Powell’s NXT Hit List: Lyra Valkyria vs. Lash Legend for the NXT Women’s Title, Oba Femi vs. Lexis King for the NXT North American Title, Brooks Jensen vs. Josh Briggs, The Good Brothers arrive

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NXT Hits

Oba Femi vs. Lexis King for the NXT North American Championship: Only the slightest bit of protection for King in that his character made the mistake of leaving the ring to go after Mr. Stone, which turned the tide of the match. No complaints. Femi is a higher priority and he’s still in that early phase where it’s important to make him look dominant.

Andre Chase and Duke Hudson vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer for a shot at the NXT Tag Team Titles: I wasn’t crazy about Chase and Hudson going over, because Axiom and Frazer have been impressive as a team. But the real story was the post match attack by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. I guess this means the Good Brothers will finally do more act jilted by AJ Styles every few weeks on Smackdown.

Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen: A physical match between the former tag team partners and it actually concluded with a clean finish. I’m not as convinced as John Moore when it comes to the idea that WWE officials see Briggs “as their next big time big man a la Kane, Undertaker, or JBL.” Briggs is a talented guy so I hope I’m wrong about that, but it’s going to take more than interacting with JBL to make me believe that’s the case. There’s been nothing about Briggs’ early singles push that suggests the power players are that level of high on him. In fact, Vic Joseph left the door open for Briggs and Jensen to reunite while questioning what’s next for both of them.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Lash Legend for the NXT Women’s Championship: Poor Shotzi. What a flukey way to tear an ACL. All the best to her. The impromptu match was solid given the circumstances. I don’t know how much editing was done with this being a taped episode, but it was encouraging to see Legend has reached a point in her development where she was able to work a match on the fly. I also liked the added clip of Roxanne Perez trashing a backstage television after learning that she missed out on the open challenge that was issued after Shotzi’s injury.

Roxanne Perez vs. Wren Sinclair: A quality television match. Perez’s more aggressive style was spotlighted nicely. It was a nice touch to have her pass on going for the pin after she hit her Pop Rocks finisher and opt to win with a crossface. The candy name of her finisher is a reminder of the kiddie character that they are trying to get away from. In fact, they may want to consider having her character rename the move. While we’re talking tweaks, I know that the uneven length tights have been Sinclair’s thing going back to her independent days, but maybe the oddball look shouldn’t be.

Jacy Jayne vs. Arianna Grace: A soft Hit for a decent showcase win for Jayne. The real story was newcomer Jazmyn Nyx upsetting Thea Hail by interfering in the match and then cutting in front of Hail to raise the hand of Jayne afterward. This may have worked better if Nyx had cost a babyface the match rather than the heel beauty pageant character. I just pray that Hail’s friendship with Fallon Henley sticks and that this is not leading to Hail teaming with Brinley Reece. There’s only so much over the top giddiness that this jaded viewer can stomach at one time.

NXT Misses

Dijak, Joe Gacy, and Luca Crusifino: So Dijak has taken Gacy hostage by placing him in a makeshift cell? Apparently, the powers that be in NXT are not bothered by false imprisonment or potentially employing the next Buffalo Bill, but lawyer by day/wrestler by night Luca Crusifino is. Make it stop.

Lash Legend vs. Kelana Jordan: The finish of the match was weak with Jakara Jackson interfering right in front of the referee, which cost Jordan the match. I guess the idea was that Jordan punched Jackson before Jackson could get physically involved, but it really just felt like a weak copout finish. That said, it’s a good thing they went with Legend going over given what transpired during the main event.


Readers Comments (5)

  1. Roxanne os alike Bret Hart in early 1997 who whined about not being champ now and keep being screwed.

    Why there’s no Smackdown hits and misses list for a long time, does Smackdown too boring for Pro Wrestling Dot Net staff.

  2. I LOLed at the “false imprisonment” claim. Nobody seems to have a problem that any physical contact between two people not involved in an actual match constitutes Assault, usually at the felony level.

    • No one seems to have a problem with UFC fights in real life either, but I’m guessing there might be an issue if a fighter locked up one of his rivals in a private cell.

      • If two UFC guys went at it out in public (ie, outside of their contracted event), it would be illegal. I was pointing out the silliness of somebody trying to point out illegal behavior when the scripted program is already drowning in what would be illegal behavior outside of contracted events.

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