TNA Slammiversary results: Powell’s live review of Moose vs. Joe Hendry vs. Josh Alexander vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin in an elimination match for the TNA Championship

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Slammiversary
Aired live July 20, 2024 on pay-per-view and
Montreal, Quebec at Verdun Auditorium

TNA Slammiversary Pre-Show

The broadcast team was Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt. Ring announcer Jade Chung delivered the introductions for the opening match…

1. Tasha Steelz vs. Faby Apache vs. Gisele Shaw vs. and Xia Brookside in a four-way. There was a “TNA” chant that broke out once the bell rang. Shaw and Brookside worked together to start. Steelz shoved Shaw and Brookside together.

Later, Shaw caught Apache jumping off the ropes and powerbombed her. Shaw went for the pin, but Brookside broke it up. Shaw put Brookside down and blasted her with a knee strike. Shaw had the pin, but Steelz tossed her out of the ring and stole the pin…

Tasha Steelz beat Faby Apache, Gisele Shaw, and Xia Brookside in 6:20 in a four-way.

Powell’s POV: A brief opener that was fun while it lasted. The crowd is really big by TNA standards with a full house in a building that has a listed capacity of 4,114. Unfortunately, the building is not very well lit and most of the crowd is in the dark behind the first few rows on the main floor. They did cut to one shot that showed off the size of the crowd despite the darkness in most of the seating areas.

Hannifan and Rehwoldt spoke from their broadcast table at ringside and noted that the AJ Francis vs. PCO match has been made a Montreal Street Fight. A video package set up the match…

Gia Miller interviewed AJ Francis and Rich Swann on a backstage interview set. Francis didn’t balk at his match becoming a street fight. They were joined by Smoke DZA and Josh Bishop, who were wearing “Heels Have Eyes” sweatshirts. Francis told them that if they do what they are supposed to do, they will get paid handsomely.

Sami Callihan showed up and said he was surprised to see Bishop, which led to a staredown. Francis said Callihan could possibly be an employee of First Class. Callihan didn’t seem sincere while acting like he was interested in the offer…

Rich Swann made his entrance to a quiet reaction. Kushida came out with his face covered. Kushida revealed that he had Japanese symbols on his face and on his chest and arms…

2. Kushida vs. Rich Swann. It was noted that Swann replaced the advertised Jonathan Gresham. Swann had a nice run of offense that he capped off with a handspring into a cutter for a near fall. Kushida battled back, but Swann avoided a top rope moonsault.

Swann put Kushida down and then got cocky when he went to the ropes. Kushida joined him on the ropes and put him in a Hoverboard Lock while pulling him back to the mat and then forced Swann to submit…

Kushida defeated Rich Swann in 6:45.

Powell’s POV: I’m all for Kushida shaking up his act. The Back to the Future persona more than ran its course. By the way, Hannifan noted that Gresham was the only advertised wrestler who was unable to appear, which is notable given the chaos created by the IT outage.

A video package focused on Jordynne Grace…

Gia Miller tried to interview Ash By Elegance, but The Concierge took the mic and delivered an over the top introduction of Ash…

Entrances for the Knockouts Tag Team Title match took place…

3. Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards vs. Jody Threat and Dani Luna for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Hannifan noted that Lars Frederiksen is no longer with Threat and Luna. The champions isolated Luna, who eventually made a hot tag to Threat.

Threat had an offensive flurry and then she and Luna teamed up to hit a Hart Attack clothesline that led to a near fall. Slamovich drilled Luna with a running knee strike in the corner to clear her from the ring. Slamovich hit the Snowplow on Threat. Edwards made the cover and only got a two count.

Slamovich grabbed both title belts from ringside and brought them into the ring. Threat ducked a belt shot attempt. The referee cleared the belt from the ring and had a full-on conversation with a ringside attendant.

Slamovich tripped Threat into the corner and her head hit the other belt. Slamovich put Threat on her shoulders and then Edwards performed a bulldog from the ropes. Edwards and Slamovich both covered Threat to get the win…

Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards defeated Jody Threat and Dani Luna in 8:45 to retain the Knockouts Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: An absurd finish. Seriously, the referee didn’t just clear the title belt, he started talking with the woman that he gave the belt to. As if that was bad enough, the referee then made the three count even thought both champions were pinning Threat.

Footage aired of Mustafa Ali arriving at the building with his secret service…

TNA’s Director of Authority Santino Marella came out to the biggest reaction of the night. Santino spoke from the stage about living in Montreal over 25 years ago and said he loved it. Santino thanked the fans and said he had one more surprise before the show started.

Eric Young made his entrance and headed to the ring for an unadvertised match. The fans sang the Ole song. Hammerstone was introduced as Young’s opponent…

4. Eric Young vs. Hammerstone. Young wore Montreal Canadiens themed gear. Hammerstone dominated the early action. Young eventually battled back and bodyslammed Hammerstone. Young went up top, but Hammerstone cut him off.

Young knocked Hammerstone off the ropes and hit him with an elbow drop for a near fall. Hammerstone stuffed a piledriver. Young threw strikes, but Hammerstone pressed him over his head and dropped him face first on the mat. Hammerstone put Young in a Torture Rack, but Young slipped away and rolled him up for a three count.

Eric Young defeated Hammerstone in 5:25.

After the match, Young told the Montreal crowd that it felt good to be home. He said it was a celebration of pro wrestling for the wrestlers and the fans. Young said everyone would come out and give the fans the show of a lifetime. “This is Slammiversary and this is TNA Wrestling,” Young said to close. Hannifan said TNA had its biggest crowd in over a decade to close the pre-show…

Powell’s POV: The crowd was happy to see Young. The match was nothing special, but they added some star power to the pre-show. I’m not crazy about Hammerstone taking losses. Even so, Young was really over with the live crowd and they can always even things up on television.

TNA Slammiversary Main Card

Tom Hannifan welcomed viewers to the pay-per-view and was joined on commentary by Matt Rehwoldt… Ring announcer Jade Chung introduced Annie St. Onge, who performed the Canadian National Anthem on the stage… A Slammiversary video package aired…

Matt Hardy made his entrance. JDC came out holding an American flag and had red, white, and blue gear. Hardy attacked JDC at ringside. JDC jabbed Hardy with the flagpole and roughed him up a bit before rolling him inside the ring.

1. Matt Hardy vs. JDC. The referee called for the bell once both men were inside the ring. JDC made an early cover for a two count. Hardy battled back and hit an elbow drop from the middle rope. Hardy did the “Delete” bit and then went for a Twist of Fate, but JDC pushed him away. Hardy hit a Side Effect for a two count.

Hardy went for the Twist of Fate, but JDC stuffed it again. JDC executed a Falcon Arrow. JDC went up top and was crotched by Hardy, who then hit him with a Twist of Fate from the middle rope and pinned him…

Matt Hardy defeated JDC in 4:40.

After the match, Hardy hit JDC with the Twist of Fate two more times…

Powell’s POV: Hardy avenged the beating that JDC gave Jeff Hardy and the implied attack on Reby Hardy. It was logical for Hardy to go over for that reason, but I hope they get back to what they started on the weekly television show by making JDC a more serious heel.

“The System” members Moose, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, and Alisha Edwards wore red, white, and blue warmup jackets while delivering a backstage promo. Moose closed it out by saying that he would once again show the world why you should always trust The System…

The French broadcast team Marc Blondin and Handsome JF checked in from their desk at ringside and got a nice pop from the live crowd…

Hannifan and Rehwoldt ran through the lineup… Hannifan thanked Westside Gunn for the “Chocolate Face” theme song used for Slammiversary…

Entrances for the TNA Tag Team Title match took place. Hannifan noted that ABC entered to the song “ABC” that was performed by Chris Bey and his musical partner…

2. Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers (w/Alisha Edwards) vs. “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey for the TNA Tag Team Titles. The champions wore red, white, and blue gear, while the challengers wore pink and black. ABC performed a Hart Attack clothesline on Myers for an early two count.

Edwards (I’ll sue that name for Eddie and Alisha for his wife) ran Bey into a knee strike from Myers and then covered him for a two count. Alisha choked Bey over the ropes while the referee was distracted. Bey ducked under a double clothesline attempted and tagged Austin.

The challengers quickly cleared the champions from the ring and then Bey hit them with a flip dive. Alisha climbed onto the apron and distracted Austin momentarily. Edwards pulled Austin from the floor, causing him to hit his face on the apron. The champions isolated Austin.

Austin was able to tag Bey, but the referee was distracted by Myers and did not allow it. Eventually, Austin caught Myers with a kick and then made the hot tag. Bey worked over both opponents. Bey set up for another dive, but Alisha distracted him. Bey left the ring and chased Alisha until Edwards caught him with a shot on the floor.

Bey dropped Myers with a cutter on the apron and then Austin performed a dive onto Edwards, which popped the crowd with TNA chants. Bey hit Edwards with a top rope frog splash for a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Myers caught Bey with a spear and then Edwards covered him for a two count. The champions went for System Overload, but the challengers stuffed it. Austin and Bey hit Myers with the Magic Killer and then Bey covered him for a good near fall.

Austin and Bey set up for a move on Myers, but Alisha entered the ring and stood in front of him. Bey accidentally took out Alisha with a kick meant for her husband. Austin and Bey hit their finishers and then then got the three count…

“ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey defeated Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers in 16:50 to win the TNA Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: A very good tag team match and easily best match of the night thus far. It doesn’t hurt that it was capped off with a satisfying title change.

Gia Miller interviewed Mike Bailey on the backstage interview set about challenging Mustafa Ali for the X Division Title. Bailey said he would be wrestling the biggest match of his life in front of his friends and his family. He said Ali has done everything to avoid him, but they will end it at Slammiversary. Bailey spoke briefly in French…

Jake Something made his entrance. Mike Santana’s music played and a spotlight showed him in the crowd. Santana headed down the steps to the main floor and played to the crowd before heading to the ring…

3. Mike Santana vs. Jake Something. There were “Santana” chants once the bell rang. Something put Santana down with several shoulder blocks. Santana went to the floor and was hit by a diving Something, who then rolled him back inside the ring.

Santana caught Something with a kick through the ropes. Santana ran up the ropes and performed a senton dive onto Something on the floor. Back inside the ring, Santana executed a German suplex and covered Something, who kicked out at one.

Something came back with an aggressive whip of Santana into the corner. Something put the boots to Santana and then suplexed him and covered him for a two count. Santana rolled into a cutter for a two count. A short time later, Santana performed a cannonball dive that led to a two count.

Santana went for another cannonball moments, later, but Something caught him and then hit him with a sit-out powerbomb for a nice near fall. Something went up top, but Santana followed and performed a German suplex. Hannifan noted that Something landed on high on his neck and shoulder.

Santana and Something took turns firing up. Santana clotheslined Something, who kicked out at one. Santana followed up with a big clothesline and then got the three count…

Mike Santana defeated Jake Something in 11:40.

Powell’s POV: This was a fairly random match in that it didn’t get a storyline set-up. Even so, both wrestlers worked hard and Santana continues to feel like one of the hottest acts in the company. I wrote in the LAX years that Santana struck me as a future world champion and I feel like that’s going to happen sooner or later if he continues to build momentum.

Highlights aired of Eric Young beating Hammerstone on the pre-show and then a brief Young promo was shown… The broadcast team spoke from their desk while highlights aired from the Slammiversary press conference and other TNA events that were held in Montreal…

A video package set up the six-man tag match and then entrances for the match took place. There were some NXT chants during the No Quarter Catch Crew’s entrance. The crowd popped for The Rascalz entrance…

4. “The Rascalz” Wes Lee, Trey Miguel, and Zachary Wentz vs. “No Quarter Catch Crew” Charlie Dempsey, Tavion Heights, and Myles Borne. Wentz performed an early Bronco Buster on Dempsey. “That’s what the Rascalz are all about,” Hannifan said in a rare strange call.

There was a good spot where Borne launched Miguel into a suplex from Dempsey. Heights tagged in and turned Miguel inside out with a clothesline and then covered him for a near fall. Borne tagged in and put his knee out while Heights launched Miguel onto it.

Later, Dempsey performed a Dragon Suplex on Miguel, but Lee hit Dempsey with a top rope frog splash. Wentz launched off the back of Lee onto all three heels, who caught him on the floor. Lee followed up with a dive onto the pile at the floor.

Dempsey avoided a springboard moonsault from Miguel and put him in a submission hold. Heights caught Wentz in a submission hold. Lee superkicked Borne and eventually the Rascalz all escaped the holds.

Heights was isolated by the babyfaces. Miguel took out Dempsey and Bourne with a dive to the floor. Wentz performed Hot Fire Flame (the standing moonsault with Lee shoving Wentz in mid-air) onto Heights, which led to the three count…

“The Rascalz” Wes Lee, Trey Miguel, and Zachary Wentz defeated “No Quarter Catch Crew” Charlie Dempsey, Tavion Heights, and Myles Borne in 14:10.

Powell’s POV: I love that finisher and I’m still digging the Rascalz reunion. Here’s hoping this isn’t the end. The No Quarter Catch Crew members all have talent, but they simply need more time together to jell both in the ring and as a faction.

A video package with the Slammiversary theme song aired…

AJ Francis made his entrance with Rich Swann, Smoke DZA, and Josh Bishop. Francis claimed PCO would not be there and showed backstage of them draping a towel over what was supposedly PCO. Francis called for someone to come out and name him the winner.

PCO made an elaborate entrance and was lowered into a coffin. PCO’s buddy Destro tapped on the coffin with a knife and then PCO emerged from the casket to cheers from the crowd. A French speaking ring announcer introduced PCO…

5. AJ Francis (w/Rich Swann, Smoke DZA, Josh Bishop) vs. PCO in a Montreal Street Fight for the Digital Media Championship and the International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. PCO stood on the ropes and played to the crowd when Francis hit him from behind with a chair.

PCO took offensive control quickly. PCO draped Francis’s head over the apron and then performed a dive from the ropes onto him. PCO went up top and hit a moonsault onto Francis and Swann. Moments later, Francis pulled a trashcan out from underneath the ring and hit PCO with it.

There were chairs and trashcans inside the ring when Francis worked over PCO. There were also two tables set up next to one another at ringside. Francis put a trashcan over PCO’s head and battered him with a chair. Francis performed a leg drop on PCO and covered him for a two count.

Francis hoisted up PCO on his shoulders and tried to dump him onto the tables on the floor, but PCO grabbed the top rope and avoided it. PCO came back briefly, but Francis put PCO in the electric chair and then fell back onto the pile of chairs in the ring, which led to another two count.

PCO came back by tossing Francis from the apron through the two tables on the floor. Josh Bishop slammed a chair over the back of PCO. Bishop set up two chairs back to back on the floor and then dropped PCO onto them with a Razor’s Edge (ouch).

Sami Callihan walked out with a baseball bat and wound up to hit Bishop, but Swann took the bat and hit Callihan with it. Bishop and DZA headed to the back while Swann continued to work over Callihan. Swann had Callihan down in the ring and wound up to hit him with the bat, but he froze like every pro wrestler due to the sound of entrance music.

Rhino came out to a big pop and ended up hitting Swann with a Gore. The crowd chanted for PCO, who then got to his feet at ringside. PCO rolled Francis inside the ring. PCO went up top and hit a PCO Sault and went for the pin, but Francis kicked out at the last moment.

Francis thumbed the eye of PCO and then performed a tombstone piledriver. Francis put PCO’s arms over his chest in Undertaker style while covering him for a near fall. PCO came back with a chokeslam onto the pile of chairs. PCO went up top and hit another PCO Sault and this one got the three count.

PCO defeated AJ Francis in a Montreal Street Fight in 13:45 for the Digital Media Championship and the International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.

After the match, Steph De Lander came out dressed like a goth schoolgirl. SDL joined PCO in the ring. SDL got a mic and said PCO’s name, then dropped to her knees and pulled out a ring that she fumbled. SDL stood up and asked PCO to marry her. “Oui” PCO responded. SDL hugged a smiling PCO and then put the oddball ring on his finger…

Powell’s POV: The fans loved hometown hero PCO. This match was not my style and yet it was great for the show. It fired up the live crowd and delivered something unique compared to the rest of the card at a time when the show needed it.

A video package set up the Knockouts Title match and then entrances for the match took place…

6. Jordynne Grace vs. Ash By Elegance (w/The Concierge) for the Knockouts Championship. The Concierge delivered an over the top introduction for Ash, and then Jade Chung delivered an in-ring introduction for Grace. The champion was the early aggressor and put Ash down with a spinebuster that led to a two count.

A dark shot aired of Rosemary sitting in the crowd. Rosemary stood up and walked to ringside. The Concierge was ejected from ringside and was putting up a fuss when Rosemary arrived at ringside. Rosemary hoisted him up and let him drop. Rosemary pulled out a knife. The Concierge ran to the back while Rosemary may have stuck around.

Ash took advantage of the commotion and went on the offensive. Ash set up for a move on the apron that Grace stuffed, but Ash ended up in the ring and pulled Grace’s neck over the ropes before covering her inside the ring for a two count. Ash executed a Backstabber.

Grace came back and slammed Ash to the mat twice while selling her own back both times. Grace executed her own version of a Muscle Buster and got a two count. Grace set up for her finisher, but Ash stuffed it and then hit a nice DDT for a two count.

Ash and Grace ended up fighting on the ropes. Grace got the better of it and superplexed Ash, then popped right up and performed a Juggernaut Jackhammer for a near fall. Grace set up for her finisher, but Ash hit her with a Stundog Millionaire.

Ash went for Rarified Air, but Grace put her knees up. Ash came right back with a spinning neckbreaker. Ash went up top again, but Grace cut her off. Grace climbed up behind Ash, who was seated on the top rope. Ash bit Grace’s arm and then performed Sliced Bread for a near fall.

Ash targeted Grace’s knee and went for a single leg crab, but Grace kicked her and caught her in a sleeper hold. Ash rolled onto Grace in a pin to break the hold. Both women stood up and Grace connected with a clothesline. Ash came back with a series of kicks.

Grace went for her finisher, but Ash hooked her into a pin for a two count. Grace hit a pop-up spinning back fist. Ash avoided a move, but Grace came right back with a nasty powerbomb and then hit the Juggernaut Driver and scored the pin…

Jordynne Grace defeated Ash By Elegance in 12:10 to retain the Knockouts Championship.

Powell’s POV: A solid match and the best match that I recall seeing the former Dana Brooke in. They had the tough task of following the crowd pleasing PCO homecoming and pulled it off. I thought we might see Ash steal the championship, so the clean win for Grace caught me by surprise.

A video package set up the X Division Title match. Mike Bailey made his entrance to a nice ovation from his hometown crowd. Bailey stopped and kissed his wife Veda Scott, who was standing in the front row. Mustafa Ali’s entrance followed…

7. Mustafa Ali (w/Campaign Singh, Secret Service Agents) vs. Mike Bailey for the X Division Title. Chung delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. There were “Speedball” chants in support of Bailey. Two of the security guards at ringside are dressed in riot squad gear, meaning their faces are covered.

Bailey got out to a quick start. Singh created an early distraction that allowed Ali to hit Bailey from behind to grab offensive control. Bailey came back with a huracanrana through the ropes at ringside and then hit a moonsault from the middle rope onto Ali on the floor.

Ali came back with a dive from the ropes into a DDT on the floor. Back inside the ring, Ali performed a roll into a neckbreaker and got a two count. A “F— you, Ali” chant broke out. Ali put Bailey in a chin lock and said Montreal could kiss his ass.

Ali taunted the fans again before going for a 450 splash that he rolled through once Bailey moved. Ali went for another move from the ropes and was caught with a Bailey kick. Bailey performed a Falcon Arrow and then executed a shooting star press from the top rope for a near fall.

Bailey went for a backflip into a double knees on the apron, but Ali moved. Both men ended up on the top rope. Bailey executed a Spanish Fly from the apron onto Singh and all of the security guards on the floor, which got a “holy shit” chant. A shot aired of Scott looking intensely into the match while supporting Bailey.

A short time later, Ali rolled up Bailey and used the ropes for leverage, but the referee spotted him. Bailey hooked Ali into a pin for a two count. Ali charged Bailey and slid to the floor when Bailey used the ropes to pull himself up. Bailey hit him with a springboard moonsault.

Bailey went for back flip move, but Ali caught him with a knee to the face. Ali placed Bailey on the middle rope and then dropkicked him. Ali hoisted up Bailey and spun him into a knee strike. The crowd chanted “Speedball” for Bailey.

Ali jawed at the fans before going up top. Ali went for a 450 splash that Bailey avoided. Bailey went to the ropes, but Ali kicked him and he ended up on the apron. Ali went to the middle rope and was kicked by Bailey, who joined him on the ropes and executed a Poison Rana. Bailey followed up with the Ultima Weapon and appeared to get the pin, but the referee waved it off because Ali’s foot was on the ropes.

Bailey covered Ali again and got a two count. Ali hooked Bailey into a pin for a two count of his own. Bailey threw a kick at Ali that ended up taking out the referee. REF BUMP!!! Ali smiled and twirled his finger. The secret service agents climbed onto the apron.

Bailey took care of the secret service agents, but Singh hit him with the title belt. The security guards held Bailey while Ali hit him with a 450 splash from the top rope. Ali went up top and hit another 450 splash, then had his crew leave the ring. Singh slid the referee over and he counted, but he was suddenly pulled out of the ring by one of the security guards dressed in riot squad gear.

The security guard revealed himself to be Trent Seven. Security went after Seven, but he took them out quickly. Ali hit Seven with a dive and then hit him with a chair shot. Ali brought the chair inside the ring and hit Bailey with it. Ali motioned for help from the back.

Earl Hebner walked out to boos from the Montreal crowd while Ali laughed. “You screwed Bret” chants broke out as Hebner entered the ring and smiled at Ali, who then put Bailey in a Sharpshooter. Hebner checked on Bailey and teased calling for the bell, but he didn’t do it.

Ali released the hold and barked at Hebner, then grabbed him by the shirt and backed him into the corner. Ali tried to hit Bailey with a chair, but Bailey kicked it out of his hand and it hit Hebner’s leg. Bailey put Ali in the Sharpshooter. Ali tapped and then Hebner called for the bell.

Mike Bailey defeated Mustafa Ali in 20:30 to win the X Division Championship.

After the match, Hebner spoke to Bailey, smiled, and then raised his hand…

Powell’s POV: Just when I thought I never wanted to see another finish related to the Montreal Screwjob, they came through with a fun one. Hebner was moving gingerly when he walked out and hopefully that chair didn’t catch him too badly. Ali and Bailey worked really well together and this match lived up to my lofty expectations. Is the show going past the top of the hour or will this be a rushed main event?

Backstage, Santino was applauding while watching on a backstage monitor. The Concierge showed up and complained. Hammerstone interrupted and said Eric Young rolled him up like a chicken. Santino asked if they wanted rematches, then booked Jordynne Grace and Eric Young vs. Ash By Elegance and Hammerstone in a tag team match…

The broadcast team hyped upcoming events… A video package set up the main event… Entrances for the main event took place. Moose came out last wearing red, white, and blue. Hannifan thanked the production team by name for their hard work.

8. Moose vs. Joe Hendry vs. Josh Alexander vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin in a six-way elimination match for the TNA World Championship. The challengers put the boots to Moose to start, then four of them did the same to Kazarian. Hendry hit Nemeth with a knee strike that got a pop. Moose pulled Hendry to the floor and chopped him. Hendry came right back by holding up Moose before putting him down with a brainbuster or a suplex (it’s hard to tell the difference these days).

Hendry returned to the ring and launched Nemeth onto Moose on the floor. Kazarian rolled up Hendry and held the tights while getting a two count. Alexander performed a series of German Suplexes on each of his opponents. He capped it off with ten more German suplexes on Maclin and got a two count.

A short time later, Nemeth hit nine elbow drops on Moose, who was booed when he rolled to the floor to avoid the tenth. Nemeth went to the apron and hit Moose with the tenth elbow drop from there. Kazarian hit a round of cutters on multiple opponents, including hitting one on Moose after the champion jumped into one from the ropes. Kazarian covered Moose for a near fall.

Kazarian jumped from the ropes toward Hendry, who simply moved out of the way and looked to the crowd. Hannifan said Samoa Joe was somewhere smiling. Maclin hit suicide dives on multiple opponents. Alexander went to the ropes and was cut off by Maclin, who put him and Nemeth in the tree of woe in opposite corners. Maclin speared Alexander and then tried to do the same to Nemeth, who pulled himself up, but Maclin ended up hitting Moose instead.

Maclin got Karzian in a tree of woe and then speared him. Maclin set up for a move on Kazarian, but Moose speared and pinned Maclin. The crowd taunted Maclin by singing the goodbye song and he flipped them off before heading backstage.

Steve Maclin was eliminated by Moose in 10:45.

Kazarian tried to buddy up to Moose and then shook hands, but Moose pulled him in and put him down with a uranage slam. Moose stuffed Hendry’s finisher and powerbombed him. Nemeth went for a Fameasser, but Moose caught him and hit him with a Buckle Bomb.

Alexander fought Moose and went to the ropes. Moose caught Alexander with a dropkick. Moose went to the middle rope and slipped, then superplexed Alexander and then powerbombed him for a two count. Moose ended up on the floor. Kazarian went for a huracanrana, but Moose caught him and powerbombed him on the apron.

All five wrestlers ended up fighting on the stage. Alexander set up for his finisher on Moose, who backdropped him. Moose set up Hendry for a move, but Hendry avoided it. Moose headbutted Hendry. Kazarian set up for the Fade to Black on Nemeth, who avoided it. Eventually, Nemeth superkicked Kazarian off the stage through a table.

Powell’s POV: It was obvious that a spot off the stage was coming because they cut to a different camera that seemed like it was there just to catch it. Unfortunately, it was so dark that it was tough to see. By the way, they are seven minutes past the top of the hour as I write this, so they obviously didn’t rush the match due to any time constraints.

Back inside the ring, Hendry approached Moose from behind and then hit him with a cutter and covered him for a near fall. Hendry had a run of offense on multiple opponents and hit multiple fallaway slams, including one on Moose. A “we believe” chant broke out. Moose popped up and kicked Hendry, then speared Alexander and Nemeth.

Moose charged Hendry, who rolled him up for two. Hendry went for a backslide, but Moose escaped. Hendry ended up turning Moose inside out with a clothesline and then played to the receptive crowd. Hendry hit Moose with the Standing Ovation and then pinned him.

Moose was eliminated by Joe Hendry in 21:40.

Hannifan said there would be a new champion now that Moose had been eliminated from the match. Hendry went for his finisher on Alexander, who slipped out of it and then low-blowed Hendry. Alexander hit the C4 Spike on Hendry and pinned him.

Joe Hendry was eliminated by Josh Alexander in 22:45.

The fans booed. Alexander mounted Hendry while Hannifan asked what the hell was that. A “bullshit” chant broke out. Alexander slapped Hendry several times and then threw elbow strikes at him. Hannifan said we’ve never seen this side of Alexander, who then jawed at Hendry before putting the boots to him.

Alexander shoved the referee down. When the referee barked at him, Alexander backed him into the corner. Nemeth broke it up. Hannifan expressed shock over Alexander’s actions, saying it’s not the Alexander we know. Rehwoldt agreed and said it’s a far more dangerous Alexander.

Alexander jawed at the fans, who responded with an “asshole” chant. Alexander set up Nemeth for his finisher, but Nemeth fought back and hit him with a splash in the corner. Nemeth went for another splash, but Alexander dumped him on the top rope. Alexander put Nemeth’s bad left shoulder in a hold that Nemeth escaped.

Alexander drilled Nemeth with a forearm strike. Nemeth came right back with a DDT. Nemeth avoided Alexander’s finisher and then superkicked him and pinned him.

Josh Alexander was eliminated by Nic Nemeth in 28:50

Kazarian returned to the ring and hit Nemeth with Fade To Black. Kazarian stuffed a superkick and then put Nemeth in a chicken wing. Nemeth rolled onto him and got a two count. Nemeth drilled Kazarian with a superkick and covered him for a near fall.

Nemeth went for the Danger Zone, but Kazarian held onto the ropes. Nemeth went for a sunset flip, but Kazarian hooked him into a pin for a two count. Kazarian performed a Backstabber. Nemeth superkicked Kazarian and hit the Danger Zone before getting the three count…

Nic Nemeth defeated Frankie Kazarian, Josh Alexander, Joe Hendry, Moose, and Steve Maclin in 30:55 in a six-way elimination match to win the TNA World Championship.

After the match, Ryan Nemeth entered the ring and celebrated with his brother. Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace and TNA Tag Team Champions Ace Austin and Chris Bey joined the celebration, as did PCO and Steph De Lander. Nick Nemeth stood on the middle rope and celebrated his win while Hannifan closed the show on commentary…

Powell’s POV: A strong main event with a surprising outcome. The Josh Alexander turn actually felt more surprising and I wish they would have gone with him winning the championship as a heel. That said, I was surprised when they didn’t put the title on Nemeth when he challenged Moose in a singles match, so no complaints about the new champion.

TNA got a minor case of Tony Khan-itis with four matches on the pre-show and a main card that ran past the three-hour mark (AEW pay-per-views go four hours). Even so, the last two matches were especially strong and this was a good pay-per-view that played to a lively crowd. It’s just a shame that the lighting wasn’t better because the show looked a little minor league and they failed to really show off the packed house. It doesn’t seem like it’s something to blame on the production team as much as I’m guessing they simply didn’t have a big budget to work with.

I will have a lot more to say about Slammiversary during my same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought by voting for the best match and grading the overall show below.

TNA Slammiversary poll: Grade the overall show free polls

TNA Slammiversary: Vote for the best match free polls


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Feel like Powell giggles like a school boy every time he has to write up a Jack Something match recap.

  2. >>By the way, Hannifan noted that Gresham was the only advertised wrestler who was unable to appear, which is notable given the chaos created by the IT outage.<<

    More of a question…why did EVERYONE ELSE manage to make it there except for one person? Hmm…

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