and Vox tapped out. Best match of the show so far. Just really good intensity from these two. They shook hands and hugged afterwards.

10. “Waves & Curls” Jaylen Brandyn and Traevon Jordan defeated “Midnight Heat” Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl at 9:08. MH are the Pacific Northwest heel version of FTR; they did a handful of shows here in the Northeast. Jaylen opened against Pearl. W&C hit some quick team offense on Gibson. W&C hit stereo dropkicks at 3:00. MH began working over the smaller Jaylen. Jordan got a hot tag but the heels chop-blocked his knee. W&C hit a team chokeslam move for the pin. Solid match.

Donovan Dijak was introduced, and the commentators noted he returned at Americanrana a few days ago. (A problem with them releasing this show so long after it took place.) Dijak thanked “each and every one of you for having me back” and said Beyond Wrestling is his home. He called out Alec Price. Dijak dislikes that Price calls himself the “Ace” of Beyond Wrestling, as Dijak says he is the Ace. “Donovan Dijak is back and I’m here to reclaim that throne,” Dijak said. “I’m not going to stand here and take it.” Dijak said the match is already signed for Saturday, Aug. 10.

11. Marcus Mathers defeated Megan Bayne in an intergender match at 19:16. Megan has the height advantage. Bayne had a patch over her right eye, selling an injury caused by Krule in a recent match. She knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. She hit a belly-to-belly suplex at 3:30 and a Stinger Splash, then a double-underhook suplex, then a splash to the mat for a nearfall. Mathers fired back with a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. He hit a swinging gutbuster over his knee at 6:00.

Marcus tied her up in a knot on the mat. Bayne fired back with a Dragonscrew Legwhip and she twisted his damaged leg. Bayne switched to a half-crab at 8:30. Mathers hit a twisting suplex into the corner. He hit a second-rope stunner and a German Suplex for a nearfall at 10:30. She hit an Exploder Suplex, then another, then a fallaway slam for a nearfall. She hit an F5 slam for a nearfall. They got up and traded forearm strikes, and Marcus hit her with a boot to the face, so she hit one back. They hit simultaneous clotheslines.

Marcus hit a spin kick to her forehead. She nailed a German Suplex. She nailed a spear for a believable nearfall at 16:00. He avoided a Tombstone Piledriver and he hit his own Tombstone Piledriver for a believable nearfall. He went to climb the ropes but his leg was too sore. She hit a sit-out powerbomb and got a nearfall. She hit a diving forearm. She hit a flying clothesline. She again went for the Tombstone Piledriver, but Marcus got a forward roll and scored the flash pin. A really strong match.

Final Thoughts: A really good main event that is well worth checking out. Mathers is similar in size to Mike Bailey, and both of them just make their matches against women look believable and compelling. Bayne has been on a great roll, too. I really liked the Davienne-Vox match for second, and I’ll go with that show-opener six-man for third, ahead of Midnight Heat-Waves & Curls for honorable mention. Yes, there are several matches with clearly green wrestlers. They aren’t but, but they also weren’t particularly ambitious in move-sets, either.


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