TNA Impact results (4/11): Moore’s review of PCO vs. Kon in a Monster’s Ball, Moose vs. Trent Seven in a non-title match, Crazzy Steve vs. Laredo Kid for the Digital Media Title

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,029)
Taped March 24, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena

Aired April 11, 2024 on AXS TV

The show started off with Josh Alexander and Hammerstone brawling ringside. In the ring, both men no sell suplexes and go back to brawling. Security guards end up separating both men. After breaking free, Josh ended up hitting a bunch of security guards with a flip dive. Tommy Dreamer ended up walking out to calm down Josh Alexander. Dreamer took a mic and told Josh that this wasn’t the time to fight and that he has something to say to Hammerstone himself.

Hammerstone was in the ring. Dreamer said that Josh has Hammerstone at Rebellion and to head to the back. Josh ended up going to the back after Dreamer’s convincing. Dreamer entered the ring where he hyped up Philadelphia. Dreamer talked about Josh being the face of the company by hard work, great matches, and busting his ass each and every week. Dreamer said one thing people don’t know is Dreamer helped get Hammerstone in TNA too due to the hard work Hammerstone puts in. Dreamer talked about Hammerstone having one of the best debuts in TNA.

Dreamer talked about Hammerstone taking shortcuts recently, like giving low blows. Dreamer said Hammerstone’s name isn’t cemented yet. Dreamer told Hammerstone to not jump people from behind and face them head on. An EC-Dub chant ensued. Dreamer said they chant ECW because Dreamer cemented his legacy. Dreamer then asked Hammerstone to put on a good match with Josh so they can say “top that” backstage. Hammerstone then thanked Hammerstone for being a part of the next generation and then said that he hopes to have one hell of a show.

Dreamer was about to leave, but was jumped by Hammerstone. Hammerstone put Dreamer in the Torture Rack. Hammerstone left when Josh Alexander ran in the ring. Josh said Hammerstone isn’t going to listen to anyone. Josh then proposed that they finish things right at Rebellion, in a ladder match. Josh’s theme played to end the segment. The TNA Cross the Line theme played…

John’s Thoughts: While I praise TNA for their usual show-opening recaps, it’s fun every once in a while for an en media res opening to change the pace. The opening brawl also did a good job to establish Hammerstone in front of the TNA audience.

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer. The commentators checked in from the commentary table where they ran through upcoming segments…

A tale of the tape aired for the opening championship match…

1. Crazzy Steve vs. Laredo Kid for the TNA Digital Media Championship. Steve quickly went after the mask to start the match. Both men ended up being defensive to start the match. Steve put the boots to Kid when he entered the ring. Kid came back with a crossbody block and huracanrana. Steve reversed a tightrope armdrag and gave Kid a Northern Lariat. Steve went back after Kid’s mask.

Kid rallied back with right hands to the gut. Steve hit Kid with a running knee for a nearfall. Steve worked on Kid with a chinlock and punches. Steve put Kid in a modified Rings of Saturn which Kid broke out of. Steve also grinded on Kid with an elbow. Kid and Steve traded a few rollups. Kid hit Steve with a Superman Forearm and Michinoku driver. Kid then hit Steve with two moonsaults. Steve put Kid in a Tree of Woe after another moonsault attempt.

Steve hit Kid with a cannonball. Steve gave Kid methodical boots. Steve then went for the mask again. Kid hit Steve with right hands. The referee tried to separate Kid from pummeling Steve. Laredo Kid snapped and shoved the referee to the mat to go back at Steve. The ref called for the DQ.

Crazzy Steve defeated Laredo Kid via DQ in 9:32 to retain the Digital Media Championship.

Laredo Kid explained to the referee that he was angry due to Steve trying to take his mask. Steve tried to hit Kid with the Digital Media Championship, but Kid ducked and grabbed the belt. Laredo Kid stood tall with the championship belt while Steve retreated…

John’s Thoughts: A cheap finish, but at least they are protecting Laredo Kid more than usual while also stretching this to an actual feud. It was smart after the match to have Kid go to the ref to explain that he snapped due to Steve disrespecting the lucha culture by going after his mask. Again, this belt is poorly branded, but I’m at least looking forward to see how this feud goes. Here’s hoping we hear from Steve because they are wasting his good promo ability and cool new persona.

Security cam footage was shown of Big Kon in his “sensory deprivation room”. Of course, this is due to Monsters Ball, where the wrestlers can’t eat or drink for 24 hours while also in complete darkness. PCO was lying under a blanket in his deprivation room…

The commentary team ran through upcoming segments…[c]

Hannifan hyped upcoming TNA tapings in Chicago…

The show cut to Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and Kushida backstage. Shelley apologized to both Kushida and Sabin for his recent behavior. He said he understands that Kushida was just looking out for his best interest when he threw in the towel. Sabin noted that sometimes brothers fight, and sometimes they need a hug. All three men hugged…

Ace Austin and Chris Bey made their entrance. They no longer come out to the Bullet Club theme (which is an upgrade). First Class then made their entrance…

1. “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. “First Class” Rich Swann and AJ Francis. Swann teased starting the match against Ace, but quickly tagged out. Ace teased a Test of Strength, but then went right into a headlock. AJ regained control with a simple shove. Swann tagged in and was whipped into the gut of Ace by AJ. Ace came back with a drop toehold and basement kick. Bey tagged in and worked on Swann with stereo kicks alongside Ace.

AJ went on the apron for a distraction. AJ caught Bey. AJ hit Bey with a back suplex on the apron heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

First Class cut the ring in half on Ace back from break. Ace got a window of opportunity by hitting AJ with a bulldog. Bey took the hot tag to go against Swann. Bey caught Swann with a uppercut and spinebuster. Ace rallied with right hands on AJ. AJ managed to lift both opponents at the same time. AJ hit both opponents with a World’s Strongest Wasteland. AJ hit Bey with a Tennessee Whiskey (a running knee version of his famous flop).

Bey avoided a 450 by Swann. Ace tagged in. Ace hit Swann with an assisted Disaster Kick. Bey and Ace escaped a double suplex by AJ. ABC hit AJ with a double team Death Valley Driver. Bey hit AJ with a Flip Dive. Swann reversed Bey’s assisted cutter with a neckbreaker. Swann rolled up Ace with a hand full of tights for the win.

First Class defeated ABC via pinfall in 11:04.

Immediately after the match, Joe Hendry made his entrance in street clothes. He said he gave Swann a chance to explain why he joined AJ Francis, but instead did something else. Hendry then started quoting the theme song of Fresh Prince of Bel Air while also calling AJ a fat Uncle Phil. Hendry said he talked to Santino Marella who booked Joe Hendry vs. Rich Swann for Rebellion…

John’s Thoughts: Dirty finish, but expected. I’m at least happy that they’re protecting ABC a bit because they’ve been taking a handful of decisive losses recently (my guess is with Ace Austin re-signing with the company, they don’t have to be afraid of wasting his character development). Swann and AJ need the win even more due to their partnership just starting. Only complaint, is I think it would have been better to put them against enhancement jobbers to have them look a bit more dominant. I also am not a huge fan of AJ Francis continuing to be the butt of jokes because it’s killing his cred.

Backstage, Ash By Elegance and George Iceman (still unnamed) called over Santino Marella to join them behind their random velvet rope barricade. Iceman brought up Steph De Lander winning the 8-4-1 match a few weeks ago and how she was filling in for Ash By Elegance. Iceman said that technically means that Ash won. Iceman asked Santino to give Ash the title match instead of Steph. Santino said that’s not going to happen. Santino walked off with Ash and Iceman complaining…

The camera shots from the sleep deprivation rooms were shown. Kon was having a hard time. PCO meanwhile was still under his blanket…[c]

Tom Hannifan plugged TNA action figures merch…

Mustafa Ali talked with James Drake and Zach Gibson about how unfair it was for all of them that Jake Something is allowed to wrestle in an X Division title match as a heavyweight. Gibson talked about how they weren’t the ones that picked a fight with Something. Jake Something showed up and said the match is happening no matter what. Jake jawed with the GYVs a bit and left. Gibson told Ali that he’s willing to talk business with Ali.

Santino Marella was in the ring to moderate the Knockouts Title contract signing. He introduced the challenger, Steph De Lander, first who made her entrance alongside Matt Cardona. Santino then introduced the champion, Jordynne Grace, who made her entrance. Santino noted that Grace chose De Lander to sign first. Cardona told the crowd all hail the Deathmatch King and Queen. Cardona noted that SDL is the powerhouse predator. Cardona hyped up Steph as the next Knockouts Champion.

Steph signed the contract. Grace said she appreciates both Cardona and Steph being here. Grace talked about she isn’t going to just roll over and lose something she worked hard for. She said she earned every accolade her name is on. Grace said she’s a 3 time Knockouts Champion, the first ever Queen of the Mountain, the first woman to win Call Your Shot, the inaugural Digital Media Champion. Cardona yelled that he beat Grace for the Digital Media Title!

Grace pointed out that Cardona is doing all the talking. Cardona let Steph get words in. Steph said she has so many accolades, that they don’t have enough TV time to say them. Steph talked about winning the 8-4-1 match. Steph said Grace seems distracted with things like bodybuilding or the WWE Royal Rumble. Steph wondered if Grace was focused. Grace said her number one priority is representing TNA.

She said she prides herself by outworking everyone. She said she’s going to work harder than Steph, retain her title, and cement her legacy in TNA. Grace said she already beat Steph, Steph’s boyfriend, and Steph’s Boyfriend’s wife (Chelsea Green). She said she’s happy to beat “you” again because “I’m the Juggernaut bitch” (to quote X Men). Grace then pointed out she was talking to Cardona because he’s a bitch.

Grace gave De Lander an aggressive handshake. De Lander gave Grace a headbutt. Grace came back with a headbutt and jumped the table. Grace gave De Lander a Thesz Press on a chair. Grace gave Cardona an elbow which caused Cardona to fall into Santino. Grace was about to power bomb De Lander, but Cardona attacked Grace. De Lander gave Grace a Uranage through the table…

John’s Thoughts: Solid contract signing, but it felt like we were building towards Grace vs. Cardona instead of Grace vs. De Lander. Biggest problem here is they haven’t done too much to introduce the former Persia Pirotta to the TNA audience. She sorta comes off as a Matt Cardona clone, and nothing more than a challenger-of-the-month for Grace. She probably is just a challenger-of-the-month, but this build feels more like towards an Impact Plus show rather than a traditional PPV (maybe they’ll surprise me by having De Lander win, but they don’t have her signed if I’m remembering correctly).

Masha Slammovich was cutting a promo in Russian backstage. Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, and Alisha Edwards asked her to team with Alisha to go after the tag titles. Masha said something in Russian and walked off. The System were then confused…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

Part II of Jonathan Gresham’s therapy session was shown. The therapist asked Gresham what he means about wearing a mask. Gresham said he has three masks. The first mask is what he shows the world. The 2nd mask is what he shows friends and family. He said he hasn’t been able to show his third mask to anyone. He said that’s the closes reflection of who he is. The camera then focused on his signature Octopus mask…

Speedball Mountain made their entrance. Moose then made his entrance…

2. TNA Champion Moose (w/Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers) vs. Trent Seven (w/Mike Bailey) in a non-title match. Moose missed a few chops with Seven’s landing. Moose floored Seven with a single chop. Moose no sold a chest slap and gave Seven a Uranage. Myers and Edwards taunted Seven with the tag titles. Seven rallied with chops. Seven faked a punch and gave Moose a DDT.

Eddie got on the apron and was tripped by Bailey. Moose reversed a Rainmaker with a headbutt. Seven hit Moose with Bop and Bang followed by a Seven Star Lariat (Rainmaker) for a nearfall. Moose escaped a Birming-Hammer attempt and hit Seven with a Spear for the win.

Moose defeated Trent Seven in 3:59.

The System beat down and put the boots to Seven and Bailey. Kushida and Motor City Machine Guns ran out to run off the heels…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Moose is still a weak world champion. That said, Trent Seven is even weaker as a character and this went exactly as it should have. Moose actually benefits with a dominant win and they made the right decision by not attempting to make Seven look strong in this match as it would have weakened their world champion. I hope they rush to Seven turning heel soon because this rethread of Moustashe Mountain with Mike Bailey subbing in for Tyler Bate feels forced. That and I thought Seven was doing some really good work as the top heel of the NXT UK brand.

Hannifan plugged the TNA action figures again…

The System argued with Santino Marella at Gorilla position about being jumped by Kushida and The Guns. Brian Myers asked Santino to let he and Eddie take out the Machine Guns. Santino assumed that meant they were going to defend the tag titles. Myers and Eddie pulled back on their request. Mike Bailey and Trent Seven showed up to also complain.

Bailey proposed The System defend the titles against The Machine Guns first before Rebellion. Santino booked The System vs. The Motor City Machine Guns next week for the tag titles, with the winners defending the belts against Speedball Mountain at Rebellion. After everyone left, Rosemary and Havok showed up. Rosemary asked that they invoke their tag team title rematch for Rebellion. Santino agreed and booked the match…

Entrances for the next match took place…

3. Jake Something vs. James Drake (w/Zack Gibson). Gibson distracted Jake at ringside which allowed Drake to hit Something with a Suicide Dive. Something got on his knees and no sold right hands. Drake escaped a choke and got Something to the mat with an enzuigiri. Jake hit Drake with a suplex. Jake rallied back with right hands.

Drake came back wiht a shoulder takle. Jake hit Drake with a Haymaker punch. Gibson tripped up Jake which allowed Drake to get a cheap shot. Gibson choked Jake a bit with his towel. Cody Deaner ran out to trip up Gibson. Jake yelled “what’s my name” and hit Drake with “Into the Void” for the win.

Jake Something defeated James Drake via pinfall in 3:52.

Mustafa Ali walked out with a bunch of extras holding picket signs. Ali led a “no to Jake” chant to protest about Jake being in the X Division. Jake Something gave the protestors a suicide dive. Jake and Deaner fought wtih Mustafa ALi and the Grizzled Young Veterans in the ring. Ali hit Deaner first with the title belt

Big Kon was shown getting out of his sensory deprivation room. Kon was selling the effects. PCO was in his other room being “revived” with Jumper Cables by the random doctor guys…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The usual booking of having the tag team wrestler take a singles loss. I do hope they treat the Grizzled Young Veterans more than just being goons for Mustafa Ali (they’ve essentially just filled in for The Good Hands). At least they aren’t running around in bath robes acting like a cult. Interesting to see Jake and Deaner back together as they have a long history going back to the Larry the Cable Guy gimmick days.

An ad aired for an Impact Plus show that will focus on Steve Maclin and Nic Nemeth in what looks like a documentary style video…

The following segments were plugged for next week: The System vs. The Motor City Machine Guns for the tag titles, Hammerstone in action, Nic Nemeth appearing for a promo…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary…

Big Kon made his entrance looking exhausted. PCO made his entrance looking like PCO. Hannifan noted that this is the 58th Monsters Ball match and the first one happened at TNA Victory Road 2004…

4. Big Kon vs. PCO in a Monsters Ball Match. Both men started the match at a stalemate during a collar and elbow. Kon then used a chair as a shield to block kendo stick shots from PCO. PCO then punched away the chair. Kon blocked a dive with a trash can. Kon then hit PCO in the head with a trash lid and cookie sheet. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Kon hit PCO in the back with a Kendo Stick. Kon then used the stick to choke PCO. Kon was doing his weird L pose after every few moves. Kon wrapped a chain around his fist and then beat up a trash can that PCO was in. PCO kicked out of a pin at two. PCO rolled to the apron. Kon set up a table at ringside. PCO escaped a Power Bomb and backdropped Kon on the apron.

PCO hit Kon with a Cannonball Dive. PCO then grabbed a table and set it up next to the apron. PCO put Kon on the table. PCO hit Kon with a De-Animator through the table. A “he’s not human” chant ensued. Kon low blowed PCO. Rehwoldt noted that while PCO may not be human, he has huan parts. PCO recovered and chopped at Kon at the top of the ropes. Kon crumpled and fell through the wooden table.

PCO built a ladder bridge next to the apron. Both men brawled to the top rope. Kon then body slammed PCO through the ladder bridge. Kon poured thumbtacks in the center of the ring. Kon grabbed some thumbtacks and shoved them in the mouth of PCO. PCO spit and tossed them back. PCO choke slammed Kon on the thumbtacks. PCO poured tacks on Kon and gave Kon a PCO Sault for the victory.

PCO defeated Big Kon via pinfall in 14:26.

The camera showed the thumbtacks lodge in Kon’s body. PCO celebrated his win to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: Mixed bag for me. On the negative side, 75% of the match dragged. This has been a problem with Kon going back to his NXT days where he’s a bit plodding as a singles wrestler. Just a lot of walking and punching from him (which is why he tends to work better as a tag guy). Lots of hard work by the end to pick up the pace with some scary looking high spots, along with some violence with the thumbtacks. PCO continues to freak me out though with all the dangerous things he puts his body through.

Solid episode of Impact this week. TNA doesn’t overdo hardcore these days so the Monsters Ball match was a good novelty. Of course, when at the home of ECW you must ECW. I did like Hannifan before the match pointing out the history of the match. The rest of the show was solid with the focus being put on building towards the Rebellion PPV…


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