Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: PCO vs. Kon in a Monster’s Ball, Moose vs. Trent Seven in a non-title match, Crazzy Steve vs. Laredo Kid for the Digital Media Championship

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

PCO vs. Kon in a Monster’s Ball: The match left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, both men earned the Hit by working really hard and taking some hellacious bumps long the way. On the other hand, I don’t take much pleasure in watching the 56 year-old PCO continue to put his body through hell with those hellacious bumps. It’s insane that he can still walk let alone work at the level he does and I just hope that he doesn’t pay a price for it once his in-ring career concludes. But both wrestlers went above and beyond to make this match work. In fact, this stands out as one of the best performances of Kon’s career.

TNA Champion Moose vs. Trent Seven in a non-title match: The match was exactly what it should have been. Seven got a late hope spot, but he was pinned in clean and decisive fashion by the TNA Champion.

“First Class” Rich Swann and AJ Francis vs. “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey: Swann and Francis looked better during the match than they did when Swann looked like a 12 year-old boy while standing next to Francis during an in-ring promo segment last week. Austin and Bey seem to be working toward a split, so Swann and Francis beating them thanks to a distraction finish felt like a logical move. Joe Hendry’s post match “Uncle Phil” jab was really over with the live crowd.

Jake Something vs. James Drake: Something beat Drake clean as part of the build to his X Division Title match with Mustafa Ali. The political character that Ali plays is too much of a sports entertainment style character for my taste, but I liked when he shared the screen with Drake and Zack Gibson. I can’t help but wonder if TNA would be better off if Ali, Drake, and Gibson were the top heel faction instead of The System.

TNA Impact Misses

Crazzy Steve vs. Laredo Kid for the Digital Media Championship: A soft Miss for an underwhelming match that concluded with the babyface getting frustrated and shoving the referee to the ground for the DQ finish. Steve did a tremendous job during the sit-down interviews that setting the table for his current heel persona. Here’s hoping that the creative team will find something he can to sink his teeth into to help set up his future programs.


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