WWE Backlash France results: Powell’s live review of Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles for the WWE Championship, Damian Priest vs. Jey Uso for the World Hvt. Title, Bayley vs. Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton for the WWE Women’s Title

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Backlash France
May 4, 2024 in Lyon-Decines, France at LDLC Arena
Streamed live on Peacock and pay-per-view

WWE Backlash France Pre-Show Notes

-Jackie Redmond, Big E, and CM Punk hosted the pre-show from a studio and were not on location in France.

-With the show being in France, there was a video feature on Andre the Giant.

-Jey Uso was interviewed by Byron Saxton. Jey said his match will be a career defining moment.

-Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill were also interviewed by Saxton. Belair spoke about her desire to be finished with Damage CTRL, while Cargill focused on the tag team titles.

-There was a split screen shot of CM Punk watching the crowd chant his name. Punk said it never gets old. He said the next time he’s in France he will have his boots on.

-Kayla Braxton conducted a sit-down interview with AJ Styles and asked about his new attitude. Styles chalked it up to being dialed in. He said he got his mind right and found focus. Styles said he respects Cody Rhodes for what he has done. Styles said he wants the title and how it feels to go to the ring as champion. Styles said it’s not personal between him and Cody. He said it’s business, but he takes business personally. Styles said it took Cody two years to finish his story to win the championship, whereas it will only take him 27 days.

-Redmond said the WWE Championship match will be the main event of the show.

-Punk said he was looking forward to the pay-per-view. He was reminded that it’s a PLE.

WWE Backlash France Main Show

A shot of the host city aired while Michael Cole spoke. He noted that it was a sold out show and the first PLE in France. Cole continued to talk while footage aired of Cody Rhodes, AJ Styles, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill, Damage CTRL (minus Iyo Sky), Damian Priest, and Jey Uso were shown… A Backlash video package aired…

Cole said there were 11,682 fans in attendance. He was joined on commentary by Corey Graves. They made a fuss over the Smackdown crowd receiving a noise level warning…

Ring announcer Samantha Irvin delivered introductions for the men’s tag team match took place. Kevin Owens came out first and stood on the exterior of the barricade in the entrance aisle twice while soaking up the crowd reaction. Randy Orton’s entrance followed and the fans sang along with his entrance theme.

Cole said he gets paid to do this, but the crowd may provide the soundtrack for him. Cole asked Graves what The Rock does. They both tapped their arms and spoke about goosebumps. They introduced the French broadcast team, whose table was next to them at ringside.

Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga made their entrance with Paul Heyman walking behind them. Cole said Heyman seemed reluctant to follow the duo and then he and Graves played up the story that Heyman has not spoken with Roman Reigns since WrestleMania…

Powell’s POV: They went really long with the entrances for the babyfaces, which was a nice touch due to how loud the crowd was.

The teams went face to face once they were inside the ring. They started to brawl and the broadcast team said the bell did not ring to start the match. Graves wished referee Dan Engler good luck when it came to trying to keep control. Referees, producers, and security ran out to pull the teams apart. Owens hit Stunners on two security guards.

Smackdown general manager Nick Aldis came out with a mic in hand and said that was enough. Aldis declared that the match would now be a street fight and told the timekeeper to ring the bell…

1. Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Randy Orton and Kevin Owens in a Street Fight. The Prime logo was in the middle of the ring. Orton and Sikoa brawled into the crowd and eventually Orton and Tonga did the same in another area. Orton and Sikoa fought up the steps off the main floor and eventually returned. Owens ran over and attacked Sikoa. They used a small box to show the fight up close while another showed it from a distance.

Orton went in search of Tonga at ringside. Orton was unaware of Tonga joining Sikoa in attacking Owens. Orton eventually ran over and headbutted both heels. Owens tossed Tonga back to ringside. Owens superkicked Sikoa and then tossed him back over. Owens climbed onto the barricade and then splashed Tonga on the floor. Orton stood on the barricade and played to the crowed before comically dropping down to the floor.

Orton slammed Tonga on the broadcast table, but it did not break. Orton did it a second time and the table did not break. The stupid sponsored hydration station bottles were knocked down. Orton and Owens pulled out a trashcan from underneath the ring while the fans chanted for tables. Orton slammed the trashcan over Tonga’s head. Owens threw the lid at Sikoa in frisbee style.

Orton tossed Owens a kendo stick, which he battered Sikoa with. Orton slammed a trashcan over the head of Sikoa and then held up the can while the fans cheered. Owens laid Tonga over the broadcast table and then Orton battered him with a kendo stick.

Orton and Owens both pulled out tables to the delight of the fans. Orton slid his table inside the ring while Owens set his up on the floor. Orton put Tonga on the table at ringside. Orton went to the apron and then splashed Tonga through the table. In the ring, Sikoa caught Orton with a punch and then used a Samoan Drop to put him through the other table.

Orton and Owens both pulled out tables to the delight of the fans. Orton slid his table inside the ring while Owens set his up on the floor. Orton put Tonga on the table at ringside. Orton went to the apron and then splashed Tonga through the table. In the ring, Sikoa caught Orton with a punch and then used a Samoan Drop to put him through the other table.

Sikoa turned Owens inside out with a clothesline inside the ring. Sikoa leaned a table in the corner of the ring. Owens tossed Tonga to the floor. Sikoa battered Owens with headbutts and then tried to run him into the table, but Owens reversed it and sent Sikoa crashing through the table in the corner.

Tonga returned and clotheslined Owens. Tonga’s back had nasty welts from the kendo stick shots. Tonga went to ringside and brought back a chair. Orton rolled back inside the ring behind Tonga, who turned and spotted him. Tonga tried to hit Orton with the chair, but Orton ducked it. Orton hit his powerslam on Tonga.

Orton hit the RKO on Tonga and had him pinned, but Sikoa broke it up. Sikoa took Orton to ringside and headbutted him. Orton ended up on the broadcast table and then Sikoa climbed onto it. Sikoa set up for a Samoan Spike, but Orton caught him with an RKO on the table. Orton clutched his lower back.

Owens returned to the ring and slammed a chair over the back of Tonga. He set up the chair, then picked up another chair and slammed over Tonga’s back before setting up the chair next to the first chair. Rinse and repeat with two more chairs.

Owens placed Tonga on the four chairs and sent up top, but Tonga got up and cut him off. Tonga went for a superplex, but Owens countered into a fisherman’s suplex onto the four upright chairs. “Holy cow,” Cole said. Owens covered Tonga.

Tanga Loa emerged from underneath the ring (apparently) and broke up the pin. Sikoa hit Owens with a Samoan Spke and then pinned him to win the match. Graves pointed out that no one seemed more surprised to see Loa than Heyman was.

Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga defeated Randy Orton and Kevin Owens in 19:25 in a Street Fight.

Graves identified Loa as the brother of Tonga and the other son of Haku. A concerned Heyman tried to keep the Bloodline members from inflicting more damage…

Powell’s POV: It’s official, all three members of The Rising faction from TNA are on the WWE main roster! Anyway, I was hoping for Jacob Fatu, but Loa is a logical consolation prize. This was a great way to kick things off. The crowd ate up the hardcore action and the wrestlers delivered. Was that Tonga’s initiation? He took a lot of punishment during that match.

Cole said the WWE Women’s Championship match was up next. Footage aired of Owens and Orton meeting in the aisle and heading backstage together. Ads aired for Peacock’s ad-based subscribers while a video package previewed the match… Entrances for the match took place with Tiffany Stratton out first followed by Naomi and then the champion…

Powell’s POV: The Trinidad and Tobago t-shirt wearing superfan is in the front row, just as he was for Friday’s Smackdown. Does anyone know this guy’s story?

2. Bayley vs. Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton in a Triple Threat for the WWE Women’s Championship. Samatha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. The referee was Charles Robinson. The fans sang the damn “Hey, Bailey” song (let’s hope they got it out of their system). Nope, they sang it again a short time later.

Stratton hit an Alabama Slam on Bayley. Naomi returned from some time at ringside and ended up spearing Stratton through the ropes and then followed her to ringside. Stratton ran Naomi into the barricade and did her springboard back elbow spot and dumped Naomi into the timekeepers’ area.

Bayley hit Stratton with a suicide dive and then punched her repeatedly. Bayley tried to pull Naomi over the barricade, but Naomi caught her with a kick. Naomi jumped off the barricade and gave Bayley a neckbreaker. Stratton returned to the ring. Naomi put Stratton’s heads between her legs and then twerked, but her attempt to drive Stratton’s head onto the mat was weak. Naomi hit a split-legged moonsault on Stratton and had her pinned, but Bayley broke it up.

A short time later, Bayley used a sunset flip to drive Naomi’s head into the turnbuckle pad. She tried the same move on Stratton, who stuffed it. Bayley followed up with a Bayley To Belly for a near fall. Stratton sent Bayley through the ropes in the corner and then performed a rolling senton. Naomi pulled Stratton to the floor.

Stratton kicked Naomi into the barricade. Stratton performed an Alabama Slam on the broadcast table. Stratton followed up by using an Alabama Slam on Bayley to drive her onto the French broadcast table. Stratton got both opponents back in the ring and went for her finisher, but they both rolled out of the way.

Bayley and Naomi hit the 1D on Stratton, who rolled to the floor. Bayley and Naomi squared off. Naomi rolled Bayley into a pin, but Bayley reversed it and got the three count…

Bayley defeated Naomi and Tiffany Stratton in a Triple Threat in 13:10 to retain the WWE Women’s Championship.

After the match, Naomi smiled and hugged Bayley and then raised her arm…

Powell’s POV: A good match. Stratton seems to be benefitting from working with main roster wrestlers. She has fewer hiccups in her matches than she did in NXT and has yet to look out of place on the main roster. The outcome with Bayley pinning Naomi was logical, as it protects Stratton for a future singles showdown with Bayley.

Cole hyped the WrestleMania announcement that will be made after the show on the Kentucky Derby pre-show on NBC…

Jey Uso was shown warming up backstage. Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga, and Tanga Loa walked up to him and stared at him before leaving. Paul Heyman entered the picture, looked at Jey, and then shook his head in negative fashion…

Entrances for the World Heavyweight Championship match took place with Jey Uso coming out first. Damian Priest made his entrance without any other Judgment Day members…

3. Damian Priest vs. Jey Uso for the World Heavyweight Championship. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. By the way, they are not using the LED ring post casing, so it’s just standard ring posts with the Backlash logo on them. Priest hit an early bell ringer that dropped Jey to his knees. Priest shook his head in disgust while looking to the crowd.

Priest threw kicks and then swung for a punch or a clothesline that Jey ducked before performing a side suplex. Jey threw punches at Priest, then caught him with a kick to the gut and a punch to the face. Jey followed up with a step-up enzuigiri. Jey hit a top rope crossbody block for a two count.

JD McDonagh ran out and used the ropes to crotch Jey while the referee was tied up with Priest. After Priest got a two count, he took issue with McDonagh being there despite telling the other Judgment Day members he didn’t need their help. Jey superkicked McDonagh off the apron and ended up putting Priest down and hitting him with an Uso Splash for a two count.

Priest and Uso traded punches while on their knees and then traded forearm strikes once they were back on their feet. They traded jumping enzuigiris that left both men down temporarily. The crowd cheered loudly as they got to their feet. Priest blocked a kick and then used a Razor’s Edge to get a two count.

Priest went for the South of Heaven chokeslam, but Jey slipped away and spared him for a near fall. Jey went up top and then dropped down to the apron once he spotted Finn Balor hopping the barricade. Jey kicked Balor. Priest unknowingly took advantage of the distraction and put Jey down with a South of Heaven, but he only got a near fall. Priest showed frustration.

Priest threw a spin kick at Jey that put him down. Priest jawed at Je and motioned for him to stand up and then hit him with another spin kick. Priest went for a third spin kick, but Jey caught him with a superkick. Jey threw three more superkicks and then speared Priest. Jey followed up with an Uso Splash and had Priest beat, but McDonagh put Priest’s foot over the bottom rope.

Jey took out McDonagh with a suicide dive and then stood up and speared Balor. Jey went to the top rope, but Priest fell into the top rope and crotched Jey. Priest went to the middle rope and hit the South of Heaven and then got the three count…

Damian Priest defeated Jey Uso in 15:45 to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

After the match, Balor and McDonagh threw punches at Jey. Priest shoved both men away. Balor tried again, but Priest shoved him again. McDonagh stood between the two. Priest then ordered them to stand on each side of him and then he raised his arms and played to the crowd before they joined in…

Powell’s POV: A solid match. The outside interference actually added something to the match. The post match scene added to the growing tension between the Judgment Day members.

A video package recapped the latest WWE European tour…

French broadcast team member Philippe Chereau stood in the ring and spoke to the crowd in French. He may have been censored at one point. Cole said the man had informed the crowd that they had set the largest gate for an arena show in WWE history… Entrances for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Title match took place with the champions entering first…

4. “The Kabuki Warriors” Asuka and Kairi Sane vs. Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Dakota Kai walked out with the champions during their entrance, but she did not accompany them to ringside. Sane pie-faced Cargill early in the match. Cargill responded with two backbreakers. Belair tagged in and joined Cargill in hoisting up Sane and letting her fall to the mat.

Belair cleared Sane from the ring and then dove over the top rope and landed on her feet when Sane moved. Asuka blasted Belair with a kick. Sane went up top and hit Belair with a crossbody block on the floor. Back in the ring, Sane covered Belair for a two count. The champions isolated Belair.

Sane went up top and then jumped off and hit Belair with a flying forearm. Asuka tagged in. Belair avoided a move that Asuka went for and then hit her with a jawbreaker and rolled her up for a two count. Asuka caught Belair with a kick to the gut. Asuka set up for a suplex, but Belair reversed it and went for the tag. Sane tagged in and then launched off of Belair’s back to knock Cargill off the apron.

Later, Cargill got the hot tag. Cargill performed a springboard crossbody block on both opponents. and hit both opponent with Stinger Splashes. Cargill slammed Sane to the mat and had her pinned, but Asuka broke it up. Asuka hit a series of kicks. Sane went for a pin, but referee Dan Engler did not count the pin because Asuka was legal for her team.

Sane eventually tagged in and was once again slammed to the mat by Cargill. Sane swept the legs of Cargill and put her in a crossarm breaker. Asuka put Belair in the same hold. Belair and Cargill powered up their opponents and slammed them to the mat simultaneously to break the holds, which left all four wrestlers down temporarily.

Belair made a blind tag. Cargill pulled Sane up and then Belair put her down with a DDT before Cargill suplexed her. Belair covered Sane for a two count. Asuka pulled Cargill off the apron and ran her into the steps. In the ring, Belair went for a spear that Sane avoided, causing Belair to crash into the post. Asuka held Belair while Sane hit the Insane Elbow on Cargill for a near fall.

Asuka threw a series of kicks at Cargill, who blocked one and dropped her with a kick of her own. Sane jumped off the middle rope. Cargill caught her and twisted her into position and then hit Jaded. Belair picked up Asuka and hit the KOD while dropping her onto Sane in the process. Belair covered Asuka and got the three count…

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill defeated Asuka and Kairi Sane 17:25 to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: It wasn’t always pretty, but the match was entertaining and went longer and was more competitive than I anticipated. For that matter, Cargill did a lot more during the match than I expected. On the other hand, the title change was widely predicted. As I watched the match, I actually started to hope for a cheap finish to prolong the chase. After all, it’s not like they have any other women’s tag teams waiting in in the wings who will feel like credible challengers to Belair and Cargill. On the bright side, the new champions will now be able to appear on both brands.

Cole hyped the WWE Backlash Press conference for after the show and said it would feature Triple H, the winner of the main event, and Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair. Graves hyped the WrestleMania announcement during the Kentucky Derby pre-show…

A video package aired for WWE King and Queen of the Ring…

The broadcast team listed the following Queen of the Ring matches for Monday’s Raw: Zoey Stark vs. Ivy Nile, Shanyna Baszler vs. Zelina Vega, Lyra Valkyria vs. Asuka, and Iyo Sky vs. Natalya.

The broadcast team listed the following King of the Ring matches for Monday’s Raw: Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor, Kofi Kingston vs. Rey Mysterio, Ricochet vs. Ilja Dragunov, and Gunther vs. Sheamus.

Powell’s POV: Good lord, they went into Excalibur-like auctioneer mode while running through those tournament matches for Raw.

A video package set up the main event… AJ Styles made his entrance. The fans stood, but this was the tamest crowd reaction of the night (his shitty new entrance theme?). Graves said Styles had special gear made to replicate the gear he wore when he defeated Dusty Rhodes to win the NWA Championship in 2003. The crowd sang a song and then Cody Rhodes made his entrance and the crowd sang along with his entrance theme…

5. Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles for the WWE Championship. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Jessika Carr was the referee. Cole said she was the first woman to referee a main event for the WWE Championship in the history of the company. Cole also said it was a battle of two former Bullet Club leaders.

A few minutes into the match, Cody slapped Styles across the face, which Graves said was a receipt for Styles slapping him on Smackdown. Cody dropkicked Styles and then did a cartwheel and struck a pose that Cole said was a callback to Stardust.

A short time later, the match spilled over to ringside. Styles cleared the French broadcast table. Cole said Carr was giving the wrestlers a lot of leeway in the championship match. Styles set up for a powerbomb, but Cody drove him into the steps and returned to the ring.

Cody hoisted up Styles for a move on the ropes, but Styles slipped away and drove Cody onto the mat. Cody sold a lower back injury. Styles picked up Cody in Electric Chair position and fell back to the mat. Styles went for a springboard moonsault, but Cody put his knees up.

Cody hit a Disaster Kick for a near fall. Styles came back with a ushigoroshi for a near fall of his own. Cody avoided a move and then bulldogged Styles, who rolled under the bottom rope. Cody joined Styles on the apron where he was suplexed by Styles.

Cody came back by powerbombing Styles through the French broadcast table. The fans counted along in French while the referee counted and then both wrestlers made it back at the neuf, er, nine count. Both men traded punches in the middle of the ring and then threw simultaneous kicks that put them both down.

Cody asked Styles if the wanted to go again and then they once again traded shots in the middle of the ring. Styles threw his combo, but Cody ducked the last shot. Cody put Styles down with a Bionic Elbow for a two count. A short time later, Styles performed a springboard 450 splash for a near fall. The fans presumably chanted “This is awesome” based on their cadence.

Styles hit Cody with the Burning Hammer and covered him for just a one count. Cody fired up. Cody hit Styles with a Cody Cutter for a near fall. A “fight forever” chant broke out. Both men stood up and Styles yelled at Cody before running into a clothesline.

Cody set up for CrossRhodes, but Styles avoided it and then hit Cody with a Pele Kick. Styles dropped Cody with a punch and then went for a Phenomenal Forearm, but Cody caught him with a kick. Cody put Styles in a Kimura lock. Styles eventually stood up and drove Cody to the mat to break the hold.

Styles avoided the CrossRhodes and went for a Styles Clash, but Cody backdropped him. Styles held on, so Cody sat on him for a two count. Cody performed a top rope version of the Cody Cutter and then hit CrossRhodes and scored the clean pin…

Cody Rhodes defeated AJ Styles in 27:20 to retain the WWE Championship.

Cody celebrated with his championship. A video package recapped Backlash to close out the show…

Powell’s POV: A very good main event. Even with the lack of mystery regarding the outcome working against it, Cody and Styles still produced a hot title match. Overall, this was a strong PLE, particularly for being just a five match show. I continue to enjoy the international PLEs because of how hot the crowds are. The French fans were great and really helped make the show. I will be back with Sean Plichta for our same day audio review of Backlash for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let us know what you thought of Backlash by voting for the best match and grading the overall show below.

WWE Backlash France poll: Grade the overall show

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WWE Backlash France: Vote for the best match

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Readers Comments (25)

  1. TheGreatestOne May 4, 2024 @ 12:59 pm

    I have no idea what the French crowd keeps chanting during the women’s 3-way, but it sounds like “awkward moment.”

  2. So is Wrestlemania gonna be in Kentucky next year??

    • TheGreatestOne May 4, 2024 @ 1:14 pm

      Multiple Cornette references on WWE TV recently and now they’re announcing the location during the pre-show for the Kentucky Derby.

      It would be wild if it’s Louisville and they headline the next HOF class with Cornette and the Midnight Express.

    • Jeremy "JMos" Moses May 4, 2024 @ 1:19 pm

      I highly doubt that. This is likely just a case of corporate synergy, what with this show airing on Peacock which is owned by NBCUniversal, which is otherwise partnered with WWE via their TV deals.

      Besides, Louisville does not have a stadium large enough. Indianapolis would be a possibility regionally, but so would Nashville.

      • TheGreatestOne May 4, 2024 @ 1:32 pm

        Louisville’s football stadium will have a capacity of 65,000 next year after another bit of expansion. That’s a little under 5k less than what Lincoln Financial Field in Philly holds (before field seating of course).

        I doubt it’s Louisville, but the stadium there is now in the proper range for being used as a WM site.

    • The jade Bianca match is a crap show. Somebody should be fired for that chaos of a match.

  3. Heyman looked at Jey with a “How did things get so screwed up” look. Heyman needs to accidentally costs Solo and company a match and have them turn on him and have Reigns and the reunited Usos make the save reuniting the original Bloodline and Wiseman as faces. Jimmy and Jey are wasted as singles wrestlers and if Reigns is healthy the fans would love to cheer him.

  4. TheGreatestOne May 4, 2024 @ 2:06 pm

    I’m not sure who lost track of things in the match (maybe the ref?) but they did a decent job recovering from it.

    Also, Cargill is such a freak athlete. Kairi isn’t the biggest woman in the world, but the way Jade tossed her around in the air was ridiculous.

  5. The French crowd is very annoying

    • Negative Nancys May 5, 2024 @ 1:17 am

      Would you rather listen to a boring crowd who’s quiet like a library during the matches instead?

  6. That Trindad and Tobago guy has been going to shows for so long. Him and green shirt guy would always get front row seats. Anyway, he has a tiktok @trinidadflagguy

  7. Remember when Tonga Loa was raised in WWE developmental? They called him up as “Camacho” where even though he’s closer to Asian and Black, they made him the Mexican enforcer for Hunico

  8. I think that the crowd kinda stole the show in a bad way. In the last match they took me out of the action with their chats and stuff, sometimes I felt they were more invested in their party than in what was happening in the ring. It was only me?

    • 1, 2, “simplement deux !”
      That’s What they were saying for a close count. Which translate as 1,2 only two !
      Popularised by the french announce team.

    • Negative Nancys May 5, 2024 @ 6:24 pm

      Would you rather had the crowd be silent and not invested into the match like the boring American crowds are?

  9. I guess the green shirt guy couldn’t make the trip to France..lol

  10. Original Jabroni May 5, 2024 @ 10:32 am

    1. Powell- do you know if, once wrestlers are on the main roster, they still have enough time to train? Because Jade is so damn easy on the eyes, it’s easy for me to forget how green she is. Like, that match was terrible. She’s the best thing on the roster, don’t get me wrong… but she’s not close to ready.
    2. Can we now be done with “will-never-be-an-ACTUAL-Main Event Jey Uso?
    3. Imagine how crazy it is fir fans to be do obsessed with recording on their phones an event that’s LITERALLY designed and put on for the sole purpose of being professionally recorded and watched. Notice how quiet they were for Styles entrance and how it coincided with them staring at their devices as they recorded.
    4. Referee Jessika Carr is brutal in every way I can think of. When she’s standing in the ring, her slouching shoulders and disengaged face make it look like she’s being forced to be there. During the match, she’s not even attempting to disguise the fact that she’s passing information to the wrestlers (does Cena have a referee school or sonething?). And her makeup (sorry to go there) looks like she’s straight out of a 1987 Debbie Gibson music video.
    5. No professional wrestler has ever been better than Randy Orton is right
    now. Prove me wrong.
    6. What WWE creative is doing with the Bloodline/Heyman story, post-Wrestlemania, is what the “brilliant” creative mind of VKM never could. They’re making the biggest baby face of the century out of Roman Reigns. Turns out that when you put a story around building up a baby face, fans get behind him. Or, you could do what they did from 1997-2023. Force someone down the audience’s throat because you know what they want more than they do (Rocky Maivia, John Cena, the returning Batista, Ronda Rousey,7-8 years ofRoman Reigns…
    7. Sorry to state the obvious, but this crowd was incredible. From start to finish. Really unbelievable. Considering they’re French, I’m kinda surprised they didn’t give up half-way thru the first match.

    You’re welcome.

  11. >> Was that Tonga’s initiation? He took a lot of punishment during that match.<<
    Of course, if something like that was done in AEW, Mr. Powell as well as the usual marks here would be condemning it saying how unnecessary it was…

    Styles vs Cody was ok. Overall show as ok. Priest is blah. Jey Uso as the champ would be awesome, but hopefully Priest does something that gets him some momentum. To those that enjoyed the show, I think its either because "OMG ITS WWE AND I HAVE TO LIKE IT!" or because you just don't care if a show is actually good or bad, just that you like watching pro wrestling. To you, cheers.

  12. I’ve seen a lot of split reactions regarding the crowd. In the beginning of the show, they were awesome. Their passion and energy throughout the show really helped. BUT! They seemed to be way to into humoring themselves as the show went on. Near falls and face/heel reactions seemed to mean less and less the longer the show went. To me, they were insufferable in the main event and pretty much ruined the atmosphere and match for me. I may be in the minority there.

    The constant singing even seemed to throw off the talent a bit here and there. There were quite a bit of sloppy moments and I wonder how much they might have contributed. I mean, this business is all about getting a reaction. And the crowd was definitely hyped and loud. But there were times when it seemed like they were more reacting to themselves and just having the show there than the actual product itself.

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