AEW Dynamite results (2/28): Powell’s live review of Sting’s final appearance as a wrestler, Will Ospreay’s arrival, Hangman Page addresses his status for AEW Revolution

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 230)
Huntsville, Alabama at Propst Arena at Von Braun Center
Aired live February 28, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired and then pyro shot off on the stage. Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone were on commentary, and Justin Roberts was the ring announcer. Excalibur said they were hoping to answer the question that’s been looming over the company for the last seven days.

Hangman Page made his entrance and used a single crutch while he limped. The broadcast team recapped footage of Page selling an ankle injury during last week’s six-man tag main event. Page said he wouldn’t apologize to Samoa Joe or Swerve Strickland, but he needed to tell the truth and said he’s always honest with the fans. Page said he would not be able to compete at Revolution.

Swerve Strickland’s entrance theme played and he headed to the ring with a dancing Prince Nana. Swerve approached Page and started to speak, but he had to let some “Swerve’s House” chants play out. Swerve laughed while saying that he and Page had been to war over the last six months and tried to kill one another.

Swerve said he didn’t expect Page’s injury to happen. He said he targeted Page because of everything he accomplished in AEW. Swerve said he would be lying if he said he didn’t have the utmost respect for those accomplishments. Swerve said you can’t escape fate or destiny, and his destiny is to become the AEW World Champion.

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe made his entrance. Joe spoke from the stage and mocked the idea of destiny and of Page and Swerve trying to hug it out. Joe said he watched them go at one another and they failed to realize who the real man is. Joe asked if he should refer to Page as Hop Along.

Joe spoke about both men being hungry and said it’s because he’s starving them. Joe said whether it’s one or both of them at Revolution, he would whoop both of their asses. Joe started to leave, but Swerve stopped him by saying he went from unemployed to headlining pay-per-views and from being a cruiserweight to going after the world championship.

Swerve said he’s the same man who broke into a wrestling school and left an 18 year-old in a bloody heap. He said he’s the same man who trespassed in another man’s home and threatened his infant child. Swerve said he’ll do whatever it takes to become world champion. Swerve took a shot at Joe and said he could go back to doing commentary while wearing a poncho. Swerve led “Whose House” chants.

Page hit Swerve from behind with his crutch. The broadcast team pointed out that Page was moving around fine. Page yelled that Swerve will never be champion but he will. The broadcast team said the three-way match was on for Revolution. Page left the ring. Swerve held his neck once he got to his feet and left the ring with Nana…

Powell’s POV: It’s a shame that word leaked that Page was merely selling last week. It would have packed a bigger punch had there been some mystery regarding his health. That said, I still liked the angle. Page outright lied to the fans in his latest heel move, while Strickland came off more like a babyface when he expressed disappointment over Page’s injury.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson arriving at the building. Renee Paquette was waiting with a microphone once they stepped inside. Paquette asked about their business meeting with Ric Flair. Nicholas said it went great and said they wouldn’t say more.

Matthew said they were dying to see Sting and thank him for all of his accomplishments for the company. They pulled out baseball bats and then Matthew said they were looking forward to giving him his exit interview. The Jacksons headed off in search of Sting as the show went to commercial… [C]

Footage aired of the post match scene of the Bryan Danielson vs. Jun Akiyama match from AEW Collision that also involved Eddie Kingston… Entrances for the opening match took place with the Blackpool Combat Club trio entering via the crowd. Their opponents made a standard stage entrances…

1. Eddie Kingston, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler vs. “Blackpool Combat Club” Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, and Claudio Castagnoli. A few minutes into the match, all six wrestlers ended up fighting at ringside heading into a PIP break. [C] The ringside brawl continued with the BCC dominating.

The broadcast team said referee Paul Turner was letting them go. Castagnoli brought Harwood back inside the ring. The other wrestlers took their spots in their respective corners aside from Kingston, stayed down on the floor heading into another PIP break. [C]

Kingston returned and eventually tagged in. Kingston put Moxley down with a clothesline, but Danielson immediately took him out with a kick. Castagnoli performed the giant swing on Kingston and then Moxley followed up with a piledriver. Moxley ahd the pin, but Harwood slid in from the floor to break it up.

The babyface trio battled back. Wheeler hoisted up Danielson his shoulders and then Harwood jumped from the ropes and bulldogged him. Danielson was pinned, but Castagnoli broke it up. Moxley put Harwood in a choke while his partners threw elbows to the head of Harwood’s partners. Danielson and Castagnoli also applied choke holds.

Kingston, Harwood, and Wheeler fought back and threw rapid fire chops on their BCC opponents. BCC regrouped briefly, but Harwood and Wheeler hit the Shatter Machine on Castagnoli. Harwood took out Moxley with a brainbuster. Danielson took out Harwood with a Busaiku Knee. Danielson ducked a clothesline from Kingston and ended up hitting him with a Busaiku Knee.

Danielson grabbed Kingston by the hands and then threw kicks at his head before putting him in a triangle sleeper. The referee checked on Kingston and then called for the bell.

“Blackpool Combat Club” Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Eddie Kingston, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler in 21:55.

Powell’s POV: A good preview of Continental Crown Championship match and the FTR vs. Moxley and Castagnoli tag team match that will take place at AEW Revolution. It was a logical move to have the heels go over heading into the pay-per-view.

Footage aired of Chris Jericho facing Atlantis Sr. in CMLL thirty years ago…

Jericho was interviewed by Paquette on the interview set. Jericho said he was thrown in the deep end when he started in Mexico thirty years ago. Jericho mentioned some of the lucha stars he worked with and then spoke about his friendship with Atlantis Sr. He said he wanted to repay the favor by working with Atlantis Jr. He said he would give Atlantis Jr. a lesson in violence. Jericho spoke in Spanish to close the interview and then smiled… [C]

Powell’s POV: Showing the classic footage was a nice touch and I like the basic story that Jericho told to set up his match.

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and said they were making something official. Schiavone introduced Will Ospreay, who came out without Don Callis or any Callis Family members. Schiavone said it was official that Ospreay is now All Elite (meaning he’s signed with the company).

Ospreay thanked the fans for the reception. He noted that his obligations with New Japan Pro Wrestling have been completed. He said it was great to spend ten days with his wife and then said they lost his bags when he made the trip over, but they found them and he’s ready for full-time work.

Ospreay recalled beating Orange Cassidy, Kenny Omega, and Chris Jericho in his previous AEW matches. Ospreay added that everything was going smoothly with him and the Callis Family. Ospreay was interrupted by the Callis entrance theme.

Don Callis, Konosuke Takeshita, and Powerhouse Hobbs headed to the ring. Callis said there’s nothing he likes more than a Callis Family reunion. Callis mentioned that Kyle Fletcher is in the group and said the family is an embarrassment of riches. The fans booed while Callis spoke.

Callis said Ospreay would top his previous AEW matches by having the match of the decade with Takeshita. Callis compared it to Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen going hard at one another in practice and then would come together and win championships. Callis said the real winner would be the Callis Family.

Callis encouraged Ospreay and Takeshita to shake hands. Ospreay extended his hand. Takeshita looked at it and then shook it. Ospreay tried to turn away, but Takeshita held on. Takeshita turned to walk away, but Ospreay held on. They eventually let go. Hobbs, who hugged Ospreay once he arrived in the ring, shook Ospreay’s hand before leaving with Callis and Takeshita. Ospreay remained in the ring and played to the crowd…

Powell’s POV: My guess remains that Ospreay will be out of the Callis Family after his match with Takeshita. Ospreay could end up being the top babyface in AEW. If that’s the plan, I wonder how they will do the split. They need to avoid making Callis look like an idiot for pushing a star out of his family.

Eddie Kingston was interviewed by Paquette on the backstage set. They were interrupted by Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson, who asked if Kingston had seen Sting. Nicholas told Kingston that he was talking crap on Collision and would fine him the next time he did it. Jackson said Kingston should work on his presentation more and said maybe they need a dress code.

[Hour Two] The Jacksons, who had their bats, went back to looking for Sting…

Taz said he’s been part of a dress code and it isn’t fun. Entrances for the next match took place. Schiavone acknowledged the deaths of Ole Anderson and Mike “Virgil” Jones…

2. Orange Cassidy vs. Nick Wayne (w/Christian Cage, Shayna Wayne, Killswitch) for the AEW International Championship. Nick had his right shoulder taped. Both wrestlers ended up at ringside. Cassidy charged Nick, who moved, causing Cassidy to run into the ring steps. Nick performed a top rope moonsault onto Cassidy on the floor and then rolled him back inside the ring.

Nick went up top, but Cassidy rolled to the floor. Nick drooped down to the mat and then performed a dive over the top rope onto Cassidy. Back inside the ring, Cassidy won a battle when both men were on the ropes and knocked Nick to the mat. Cage climbed onto the apron and crotched Cassidy. The referee spotted Cage on the apron and ejected him, Shayna, and Killswitch from ringside. [C]

Cassidy put Nick down with a DDT and then covered him for a two count. Cassidy sold back pain. Nick came back briefly, but Cassidy countered into Beach Break and got a near fall.

Matt Taven and Mike Bennett showed up at ringside. Wayne shoved a distracted Cassidy into the corner and then performed a dragon suplex for a near fall. Rocky Romero and Trent Beretta ran out and fought with Taven and Bennett. Nick removed a turnbuckle pad, but then Daniel Garcia came out and distracted him. Nick turned around and ate an Orange Punch from Cassidy, who then pinned him.

Orange Cassidy defeated Nick Wayne in 10:25 to retain the AEW International Championship.

After the match, Roderick Strong showed up and attacked Cassidy for a moment before Romero and Beretta ran in and chased him off… [C]

Powell’s POV: A solid match, but it was announced late and there was just no reason to think Nick would win. I wonder if this will lead to Romero and Beretta facing Taven and Bennett in one of the Revolution pre-show matches.

Paquette interviewed “The Bang Bang Scissor Gang” Jay White, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Billy Gunn, Max Caster, and Anthony Bowens. White said he was a bit apprehensive and they got their wires crossed, but now he’s all in on the group. Billy asked Caster what was up with his rap on Collision. Caster laughed and asked if anyone noticed. Austin suggested that he team with The Acclaimed duo on Collision. Bowens suggested that The Acclaimed team with Austin, which the others liked…

Powell’s POV: The gag is that Austin’s suggestions are ignored, but then someone else suggests the same thing and the rest of the group likes it. This faction can’t split up soon enough and I continue to hope that someone will launch the AEW Trios Title belts and the ROH Six-Man Tag Title belts into space.

3. Kris Statlander (w/Willow Nightingale, Stokley Hathaway) vs. Skye Blue (w/Julia Hart). The entrances were televised. Excalibur said this was the rubber match after the wrestlers split their two previous matches. The wrestlers ended up at ringside where Statlander pressed Blue over her head and then tossed her into the front row onto a couple of fans who coincidentally looked like independent wrestlers. [C]

Both wrestlers ended up at ringside again. Hart glared at Willow and then they jawed at one another. Statlander charged Blue, who sent Statlander into the ring steps. Inside the ring, Blue performed a Canadian Destroyer and then used an inside cradle to get a two count. Statlander came back with a sit-out slam for a near fall.

Hathaway pulled out a chin and wanted to give it to Statlander. Willow told her not to take it. Blue charged Statlander, who hit her with a big boot and then jawed at Hathaway. Referee Rick Knox barked at Willow and Hathaway and then missed Hart coming in and hitting Statlander with the TBS Title belt. Blue followed up with a Code Blue and scored the pin…

Skye Blue beat Kris Statlander in 9:40.

Powell’s POV: I don’t know where the Hathaway story is going, but I wish they would hurry up and get there.

Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson found Sting’s dressing room. Nicholas said he was going in. Matthew pointed out that Sting seemed a little out of his mind crazy angry during his last interview. Matthew said one thing for sure about Sting is that nothing is sure. Nicholas said he’s prepared and then they burst into the room only to find a bunch of baseball bats hanging from the ceiling…

Powell’s POV: At least there wasn’t a dog waiting behind the door this time.

Justin Roberts introduced “Lionheart” Chris Jericho, who came out to “Electric Head, Pt 2” by White Zombie. Atlantis Jr. made his entrance along with Atlantis Sr. while the CMLL logo appeared on the big screen. Taz said he doesn’t like second generation wrestlers and said there’s too much nepotism in the business. Funny…

4. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Atlantis Jr. (w/Atlantis Sr.). Atlantis Jr. offered a handshake, but Jericho slapped him across the face to start the match. Jericho also made an early play for Atlantis Jr.’s mask. The referee helped Atlantis Jr. with his mask while Atlantis Sr. wrapped his towel around the neck of Jericho.

Atlantis Jr. catapulted Jericho into the ring post. Atlantis Jr. pulled the ring steps out and then struggled to get Jericho up in powerbomb position. Once he did, Jericho countered into a hurcanrana that put Atlantis Jr. on top of the ring steps heading into a PIP break. [C]

Jericho went to the ropes and was thrown off. Atlantis Jr. performed a wheelbarrow German suplex and covered Jericho for a near fall. Both men ended up on the ropes. Jericho pulled Atlantis Jr. off and executed a facebuster, which Excalibur recalled was a move used in the footage shown of the match with Atlantis Sr.

Atlantis Jr. came right back with a power slam. Schiavone said there would be never before seen footage of Sting from New Japan Pro Wrestling in the AEW Revolution countdown special. He mistakenly said it would air on Saturday, but he was corrected and said would air on Friday after Rampage.

Jericho ended up at ringside and was hit with a flip five. Jericho went for a Judas Effect, but Atlantis Jr. ducked it. Atlantis Jr. put Jericho in a Torture Rack and then performed an airplane spin. Jericho slipped out and applied the Walls of Jericho. Atlantis Jr. nearly reached the ropes, but Jericho pulled him back to the middle of the ring. Atlantis Sr. threw in the towel.

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho beat Atlantis Jr. in 12:10.

After the match, Atlantis Sr. checked on his son. Jericho joined him and helped Atlantis Jr. to his feet. Jericho stood between Atlantis Sr. and Atlantis Jr. and raised their hands. Atlantis Sr. jawed at Jericho for a moment and then they hugged…

Powell’s POV: I appreciate the effort to explain Jericho’s history with Atlantis Sr., but I have to question why this match took place on this show. This time really should have gone to something related to Revolution.

Excalibur announced Wardlow vs. Hook vs. Brian Cage vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Lance Archer vs. Chris Jericho and two additional wrestlers in an “All-Star Eight-Man Scramble” for Revolution. He also announced Magnus vs. Matt Sydal in a qualifier for the match, and Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Bryan Keith vs. Dante Martin in another qualifier for Saturday’s AEW Collision. The winner of the eight-man scramble will get a shot at the AEW World Championship…

Powell’s POV: I guess Meat Madness is no longer a thing. I wonder why they didn’t go with the Face of the Revolution ladder match?

Excalibur ran through the Revolution lineup… Excalibur announced the following for Saturday’s AEW Collision: Toni Storm and Deonna Purrazzo both speak, Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, Hook, and Daniel Garcia vs. Christian Cage, Killswitch, Roderick Strong, and Brian Cage in an eight-man tag match…

Powell’s POV: As if Excalibur speed reading through lineups isn’t bad enough, this time he was bouncing back and forth between Revolution and Collision matches for some odd reason.

“The Young Bucks” Nicholas Jackson and Matthew Jackson made their entrance holding their white baseball bats. Nicholas jawed at some front row fans wearing Sting masks. One of the fans removed his mask to reveal himself as Darby Allin. The Bucks quickly got the better of Allin due to their numbers advantage. The Bucks hit Allin with the EVP Trigger and worked him over with the bat shots. The Bucks motioned to the back.

Ric Flair made his entrance and joined the Bucks inside the ring. Matthew handed Flair a bat, but he dropped it and poked Nicholas in the eyes and then punched Matthew. Nicholas hit Flair with a low blow. Matt stood on Flair in a corner of the ring and then Nicholas kicked him. The Bucks celebrated.

Sting’s entrance music played. The Bucks brought their bats to the stage to wait for him. Sting dropped from the rafters and arrived at ringside with his baseball bat.

[Overrun] The Bucks spotted Sting and ran to ringside. Sting blocked their bat shots with his own bat, then worked them both over with bat shots while a “Holy Shit” chant broke out. Allin performed a Coffin Drop from the top rope onto the Jacksons on the floor. Allin rolled Nicholas inside the ring where Flair was still down.

Sting entered the ring and put Nicholas down with a Scorpion Death Drop. Flair got to his feet while Sting and Allin looked down at ringside at the Jacksons. Flair shook Sting’s hand and then Sting played to the crowd while Excalibur hyped Sting’s final match for Revolution. He also hyped Rampage, Collision, and the countdown special…

Powell’s POV: Sting being lowered from the rafters was a cool visual after all these years. I wonder if Tony Khan spoke with Martha Hart about it before they brought it back. Either way, the live crowd loved it. The angle was a bit clunky in that Sting basically let his friends get their asses kicked before he finally made his entrance, but I get what they were going for.

Overall, this was a good go-home episode aside from the last two matches feeling out of place. I will have a lot more to say about Dynamite in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

Join me for my live review of AEW Revolution on Sunday night.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the February 28 AEW Revolution go-home show free polls


Readers Comments (11)

  1. Hated Flair getting physical, the pop wasn’t worth the risk and it looked like shit.

    Hated Sting dropping from the rafters even more. Having the Owen Hart Cup and the relationship with the family it just doesn’t feel right. If they did speak to her and she was cool then fair enough I guess. But both of those just made my heart sink and stomach turn. I’m getting pretty sensitive in my old age though lol

  2. Skye Blue did a Canadian Destroyer AND a superkick, and got a two count.

    Tony Khan is the dumbest piece of shit on planet Earth.

  3. Mr. Wrestling III February 28, 2024 @ 9:50 pm

    I’m guessing that they’ve all but said that Sting will lose his final match based on how this angle played out. I have said all along that WWE had a chance to do something truly unique by never allowing Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WM to never end. He was the one guy that earned that distinction. And now with the trouble Brock Lesnar is facing in the midst of the Vince scandal, in hindsight that decision now looks horrible. Tony Khan has the opportunity to do something similar with Sting by sending him out undefeated. The Bucks’ legacy doesn’t need that win Sunday.
    Nor do we need 75 year old Ric Flair pulling another heel turn to set it up. Flair got the ultimate retirement match with HBK and it didn’t involve outside interference. As we all know, Sting has full creative control over this so maybe he’s decided that he wants to put the Bucks over on his way out. As a fan, I think the better option is to let him ride into the sunset with a win. They can vacate the titles and have a tournament to decide the next champs. Hell, let the Bucks win that and go on a heel run with them. If you’re the guy running the second largest wrestling company in the country and you’re looking to get attention on your product? Take the opportunity to create a feel good moment instead of sweeping the rug out from under your fan base and making them more angry.

    • If Sting loses it’s his choice. I’m sure TK wants him to win and retire as an AEW Champion but Sting will most likely want to put someone over on his way out.

  4. Being a babyface in AEW is simple

    Step 1: Make a negative comment referring to WWE

    Step 2:……..

    Step 3:Profit

  5. You enjoyed this ep a lot more than I did, Powell-a-mino. They also did a poor job of adding interest in the ppv.

  6. Joe calling Page Hop-a-long was great.

  7. The opening segment was definitely the highlight this week. Otherwise, not a great show. I did feel a little bit sorry for Excalibur here as he seemed to be caught unaware by the silly decision to bounce back and forth between show lineups.

  8. TK can even f*ck up a promo read. The guy can’t even let Excalibur read in order of shows, had him bounce between Rampage, Collision and Revolution. Why in the world would you do that if you wanted a casual fan to have any chance of remember when to watch what?

  9. After defeating Atlantis Jr., Jericho’s next encounter was with Absorbine Jr.

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