TNA Impact results (2/29): Moore’s review of Moose, Eddie Edwards, and Brian Myers vs. Eric Young, Ace Austin, and Chris Bey, Mike Bailey vs. Steve Maclin, Xia Brookside vs. Tasha Steelz

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,023)
Taped February 24, 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana at Alario Center

Aired February 29, 2024 on AXS TV

Two “in memory of” graphics aired for the late Ole Anderson and late Virgil who past away recently… Highlights from the Last Week’s TNA Plus No Surrender show aired. One notable thing to come out of the streaming show was Mustafa Ali winning the TNA X Division Championship…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer… Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. “Speedball” Mike Bailey (w/Trent Seven) vs. Steve Maclin (w/Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz). Baily started the match with a two count small package and rapid kicks. Maclin retreated to the Rascalz at ringside. Bailey and Maclin then traded strong style forearms and jabs at ringside. Maclin dumped Bailey back to ringside after they both beat the count-out. Wentz gave Bailey a chop block when the ref was distracted with Maclin.

Maclin focused his attack on the leg that was chop locked. Bailey chambered the injured leg to not take stiff contact to the calf. Maclin reversed a crane kick into a forearm and crossbody. Maclin put Bailey in the Tree of Woe. Baley did a sit up to avoid the Tree Spear. Bailey knocked Maclin to ringside with a gamengiri. Bailey hit Maclin with a Corkscrew flip at ringside.

Bailey and Maclin traded hands and kicks on the apron with Bailey rallying off the kicks. Maclin avoided a standing corkscrew Ultima Weapon and speared Bailey to ringside from the apron off a Tope. Bailey dodged a top rope headbutt. Bailey caught Maclin with a thrust kick. Maclin hit Bailey with a power slam into a pile driver for a nearfall. Maclin knocked Seven off the apron which allowed Bailey to get a two count rollup.

Bailey worked on Maclin with chambered kicks. Maclin reversed a Tornado Kick into a Buckle Bomb. Bailey reversed a power bomb into a Poison Rana. Maclin sidestepped a Ultima Weapon attempt, which caused Bailey to hurt his knees. Bailey reversed Maclin’s Dirty Deeds into a modified Fisherman Suplex pin for a nearfall. Maclin floated over to escape. Maclin hit Bailey with a Death Rider for the victory.

Steve Maclin defeated Mike Bailey via pinfall in 7:37.

Maclin took the mic and talked about doing what he does best, taking people out and stacking bodies. Maclin bragged about taking out Nic Nemeth. Maclin talked about Nemeth coming after the TNA Championship, yet not showing up to work. Maclin said Nemeth is a leach to this company and is just using TNA. Maclin said he ran Nemeth off to find other opportunities, and is moving on.

Nic Nemeth appeared on the big screen in front of the New Japan press backdrop. he called out Maclin. Nemeth said that Maclin thought he’d never see him again, but here he is. Nemeth siad the reason he isn’t at TNA now because he was in Japan winning the New Japan Global Championship. Nemeth said he can’t wait to step foot back in TNA. Nemeth challenged Steve Maclin to a match at TNA Sacrifice. Nemeth ended the segment by saying “what do you say, kid?”…

Tom Hannifan hyped upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: There’s going to be a microscope on this episode by most people that watch Impact because this is the first television show after the end of the Scott D’Amore era in Impact. So far, so good, with business as usual, starting the show with a meaningful match that isn’t a homogenized spot fest. Good to see Maclin get a strong win over one of Impact’s credible opponents (there was a little interference, but it didn’t happen during the final minutes). Interested to see what they have in mind for Maclin and I hope that they don’t use him to put over Bailey and Seven as a team because I don’t see a lot of potential with Seven and Bailey. I’d rather see Seven turn heel where he’s his strongest, and maybe build back up Bailey to how strong he was little over a year ago in Impact.

A replay aired of Eric Young defeating Frankie Kazarian last week at No Surrender. Kazarian beat down the referee after the match and had to be pulled away…

Kazarian was trying to get into the show venue but security was pushing him away. Gia Miller showed up and said that Kazarian was suspended by Santino Marella due to attacking a referee. Kazarian agreed to leave, but told Gia to deliver a message to Santino, “is this the right thing?”…

Entrances for the next match took place…

2. Laredo Kid vs. Jake Something. Kid went after the legs of Jake. Kid hit Jake with a huracanrana. Something reversed a ringside Dragon Rana into a nice roll through power bomb. Something got a nearfall in the ring. Jake no sold one superkick. Jake staggered by a superkick and took a missile dropkick.

Kid shoved Jake into the buckle. Kid hit Jake with a spike DDT for a one count. Jake kicked out after a Kid moonsault. Kid rolled up Something for a nearfall. Jake caught Kid with an Into the Void (Black Hole Slam) outta nowhere for the victory.

Jake Something defeated Laredo Kid via pinfall in 3:27.

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Good dominant win for Jake as it looks like TNA is cooking up Jake finally to be a strong top babyface of the future. Fingers crossed that they don’t mess this up because the guy is immensely talented with a good wrestler look. Only thing I wasn’t a huge fan of was Laredo Kid still being relegated to being Impact’s long time contracted enhancement babyface. It was him and Yuya Umeura who would just eat so many losses and not seem credible. I only bring this up because Laredo Kid is a potential top star if utilized right. He’s been pushed strong in AAA, so why not see if he can make an impact in TNA?

Alan Angels welcomed Big Kon to his Sound Check talk show “set” (which was just two production crates next to each other). Kon fist bumped Angels and said it’s been a long time (due to them both being members of the Design faction). Angels said his show was the number one talk show in TNA. Angels pointed out the security he has on set to prevent interference. He said he’s proud of what Kon’s doing. Kon said he doesn’t need anyone to lead him, and he goes where the hell he wants to go.

Kon told Angels to watch his mouth. Angels talked about how they’re both doing things on their own. Angels talked about Kon beating PCO and him having a good talk show. Kon said he’s the baddest man in TNA, and after No Surrender PCO might still be dead. The show then shifted to a black and white filter with PCO yelling next to Angels and Kon. Angels ordered PCO to get outta here. PCO shoved Angels away. The show then cut away after PCO and Kon went for a right hand on each other…

Entrances for the next match took place. Tom Hannifan reluctantly plugged AJ Francis’s hip hop single available for purchase. Before the match, Joe Hendry took the mic for his usual pre-match promo. Hendry said tonight is the TNA in-ring debut of AJ Francis. He said he usually doesn’t get along with AJ, but he empathizes with AJ tonight. Maclin said AJ’s friend “Steve” is probably watching this show eating Cheese Itz’s.

Hendry said the last thing AJ wants to do is “Flop” (get it). Hendry said he doesn’t want anyone to chant “AJ Sucks” which caused them to chant “AJ sucks”. Hendry said he’s sorry, because he wants them to chant “we believe”. Hendry ended the promo with his usual “I believe in Joe Hendry” catchphrase…

3. AJ Francis and Deaner vs. Rich Swann and Joe Hendry. AJ and Swann started the match with AJ knocking Hendry off the apron. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, Swann and Hendry cut the ring in half on Deaner. Hendry did chops to the tune of his theme on Deaner. Hendry hit Deaner with a delayed vertical suplex, with squats. Hendry knocked AJ off the apron. This allowed Deaner to floor Hendry. AJ hit Hendry with a pounce and tossed Hendry into the corner. AJ then did a knee into his signature flop which Hannifan noted that AJ calls “Tennessee Whiskey”. Whiskey connoisseur Matthew Rehwoldt liked that nomenclature.

Deaner and AJ traded tags to cut the ring in half on Hendry with methodical offense. Hannifan noted that AJ had a successful NFL career (unlike a lot of wrestlers who transition from the NFL practice squads, AJ was actually a starting D lineman in the NFL). Hendry crotched AJ into the 2nd rope and rebounded AJ with a dropkick. AJ used his weight to block a fireman carry. Hendry reversed a power slam into a DDT.

Swann tagged in and hit Deaner with a backfist and kick combo. Swann got a two count after a standing splash. AJ broke up Swann’s pin. Swann hit AJ with a right hand and dumped him to ringside by pulling down the rope. Swann caught AJ with a Molly Go Round at ringside. Swann hit Deaner with a Lethal Injection. Hendry tagged in and hit Deaner with the Standing Ovation Uranage for the victory.

Joe Hendry and Rich Swann defeated Deaner and AJ Francis via pinfall in 9:25.

John’s Thoughts: A good win for the babyfaces I guess. In all honestly, I feel all four men are miscast in their current gimmicks. Deaner is lost without the design (which might lead to something good for him if they utilize that story). Hendry is bland with his one note gimmick (he did a much better job during his first Impact run where his singing gimmick had more nuance). Rich Swann has been coasting for what feels like years. And AJ feels like a weak and “fake bad guy” (I actually think he comes off way better and more genuine as a babyface, which he showed on his A&E WWE show as well as his old YouTube interview show when he was a Uber driver).

A promo from Decay aired where there were a bunch of creepy and distorted edits and distortions. Havoc talked about being very patient. She said they came to New Orleans where darkness flows in its veins and spirits are invited to dinner. Rosemary said Masha and Kelly need to give thanks. Rosemary hyped up Masha and Kelly being their next targets…

Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

Back from break, Hannifan plugged Josh Alexander vs. Alex Hammerstone 2 at TNA Sacrifice. Gia Miller interviewed Josh Alexander to talk about his match against Hammerstone. Before he could give his thoughts, Dirty Dango, Alpha Bravo, and Oleg Prudius cut into the set. Dango said everybody is looking forward to Alexander’s PWI 500 worthy match, but he had to say something. Dango plugged his “Sports entertainment” training dojo.

Dango said he’s accepting tuition payments via Venmo, PayPal, Cash App, Zelle, and Venmo. Dango said he’s only accepting applicants with less than one year of wrestling experience. Dango asked for the email graphic to air, that didn’t Josh walked off saying he was going to ask Santino for a match against Dango. Dango continued to plug the un-shown email address to apply to his dojo and asked people to PayPal him…

John Skyler and Jason Hotch were in the ring with business suits and surrounded by an American Stars and Stripes decorated set. Skyler stood at the podium and noted that Mustafa Ali brought the change that the X Division needed, TNA needed, and the fans needed. Skyler drew boos by acting like he forgot the name of the state he was in. Skyler then introduced Mustafa Ali who made his entrance. Mustafa Ali made his entrance in a business suit, surrounded by secret service looking men in black.

Ali had a slow and epic entrance theme. Ali waved to the fans at his podium. Ali said he stands tonight announcing “we did it”. He said we accepted change, we embraced the future, we made the X Division “Great again”. Ali said we all of this because of one reason, you believe “In Ali we trust”. The crowd actually cheered on Ali. Ali said as the fan’s new leader he’s going to make his first executive order. Chris Sabin made his entrance to interrupt and join Ali in the ring.

Sabin asked Ali to step out of the podium and confront him in his face like a man. Ali stood in front of Sabin and said the floor is Sabin’s. Sabin said they are different people, but they both agree in their love of change. Sabin told Ali that Change is being selfless, inspiring people to be better than they were before, and to show people that they can accomplish anything in this world if they believe in themselves.

Sabin said Change to Ali is just about Ali where Ali uses others to benefit himself. Sabin talked about how he would still be champion if not for the Good Hands getting involved in the match at No Surrender. Ali said that was a scandalous accusation. Ali said he didn’t pay the Good Hands, and they just support Ali’s campaign. Ali pointed out that no body was supporting Sabin at No Surrender. Sabin said he’s no politician.

Sabin said he wasn’t there to debate, he was there to fight. Sabin clocked Ali with a right jab. The Good Hands held Sabin in place for Ali. Kevin Knight and Kushida ran out to clear The Good Hands from the ring. Ali’s security escorted Ali up the ramp. The babyfaces stood tall to end the segment. They also tore apart Ali’s political set…

John’s Thoughts: An intriguing segment with Ali bringing his political gimmick to a live crowd for the first time. I’m intrigued, because I know Ali is a creative guy and being hell bent on getting this gimmick on TV. I’m still not sold on if this political gimmick has legs, and if referencing MAGA, is the way to go? But I’m willing to see what the guy has in store. What is interesting, is due to Ali being the “new guy that was wronged by WWE” (though he requested his release), the crowd was cheering him and booing Sabin. Interested to see how creative takes this, because for now they all just no-sold the crowd and treated Ali as the heel while Sabin was the babyface. Meanwhile Knight and Kushida continue to be designated helpers any time a Motor City Machine Gun needs help.

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in from the commentary table. Hannifan tried to plug upcoming segment, but he was cut off by George Iceman (still unnamed) who made his usual elaborate introduction for Ash by Elegance (f.k.a. Dana Brooke). Ash made her entrance to the stage. Iceman asked Ash for her big announcement. She noted that next week will be her 2nd TNA match. Iceman told the crowd to get ready for some “elegance” to end the segment…[c]

An ad aired to plug TNA Plus…

Mustafa Ali was pacing backstage in front of the Good Hands and his security. Ali said that Sabin and crew ruined everything. Ali told the camera that Sabin will find out that actions have consequences…

Entrances for the upcoming rubber match took place…

4. Tasha Steelz vs. Xia Brookside for a Knockouts Title Shot at TNA Sacrifice. Xia rallied with rapid hands. Steelz came back with a shove and pump kick. Steelz gave Xia strikes in the corner and hit Xia with a Jackhammer for a two count. Rehwoldt noted that Jordynne Grace uses the Jackhammer. Xia took down Tasha with a dropkick and got a one count after a running crossbody. Tasha gave Xia a thumb to the eye followed by a headbutt.

Tasha worked on Xia with methodical offense. Xia fired out of a headlock and hit Tasha with a huracanrana. Xia hit Tasha with a meteora to the back. Xia hit Tasha with a Gamengiri. Xia used a Gamengiri to knock Tasha off the apron. Xia caught Tasha with a baseball slide crossbody and a neckbreaker at ringside. Both women brawled at ringside leading to a countout.

Tasha Steelz vs. Xia Brookside ended in a double count-out draw in 5:36.

TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace made her entrance to the stage and said she was going to make it easy for everybody. They both win. A “Triple Threat” chant ensued. Grace announced defending the title in a triple threat match against Xia and Tasha at Sacrifice…

The members of The System were shown walking backstage…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Yes, a cheap finish, but a cheap finish we don’t see overused to the point where I’m totally fine with TNA deciding to protect both women here. It would have been a mistake to have Xia Brookside just steamroll Tasha Steelz this soon in Tasha’s return from the company, especially since Tasha was red hot before she left when they were pushing her against Mickie James. The Triple Threat also allows the possibility of Grace winning, Tasha and Xia settling their feud after, and Grace having two potential title contenders down the road in one-on-one matches.

Mustafa Ali vs. Kevin Knight, Josh Alexander vs. Dirty Dango, Masha Slamovich vs. Dani Luna, and Ash By Elegance “in action” were plugged for next week…

Rhino cut one of his usual growling “gore gore gore” promos, addressing Crazzy Steve…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in from commentary. Hannifan plugged the TNA Plus Sacrifice show. They then ran through the current card advertised for TNA Sacrifice. This show will feature Moose vs. Eric Young for the TNA Title…

The System made their entrance first. ABC made their entrance next. Eric Young was out last, wearing that oddball Dr. Doom hoodie and mask for some reason still…[c]

5. “The System” Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, and TNA Champion Moose (w/Alicia Edwards) vs. Eric Young, Ace Austin, and Chris Bey. Moose quickly tagged out to Myers to not face Eric Young. Young bit Myers in the hand and took him down with a knife elbow chop. ABC tagged in to swarm Myers with stereo moves. Bey got a two count on Myers. Eddie tagged in and took a armdrag by Bey. Ace tagged in for ABC to swarm Eddie with moves to give Ace a two count.

The face team cut the ring in half on Eddie with quick tags. Moose tagged in and turned the tables in terms of cutting the ring in half and quick tags. The show cut to picture-in-picture with The System having the upper hand.[c]

Ace managed to get the tag at one point, but the referee didn’t catch the tag by Ace, to lead to The System continuing their isolation. Ace managed to catch Myers with a Savate Kick. Eddie and EY tagged in with EY having the hot tag momentum. Young broke up his own pin to dodge a Myers senton, who accidentally hit Eddie. EY got a two count. EY and Eddie traded Yay Boo punches. Eddie raked Young in the eyes. Both men took each other out with clotheslines. Moose and Bey blind tagged in.

Bey crotched Moose on the top rope and used a dropkick to dump Moose to ringside. Moose blocked a flip dive and power bombed Bey on the apron. All six men alternated moves at ringside to leave all six men lying. After trading counters. ABC swarmed Moose with alternating strikes and kicks. Bey hit Moose with an assisted cutter. Ace hit Moose with a Fold. Myers broke up Bey’s pin.

Ace caught Myers with a Disaster Kick. Moose dumped Ace to ringside. Alisha distracted Bey on the top rope. Moose hit Bey with a Yakuza Kick. Eddie hit Bey with a Backpack Stunner which sent Bey right into Brian’s Roster Cut which gave Myers the victory.

“The System” Moose, Eddie Edwards, and Brian Myers defeated Chris Bey, Ace Austin, and Eric Young via pinfall in 7:16.

The System stood tall to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: A solid six person tag with all six men doing a good job. Smart to keep Young out of the finish to protect him for his title match, while Bey lost due to a distraction and tandem offense to protect him a bit. That said, The System still come off as a weak mid-card faction due to them not having any sort of character development on the show. I feel like we don’t even get TV time for them backstage. This is just a makeshift Four Horsemen template faction with no real chemistry or reason to be together.

The rest of the show has been fine. The Knockouts title picture looks good. The TNA title picture just looks really weak. On top of The System being weak, Moose is a weak champion who suffered due to TNA going on that long layoff between Bound for Glory and Hard to Kill. Moving along, this was the first post Scott D’Amore show, and it was business as usual, which is a good thing. Hopefully they keep this show consistent to where Scott had it, and hopefully they move forward with some sort of growth in mind because it would suck if this company that decides to hang around stagnant. For now, I’ll still say this is a safe and enjoyable weekly wrestling show, and pray that we don’t see a regression.


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