NXT TV results (2/20): Moore’s review of Lyra Valkyria vs. Shotzi for the NXT Women’s Title, Oba Femi vs. Lexis King for the NXT North American Title, Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin celebrate winning the NXT Tag Titles

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Taped February 13, 2024 in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired February 20, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Shots of Shotzi Blackheart and Lyra Valkyria arriving “Earlier today” were shown…

Vic Joseph and Byron Saxton were on commentary. Saxton filling in for Booker T who’s out due to a medical procedure. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

The show immediately started out with Alicia Taylor’s formal in-ring introductions for the opening championship match. Vic noted how impressive Oba was after only having less than 10 matches in WWE…

1. Oba Femi vs. Lexis King for the NXT North American Championship. Lexis started off with a few chest chops on Oba, but was immediately swatted out of the air and given a back body drop by the champion. Oba dumped Lexis to ringside with a clothesline. Lexis came back with a dropkick to dump Oba to ringside. Lexis shoved Oba into the ringpost a few times to shake him up. Oba immediately came back with some hands. Lexis caught Oba with a elbow hold. A picture-in-picture showed Robert Stone and Von Wagner watching the match backstage. Stone left to handle some business. Von yelled that whatever Stone was going to do wasn’t worth it.

Lexis got Oba to a knee. Oba Femi walked over to ringside. Lexis shoved Stone to the floor. Lexis rallied at Oba with right hand strikes. Oba turned Lexis inside out with a straight lariat. Oba started tossing around Lexis like a bag of meat. Oba hit Lexis with a power bomb for the victory.

Oba Femi defeated Lexis King via pinfall in 4:02 to retain the NXT North American Championship. 

John’s Thoughts: Good and effective championship squash. No reason to make Lexis look competitive. He’s not ready for the upper card yet and Oba is the rising star. I really like WWE putting a spotlight on how quickly Oba is acclimating to pro wrestling. Similar to when Tony D Angelo stormed on the scene, Oba is picking up wrestling real quick. Even better than Tony, Oba didn’t come from a combat sports background (Oba came from shot put). Lexis meanwhile, is still trying to find himself. I’m confident he will if he doesn’t let his slow development get to him. I’ve seen it take many years for some wrestlers to “get it” (Bobby Lashley and even Braun Strowman are good examples). Pillman Jr. has a good pedigree and pluckiness. I pray that he finds it someday.

Jacy Jayne, Thea Hail, and an unnamed developmental woman were hanging out backstage. Jacy asked Thea why Hail was disappointed after her Valentine’s date with Riley Osborne. Thea talked about how she refused to let Riley opening her door and how she told Riley she’s content at Chase U to not come off as too available. Jacy said Hail may have taken her advise wrong. Arianna Grace showed up to give Hail some dating advice. Grace said Hail just needs to talk to Riley. The unnamed lady said that will make her come off as desperate. Jacy and the unnamed woman trash talked Grace a bit and walked away with Thea…

The Wolf Dogs, Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker, were shown looking chummy and walking in the hallway backstage…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I feel like I’m writing “unnamed developmental wrestler” a lot these days. It’s very odd how they just put these random developmental wrestlers on TV without a proper introduction. Even odder when they give them spoken lines more than just the regular extra.

Lyra Valkyria was checking on Tatum Paxley to see if she was feeling okay after getting beat up last week. Tatum said she’s only been able to eat soup for a week and hurting all over, but she’s happy that Lyra came to her aid. Lyra said she wouldn’t say that, but Tatum shouldn’t be a hero by not tapping out.

Tatum said “you’re my hero”. Lyra said if Tatum can do one request, she’ll return the favor. Tatum said she’ll definitely attack Shotzi with a baseball bat or green mist to blend in with Shotzi’s green hair. Lyra said her request is actually to stay backstage and wait for a reward. Tatum agreed and said it’s the hardest thing she’s ever done…

NXT Tag Team Champions Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin made their entrance with the Dusty Rhodes Classic Cup in the center of the ring. A replay was shown of Bron Breakker signing his main roster contract on this past Smackdown with Nick Aldis. Bron took the mic and pointed out that they’re both wearing alligator skin boots and Championship belts. Baron talked about how before that Baron beat Bron at No Mercy. Bron said he’s the one that carried the team. Corbin talked about setting up Bron for a win by hitting their opponents with End of Days. Bron said he hit them with a “Spear”, so that makes their finisher “spear of days” (dorky, but I get what they’re going for).

A “Spear of Days” chant ensued. Corbin said what matters is they’re standing here as tag team champions. Andre Chase and Duke Hudson made their entrance. Chase talked about how Chase U are the first to step up to go after the tag titles. Hudson said Chase U is back up to 100% and their time to shine. Bron said they can shove their school spirit and calendars up their asses. Andre said this is a teachable moment. Chase said they were promised a title shot by Tony D and Stacks and they’re not taking no for an answer. Hudson said it was time to give Corbin and Breakker a Chase University sized ass whooping.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom made their entrance to interrupt. Frazer said the hard hitting home truth is that Bron and Corbin winning made Chase U’s agreement with Tony D and Stacks null and void. Axiom said since they were close to beating Breakker and Corbin, they deserve the first title shot. Hudson mocked Frazer’s voice and talked about how he and Andre are here to place the Chase U flag where it belongs. Corbin cut in and said this looks like a “you guys” problem, while the tag champions have something to do and places to be.

Corbin told them to take their problems somewhere else. Ava made her entrance and said she decides who challenges for the title. Ava booked Chase U vs. Frazer and Axiom in a number one contenders match happening “tonight”…

John’s Thoughts: Simple and formula segment to set up the tag title picture. Hopefully they go into some of the other tag teams in NXT because I feel like Axiom and Frazer are better suited for the singles division that is thin on top stars. I’m curious to see what they do with Breakker now that he’s established on the main roster. I don’t mind him doing double duty if he’s up to it. The Wolf Dogs were a fun accident in that no one expected them to emerge as such an organic tag team. Their tag team chemistry is pretty good, and even better is both men looking like they’re having a lot of fun as a duo.

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Roxanne Perez about facing Wren Sinclair. Perez said that Wren is like herself, happy to be here. Perez said once Wren is in NXT for a while, being happy to be here won’t cut it. Perez said she’ll see other people unfairly get opportunities. Perez started ranting about main roster superstars stealing her spot. Perez said after a while you find out the only person you figure you can make happy, is yourself. Perez said she hopes Lyra and Shotzi are watching her match, because she’ll definitely be watching theirs…

Roxanne Perez made her entrance. Vic noted that Roxanne was speaking in a “different tone” than usual…[c]

This week’s dark and ominous vignette aired presumably being for a unknown wrestler. The graphic said the words “Men, deny their truth. I, will be a mirror to it!”. Unlike recent weeks, the vignette finished with broken glass and red lighting…

Wren Sinclair made her entrance. (Like Jaida Parker recently, she’s also going into Zack Ryder’s old ECW wardrobe of wearing a single leg pants ring gear)…

2. Roxanne Perez vs. Wren Sinclair. The match quickly spilled to ringside with both women trading mounted punches. Wren got two quick two counts off rollups. Wren hit Perez with a Bossman Slam for a nearfall. Wren then put Perez in a side headlock. Perez came back with an arm wrench slam. Wren gave Perez a forearm, but Perez came back by slamming Wren’s wrist several times on the ringside floor. Perez got a two count once she rolled Wren back in the ring. Wren rallied back a bit.

Wren’s wrist gave out on her during a suplex attempt. This allowed Perez to hit Wren with Pop Rocks. Perez had the visual pinfall, but broke up her own pin. Perez put Sinclair in a crossface for the tapout win.

Roxanne Perez defeated Wren Sinclair via submission in 4:21. 

Vic Joseph hyped Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen for after the break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A simple match to get over the fact that Roxanne Perez is a heel now, at least full heel for the night. Interested to see how she does as a heel, because I’ve never seen her lean in that direction in all the companies she’s been in. It’s tough to make an undersized wrestler a dominant heel, but it looks like they might have a shot to do it with Perez due to her “natural talent” (not sure if they’ll succeed either, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Especially since NXT is like WWE’s petri dish). Wren Sinclair meanwhile will be very valuable to the women’s roster. She’ll definitely get to “learn how to work the cameras” in NXT, but she’ll also be able to help out WWE’s NIL types with her indie experience.

Vic Joseph plugged a WWE “Press Event” for Elimination Chamber this upcoming Friday to help set up for the Elimination Chamber…

The Meta Four were hanging out backstage. Noam talked about how Lash will take care of Kelani Jordan, but he wondered what he and Oro were about to do about No Quarter Catch Crew. No Quarter Catch Crew showed up to intimidate Noam. Noam said Gulak and his boys are stinking up the lounge. Noam then wondered which one of the Catch Crew he’s facing. Damon Kemp said they follow the “Catch Clause” which means you find out who wrestles in their match right before the ring bell. After the No Quarter Catch Crew left, Noam argued how that is even allowed to hide who the opponent is?…

Entrances for the next match took place. Brooks Jensen came out to some 70s sounding generic throwback music…

3. Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen. Briggs and Jensen started the match trading shoulder tackles. Briggs got a two count off a shoulder tackle. Briggs worked on Jensen with overhead clubbing blows. Jensen came back with alternating hands and a facebuster. Jensen hit Briggs with a dropkick. Briggs used his boots to dump Jensen to ringside. Jensen caught Briggs with his signature right hook.

Jensen worked on Briggs with right hand strikes. Jensen came back with a running neckbreaker. Briggs and Jensen brawled into the gutter between the barricade and plexiglass heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Briggs and Jensen traded clinch strikes. Jensen caught Briggs with an enzuigiri. Saxton compared Briggs’s advice to Jensen to some advice Dusty Rhodes gave him to succeed back in the day. Briggs stomped a mud hole in Jensen in the corner. Briggs hit Jensen with a side body slam and standing splash for a nearfall. Briggs told Jensen “I’m doing this for you”. Jensen gave Briggs a desperation hook to the gut which Briggs liked to see. Jensen rallied back and took down Briggs with a few clothesline strikes. Jensen took down Briggs with a dropkick.

Jensen took down Briggs with a missile dropkick for a two count. Briggs fought out of the corner and hit Jensen with a big boot. Briggs hit Jensen with a sit-out chokeslam for a really good nearfall. Both men traded Yay-Boo right hands on their knees and feet. Both men traded Big boots. Jensen hit Briggs with a spinning heel kick and suplex for a good nearfall. Briggs used a punch to the eyes to escape a pinfall. Briggs hit Jensen with Clothesline from Hell. Briggs picked Jensen up and told him “I did this for you, I love you man”. Briggs hit Jensen with another Clothesline from Hell for the victory.

Josh Briggs defeated Brooks Jensen via pinfall in 10:58. 

Briggs hugged Jensen during the pinfall before leaving…

John’s Thoughts: Good big man match between brothers. Good to have the “bigger brother” win in Briggs. I like how they treated it as a bigger brother trying to teach a younger brother figure a lesson. I wouldn’t mind if they turn this into a developed program. They can also not do a program if the plan is for them to get back together as a team at some point. Jensen is someone to look out for as he’s been putting on good matches every time I peek over at Level Up. Meanwhile, WWE clearly sees Briggs as their next big time big man a la Kane, Undertaker, or JBL.

The camera cut to a cinematic where Joe Gacy was rolling on the ground in a straitjacket. He was presumably in a asylum cell. Dijak entered and said that Gacy has no decency. Dijak said he has many “instruments of peace” to derail Gacy’s train. Gacy got up to the glass door and started laughing maniacally. NXT Lawyer Luca Crucifino showed up to Dijak and told Dijak that what he’s doing is false imprisonment and is illegal. Dijak told Luca to go to hell and that Gacy violated “my law”. Luca said the world doesn’t work the way Dijak wants it to. Luca walked away. Gacy got against the window door and said “this isn’t over”. The segment ended with Gacy laughing…

The show cut to Carmelo Hayes entering his good ol’ Barber Shop…[c]

Vic Joseph plugged WWE’s popup WrestleMania store…

The show cut to the Carmelo Hayes barbershop segment. Melo looked back at his great memories from Trick Melo Gang. He said he’s left here all alone, but he ain’t lonely, so it’s time to talk about it. He said he’s here with his pride, knowing his principles are in tact. Melo said he knows he didn’t have to snake his boy out of his spot, or get too big for his boots. Melo said Trick did his role so well and he wanted Trick to experience everything with him, alongside him, “and this is how you repay me, by being the number one guy in NXT”.

Melo said Trick should have been 5 or 3, or even 2 since he’s Melo’s boy; but Trick went for 1. Melo said when you go for one, you find out that Melo is second to nobody. Melo said he allowed Trick to entertain himself and think he can get the top spot. he said he saw all the signs, saw Trick side eying the championship. Melo said he’s Trick’s biggest competition and he had to sooner of later get at Trick before Trick got at him. A replay was shown of Melo beating up Trick’s leg.

Melo said Trick should stay wherever he is, because Trick’s 15 minutes of fame is up and back to business. Melo said Ilja better get in line to see Melo because there ain’t nothing else to talk about in terms of a championship match…

[Hour Two] Arianna Grace made her entrance. Vic Joseph noted that Saxton is a former beauty pageant judge and asked for his rating of Grace. Saxton said he’d rate Grace a 10. Thea Hail, Jacy Jayne, and Jasmyn Nix (who got a graphic) made their entrance

4. Jacy Jayne (w/Thea Hail, Jasmyn Nix) vs. Arianna Grace. Jayne got a one count off a trip and lateral press. Grace came back with a shove. Jayne whipped Grace into the bottom rope. Grace sold an injured wrist and shoulder at ringside. There was a little bit of confusion between Hail and Jayne when Jayne tossed Grace back in the ring. Jayne gave Grace a stinger splash, crotch chop, and senton for a two count. Grace escaped a submission and pin attempt.

Grace body slammed Jayne and gave Jayne a elbow drop for a two count. Jayne escaped a rest hold and dumped Grace in front of Hail and Nix. Jayne gave Grace a back elbow at ringside. Nix gave Grace a cheap shot when the referee was distracted by Jayne. Jayne gave Grace a discus forearm for the victory.

Jacy Jayne defeated Arianna Grace via pinfall in 3:20. 

Hail tried to raise Jayne’s hand, but Nix cut in and raised Jayne’s hand…

The show cut to Tony D’Angelo, Stacks, and Adriana Rizzo at a dinner table. Rizzo talked about giving it her all last week. Tony D told Rizzo not to get down on herself for giving all she got in her first singles match. Stacks said it was all his fault last week and they’re getting the titles back. Tony D said they’re not, not now.

Tony D said he’s been taking his eyes off the big picture .He talked about doing small time things with Chase U and OTM recently. He said he’s going to take the Family in a new direction. He said no feedback or direction, they’re doing tings his way. Tony said it’s time for him to really be the don of NXT. Vic wondered what Tony D meant by that…

Osborne, Hudson, and Chase passed by Hail, Jayne, and Nix on the entrance ramp. Chase brushed off Hail presumably not being fond of Jayne cheating to win….[c]

John’s Thoughts: NXT’s overabundance of developmental women are continuing to show. It literally feels like very tag team in NXT is having a random developmental woman attached to them, male and female. This “Jasmyn Nix” is yet another random wild pokemon outta nowhere developmental woman in recent weeks. I think they kinda need to slow down a bit and maybe test these women out and develop characters on Level Up. What is up with all the developmental men? Are they that far behind (at least bring up Tavion Heights, because that guy looked ready).

The show cut to a sit-down interview with Sarah Schreiber and Ridge Holland. Sarah talked about being back after a month since their last sitdown and wanted a bit of an update after he beat down Gallus with a chair. Holland said people saw a different side of him the last time he talked. he said he still isn’t able to take the stench of misfortune off him. Holland said Gallus took his surgically repaired leg and smashed it.

Holland said that’s fine because when the chair is in his hands is a weapon. he said he can’t fight fire with fire without people judging. He said next week he’ll address the WWE universe and apologize, even if nobody cares. He said the man with the chair in his hand isn’t the man he is in real life…

Shotzi Blackheart was shown shadowboxing backstage…

Axiom and Nathan Frazer made their entrance…

5. “Chase University” Andre Chase and Duke Hudson (w/Riley Osborne)  vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Chase and Axiom started off the match at a stalemate during the chain wrestling. Saxton joked that all Riley should have done to make the date work was take Hail to mini golf. Frazer tagged in, hit Chase with a standing Shooting Star and got a two count. Hudson got a two count after slamming Frazer after tagging in.

Frazer hit Hudson with a dropkick but Hudson no sold it and hit him with a pounce. Axiom tagged in and hit both opponents with a combo head-scissors and armdrag. Axiom and Frazer hit Hudson and Chase with two suicide dives each heading into the regular commercial.[c]

Axiom and Frazer used tags and tandem offense to cut the ring in half on Andre Chase. The Chase U student section cheered on Chase. Frazer tripped up Chase. Chase reversed a slingshot dive into a Side Effect. Hudson and Axiom tagged in with Hudson having the hot tag momentum. Hudson took down Frazer first. Hudson took down Axiom with a Uranage. Hudson hit Frazer with the Chase U Bionic Elbow. Hudson hit Axiom with a Gutbuster while hitting Frazer with a senton at the same time.

Axiom reversed a Razor’s Edge with a huracanrana. Frazer hit Hudson with a dropkick. Hudson shoved Frazer and Axiom off the top rope. Axiom came back with a gamengiri. Axiom hit the big man Hudson with a Super Spanish Fly for a two count. Hudson absorbed kicks from both opponents and took down both men with a double clothesline. Chase tagged in. Frazer rolled through a High Fly Flow for a two count. Frazer blocked a Sunset flip for a two count. Both men traded rapid fire rollups. Chase got the final rollup for the victory.

Andre Chase and Duke Hudson defeated Nathan Frazer and Axiom via pinfall in 11:30. 

Outta nowhere, The Good Brothers Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows beat up both tag teams in the ring. Gallows and Anderson left Hudson lying last after a Magic Killer. The segment ended with Gallows and Anderson doing a too sweet…

John’s Thoughts: This is several months running, NXT’s strength over the last two months is putting on strong tag team matches, and this was yet another good tag team match. I guess their tag team division is so good, that Gallows and Anderson decided that it was time to get out of catering and get back to wrestling tag matches. Here’s hoping we get the “good” version of the Good Brothers in NXT. The ones that looked strong when they first returned to Impact Wrestling in their last run, not their mostly boring runs as the Bullet Club rethreads with AJ Styles and Kenny Omega (which we’ve seen more of sadly, in recent years).

NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov was cutting a promo in front of a brick wall while sitting down. Ilja said that he saw through Carmelo Hayes since Day one, taking advantage of a friend. Ilja said Melo is a coward for attacking his friend and him. Ilja said Melo is the lower form of life. He said he’ll see Melo at Roadblock under one condition, he’d meet Ilja in the ring next week face to face. Ilja said Melo is coming for the championship, but he’s after something more important, “your soul”…

Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend made their entrance…[c]

Fallon Henley was sitting looking spaced out, wondering why Briggs and Jensen were fighting. She then saw Thea Hail also looking spaced out. Both women related to problems with their friends. Hail was worried about her Valentines date not going well either. Henley talked about also knowing about terrible valentines days. Henley offered to walk with Hail and talk about her story last year involving Brooks Jensen and Kiana James…

Kelani Jordan made her entrance in her Spider Gwen themed ring gear…

6. Lash Legend (w/Jakara Jackson) vs. Kelani Jordan. Lash slammed Kelani to the mat. Kelani came back with a pie face. Both women blocked slams. Jordan got a one count off a victory roll. Jordan got another one count after a crucifix rollup. Lash swatted Jordan out of the air with a pump kick. Lash took down Kelani with a few short-arm chotheslines. Lash hit Kelani with a backbreaker and standing splash. Lash wringed Kelani’s face on the ropes. Kelani came back with a back elbow. Lash put Kelani in a Sideway version of a Gory Special.

Lash blocked an armdrag into a chokeslam. Kelani used knees to block a standing splash. Kelani rallied back with right hands. Lash blocked a huracanrana. Jordan flipped away and caught Lash with a rising heel. Jordan hit Lash with a Dragonrana and dropkick. Kelani hit Jordan with a enzuigiri heel kick. Jakara got punched by Jordan off the apron. Lash took advantage of the distraction by hitting Kelani with a chokeslam for the win.

Lash Legend defeated Kelani Jordan via pinfall in 4:24. 

Kiana James and Izzi Dame made their entrance. Kelani escaped Dame’s hold and tossed Kiana into Izzi. Kelani exited the ring unscathed…

Separate shots of Lyra Valkyria and Shotzi Blackheart were shown as they were both heading to the ring…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A decent match by developmental wrestler standards. Kelani Jordan has always been solid while Lash continues to show that her time off TV is paying off with her cleaning up a lot of what was rusty when they threw her on TV with no experience. Both women have star potential with Kelani being athletic as hell, while Lash has the voice, size, and looks to become big time. I’m afraid that NXT’s logjam of developmental women might continue if they throw a random woman with Kelani to countered the already shoehorned duo of Izzi and Kiana.

Kelly Kincaid congratulated Gallows and Anderson for returning to NXT (didn’t they bypass NXT?). Anderson said they’re back in NXT to separate the men from the boys. Gallows talked about how the Good Brothers can be a couple of heroes to Bron Breakker unlike Scott and Rick Steiner. Gallows and Anderson did their usual too sweet closer…

Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes facing off and  Noam Dar vs. a random No Quarter Catch Crew Member for the heritage cup were advertised for next week…

Shotzi made her entrance on her tank. Lyra Valkyria then made her usual fog machine entrance. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in-ring championship introductions…

7. Lyra Valkyria vs. Shotzi for the NXT Women’s Championship. Lyra started the match off with a belly to back takedown. Shotzi came back with a roll through into a guillotine choke. Both women separated for an initial stalemate. Lyra and Shotzi tussled off of Lyra’s side headlock judo toss. Both women then traded quick rollups. Shotzi did her signature howl after a shoulder tackle. Lyra used a cartwheel to block an armdrag and return the favor with her own mocking howl. Lyra hit Shotzi with a hip toss.

Lyra did an Old School into an arm drag. Shotzi hit Lyra with a spike DDT on the apron. Lyra favored the left knee when rolling at ringside. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

At around 4:15, during the picture-in-picture, it was shown that Shotzi couldn’t get up after the DDT and had to be carried to the back by medics.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Shotzi ended in about 4:15 during the commercial break via medical stoppage.

Back from the break, a replay was shown of the spot where Shotzi got injured. Ava made her entrance and formally announced that Shotzi was unable to compete due to injury. Ava said that since they promised a title match the match will be an open challenge…

[Overrun] Lash Legend made her entrance still in her ring gear from the last match…

8. Lyra Valkyria vs. Lash Legend for the NXT Women’s Championship. Lash took down Lyra with a right elbow smash. Lash got a one count off a pin attempt. Lash then put Lyra in a chinlock. Lyra made a comeback with a kick combo. Lash lowered her weight to block a suplex due to her size. Lyra gave Lash a face wash. Lash blocked a crossbody and gave Lyra a backbreaker. Lash got a two count. Lash worked on Lyra with methodical offense and trash talk. Lash got another two count off a nearfall.

Lash put Lyra in a modified Gory Special. Lyra flipped out. The picture-in-picture showed Roxanne Perez walking in on a bunch of random developmental women watching the match. Perez threw the TV on the ground after finding out that she missed out on an open challenge. Lash hit Lyra with a Slam Dunk Chokeslam for a two count. Lyra used a boot to block Lash.

Lyra hit Lash with a diving cross body block for a two count. Lash used her size to block a Fireman Carry. Lash got a two count off a pump kick. Lyra shoved Lash off the top rope and hit her with a Frog Splash for the victory.

Lyra Valkyria defeated Lash Legend via pinfall in 5:50 to retain the NXT Women’s Championship.

The crowd gave Lyra and Lash a standing ovation for coming through with a match after the unfortunate Shotzi injury. Lyra posed with the title belt to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: Unfortunate break from Shotzi. I’ve seen Shotzi been taken out since going all the way back to her Hoodslam days in Oakland, CA. She mostly took herself out due to taking risks (which I say to this date she should tone down on). This wasn’t a unnecessary risk as she just landed badly off a normal apron DDT spot. Freak accidents happen and sometimes a person can get injured from something as simple as landing wrong coming off stairs. Prayers out to her that she gets back after a successful recovery. Hunter and HBK seem to really really like her work (and deservingly so), so she should be in for a good push once she gets back.

Credit to Lash Legend for stepping up to the plate after presumably being in Gorilla Position due to finishing the prior match. Good teachable moment for the rookie Lash to step up and worked an improvised match on a USA network main event. The finish was a bit “eh”, but an excused “eh” and commended effort by both women to finish the show by coming up with a show ender on the fly. Hopefully Lash gets some props backstage for this. Decent episode of NXT otherwise this week. Nothing too huge. What is showing is their overabundance of talented women in their system. A good problem to have, but it’s starting to be a bit odd when every tag team and even some singles acts are getting a random developmental woman attached to them. One more note about the finish, I like that they’re also using Roxanne Perez missing out on the open challenge as character development for her heel turn.

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