C*4 Wrestling “Tremors” results: Vetter’s review of Gringo Loco and Fresh Air vs. Aeroboy and Fight or Flight, Myung-Jae Lee vs. Kevin Ku, Evil Uno and Stu Grayson vs. Project 8100

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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C*4 Wrestling (Capital City Championship Combat) “Tremors”
Replay available via Independent.TV
March 22, 2024 in Ottawa, Ontario at Preston Event Centre

This show was released Tuesday at IWTV. By delaying it a few days, it allows C*4 to make some light edits, particularly cutting out breaks between matches. This is one of my favorite venues for indy wrestling; it is a well-lit, two-level room and they always draw 500-600 fans who are really into the matches.

1. James Stone (w/Vanessa Kraven) defeated Brent Banks at 12:47. Banks is Black with short curly hair. Stone is white and bald, and they are both regulars here. Stone is thicker and visibly stronger. They immediately brawled to the floor and traded chops in front of the fans. Stone took control in the ring. Banks hit a dropkick at 7:30 and was fired up. He hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall. Stone hit a superplex but Banks rolled through and hit a suplex, and they were both down at 9:30. Stone hit a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall. Kraven kept trying to help cheat, but Stone didn’t want the help and they weren’t “on the same page.” Stone and Banks traded rollups, and Stone got the pinfall.

* Stone got on the mic and said “I don’t feel like much of a winner right now.” He insisted Banks challenge him to a ringside, and next time, Kraven won’t be at ringside. “I need to beat you on my own,” he said.

* Project 8100 cut a backstage promo. They appear to be of India heritage; they remind me of Indus Sher but now as big. I haven’t seen them before.

2. Evil Uno and Stu Grayson defeated “Project 8100” Haddy and Dexter Doom at 14:19. Stu and the bald Dexter Doom traded mat reversals early on. Haddy, who has a full head of hair, entered at 2:00 to face Uno. Uno and Doom traded hard chops. Project 8100 began working over Stu. Stu finally hit a Pele Kick at 9:30 and made the hot tag to Uno. Uno hit a Stinger Splash on one guy and a running knee to the side of the head on another. Uno hit a brainbuster for a nearfall. Project 8100 hit a running forearm-and-German Suplex combo. Doom hit a Black Hole Slam on Uno for a nearfall at 12:00. Haddy missed a top-rope moonsault. Uno hit a stunner on Doom. Stu hit a leaping DDT onto the ring apron on Haddy. Uno hit a piledriver on Doom, and they both covered Doom for the pin. Solid match; the students aren’t young men and they held their own, but the winner was never in doubt.

3. Lufisto defeated Akira in an intergender match at 13:14. Akira’s mohawk is a shade of purple today and he got a babyface pop. Indy vet Lufisto is really short and it’s hard to believe she could hold her own against him. They immediately traded forearm shots and rolled to the floor. Akira picked up a woman in the crowd and used her feet as a battering ram on Lufisto at 3:00. Back in the ring, Akira hit a stiff kick to her spine. He hit a basement dropkick in the corner at 5:00. She hit a bodyslam and a senton. She hit some chops and remained in charge. He hit a Saito Suplex and a sliding clothesline for a nearfall at 7:00, and another LOUD kick to her spine and some chops. She hit a running buttbump in the corner, then a running Facewash kick for a nearfall at 8:30.

Akira nailed a Shining Wizard for a believable nearfall, but he missed a top-rope senton. They traded shoulder tackles with neither going down. He hit a decapitating clothesline for a nearfall. They had a duel with chairs. They opened the chairs, sat down across from each other, and traded open-hand slaps, then chops, then headbutts. They got out of the chair and he applied a rear-naked choke. He hit a vertical Tiger Driver for a believable nearfall, dropping her high on her shoulders and neck. She bodyslammed him onto an open, sideways chair for a believable nearfall. Lufisto then hit a back suplex onto a folded chair for the pin. That was really entertaining.

4. Matthieu St. Jacques, Ben Tull, Mike Marston, and Kennedi Copeland defeated Puf, Pretty Ricky Wildly, London Lighting, and Alexia Nicole at 17:36. Puf is the 400+ pound guy who always strikes me as quite unhealthy but he’s incredibly over with this crowd. Lightning just had a pair of AEW/ROH matches and he’s a young rising star. Marston is heavily tattooed and wears a Stone Cold-style black vest. Nicole is well under 5’0″; the women opened and Kennedi has a clear height and overall size advantage. Nicole tried a shoulder tackle on the bigger Marston but she just ricocheted off of him. She hit a huracanrana on him at 2:30. Tull entered and hit a hard Mafia Kick on her and was booed.

London tagged in and battled Tull. The heel team began working over London. London hit a backbreaker over his knee on St. Jacques at 6:00. Puf entered for the first time to battle Matthieu, and the massive Puf hit a senton. Kennedi tried a crossbody block on Wildly, but he caught her and set her down at 8:00. The crowd chanted “get her number!” She hit a doublestomp to his chest. Marston entered and grounded Wildly with a sleeper. Nicole hit a missile dropkick and a running knee on the side of Tull’s head, then a Lungblower for a nearfall at 12:00. The women again brawled on the floor. London dove through the ropes onto several wrestlers. Marston hit a dive over the top rope onto everyone.

In the ring, Tull hit a Cradle Shock on Nicole for a believable nearfall at 13:30. Nicole hit a Crucifix Driver for a nearfall. Nicole hit a piledriver on Kennedi onto Tull’s chest. St. Jacques hit a spinebuster. London hit his own Spinebuster on Matthieu. London and Marston traded punches, and Marston hit a Samoan Drop at 16:00. Nicole hit a Code Red on Marston. Puf hit a T-Bone Suplex on Matthieu. Wildly hit a top-rope elbow drop on Matthieu. Puf hit a spear. However, Marston hit a top-rope diving headbutt on Puf for the pin! This was fun and they kept the action going.

5. Kevin Blackwood defeated Marcus Mathers at 14:58. This should be really good. Mathers hit a spin kick and a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall just seconds into the match. He hit a flip dive to the floor, and they brawled in front of the fans. In the ring, Blackwood hit some chops and a snap suplex for a nearfall at 3:00. He hit a German Suplex for a nearfall, then a back suplex for a nearfall. They traded chops, and Blackwood hit another German Suplex at 6:00. Marcus hit a shotgun dropkick and they were both down. Mathers hit a fadeaway stunner and a German Suplex, and he was fired up. He nailed a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Blackwood hit another German Suplex at 8:00, then a basement dropkick in the corner.

Blackwood hit a top-rope doublestomp, but Mathers rolled through and applied a Boston Crab. Nice. Blackwood hit a series of kicks. Mathers hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 9:30. Mathers hit a DDT. Blackwood hit a spin kick to the head, then a pump-handle back suplex for a nearfall at 11:30. Blackwood hit a Yes Kick to the chest. Mathers hit a spin kick to the jaw as Blackwood was seated on the top turnbuckle. Mathers nailed a top-rope Spanish Fly for a believable nearfall. Blackwood grabbed the referee to shield him, then he nailed a clothesline. Mathers hit a stunner. Blackwood hit a German Suplex, a Helluva Kick, then the top-rope doublestomp to the collarbone for a believable nearfall. Blackwood then hit a brainbuster for the pin. That was stellar.

6. Franky the Mobster defeated Sheldon Jean at 6:51. I don’t think I’ve seen Jean since Kenny King left TNA/Impact. Franky is tall, bald and has muscles on his muscles. Franky hit a spear. He set up for a dive to the floor, but Sheldon cut him off with a forearm strike. Sheldon slammed Franky’s head into a ring post at 2:00. In the ring, Sheldon tied up Franky on the mat. Franky hit a missile dropkick for a nearfall at 5:00. He hit a spear, then a popup powerbomb for the pin. Good action for the time given.

7. Kristara defeated Cecil Nyx, Sexxxy Eddy, Mark Wheeler, Krystal Moon and Exess Jr in a scramble at 9:16. I don’t know Exess Jr.; he’s a very scrawny kid and I’d be shocked if he’s 20 or older. Krystal Moon is a bit Ruby Soho, a bit Shotzi Blackheart. Exess hit a German Suplex on Wheeler. Krystal hit some running knees. Kristara and Krystal traded some quick offense. Wheeler hit a dropkick and a Falcon Arrow on Exess for a nearfall at 2:30. Cecil hit a dive through the ropes. Exess hit a flip dive to the floor. Krytal hit a plancha to the floor on everyone. In the ring, Moon hit a stunner on Nyx.

Eddy hit a sideslam on Moon at 4:30, then a backbreaker over his knee. Kristara hit an enzuigiri on Eddy. Wheeler hit a suplex on Kristara for a nearfall. Moon hit a stomp on Wheeler’s head. Cecil hit a neckbreaker over his knee on Moon. Cecil hit a Razor’s Edge-style powerbomb on Wheeler for a nearfall at 6:30. Exess hit an awkward-looking Spanish Fly move on Cecil. Cecil hit a double Samoan Drop. Exess and Kristara fought on the top rope, and she turned it into a Canadian Destroyer at 9:00. She hit a running knee to his head and scored the pin. Some awkward exchanges here with some of the youngsters; this was certainly not a smooth scramble, but it was fun.

8. Kevin Ku defeated Myung-Jae Lee at 15:27. Ku would get his face cut up from glass panes the next day and need 10 stitches, but again, this predates that death match. Ku tied up Lee and tossed him to the mat, and he looked like he wasn’t taking the smaller Lee seriously. Lee hit some forearms and dropkicks. Ku tied Lee in the Tree of Woe and hit a dropkick at 2:30. Ku hit another dropkick on Lee’s knee and he kept Lee grounded. Ku mockingly got on his knees and let Lee chop him. Ku hit a doublestomp on the back and got a nearfall at 6:00. Lee hit a top-rope missile dropkick. Lee hit a sideslam for a nearfall.

Lee hit a doublestomp to the chest at 8:00. Ku hit a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall, and he switched to an anklelock. Lee hit a plancha to the floor. In the ring, Ku hit a running knee; Lee hit his own running knee, and they were both down at 9:30. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. Lee hit a Code Red for a nearfall. Lee rolled to the floor and headed to the back! He returned at 13:00 and was holding a big wood board, which was set in the corner. Ku hit a superkick for a nearfall and a standing powerbomb. Lee hit a shotgun dropkick, sending Ku through the board at 14:30.  Ku hit a brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle and scored the pin. That was really good.

9. Gringo Loco and “Fresh Air” Junior Benito and Macrae Martin defeated Aeroboy and “Fight or Flight” Gabriel Fuerza and Vaughn Vertigo at 25:26. Aeroboy looks a lot like Lince Dorado (similar style gear and mask.) Macrae was injured last month so good to see him back. Fuerza and Benito opened, and this crowd was HOT. Martin entered at 2:30 and faced Vertigo (think GYV James Drake.) They traded quick reversals with neither able to land a big move. Loco and Aeroboy entered at 4:30 and traded quick lucha reversals and armdrags. Vaughn and Fuerza began working over Loco. Macrae hit a Falcon Arrow. He caught Aeroboy and hit a fallaway slam at 8:30. Aeroboy hit a DDT on Macrae and the heels worked him over.

Macrae hit a jumping Flatliner on Vaughn at 12:00, then a swinging uranage on Fuerza. Benito got the hot tag and hit a tornado DDT on Fuerza. Vaughn hit a plancha to the floor on Benito at 14:00. Macrae hit a dive to the floor. Loco hit a top-rope stunner on Fuerza, then a flip dive to the floor on everyone else. Aeroboy leapt off the ringpost and hit a flip dive onto everyone at 15:30. In the ring, Benito hit a standing powerbomb on Aeroboy for a nearfall. Vaughn hit a Shining Wizard on Benito for a nearfall. Macrae and Loco hit stereo standing moonsaults for nearfalls at 18:00. Several doors were brought into the ring. Fuerza hit a Lethal Injection. Benito went for a frogsplash but Fuerza got his knees up to block it. Aeroboy hit a reverse DDT.

Benito hit a Blue Thunder Bomb. Vaughn hit a neckbreaker over his knee. Loco hit a swinging Flatliner. Fuerza hit a Poison Rana on Loco, then he speared Loco through a door in the corner at 21:00. Macrae and Vaughn traded chops on the ring apron. We had more flips to the floor and everyone was down at 22:30 with the fans chanting “holy shit!” One commentator shouted, “everyone is going to the hospital tonight!” Fuerza hit a German Suplex and a Lethal Injection on Benito. Vaughn accidentally hit a Swanton Bomb on Fuerza. Benito and Macrae set up a door bridge in the ring. Aeroboy hit a flying double kneeshot to Macrae’s chin. Aeroboy went to the top rope, but Loco caught him and nailed the Base Bomb through the door bridge. Benito then nailed a top-rope 450 Splash to pin Aeroboy. Fantastic.

Final Thoughts: Once again, C*4 exceeded my expectations. I will narrowly go with Blackwood-Mathers for best match over the lucha-style main event, but I could go either way. Ku-Lee was really good for third place. I was hit-or-miss on some of the undercard matches. Some of the matches and teams were really randomly put together. Of the undercard, London Lightning is definitely the guy to watch, and it’s not a surprise he got a pair of AEW/ROH TV matches recently. I really like what I’ve seen of Kristara, too.

I have to point out the craziness of a top-tier indy wrestler’s schedule. Blackwood wrestled here in Ottawa on Friday, flew to San Francisco for a West Coast Pro show on Saturday, then was back in Rochester, N.Y., for a Sunday afternoon show for Game Changer Wrestling.


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