Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 29 results: Vetter’s review of “Warhorse” Jake Parnell vs. Danhausen for the Crown of Glory Title, four-way match

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 29)
Premiered March 24, 2024 via
Taped February 18, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at Casa Loma Ballroom

Glory Pro’s release schedule is all over the map; in recent months, they released episodes on Sundays. This episode is from the most recent taping, which features vastly improved lighting. Reed Duthie provided solo commentary.

1. Tootie Lynn defeated Baliyan Akki, Alan Angels, and Jay Marston in a four-way at 5:43. Always great to see India native Akki back in the United States. I really don’t know Marston; he’s white of average size and was booed. Angels also was loudly booed. St. Louis native Tootie is so much smaller than all three male opponents. They did a four-way lockup spot to open. Akki hit backbreakers on each opponent at 3:30.Angels nailed the Angels Wings X-factor for a nearfall. Tootie hit a running knee on Angels. Marston hit a Mafia Kick. Lynn hit some kicks and a running knee on Marstona and pinned him. Fast, fun action.

* A video package aired showing the history between Warhorse and Danhausen. Some really good video work done here by an indy promotion.

2. “Warhorse” Jake Parnell defeated Danhausen to retain the Crown of Glory Title at 15:52. I feel I must reiterate how Warhorse has abandoned the goofball red-and-yellow wearing rocker who “rules ass” and is now dark and serious. He’s now dark, bitter and sinister. A feeling-out process early and Parnell dropped him with a chop at 2:30. They fought to the floor. In the ring, Parnell dropped Danhausen with a headbutt at 5:00 and he was in charge. Parnell hit a flip dive through the ropes at 7:00; Danhausen dove back in before being counted out. Danhausen hit a German Suplex and they were both down. Danhausen poured his jar of teeth into Parnell’s mouth, then kicked them out for a nearfall at 9:30.

Parnell hit a clothesline to the back of the head, then a running knee in the corner for a nearfall. Danhausen hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Jake applied a sleeper but Danhausen turned it into a stunner. They hit simultaneous clotheslines and were both down at 11:30. Parnell hit a top-rope elbow drop but only got a one-count! Danhausen hit a CrossRhodes faceplant for a nearfall at 14:00. The ref got bumped and the crowd booed. Jake got his title belt, but the ref took it. Danhausen hit a low blow punch and got a believable nearfall. Parnell applied a rear-naked choke. The ref checked on Danhausen and determined he was out, and called for the bell.

* Danhausen got on the mic and said he’s nothing without the fans. He hugged Parnell and got the crowd to chant “War-hausen!” He rolled from the ring and headed to the back.

Final Thoughts: This promotion is on a nice roll. Parnell’s new attitude is really working for him; he’s totally reinvented his gimmick. A good back-and-forth match with just a bit of comedy. I still don’t buy that a woman as small as Tootie Lynn can outlast three muscular, athletic men in their 20s or 30s, but they put together a fun, energetic match.


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