Beyond Wrestling “Heavy Metal Parking Lot” results: Vetter’s review of Krule and Matt Tremont vs. Miracle Generation in a street fight, Aaron Rourke vs. Gabby Forza

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Beyond Wrestling “Heavy Metal Parking Lot”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
June 15, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at Ralph’s Rock Diner

This show was just released Wednesday. This was an outdoor show, outside a diner, with perhaps 300 in attendance. Paul Crockett and Brother Greatness provided commentary, and they immediately said it was hot, and the mat is likely hot, too.

1. Ryan Clancy defeated Landon Hale at 10:39. Both men are babyfaces here and they shook hands. Clancy hit a huracanrana and he grounded Hale. They traded friendly offense, and Hale hit a Lethal Injection at 4:30, then a second-rope moonsault for a nearfall. Clancy hit a stiff kick to the spine. Hale hit a German Suplex for a nearfall at 8:00. Clancy applied a half-crab. Hale hit a mid-ring Spanish Fly for a nearfall at 10:00. Hale went for a second Lethal Injection, but Clancy hit a dropkick to the back for the pin. A very good opener.

2. “The Bakabella Family” Little Mean Kathleen & Ted Goodz defeated “La Fiesta” Clara Carreras & Jos A at 10:28. I have only seen La Fiesta a few times; they aren’t regulars in Beyond Wrestling/Wrestling Open. The men opened and played to the crowd. The women entered at 2:30 and danced, then Clara hit some chops. The crowd was really into the antics of the babyfaces. LMK hit a low blow punt kick on Jos A at 6:00 and the heels began working him over.

Clara finally got a hot tag at 9:00 and she beat up Kathleen. Jos A helped toss Clara onto LMK. Goodz hit a superkick on Jos A. He grabbed Clara by the throat and the crowd booed. She escaped and she hit her own chokeslam! Goodz hit a backbreaker over his knee on Clara. Kathleen immediately hit a second-rope elbow drop on Clara for the pin. Okay match; the crowd was into it.

3. Bryce Donovan defeated Dezmond Cole at 12:52. I’m a big fan of both of these guys and I’m really liking Bryce’s heel turn. Bryce pulled up in his car and got in the ring to begin the match; he put on his wrist tape after the bell sounded. Dezmond hit some body blows and a stunner at 1:00, and Bryce rolled to the parking lot. Bryce got back in and hit some punches. He hit a standing powerbomb at 3:30, then a fallaway slam. He kicked Cole so hard that Dezmond fell to the pavement at 6:00.

Back in the ring, Bryce hit a clothesline but made an arrogant cover for a nearfall. Dezmond hit a springboard Pele Kick and a suplex at 9:00 and he was fired up. However, he crashed shoulder-first into the corner. Bryce immediately hit a Black Hole Slam for a believable nearfall. Cole applied a Front Guillotine Choke but Bryce powered out. Cole climbed the ropes, but Bryce shook the top rope, causing Dezmond to fall and be crotched in the corner. Bryce nailed a second-rope chokeslam for the pin. A very good match. Bryce got back in his car and drove away.

4. Paris Van Dale (w/Lauren St. James) defeated Seabass Finn in an intergender match at 7:08. Finn wore his fishing jacket; I’ve seen more of him in Fight Life than anywhere else. Paris wore her green top and bottom. (In the weeks since this show took place, Paris ‘fired’ Lauren.) She got on the mic and belittled Seabass. They appear to be similar height and weight. He immediately rolled her up for a nearfall as Paul Crockett rattled off several fishing puns. He hit a huracanrana. He stood over her back and “rowed” her arms. He hit a “Kiss the Bass” running buttbump in the corner for a nearfall at 2:00.

Finn hit some running European Uppercuts, and a rolling kick to her head at 5:30,  then a side slam, then a “Dead Fish” splash to the mat for a nearfall. Brother Greatness knows all the cute names Seabass has for his moves. He missed a spear into the corner and hurt himself against the turnbuckles. She hooked his leg and hit a fisherman’s DDT for the pin. Passable.

5. Pedro Dones defeated Gal in a pose-down. Gal recently destroyed Gal in a singles match; it was rather shockingly one-sided. Gal wore two medals around his neck presumably from competing in a body-building competition. Gal wants to compete in a ‘pose down.’ Pedro agreed and peeled off his shirt. They did some poses; the crowd booed Gal, even though he has a clearly superior physique. (It is comical really, because Gal has clearly trained for months for body building.) By fan reaction (cheers!), Pedro “won” the posedown. So, Gal attacked from behind, and they traded punches. Gal scampered from the ring, and Pedro has Gal’s medals! (Again, they have fought in Wrestling Open since this posedown took place.)

Mortar came to ringside, and Denver Colorado joined Brother Greatness on commentary. Mortar made an open challenge! It appears we have a bonus match not listed on the IWTV lineup! Davienne accepted; this will be her first match in 18 months due to injuries!

6. Davienne defeated Mortar in an intergender match at 11:52. Davienne wore a blue one-piece and Denver raved about how great she looks in her return. Again, I always compare Mortar’s size, build, overall look to Rhino, but he paints half his face, like Thunder Rosa. They had a test of strength, then traded some rollups. He hit a loud chop at 2:30. She hit a guillotine legdrop for a nearfall. She leaned him against the ropes and hit some chops. Mortar fired back with a spinebuster and a senton for a nearfall at 4:00.

He hit a spin kick; he mounted her and repeatedly punched her in the face. He slowed her down with a rear-naked choke. She hit a Thesz Press and some punches at 8:00. She slammed him to the mat and was fired up. She hit a running basement dropkick into the corner for a nearfall at 9:30. Mortar hit a Lionsault for a nearfall. Davienne hit an Electric Chair backdrop, and she applied a Boston Crab! Mortar missed a top-rope moonsault. She again applied a Boston Crab, and he tapped out. Good action.

CPA came to the ring; Denver pointed out that his beard is gone after it was shaved in an attack a week ago. This ALSO is not listed on the match lineup for this show, so another bonus match.

7. CPA vs. Hot Dog Starkes ended in a draw at 3:45. Starkes wore a hot dog mascot outfit with some cartoonish white gloves, too. This is clearly going to be all comedy. CPA removed a button-down shirt, but of course he has another one on underneath. CPA ripped off one of Starkes’ gloves and Starkes sold it like he removed his hand, and the crowd chanted “you sick f—!” at CPA. Yep, all comedy. Denver and Brother Greatness were zipping through hot dog puns, too. Starkes hit a stunner. JGeorge and Percy Ryan jumped in the ring and attacked both, causing the draw. We will restart as a tag match!

7b) JGeorge and; Percy Ryan defeated CPA and Hot Dog Starkes at 8:46. The heels worked over Starkes at the bell. CPA got in and hit a stunner on JGeorge, and CPA peeled off a second shirt. Percy hit a German Suplex on CPA for a nearfall at 5:00. Starkes got a hot tag and hit a Blue Thunder Bomb. He slapped JGeorge who landed on Percy’s groin in some more comedy. (This whole match has been comedy.) JGeorge dumped a pile of hot dog buns on the mat. CPA shoved one in Percy’s throat. CPA ripped off a shirt to reveal a FOURTH shirt and this popped the crowd. CPA hit his comedy 619. Starkes hit a uranage onto the pile of hot dog buns. JGeorge hit a stunner on Starkes. Ryan hit a clothesline to pin Starkes. Watchable comedy; wow, the crowd pops for CPA’s humor.

* Intermission was edited out. Paul Crockett was back on commentary with Brother Greatness.

8. Brett Metro defeated Draeger at 5:39. Both of these guys are green and have competed in dark matches at Wrestling Open. Draeger is exactly like former WWE wrestler Simon Gotch’s Vaudevillain gimmick. Metro wore a green singlet, and Crockett talked about how these two are recent graduates. Draeger stomped on him and was in control. Metro hit a stunner for the pin. Felt like a NJPW Young Lions match; they kept it simple.

9. “The Church of Greatness” Ichiban, Lucas Chase, Tyree Taylor, and Sammy Diaz (w/Brother Greatness) defeated “Big Business” Julio Cruz, Victor Chase, Love Doug, and TJ Crawford (w/Brad Hollister) at 17:40. The heels all wore purple-and-white camouflage pants that make me think of the Dudley Boys. Ichiban and Doug opened in a knucklelock. Lucas and Sammy worked over Victor. Sammy hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall at 5:30. The babyfaces hit quadruple DDTs on the heels. The heels began working over Sammy Diaz in their corner.

Lucas finally tagged in and hit a double Samoan Drop on Victor and Cruz at 11:00. Julio mounted Ichiban and hit some punches. Tyree got in and hit a series of shoulder tackles and running Stinger Splashes. He hit a uranage on Cruz at 13:30. Cruz and Victor hit a team slam on Tyree. Doug hit a Sliced Bread on Ichiban. Tyree nailed a decapitating clothesline on Doug and suddenly everyone was down. TJ and Diaz traded forearm strikes.

Sammy got shoved into the ref! Sammy and TJ hit simultaneous clotheslines and everyone was down. Hollister jumped in the ring with his belt, but Brother Greatness hit Hollister with his book. Diaz hit a running knee on Hollister. TJ and Doug hit a team move on Sammy for a believable nearfall at 16:00. Everyone was brawling and the commentators have lost track of who is legal. The babyfaces all hit “one!” punches in the four corners on heels. Doug got pushed into Cruz! Those two are already not getting along! Sammy quickly rolled up Doug for the pin.

10. Aaron Rourke defeated Gabby Forza in an intergender match at 11:42. Since this match occurred, “Evil Gay” Rourke had a memorable singles match against Donovan Dijak in Dijak’s indy return. An intense lockup to open and she shoved him to the mat. She hit some shoulder tackles and a bodyslam for a nearfall at 2:30, then a fallaway slam, then a Claudio-style Giant Swing. “Unreal power!” Denver Colorado shouted. Rourke tied her in an Octopus, then a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall at 6:00. Gabby hit a running clothesline into the corner, then a fallaway slam, then a Vader Bomb for a nearfall at 8:00.

They traded forearm strikes, and she dropped him with a two-handed chop. She hit a running Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall. It is insane how good she is in only about a year of ring experience. She held him upside down for several seconds, but he escaped and hit a Trash Compactor piledriver along his back for a nearfall at 10:00. She hit a second-rope German Suplex, then a spear for a nearfall, but a heel manager put Rourke’s foot on the ropes. She missed a second spear, and he immediately hit a cannonball in the corner on her, then his split-legged moonsault for the pin. Good action. They hugged afterwards.

11. “Miracle Generation” Dustin Waller and Kylon King defeated Krule and Killdozer Matt Tremont in a street fight at 18:11. Tremont continues to look more and more like Big Van Vader. MG wore blue jeans, showing they are here for a street fight, not to wrestle. The heels attacked from behind, and Crockett said this is tornado rules (no tags needed). MG clotheslined Krule to the floor. Waller went for a plancha but was caught, so Kylon dove through the ropes onto Krule to knock him down. They hit Tremont with chairs, and of course, Tremont was already bleeding at 2:00. Waller hit a doublestomp on Tremont’s back. They kept brawling on the parking lot. Krule cracked a crutch over Kylon’s back.

Waller hit Krule with a crutch to the back. Krule set up several chairs in the ring. Krule tossed Kylon off the top rope onto the open chairs at 6:30. Tremont got a fork and stabbed Dustin in the forehead with it; I don’t like this action. Kylon got a kendo stick and he repeatedly hit Tremont on the top of his (unprotected) head with it, then a tornado DDT. Kylon hit a Canadian Destroyer on Krule after Waller had hit a stunner. The heels hit running Stinger Splashes. MG hit superkicks on Tremont at 11:00. Kylon hit Krule in the jaw with a skateboard. They slammed KRule through a board in the corner for a nearfall. Tremonth hit a double clothesline then a uranage on Kylon for a nearfall at 13:30.

Tremont used a screwdriver on Waller’s head. Waller pounded a fork into Tremont’s head and it stayed there. Gross. MG hit a top-rope superplex on Krule. Waller hit a Mamba Splash and Kylon hit a moonsault for a nearfall, but Tremont made the save. Krule hit a double chokeslam. Tremont hit a Death Valley Driver onto a board in the corner on Waller. Waller shoved Krule into the ropes, causing Tremont to fall and be crotched. MG put a garbage can over Tremont’s head and hit him with chairshots. They hit stereo coast-to-coast dropkicks on Tremont and pinned him. Good brawl, even though I can do without some of those weapons. The heels beat up the referee after the match.

Final Thoughts: Dezmond Cole vs. Bryce Donovan is my pick for match of the night, and that shouldn’t be a surprise with their talent. I will go with the show opener Clancy-Hale for second place, as it was a fun face-face matchup. Forza-Rourke was really entertaining and takes third. A solid eight-man tag takes honorable mention; it was solid but it didn’t blow me away, either. To me, this is a good use of CPA … he’s entertaining in the mid-card and the crowd loves his gimmick, but he shouldn’t be in the main event mix. The main event was too bloody for me and I don’t like to see that spot of a fork jabbed into the forehead until it sticks there. That’s just gross. The Draeger-Metro match wasn’t particularly good, but it didn’t overstay its welcome either.


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