GCW “Tournament Of Survival 9” results (6/1): John Wayne Murdoch vs. Slade, Brandon Kirk vs. Shunma Katsumata, UltraMantis Black vs. Yuki Ishikawa, and Big F’n Joe vs. Hideyoshi Kamitani in first-round matches

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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GCW “Tournament Of Survival 9”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
June 1, 2024 in Atlantic City, New Jersey at The Showboat

Vetter’s Note: I didn’t watch any of the tournament matches, as I just don’t care for the ultra-violent death matches. But one non-tournament match caught my eye so I tuned in for that one. There may have been 600-800 people packed in the venue. The results are courtesy of Cagematch.net.

1. Yuki Ishikawa beat UltraMantis Black in a House Of Horrors Death Match.

2. Hideyoshi Kamitani defeated Big F’n Joe in a Swinging For The Fences Death Match.

3. Brandon Kirk over Shunma Katsumata in a DDT Death Match.

4. John Wayne Murdoch over Slade in a Death Match.

5. Cole Radrick defeated Alec Price, Jordan Oliver, and Marcus Mathers in a four-way at 9:46. I consider Oliver, Mathers and Price to be among the elite of the Northwest indy scene. Gomer Pyle-style dork Radrick, however, has a huge gold ring around his neck, which he can use to cash in for a match he wants in the future. (Apparently, it doesn’t have to be a title match, but why waste it on anything other than a title match?) It is worth noting that Price and Radrick have been teaming in recent months. All four immediately brawled to the floor. Oliver hit a basement dropkick on Mathers in the ring at 1:30. Price hit a half-nelson suplex. Cole hit a springboard stunner. Price hit a Snake Eyes on Mathers on the top turnbuckle.

Oliver hit an enzuigiri on Price. Mathers hit a top-rope crossbody block at 4:00 and he was fired up. Mathers and Oliver traded chops. Suddenly it was just teammates Price and Radrick and they shook hands and were prepared to fight when they were attacked by the other two. Price hit his dive over the top rope onto everyone at 6:00. Mathers hit a flip dive to the floor. Oliver hit an F5 faceplant in the ring on Mathers for a nearfall. Oliver set up for the Acid Bomb but Mathers cut him off. Mathers hit a Spanish Fly on Price! Oliver hit the Acid Bomb on Radrick for a nearfall. Radrick and Mathers traded rollups, and Mathers hit a stunner and a clothesline. Oliver hit a Clout Cutter. Mathers hit a Canadian Destroyer. Radrick hit Little Sebastian’s Curse/pumphandle powerbomb to pin Mathers. A stellar match between some top-notch indy talent.

6. Yuki Ishikawa beat Hideyoshi Kamitani in a Made In Japan Death Match.

7. John Wayne Murdoch over Brandon Kirk in a Contraptions Of Death Match.

8. John Wayne Murdoch defeated Yuki Ishikawa to win the Tournament Of Survival 9.


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