AEW Dynamite results (5/1): Powell’s live review of Kenny Omega’s return, Chris Jericho vs. Katsuyori Shibata for the FTW Title, Samoa Joe vs. Isiah Kassidy, Serena Deeb vs. Mariah May

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 239)
Winnipeg, Manitoba at Canada Life Centre
Aired live May 1, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] Dynamite opened with Tony Khan checking in from Jacksonville Jaguars’ headquarters. Khan said he wasn’t cleared to travel. The feed started “cutting out” and then they cut to “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson in the production truck.

The Bucks acted like they lost the feed. Matthew raised the question of how they were not fired. They boasted that they had ironclad contracts. They also said that their contracts as EVP’s give them control of the show when Khan is absent. Nicholas called for a new opening video to play. The video featured the Bucks, Kazuchika Okada, and Jack Perry…

Pyro shot off on the stage and then Excalibur checked in on commentary with Taz and Tony Schiavone. Excalibur noted that Rampage would air immediately after Dynamite…

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland made his entrance along with Prince Nana. Swerve took issue with the Bucks running the show and once again stated that what they did to Tony Khan was a bitch move. Swerve said he didn’t know who his Double Or Nothing challenger would be and called the person out.

Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson appeared on the big screen. Matthew took issue with Swerve badmouthing his bosses and cursing on the show. Matthew said they arranged the perfect opponent for him at AEW Double Or Nothing and said he was at the go position.

Christian Cage made his entrance with Nick Wayne, Shayna Wayne, and Killswitch. Cage and Shayna entered the ring while Nick and Killswitch stood on opposite sides of the ring. Cage teased speaking and then struck Swerve with the microphone.

Swerve fired back. Nick ran in and was hit by Swerve, who then stopped short of hitting Shayna. Killswitch headbutted Swerve and then dropped Nana with an elbow. Cage hit the Killswitch move on top of the title belt. Cage and Killswitch held Nana in place while Nick hit him with Wayne’s World.

Cage took the mic and said there’s something Swerve should know about him, which is that he never forgets. Cage said he hasn’t forgotten that Swerve broke into Nick’s gym and left him in a pool of his own blood. Cage said he also hasn’t forgotten that he and Swerve were in a tag team at the biggest show in the history of the business and Swerve embarrassed him by taking the loss.

Cage said he’d been waiting for the right moment to make him pay for those mistakes and now he won the world championship, so there’s no better time than now. Cage said he would end Swerve’s title reign and make him a footnote in AEW’s history book.

Cage recalled Swerve stating that his daughter feels like she doesn’t know him. Cage said that Swerve’s daughter won’t want to know him once he’s finished with him, but she will then have a father that she can be proud of for the rest of her life.

Cage taunted the crowd about the Colorado Avalanche beating the Winnipeg Jets and then told Swerve that the pain has just begun. Killswitch grabbed one of Swerve’s braids and ripped it out of his head. Cage held up the AEW World Championship belt while Excalibur announced Swerve vs. Cage for the title was official for the AEW Double Or Nothing pay-per-view on May 26…

Powell’s POV: Christian didn’t really cross my mind as a potential challenger, but I like it. The problem with Cage losing his last match and then getting a title shot is erased with the heel Bucks making the match.

A House of Black video package aired regarding one of them challenging Adam Copeland for the TNT Title…

Adam Copeland made his entrance. The lights went out and then Malakai Black would be heard laughing. Black spoke about how Copeland assumed he would be coming out, but messing with his mind is so much more rewarding. Buddy Matthews made his entrance as the House of Black challenger…

Powell’s POV: Tony Schiavone accidentally gave away on Collision that it would be Matthews.

1. Adam Copeland vs. Buddy Matthews for the TNT Championship. Copeland sent Matthews to ringside and then hit him with a suicide dive. Copeland came up holding his shoulder heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Both men went for running crossbody blocks, which left both men down. Referee Aubrey Edwards checked on Matthews, who had blood coming out of his mouth. A trainer entered the ring and they cut to a PIP break. [C] Matthews got back to his feet and traded punches with Copeland during the break.

Copeland dominated the offense and then sat Matthews on the top turnbuckle. Matthews fought back and went for a sunset bomb, but Copeland avoided it. Matthews went for a superplex, but Copeland threw punches at his injured ribs and then performed an Impaler DDT from the ropes for a near fall.

Matthews rallied with three knee strikes and a Jackhammer for a near fall of his own. Matthews applied a crossface. Copeland eventually caught Matthews with a spear and pinned him clean…

Adam Copeland defeated Buddy Matthews in 20:55 to retain the TNT Championship.

After the match, Copeland attacked Matthews and set him up for a Conchairto. Schiavone actually said that Malakai Black blowing mist into Copeland’s eyes made Copeland crazy. Copeland looked to the crowd and then the lights went out. When they turned on, Malakai Black was standing next to Copeland and encouraged him to follow through with the Conchairto.

Copeland raised the chair at a now kneeling Matthews, but then turned toward Black. The lights went out again. When the lights turned on, Black and Matthews were nowhere to be found… [C]

Powell’s POV: One can only assume that the Matthews’ injury was a work. AEW has a questionable track record when it comes to allowing wrestlers to finish matches, but one could only hope that a wrestler spitting up blood would be enough to make them call off a match. The match was well worked and yet felt needlessly long. Don’t even get me started on the magical mist bullshit.

Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced Samoa Joe and then Isiah Kassidy. A woman gave Kassidy what Excalibur described as a last minute touchup before he walked through the velvet rope used for the Private Party entrance…

2. Samoa Joe vs. Isiah Kassidy. The crowd chanted “Joe’s gonna kill you.” The broadcast team did a good job before the match of saying that Kassidy shouldn’t mess around with Joe, particularly since this was Joe’s first match after losing the AEW World Championship. Kassidy grabbed the towel from Joe’s corner and put it around his own neck. Joe approached Kassidy, who poked him in the eye.

Joe tossed Kassidy into the air and watched him hit the mat, then threw a series of punches at him. Kassidy clotheslined Joe over the top rope. Kassidy went for a flip dive that Joe casually avoided, which got a pop from the crowd. A short time later, Joe didn’t budge when Kassidy went for a monkey flip. Joe turned Kassidy around and hit the Muscle Buster before pinning him…

Samoa Joe defeated Isiah Kassidy in 3:30.

Powell’s POV: This was exactly what it needed to be. Kassidy got a little offense, but Joe was otherwise dominant in his first match since dropping the title.

A video package featured Skye Blue challenging Willow Nightingale to defend the TBS Title against her on Rampage… [C]

Orange Cassidy made his entrance while the broadcast team narrated highlights of Trent Beretta beating Chuck Taylor in a Parking Lot Fight, followed by Beretta taking a cheap shot at Taylor afterward. Cassidy delivered a promo and said he hated it. He said he thought Beretta and Taylor could fight and get it out of their system and then they could stand together in the ring as friends.

Cassidy said that is never going to happen. Cassidy said he was told that because of Beretta did to Taylor after the match, his best friend Taylor would never wrestle again. Cassidy started to deliver a warning about what he would do the next time he saw Beretta, but he was interrupted.

Trent Beretta walked out with a mic in hand and accused Cassidy of making it about himself again. Cassidy left the ring and ran up the stage, but he was stopped by security. Kris Statlander walked out to calm Cassidy down.

[Hour Two] Don Callis came out and spoke to Cassidy. The broadcast team pointed out that Callis was getting booed his hometown. Callis and Cassidy walked to the back together and Statlander followed. Beretta stayed on the stage and gave a thumbs up…

Powell’s POV: That took a fun and unexpected twist. I still assume Beretta and perhaps Statlander end up joining the Callis Family, but we’ll see where it goes.

Renee Paquette interviewed Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson in the backstage area. Matthew said she looked great and asked about her family, then said they didn’t really have time for this. Nicholas said they had too much television time and wanted to give some to their good friend.

Jack Perry replaced the Bucks. Perry said he meant what he said last week when he said he wanted the best for AEW. He said some people might not be able to see it, but that’s what he did. Perry said they are now entering a new era under The Elite…

Chris Jericho made his entrance and had a new Learning Tree video wall. Jericho was cheered in his hometown and flashed a cheesy grin while waving and pointing. Jericho’s father Ted Irvine was shown applauding his son in the front row. Katsuyori Shibata made his entrance. Taz said Hook still wasn’t medically cleared and took issue with Jericho putting The Learning Tree on the FTW Title belt…

3. Chris Jericho vs. Katsuyori Shibata for the FTW Championship. Jericho, who was wearing trunks, continued to play the smiley insincere heel as the match started. Jericho pulled out a black bag and then dumped a bunch of Winnipeg Jets hockey pucks in the ring. Shibata dumped Jericho on the pucks and then followed up with a suplex on the pucks (ouch). Both men traded chops and Shibata got the better of it heading into a PIP break. [C]

Jericho caught Shibata in the Walls of Jericho. Shibata rolled under Jericho and applied a figure four. Jericho grabbed one of the pucks and threw it at Shibata’s face. Jericho picked up the puck and held it up, which drew cheers. “What the puck?” Taz quipped.

Jericho tossed a trashcan inside the ring. Excalibur said Jericho calls FTR “For The World”. Taz said that’s not what FTW stands for and called it soft crap. Jericho put the can over Shibata’s head and hit the can with a kendo stick. Shibata stood up and slowly walked toward Jericho with the can still over his head. Jericho comically begged off even though Shibata couldn’t see him.

Shibata ended up dropkicking the trashcan. Shibata grabbed a pair of kendo sticks and tossed one to Jericho. Shibata sat down crosslegged and then Jericho did the same before they beat each other with the sticks. Shibata got the better of it and placed his kendo stick between Jericho’s legs and then hoisted him up and dumped him on the pucks.

Shibata went to ringside and pulled out a table, which he set up in a corner of the ring. Shibata backed up and charged Jericho, who cut him off with a Codebreaker, which led to Jericho getting a two count. Shibata put Jericho in a sleeper and then turned Jericho around and chopped him. Shibata set up the table.

Big Bill came out and hit Shibata with a big boot. Bill chokeslammed Shibata through the table and onto the pucks. Bill left the ring. Jericho covered Shibata and got the pin…

Chris Jericho defeated Katsuyori Shibata in 15:25 to retain the FTW Championship.

Powell’s POV: Is it just me or did Taz seem more upset about the FTW Title than what happened to his son? Anyway, the match was a lot of fun with comedy that worked combined with some good physicality.

Footage aired of last week’s angle involving Willow Nightingale, Mercedes Mone, and Kris Statlander…

TBS Champion Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, and Stokely Hathaway were interviewed on the backstage set. Statlander apologized for what happened last week. Willow said last week’s fiasco left her in a foul mood. She said she has something for Mercedes, but she will massacre Skye Blue on AEW Rampage.

Hathaway threw a fit about something Blue said about him and said he couldn’t complain to Tony Khan because of what “those pricks” the Young Bucks did to him. A crew member handed a phone to Paquette, who read a message from the Bucks. The message said that Statlander and Hathaway would be banned from ringside during Willow’s match with Blue, and added that if anyone interferes in the match then Willow would be stripped of the title… [C]

Powell’s POV: So Blue should have someone interfere in the match just to force Willow to be stripped of the title.

Claudio Castagnoli made his entrance while his pre-taped promo aired. Brian Cage’s entrance followed…

4. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brian Cage. Excalibur announced that Adam Copeland vs. Brody King for the TNT Title and Trent Beretta vs. Orange Cassidy were made official for next week’s AEW Dynamite. Excalibur said Bryan Danielson was not medically cleared to travel and was still recovering from his loss to Will Ospreay at AEW Dynasty. Cage caught Castagnoli on the ropes and to the apron with a kick. Cage deadlifted Castagnoli while standing on the ropes and then superplexed him. [C]

Cage put Castagnoli down with a discus clothesline and got a near fall. Castagnoli came back and performed a 619 and a lariat for a two count. In the end, Castagnoli performed the giant swing and then made Cage tap to the Sharpshooter…

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Brian Cage in 9:50.

A graphic listed Kenny Omega as still to come along with the women’s match… [C]

Powell’s POV: A bounce back win for Castagnoli following his loss to Swerve Strickland on Saturday’s Collision.

Renee Paquette interviewed Rocky Romero and asked who he will side with in the Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta match. He said he wouldn’t cheer for anyone and questioned who wins in this scenario. Romero said he told everyone involved that he’s done with it. Romero challenged Kyle O’Reilly to face him on AEW Rampage…

5. Serena Deeb vs. Mariah May (w/Toni Storm, Luther). Both entrances were televised. Deeb put May in the ridiculous Paradise Lock and then kicked May’s ass to free her. May battled back and was on the offensive heading into a PIP break. [C]

Deeb put May down with a neckbreaker and a German suplex. Deeb blasted May with a clothesline and covered her for a two count. Deeb let out a “woooo” before setting up for a figure four, but May kicked her way. May hit a missile dropkick and then hit a hip attack that led to a two count. May followed up with a running knee strike for a near fall.

Deeb battled back before May hit her with a suplex. Deeb caught a charging May with an elbow in the corner. May went for a handstand move, but Deeb stuffed it and applied a single leg crab. May crawled toward the ropes, but Deeb pulled her back to the middle of the ring and slammed May’s knee on the mat repeatedly. May reapplied the hold and then Storm threw in the towel.

Serena Deeb defeated Mariah May in 10:30.

After the match, a graphic listed Storm vs. Deeb for the AEW Women’s Championship at AEW Double Or Nothing…

Powell’s POV: Of all the things AEW could borrow from New Japan Pro Wrestling, Sanada’s stupid Paradise Lock would be near the bottom of my list. Anyway, this felt a little too competitive given that the purpose was to set up Deeb for the title match.

Backstage, Paquette asked Adam Copeland if he was doing okay. Copeland acted a bit off while saying that he was. Kyle O’Reilly showed up and said he would have Copeland’s back against House of Black if he needed it. Copeland, who had the TNT Title belt over his shoulder, told O’Reilly to keep his eyes up here, then spoke about facing Brody King next week…

Justin Roberts delivered the over the top introduction for Kenny Omega and included a line about him being the Golden Boy of Winnipeg. Omega made his entrance in a suit and while wearing shades. Excalibur recalled that Omega was fired from The Elite by The Young Bucks.

There were “Kenny”chants and loud cheers. Omega said the fans were making this tough on him. A “welcome home” chant broke out. Omega said he’s never been good when it comes to talking about injuries and weakness. He said he was diagnosed with diverticulitis.

Omega said he spent ten days in the hospital and was told by doctors that he was 24 hours away from dying. Omega said he asked the doctor if he could get him fixed up so he could get back on Dynamite.

[Overrun] Omega said the doctor told him it’s not that simple. He said Omega would need a surgery that would require him to wear a colostomy bag for six months or even for life.

Omega said he asked the doctor what would happen if he didn’t have the surgery. He said the doctor told him that he would be a ticking time bomb and that any blunt force trauma to the stomach could kill him. Omega said he had to stop watching.

Omega got choked up while saying he was scared for the first time in his career. He said he felt pathetic and like a coward. He said maybe the point of it all was that he would have to come out and explain that he had to retire. Omega said he turned on AEW for the first time when he watched AEW Dynasty.

Omega spoke about watching Will Ospreay and Bryan Danielson have one of the greatest matches he’s ever seen his life. He said he wished he could say it made him happy, but it made his hands shake. He wondered whether he was really afraid to be a wrestler.

Omega said that when he heard Justin Roberts call his name and the fans cheering, he realized he was scared and that’s part of life. Omega said he was shaking because he was going through withdrawals. He said being the best wrestler fuels him. Omega said he felt like he had already been forgotten.

Omega declared that his career would not be over until he exhausted every option. He said even if there’s a one percent chance, the fans weren’t done with him yet. He said he made a vow to change the world.

Omega turned the focus to the Young Bucks and was censored. He said they have been embarrassing themselves more than they ever have in the past. Omega said they forgot that there’s another EVP. Omega said they could fire him from The Elite, but they can’t fire him from being an EVP. He said that until someone says otherwise, a part of the power belongs to the Best Bout Machine.

Kazuchika Okada made his entrance dressed in a suit and joined Omega inside the ring. Omega said something to Okada in Japanese. Omega said it was The Rainmaker and the Best Bout Machine. Omega said they had a pretty good rivalry in New Japan. Omega told Okada to give him a couple of months and they could settle it in the ring.

Okada took the mic and said he was sorry, but he is now the best bout machine. Jack Perry entered the ring and blindsided Omega. Okada went to ringside and slid a chair to Perry, who then used it to fight off security. Perry swung the chair at Omega, who ducked it.

Omega threw punches at Perry and hit him with knees to the gut. Omega performed a dragon suplex and then sold his abdominal area. Omega got to his feet and removed his jacket. Omega played to the crowd and ripped his shirt open. Omega pointed at Perry and ran the ropes for a V-Trigger, but Okada grabbed his foot. Omega ran toward Perry, who jabbed him in the gut with a chair.

Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson came out and acted like they were bothered by what Okada and Perry did. A “Kenny” chant broke out as he grabbed the Bucks with the goal of pulling himself up. The Bucks grabbed Omega’s hands and then blasted him with an EVP Trigger.

The “FTR” music played and then Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler ran out. The Elite exited the ring once FTR entered. A trainer checked on Omega to close Dynamite…

Powell’s POV: A very good angle. Omega’s promo was strong. A simple jab to the gut with a chair was actually a mega heel move in this case due to the way Omega set it up with his promo. The overall show was solid and a big improvement over last week. I’m switching over to my AEW Rampage coverage, but I’ll be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Dynamite (and Rampage this week) for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Dynamite by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the May 1 edition free polls


Readers Comments (6)

  1. Every segment the Buckaroos are in are the lowest segments of the show so Khan is gonna book them “running” the whole show and they’ll be all over it. What a moron. A retarded chimpanzee could book a better show

  2. I thought Kenny’s promo was great but the bucks + jungle boy have truly mastered the art of the least convincing beatdown in wrestling. It doesn’t help that the announcers are always bad at selling the severity of what’s going on

  3. At least the Bucks addressed why they did nor get fired, but a wrestler like Punk could.

    Swerve vs Christian could be a great match. Christian’s trilogy against Orton was among the best series ever produced. I bet he can get that level out of Swerve, and really make Swerve in the process.

    Odd to hear Kenny go SO detailed with his injury, retire or die, then watch him take bumps.

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