AEW Rampage results (3/8): Murphy’s review of Julia Hart vs. Robyn Renegade for the TBS Title, Action Andretti vs. Penta, Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta vs. Kip Sabian and The Butcher

By Don Murphy, Contributor (@DonThePredictor)

AEW Rampage (Episode 135)
Taped March 6, 2024 in Duluth, Georgia at Gas South Arena
Aired March 8, 2024 on TNT

The Rampage opening aired and pyro shot off from the stage. Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Chris Jericho checked in on commentary. Justin Roberts was the ring announcer…

1. Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta (w/Chuck Taylor) vs. Kip Sabian and The Butcher (w/The Blade). The heels’ entrance was not televised. Early show of power by the Butcher on Beretta. As an aside, the Butcher has gotten himself into tremendous shape. Beretta made a brief comeback but was shoulder blocked by the Butcher. Sabian took over on offense but Beretta rebounded with a back body drop and a back elbow. Cassidy tagged and the two double teamed Sabian.

Cassidy and Sabian exchanged moves and pinning combinations. The Butcher tagged in and began overpowering Cassidy. The heels worked over Cassidy as the show headed to its first picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, Cassidy was still in trouble. Cassidy eventually evaded dives by both the Butcher and Sabian with one spot causing Sabian to hit the Butcher. Cassidy made the hot tag to Beretta. Beretta cleaned house for a bit. Beretta hitting a running knee strike on Sabian for a near fall. All four men began battling. The Butcher hit a pump handle slam on Beretta and Sabian followed up with a diving foot stomp for a near fall that was broken up by Cassidy. Beretta hit a German suplex on the Butcher, with Cassidy following up with an Orange Punch. Beretta finished the Butcher off with a Strong Zero reverse piledriver for the win.

Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta defeated The Butcher and Kip Sabian in about 11:00.

After the match, the babyfaces celebrated with a group hug in center ring.

Don’s Take: The expected outcome in what was a solid tag team match. As it looks like another tournament is upon us, if the goal is to reestablish the tag team division, I like the idea of giving the teams in the tournaments some wins to qualify. Tag team wrestling, if done well, can be a great asset to the company so hopefully they’ll take the time to get it right.

A video profiled the Infantry tag team, who regularly appears on ROH television. [C]

Renee Paquette was backstage with Ruby Soho for an update on Angelo Parker’s condition after Zak Zodiac attacked him on last week’s show. Soho said he’s hurt bad and may have torn a couple of ligaments in his knee. She blamed herself because she feels like she brought him into the situation. She said she felt sad and disappointed by Saraya but now she hates her. She added that she used to think Saraya needed her but now she realizes she’s an ugly person deep down. She ended by saying that Saraya “and her inbred family” were going to get what was coming to them…

2. Julia Hart vs. Robyn Renegade for the TBS Title. Hart’s entrance was televised while Renegade was already in the ring. Basic wrestling by both to start. Aside from a few hope spots by Renegade, this became a complete squash for the champion who won with her Heartless submission.

Julia Hart defeated Robyn Renegade to retain the TBS Title in about 3:30.

Don’s Take: After the Worlds End show in December, they seem to have cooled Hart off from whatever momentum she had. In addition, I’ve seen the Renegade sisters work in ROH and I’ve liked what I’ve seen. I’ll be interested to see if they can break through on the AEW roster.

Renee Paquette was backstage and it looked like someone was filming her with an iPhone. Saraya, Harley Cameron and Zak Zodiac stormed in. Saraya threw Paquette out of the area and said it was time for her side of the story. She said she hated Soho and it was all over a man, a “disgusting Canadian” who is “pure filth.” She said it’s all Soho’s fault and that she will see what they do to Parker next.

Saraya confronted three guys behind them and asked what they were looking at. She knocked a red solo cup out of one of the guy’s hands and water splashed on Zodiac. Zodiac screamed and began to choke him. Saraya yelled for him to stop and then said “Just kidding.” Zodiac chopped the guy several times and screamed some more. Cameron told Parker to “get well soon” to end the segment.

3. Action Andretti vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (w/Alex Abrahantes). Both competitors were evenly matched for the first several minutes exchanging offensive moves. The action moved to the floor and headed into a picture-in-picture break, Andretti hit a huracanrana on the floor and followed up with several strikes against the barricade. [C]

After the break, both were back in the ring until Andretti knocked Penta off the apron onto the floor. Andretti hit a standing senton on the floor. Back in the ring, Andretti’s springboard dive was met with a superkick by Penta. Andretti hit a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Andretti charged in and was met with another superkick. Andretti blocked a Fear Factor piledriver and hit a Poison Rana for a near fall. Andretti ate a kick as he was going for a spinning dive from the top rope. With Andretti stunned, Penta hit Fear Factor for the win.

Penta El Zero Miedo defeated Action Andretti in about 9:00.

Don’s Take: And another week has gone by where Penta is being wasted in these throwaway Rampage matches that the hardcores love but ultimately don’t amount to anything. Also, remember when Action Andretti upset Chris Jericho? Glad to see that push is going so well.

A video profiled Titan who will face Chris Jericho on Collision. [C]

4. “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy vs. “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin vs. Bryan Keith and Komander in a three-way tag team match. As the teams exchanged moves, Excalibur ran down the Collision lineup. After a series of spots in center ring, Top Flight cleared the other teams from the ring as the show went to its final picture-in-picture break. [C].

After the break, Keith exchanged blows with Kassidy. Private Party eventually took over on offense over Keith. Keith hot tagged out to Darius Martin who cleaned house. The Martins then double teamed Komander in the ring and the two cleared all other competitors from the ring and continued the attack on the floor. In the ring, Darius hit his Rip Cord finisher on Komander for the win.

“Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin defeated “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy and Darius Martin, and Bryan Keith and Komander in a three-way tag team match in about 12:00.

Action Andretti joined his teammates in the ring after the victory to celebrate…

Don’s Take: I’m never a fan of the three-way matches but this was fine. Again, the goal at this stage to tell some stories and establish some journeys with the tag teams to establish the tag team title tournament, heat up the division and put over the eventual winners.

A lackluster edition of Rampage, slightly salvaged by the tag team showcases as the company gears up for a tournament to crown new champions. As I said, I like the idea of showcasing some tag team matches on Rampage before just jumping right into the tournament. And hey, no generic CMLL wrestlers tonight, though that’s on tap tomorrow.

I’ll be pinch hitting for Jason tomorrow evening on Collision coverage so I’ll check in with you all in less than 24 hours. Until then!


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