Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 45 results: Vetter’s review of The Philly Marino Experience vs. The Outrunners for the Glory Pro Tag Titles, Tootie Lynn, Jabari King, and ATM vs. Shazza McKenzie and The Premier

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 45)
Premiered July 15, 2024 via
Taped June 23, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at 2nd Shift Brewery

Reed Duthie is back on solo commentary. These matches are from a new taping that was recorded outdoors on Father’s Day in June, and the mat is clearly hot to the touch. There are perhaps 80 fans in attendance.

1. Ethan Price defeated Cordell Cain at 4:29. My first time seeing Cain, who has curly shoulder-length hair, reminding me a bit of El Phantasmo or Angelico in their relaxed, party dude mannerisms. He is very scrawny. Price hit a powerslam for a nearfall at 1:30. Cain hit a springboard Arabian Press. Price hit a German Suplex for a nearfall. Price hit a swinging Death Valley Driver for the pin. Passable.

2. Shazza McKenzie and “The Premier” SK Bishop and Campbell Myers defeated Tootie Lynn, Jabari King, and ATM at 7:07. Jabari is the big guy with size similar to Mark Henry or NXT’s Odyssey Jones. King opened; no one on the other side wanted to tie up with the powerhouse. Jabari clotheslined both Bishop and Myers. Shazza’s team began working over ATM. Bishop hit some hard chops. Campbell wears some eye black and reminds me of Mojo Rawley. Shazza entered for the first time at 4:00 but ATM kicked her in the face! Tootie hit a bulldog. She hit a running kick on Shazza for a nearfall. SK hit a Backstabber on Tootie. Shazza jumped on Tootie and pinned her. Okay, it was a bit disjointed.

* Backstage, Shazza boasted about her win. Tootie Lynn came up to her, promising she would see her again next month. This is exactly what I’ve been talking about! More promos between matches. With all the Shazza matches I’ve seen… I really don’t know if I’ve heard her speak before.

3. “The Philly Marino Experience” Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia defeated “The Outrunners” Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum to retain the Glory Pro Tag Team titles at 11:13. Duthie was perplexed by the “youngest men alive” phrase by the Outrunners. Marino and Truth opened. Some comedy as they each put on sunglasses. Truth rolled to the floor at 2:00 as Marino mockingly celebrated, spinning with his arms in the air. Collins and Turbo entered and this turned into a pose-down, until Turbo attacked. Marino hit a bulldog on Turbo at 6:00.

The Outrunners began working over Marino in their corner. Philly got a hot tag at 9:30 and hit a bodyslam. However, Truth low-bridged the top rope and Collins fell to the parking lot. So, Marino did the same move to Truth. PME hit some jab punches on Turbo Floyd then some Dusty Elbows to his head. They hit Sunset Dreams/team leaping Flatliner to pin Turbo Floyd. Decent match with the right mix of comedy and action.

Final Thoughts: An entertaining episode. I am so hit-or-miss on comedy in wrestling, but the Outrunners brand of humor usually works for me. This episode clocked in at 40 minutes so I will reiterate that more promos or highlight packages could have been put in between matches. Show some of the action from the past two episodes, which also occurred at this outdoor taping, for example. Remind us of storylines.


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