WWE Raw results (5/27): Powell’s live review of Liv Morgan vs. Becky Lynch in a steel cage match for the Women’s World Championship, Braun Strowman vs. JD McDonagh

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,618)
Savannah, Georgia at EnMarket Arena
Aired live May 27, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a King and Queen of the Ring recap video… Michael Cole and Pat McAfee checked in on commentary while footage aired of Liv Morgan and Becky Lynch arriving separately at the building…

Ludwig Kaiser stood in the ring and introduced Gunther as the new King of the Ring. Gunther made his entrance dressed in a suit while carrying his crown while Cole acknowledged that it was a bit of a controversial finish. McAfee said it was more than a bit controversial and noted that both of Randy Orton’s shoulders were not down during the deciding pinfall.

A “we want Randy” chant broke out. Gunther looked at his crown and said he beat Orton and is now the rightful King of the Ring and has earned the right to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion at SummerSlam. Gunther said Damian Priest has stepped up since Rhea Ripley was injured.

Gunther said the KOTR tournament lacked prestige. He said he had to step up and raise the tournament to heights never seen before. Gunther said the World Heavyweight Championship lacks prestige because the champion won it by taking shortcuts (Money in the Bank).

World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest made his entrance with Finn Balor and JD McDonagh. Priest entered the ring and took issue with Gunther questioning the prestige of the title. “We all saw you did not beat Randy Orton,” Priest said. Priest added that he cashed in because he earned the MITB briefcase in a ladder match.

Priest said he cashed in like many other champions before him. Priest said that’s how that works and then questioned whether Gunther gets how business in WWE works. Gunther said it doesn’t matter what Priest thinks, he is King of the Ring and he will challenge Priest for the title if he’s still champion at SummerSlam.

Gunther said maybe Priest can teach him about business. He said he’s been waiting for someone to teach him anything inside the ring since he joined the company. Gunther told Priest to give him his business lesson in the ring at SummerSlam or save it for after when he will have to address him as the new World Heavyweight Champion.

Priest questioned what Gunther could teach him that he doesn’t already know. Priest brought up going to war with Gunther at SummerSlam and then he was interrupted by entrance music.

Drew McIntyre made his entrance while Cole hyped Priest vs. McIntyre for the championship at the Clash at the Castle event. McIntyre said Punk has been back for six months now. McIntyre said he has been the highlight of Punk’s return. McIntyre said Punk would have screwed up and been fired with nowhere else to go had he not injured him.

McIntyre introduced himself to Priest and said he would become champion in less than three weeks. Gunther made his exit. Priest told McIntyre that he’s not looking past him. Priest said he knows what will happen when the two of them are done. McIntyre said he wants the best version of Priest possible and said he’s spreading himself too thin.

McIntyre said Judgment Day has gone to hell ever since the real leader Rhea Ripley got hurt. McIntyre brought up Wade Barrett, Fit Finlay, William Regal, and The British Bulldog and said they are UK legends who have zero world championships between them. McIntyre said he’s won three and soon to be four world championships.

McIntyre said the fans at last year’s Clash at the Castle broke Roman Reigns, who has seen everything. McIntyre said he would have defeated Reigns had it not been for Solo Sikoa. McIntyre said Scotland is his country and it was time for a geography lesson since they don’t teach it in America. A “USA” chant broke out. McIntyre told the fans that he’s an American citizen and was just telling the truth.

McIntyre spoke about the locations of Wales, England, and Scotland. He said the Scottish people are the most passionate people in the world. He said he’s called a terminator and a warrior in WWE, whereas they just call him Drew in Scotland because all Scottish people are like him. McIntyre said he was just medically cleared and he will take Priest’s title.

Priest asked McIntyre if that was really his game plan. He mocked the idea of the booing fans getting under his skin. Priest asked McIntyre if his wife would be there and asked what her name is. McIntyre was not happy. Priest said he just wanted to get under McIntyre’s skin and see whether he would do something about it.

Braun Strowman made his entrance. McIntyre made his exit and then Strowman entered the ring and went face to face with Priest, who motioned for his sidekicks to join him. Balor and McDonagh climbed onto the apron. Priest and Balor indicated that Strowman was McDonagh’s problem to deal with and left the ring heading into a commercial break… [C]

Powell’s POV: A solid opening segment that established the title picture at the next two premium live events.

An ad for Friday’s Smackdown in Albany, New York questioned what’s next for Cody Rhodes, along with Nia Jax’s Queen of the Ring coronation…

1. Braun Strowman vs. JD McDonagh (w/Finn Balor). The match was joined in progress. Strowman pressed McDonagh over his head, but McDonagh slipped away. Strowman picked up McDonagh and dropped him on his back before playing to the crowd.

McAfee said there were members of the Savannah Bananas in attendance while Cole boasted that the venue was sold out. A graphic for NXT hyped an appearance by rapper Sexyy Red. Meanwhile, McDonagh avoided a charging Strowman, who went through the ropes and collided with the ring post before tumbling to the floor. McDonagh went to ringside and chop blocked Strowman. [C]

Strowman sold a knee injury coming out of the break. Strowman limped while doing his freight train bit at ringside, which included knocking McDonagh down with a shoulder block. Back inside the ring, Strowman hoisted up McDonagh, but he released him to go after Balor, who was on the apron. Strowman tossed Balor inside the ring.

Carlito ran out while the referee was clearing Balor from the ring and hit Strowman from behind. Strowman no-sold it and knocked Carlito to the floor. McDonagh capitalized with a headbutt on a distracted Strowman, who came right back with a powerslam and got the three count.

Braun Strowman defeated JD McDonagh.

After the match, Balor and Carlito attacked Strowman, who quickly cleared them from the ring. McDonagh hit Strowman with a chair. Strowman no-sold the blow and then knocked the chair out of McDonagh’s hand. McDonagh left the ring and ran to the back with Balor and Carlito…

Powell’s POV: A basic Strowman match that the live crowd enjoyed. McDonagh does a nice job of playing the pest heel role.

Backstage, new Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan was interviewed by Cathy Kelley, who asked if she had any remorse over the way she beat Becky Lynch to win the title. Morgan said no and claimed that she didn’t know Dominik Mysterio was going to come out. Morgan said there would be nowhere to run or hide in the cage match and she would finally beat Lynch one-on-one…

An ad aired for Ricky Steamboat being featured on Sunday’s A&E Biography: WWE Legends… [C]

Backstage, Finn Balor asked Carlito what took so long. Carlito said he was waiting for the right time. Damian Priest showed up and said JD McDonagh was supposed to take care of Braun Strowman. Priest told the duo to find McDonagh and bring him to the Judgment Day clubhouse…

A Bron Breakker video package aired that recapped his destruction of Kale Dixon on last week’s show, followed by Breakker telling Adam Pearce that it was his fault for not putting him in the KOTR tournament. It also included footage of Breakker spearing Ricochet in the backstage area later in the night…

Footage aired from earlier in the day of a trainer clearing Ricochet, who had tape over his ribs. Adam Pearce informed Ricochet that he suspended Breakker for a week because of what he did. Ricochet was not pleased because he wanted to face Breakker.

Ilja Dragunov showed up and told Ricochet he wanted to go another round once he’s healthy. Ricochet said they could do it tonight. Dragunov said he breaks people, but he doesn’t fight broken people. Ricochet pointed out that he’s medically cleared. Pearce booked the match…

Ricochet made his entrance and sold his ribs… [C] Ring announcer Samantha Irvin introduced Ilja Dragunov. Cole said Kale Dixon suffered a variety of injuries due to the Bron Breakker attack and added that it would be a while before he’s back on WWE television. Cole also acknowledged the latest QR code that appeared onscreen during Dragunov’s entrance…

2. Ilja Dragunov vs. Ricochet. Dragunov caught Ricochet going for a kick and then flipped him over, causing Ricochet to land face first on the mat. Dragunov blasted Ricochet with a knee strike. [C]

Dragunov performed a German suplex. Ricochet sent Dragunov to ringside with a knee strike and then hit him with a suicide dive. Ricochet went for another suicide dive, but Dragunov stuffed it. Ricochet caught Dragunov with a kick from the apron and followed up with a moonsault from the middle rope.

[Hour Two] Back inside the ring, Dragunov avoided a top rope move and then both wrestlers traded strikes until Dragunov turned Ricochet inside out with a clothesline. Dragunov powerbombed Ricochet and both men stayed down. Dragunov went up top and jumped into a superkick.

Ricochet hit the Recoil and covered Dragunov for a good near fall. Ricochet pulled himself up and sold his ribs before going up top. Dragunov cut him off with a punch and then joined him on the ropes. Ricochet knocked Dragunov to the mat and then hit him with a Shooting Star Press. When Ricochet stood up, Bron Breakker speared him to end the match.

Ilja Dragunov fought Ricochet to a no-contest in 10:30.

After the match, Breakker speared Dragunov. Adam Pearce ran out with producers and referees. Pearce scolded Breakker, who smirked and then exited the ring. Pearce followed Breakker and continued to bark at him. Breakker stopped and then Pearce showed concern before Breakker finally looked him in the eye and then walked to the back… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good match. It seemed like the rib injury was going to give Ricochet an out for losing, but I like the way they had Breakker interfere despite his storyline suspension. Pearce played his part really well by chewing out Breakker before showing intimidation through his facial expressions.

Backstage, Breakker and Pearce argued while Cathy Kelley spoke in front of them. Pearce and Breakker walked away from one another and then Kelley wanted to speak with Pearce, but Kiana James got to him first. Pearce told James they could speak in his office and then Kelley said she would try to catch up with Pearce later…

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Miz standing in front of an ice cream truck that R-Truth was inside of. TMiz said a Memorial Day ice cream truck was a great idea, then questioned why Truth had him wear all white. Miz assumed it’s because he’s vanilla. Before he could say what Truth was, Truth said he was strawberry.

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods showed up and asked Miz what he was going to say. Woods asked if they were still doing a Memorial Day raffle for a shot at the tag titles. Miz said no, but Truth said yes. Miz said they were WWE, not bingo. Truth said they were closed. Miz made a quick exit.

Karrion Kross showed up and told Woods that he believes in him and Kingston has already had his time in the sun. Kross said he can’t do anything for Woods until he cuts out the New Day crap. Kross told Woods to watch AOP’s match and then he would tell him what he could do for him.

Woods blew off the idea of ending a ten-year friendship because Kross was acting nice. Kingston said Woods was saying no. Kross said it was typical of Kingston and asked when Kingston was going to retire. Kross said he could help Kingston look at some early retirement plans.

Woods said he and Kingston would face AOP next week and show them how much New Day has left in the tank. Kross said they wanted to do it the hard way and that’s his favorite. After Kross walked away, the New Day duo agreed that Miz was not going to say strawberry…

Powell’s POV: I believe they showed Sonya Deville talking with Zoey Stark in the background, but I could be mistaken.

The Final Testament members made their entrance followed by the Creed Brothers…

3. “AOP” Akam and Rezar (w/Karrion Kross, Scarlett, Paul Ellering) vs. Julius Creed and Brutus Creed (w/Ivy Nile). AOP jumped out to a fast start. Julius came back. The Creeds set up for their finisher, but they were distracted by Scarlett running Nile into the ring steps. AOP hit their powerbomb and neckbreaker finisher, which is now known as “What A Rush”, and then Rezar pinned Julius…

“AOP” Akam and Rezar defeated Julius Creed and Brutus Creed in 2:45.

Powell’s POV: AOP going over is logical if the plan is for the Creeds to get a reboot by eventually joining Chad Gable.

Cole recapped Cruz Del Toro being attacked by Carlito during last week’s show…

Rey Mysterio delivered a backstage promo and said Carlito was welcomed into the LWO with open arms. Rey said Carlito would still be his brother had he not taken his current path. Rey said Carlito’s jealousy over Dragon Lee made him bitter. Rey said Carlito can run to The Judgment Day and maybe they will welcome him with open arms like he did. Rey said those days are over. Rey said Carlito would not find an old friend in the ring, he’d find out what happens when you cross the LWO…

Sheamus was shown walking backstage. JD McDonagh was talking with Liv Morgan in the background and ran away once Braun Strowman entered the picture… A Memorial Day video package aired… [C]

Sheamus made his entrance dressed in non-wrestling attire and slapped a lot of hands on his way to the ring. Once in the ring, Sheamus said he was out of breath just walking to the ring. He brought up the bangers in the King of the Ring tournament and said he was not involved because Ludwig Kaiser took him out. Sheamus said he’s back and he can’t wait to get his hands on Kaiser.

Ludwig Kaiser appeared on the big screen while speaking from a backstage area. Kaiser told Sheamus not to blame him for losing his KOTR match. Kaiser said no one stood a chance in the ring with Gunther, especially not Sheamus. Kaiser was cut off by Sheamus, who told the crowd he was going to get him.

A cameraman followed Sheamus as he headed backstage in search of Kaiser, who jumped Sheamus from behind. Kaiser dragged Sheamus onto the stage where they traded punches until Adam Pearce and a group of referees and producers pulled them apart…

Lyra Valkyria was selling her ribs while sitting in her dressing room. Becky Lynch joined her and said it’s not about winning all the time, it’s about getting better all the time. She said you keep winning and learning until it’s time to walk away. Lynch told Vakyria she had this and then they fist bumped…

Powell’s POV: Until it’s time to walk away?

Kairi Sane made her entrance with Dakota Kai. Cole said Sane would face Lyra Valkyria after the break… [C]

Cole hyped SummerSlam 2026 being held in Minneapolis at U.S. Bank Stadium. He noted that SummerSlam 2024 will be in Cleveland and played up the mystery of where the 2025 event will be staged…

Lyra Valkyria made her entrance and sold her ribs while highlights aired for Nia Jax beating her to become Queen of the Ring…

4. Lyra Valkyria vs. Kairi Sane (w/Dakota Kai). Valkyria had tape on both sides of her rib area. Sane targeted the ribs by kicking and stomping them before covering Valkyria for a two count. Sane went up top, but Valkyria cut her off only to be tied up in a tree of woe.

Sane double stomped Valkyria, then pulled her out of the corner and covered her for another two count. Sane went for an Insane Elbow, but Valkyria put her feet up. Valkyria hooked Sane into a pin and got the three count…

Lyra Valkyria beat Kairi Sane in 3:45.

Powell’s POV: A bounce back win for Valkyria coming out of her loss in the Queen of the Ring finals. Meanwhile, Damage CTRL is off to a slow start since being drafted to Raw.

In the Judgment Day clubhouse, Damian Priest asked Finn Balor and Carlito where JD McDonagh was. Priest also asked Carlito why he was there. Carlito started to leave and then claimed he found McDonagh as he entered the picture. McDonagh told Priest that Braun Strowman had been chasing him around all night. Priest brought up McDonagh talking to Liv Morgan. McDonagh said he spoke with her, but Priest didn’t hear what he said.

Dominik Mysterio entered the room with his arm in a sling. Priest had everyone else leave and asked Dom if he spoke with Rhea Ripley. Dom said he did and she knows he was only trying to help at King and Queen of the Ring. Dom said he told Ripley that he was going to try to fix it. Priest said Dom better fix it and do it tonight or he would hate to be in his shoes…

Rey Mysterio made his entrance with Dragon Lee and Zelina Vega… [C] Cole and McAfee spoke as photos aired of a German soccer team celebrating with a replica WWE championship belt…

Iyo Sky was shown looking upset backstage. When Kairi Sane and Dakota Kai entered the room, Sky threw a tantrum and trashed their dressing room before storming out…

Cole acknowledged the Savannah Bananas, who were seated behind him and McAfee. The players danced while Cole explained that they are like the Harlem Globetrotters of baseball… Carlito made his entrance carrying an apple, which he placed in his corner of the ring…

5. Rey Mysterio (w/Zelina Vega, Dragon Lee) vs. Carlito. Cole said this was the first time in twenty years that Mysterio and Carlito met in a singles match. Cole said he called the match while McAfee said he was a junior in high school. Carlito was in offensive control until Mysterio avoided him in the corner and Carlito went split-legged into the ring post and fell to the floor.

Carlito performed a superplex and got a two count. Rey came back with a springboard moonsault and got a two count of his own. Carlito came right back with a TKO style move for a near fall. Carlito avoided a 619 and then dropkicked Rey as he was going for a springboard move.

[Hour Three] Carlito went to the apron and was run into the ring post. Finn Balor hopped the barricade and attacked Dragon Lee. Mysterio dove onto Balor with a senton. Rey returned to the ring and avoided a Backstabber. Rey hit the 619 and then dropped a dime on Carlito and pinned him…

Rey Mysterio defeated Carlito.

After the match, Rey attacked Balor at ringside and placed him on the broadcast table. Dragon Lee went up top, but Damian Priest came out and hit Rey from behind. Carlito grabbed Lee and then spat an apple in his face. Priest entered the ring and hit Lee with the Razor’s Edge.

Rey entered the ring and dropkicked Priest. Rey set up for the 619, but he had to fight off Balor. Rey charged Priest, who dropped him with a big boot. Priest picked up Rey and hit him with the South of Heaven chokeslam. Priest looked down at Finn Balor and Carlito, who were about to fist bump. Priest glared at the duo and they froze…

Powell’s POV: It’s been twenty years since the last Rey vs. Carlito match? Wow, time flies. The post match angle with Priest taking care of business and showing frustration with Balor and Carlito was solid.

Backstage, Chad Gable scolded Akira Tozawa for not being in Saudi Arabia and claimed he was distracted during his match because he all he could think about was Tozawa. Braun Strowman showed up and was still looking for JD McDonagh.

Otis and Maxxine Dupri arrived after Strowman left to continue his search. “Look who it is, Goldilocks and her three braincells,” Gable said. He told Dupri it wasn’t a fashion show so she shouldn’t even think about going to the ring. Gable said he would give Otis a chance to redeem himself by beating Bronson Reed. Gable made Otis say “no matter what”…

Bronson Reed made his entrance… Cole hyped individual tickets being available for Clash at the Castle… Otis made his entrance with Chad Gable and then a tale of the tape was shown for the super heavyweights…

6. Bronson Reed vs. Otis (w/Chad Gable). The bell rang and then Reed hit Otis, who was focused on Gable at ringside. Otis battled back and set up for the Caterpillar, but Gable got on the apron and told him no. Otis looked sad, then tore off his t-shirt and gyrated. Gable went face to face with him and told him no. When Otis turned around, Reed dropped him with a kick to the face and then hit him with a senton and the Tsunami splash for the win.

Bronson Reed defeated Otis in 3:45.

After the match, Gable got a mic and stopped Otis from leaving. Gable told Otis to get back in the ring and then called for Akira Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri to come out for a meeting. Gable said he’d had enough. [C]

Powell’s POV: I continue to enjoy the build toward Otis finally snapping. Gable calling for a team meeting was a nice hook heading into a commercial break.

Coming out of the break, Gable asked Otis what he was going to do with him. Gable blamed Otis for costing him the Intercontinental Title on Saturday and said he blew it when he gave him a chance to redeem himself. Gable said Otis lacks discipline so he would show him discipline in front of everyone.

Gable said he didn’t want to do what he was about to do and said Otis made him do it. Gable removed his belt and told Otis to grab the ropes. Cole said this type of punishment went out 30 years ago (tell that to my taskmaster girlfriend, Cole!!!). Gable told Tozawa and Dupri to watch what happens when you bring shame to the Alpha Academy.

Gable wound up to hit Otis with the belt, but Dupri grabbed his arm. Gable asked her if it was too much for her. Gable told Dupri to leave and not come back. He asked Tozawa if he had a problem with it, then told him to stand and watch. Gable wound up with the belt again, but he was interrupted by entrance music.

Sami Zayn came out and spoke briefly with Dupri before she headed backstage. Gable told Zayn to stay out of Alpha Academy business. Zayn climbed onto the ring apron. Gable told him it was his last chance and he better not take one more step. Zayn entered the ring.

“What are you going to do, Chad?” Zayn asked. Zayn said Gable thinks he’s tough, but he’s a weak little man. Zayn said Gable has manipulated his way into multiple opportunities for the Intercontinental Title and he’s come up short each time. Zayn said Gable finds people to blame, but he can’t get the job done.

Gable said he would have gotten the job done on Saturday had it not been for Otis, so now he gets his discipline. Gable wound up with the belt, but Zayn took it away from him. A small “Whoop That Trick” chant broke out. Gable motioned for Otis, who stepped forward. Zayn asked Otis if he was going to listen to Gable and how much more crap he would take from Gable.

Zayn told Otis to listen to the fans. Otis looked to the crowd and started to fire up. Zayn told Otis to listen to his heart. Gable attacked Zayn, who tackled him and threw punches. Otis pulled Zayn off Gable. Zayn told Otis that this was his chance. Gable grabbed Zayn from behind and German suplexed him. Gable threw punches at Zayn. Gable picked up the Intercontinental Title belt and dropped it on Zayn while a “Let’s go, Otis” chant broke out.

Gable left the ring to boos and Tozawa followed. Otis stayed in the ring and looked down at Zayn until Gable ordered him to leave. Gable had Otis and Tozawa walk in front of him and then turned around and looked back at Zayn…

Powell’s POV: A very good segment. Gable is getting strong heat and the fans are with Otis. Zayn is the perfect person for his role in this story given his own history with The Bloodline.

A video package aired on the Liv Morgan revenge tour that closed with footage of her win over Becky Lynch thanks to Dominik Mysterio…

Morgan was shown warming up backstage and then a shot aired of Becky Lynch doing the same. The cage lowered around the ring while the awesome cage lowering music played… [C]

Backstage, Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark were interviewed by Cathy Kelley, who identified them as No. 1 contenders to the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. She actually asked if they feel more confident knowing they will face Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair. They expressed confidence and then Stark said they’ve never met them and should invite them to Raw.

Sonya Deville showed up and said Baszler and Stark were talking like they were champions. She said they would be with her help. Baszler ran through her credentials and told Deville to walk away unless she wants to go to rehab again. Deville said she respects Baszler’s accomplishments, she just doesn’t think the locker room does.

Baszler and Stark walked away and encountered Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn. Fyre recalled Bazler and Stark claiming they’d beaten every team while pointing out that they had never beaten her and Dawn. Deville returned and said, “Like I said, no respect”…

The following matches are announced for next week’s WWE Raw in Hershey, Pennsylvania: Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser, “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. “AOP” Akam and Rezar, and World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest vs. Rey Mysterio in a non-title match…

Becky Lynch made her entrance for the main event and then Liv Morgan made her entrance. Samantha Irvin delivered introductions once both wrestlers were inside the cage… [C]

7. Liv Morgan vs. Becky Lynch in a steel cage match for the Women’s World Championship. The match was joined in progress roughly 13 minutes before the top of the hour. Lynch took offensive control and performed sliding kicks on Morgan, who was against the cage. Morgan avoided a middle rope leg drop and then pulled Lynch’s face into the side of the cage. [C]

Lynch performed a second rope superplex and covered Morgan for a two count. Morgan tripped Lynch, whose head hit the cage wall. Morgan performed a springboard into a Codebreaker and got a two count. Morgan showed frustration and then climbed up the cage.

Lynch joined Morgan on top of the cage and got the better of a punch exchange. Morgan fell back into the ring and then got up and pulled Lynch into position and then powerbombed her and got a two count. Lynch spoke to Morgan while they were both down on the mat.

Morgan went for Oblivion, but Lynch avoided it and then tried to apply a Disarmer, but Morgan drove her into the cage. Morgan climbed the ropes and was caught by Lynch, who performed a side Russian leg sweep and covered Morgan for a two count.

Dominik Mysterio came out and opened the cage door. Dom motioned for Lynch to exit via the door. Finn Balor and JD McDonagh ran out. Morgan dropkicked Lynch while Balor and McDonagh spoke to Dom. Morgan tried to escape, but Lynch grabbed her feet.

Braun Strowman ran out and chased Balor and McDonagh around the ring. Strowman collided with Dom, causing him to slam the door on Lynch’s head. Morgan escaped through the cage door to win the match.

Liv Morgan defeated Becky Lynch in roughly 13:00 in a steel cage match to retain the Women’s World Championship.

After the match, Morgan got her title and walked toward the back. She stopped when she stood next to Dom, who shot her a dirty look while the show went off the air…

Powell’s POV: I enjoyed the match, but the live crowd was oddly quiet. I’m not sure what this loss means for Lynch with her deal reportedly expiring on June 1. I would have been surprised to see Lynch regain the title two days after dropping it even if she opted to re-sign. Her line about walking away while she was speaking to Lyra Valkyria was interesting, though that could simply be Lynch playing into all of the speculation regarding her future.

Overall, an enjoyable show that forwarded some storylines coming out of King and Queen of the Ring. I will have a lot more to say about this episode in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading the show below.

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Readers Comments (3)

  1. After the show Liv ended up kissing Dom so we’ll see where it goes from there..

  2. I can see Becky taking a hiatus, but not wrestling anywhere else.

    Vince’s heel turn of her character killed The Man’s momentum. She did great work, but being heel wasn’t the right fit.

    There was much more money to be made in face Becky vs face Bianca.

  3. Becky has hit the absolute ceiling in WWE, there’s not a damn thing left for her to do… I personally would like to see her Venture somewhere else

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