AEW Collision results (2/3): Powell’s review of Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero, Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, and Killswitch vs. Daniel Garcia and FTR, Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Keith in a Proving Ground match

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Collision (Episode 33)
Edinburg, Texas at Bert Ogden Arena
Aired live February 3, 2024 on TNT

[Hour One] The Collision opening aired and then pyro shot off on the stage… Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, and Nigel McGuinness were on commentary, and Dasha Gonzalez was the ring announcer… Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Keith in a Proving Ground match. There were early “Let’s go Eddie” chants with light “Bryan Keith” chants in response. The match spilled over to ringside where Keith ran Kingston into the barricade. Back in the ring, Kingston suplexed Keith heading into the first picture-in-picture break. [C]

Keith performed a Liger Bomb on Kingston for a close near fall. Keith chopped Kingston, who came back with a back fist. Kingston suplexed Keith and got a near fall of his own before a “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Kingston threw chops in the corner. Keith fired up. Kingston threw more chops and then Keith hit him with an enzuigiri. Kingston applied a sleeper. Keith tried to escape with two jawbreakers, but Kingston held on and eventually put Keith down with a DDT for a two count. Both men stood up and then Keith threw chops to the face of Kingston, who drilled him with a back fist and pinned him…

Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston defeated Bryan Keith in 15:15 in a Proving Ground match.

After the match, Schiavone entered the ring and praised both men for the match they had. Schiavone said Kingston was in quite a fight. Kingston, who was squatting in a corner, called Schiavone Captain Obvious and then told him to talk to his opponent. Schiavone informed Keith that he is All Elite. An All Elite graphic was shown on the big screen. Kingston shook Keith’s hand and hugged him.

Bryan Danielson made his entrance. Kelly said Danielson was trying to provoke Kingston, while McGuinness said Danielson was trying to steal someone else’s thunder. Danielson entered the ring and raised the arm of Keith and pointed at him. They cut to a backstage shot of Hechicero while McGuinness hyped Danielson vs. Hechicero for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: A nice moment with Texas native Keith getting a contract while in his home state. The match was entertaining and I continue to enjoy the way Danielson taunts Kingston. It’s happened consistently and isn’t one of those stories that disappears for weeks at a time. I’m really looking forward to their next match, which I’m guessing will occur at AEW Revolution.

Highlights aired from Wednesday’s Dynamite of Jon Moxley brawling with the CMLL crew. Footage aired from after Dynamite of Moxley delivering a backstage promo. Moxley said he thought Volador Jr. was Matt Menard. He said the night reminded him of a night he spent in the Laredo drunk tank. Moxley said the Blackpool Combat Club has studied the history of wrestling all over the world and have respect.

Moxley said they have no reason not to show respect to luchadores and CMLL fans, but they came into his house and talked shit. Moxley said that behavior must be paid for. Moxley said it’s like the show on the other channel with easy, lazy American wrestling. He said it’s AEW and BCC are the elite of the elite. Moxley said the CMLL crew showed up in BCC’s backyard and they better how they don’t show up in theirs…

Hechicero made his entrance with a torch…

2. Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero. McGuinness said Hechicero is the greatest technical wrestler to come out of Mexico in the last thirty years. Schiavone ran through the Dynamite lineup. Hechicero caught Danielson in a rear naked choke. Danielson reached the ropes and then rolled to the floor heading into a PIP break. [C]

Danielson battled back and went for a top rope dive, but Hechicero caught him on the way down and rolled him into a pin for a two count. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Hechicero caught Danielson in a hold over the ropes and released it due to the referee’s count. Danielson charged at Hechicero, who kicked his legs out from under him, causing Danielson to end up at ringside. Hechicero dove over the top rope onto Danielson on the floor.

Back in the ring, Hechicero went for a top rope move, but Danielson caught him with a knee strike on the way down. Danielson applied the LeBell Lock. Hechicero pulled Danielson’s hands apart to escape the hold and then put him in a leg lock before hooking one of his arms. Danielson used his free arm to reach the ropes to break the hold.

Schiavone said Hook arrived at the building and was willing to fight anyone, including two people. Meanwhile, Danielson threw a series of kicks. Hechicero caught Danielson in a hammerlock and swung him around before releasing the hold.

Danielson caught Hechicero with a shot to the knee and then led “Yes” chants. Danielson went for a Busaiku Knee, but Hechicero avoided it and tied up Danielson in another submission hold. Danielson escaped and then hook Hechicero into a pin to get the three count.

Bryan Danielson defeated Hechicero in 16:05.

After the match, Hechicero attacked Danielson and worked him over. Claudio Castagnoli’s entrance theme played and he ran to the ring and chased away Hechicero before checking on Danielson. Schiavone hyped the CMLL vs. BCC six-man tag match for Dynamite…

Powell’s POV: A very good match. In a perfect world, Hechicero could have been established on AEW television for a few weeks before facing Danielson. The company dedicated most of the hype for this episode around this match. I still think it was a questionable move because Hechicero isn’t a big name to a lot of U.S. viewers, and I’m surprised they didn’t push something more appealing to the masses for their first Collision without NFL or WWE competition in what feels like ages.

Backstage, Lexi Nair interviewed Daniel Garcia, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler and asked whether they intend to keep their trios team alive. Garcia said he doesn’t care what they are call, he’s just happy to have FTR at his side. Wheeler said they like having one of the fastest rising stars at their side. Harwood pointed out that FTR didn’t make the tag team rankings, but they did make the trios rankings…

Hook made his entrance while two opponents were already in the ring. Dasha botched the introduction of The Outrunners, but she corrected herself…

3. FTW Champion Hook vs. “The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd in a handicap match. The Outrunners put Hook down with a couple of double team moves and then posed for the crowd. Hook stood up and then went on the offensive. Hook struggled to get Floyd up for a back body drop and then cleared him from the ring. Hook put Magnum in Redrum and got the submission win…

FTW Champion Hook defeated “The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd in 2:35 a handicap match.

Schiavone hyped that Mark Briscoe would speak after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: This was a decent win for Hook, but I can’t tell if there’s an actual plan for him coming out of his impressive match with Samoa Joe. While it’s good that he’s on television winning squash matches, I hope they have an actual program in mind for him.

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and introduced Mark Briscoe, who made his entrance and joined Schiavone inside the ring. Briscoe spoke about helping FTR and Daniel Garcia last week. He also recalled being attacked by House of Black before the elimination cage match and then getting his revenge during the actual match.

Briscoe said it’s been the most challenging year of his life. He said that after 20 years of being one-half of the baddest tag team on the planet, now he’s flying solo.

[Hour Two] Briscoe said that if you knock him down, he’s going to get up. He said he fights until he can’t fight and then he fights some more.

The lights went out and then “House of Black” members Malakai Black, Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Julia Hart appeared on the screen. Black said they will eradicate Briscoe from pro wrestling. He said it will happen “just like that” and then he snapped his fingers. The camera cut back to Briscoe, who was looking around nervously. House of Black appeared on the big screen again. Black said they are already in Briscoe’s head…

An Adam Copeland video package aired and featured highlights of his open challenge wins. A graphic listed Copeland as speaking on next week’s show in Las Vegas (actually Henderson, Nevada, which is 20 minutes from the Vegas Strip)…

Serena Deeb made her entrance carrying a flag and then gave a dojo logo flag to a fan in the front row. Queen Aminata made her entrance…

4. Serena Deeb vs. Queen Aminata. Deeb caught Aminata going for a kick and put her in a half crab until Aminata reached the ropes to break the hold. Aminata came back with a snap suplex and covered Deeb for a two count heading into a PIP break. [C]

Deeb stood on the apron and performed a neckbreaker over the middle rope. Deeb returned to the ring and executed a swinging neckbreaker that led to a two count. A short time later, Aminata put Deeb down with a headbutt and then hit her with a hip attack in the corner.

Aminata tried to follow up with a running knee strike, but Deeb avoided it. Deeb put Aminata in a figure four around the ring post until she had to break it due to the referee’s count. Deeb performed another neckbreaker and then applied the Serenity Lock and got the submission win…

Serena Deeb defeated Queen Aminata in 8:45.

The broadcast team hyped comments from Swerve Strickland for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: Much like two of the first three matches, this was another AEW special in that it was competitive and well worked, yet there was no reason mystery regarding the outcome.

Tony Schiavone introduced Swerve Strickland, who made his entrance along with a dancing Prince Nana. Once in the ring, Swerve was asked about facing Hangman Page on Dynamite for a chance to earn a shot at the AEW World Championship at AEW Revolution.

Swerve mentioned that it’s Black History Month and said he’s noble enough to acknowledge the people who paved the way for him. Swerve mentioned Ron Simmons, Kofi Kingston, and Athena. Swerve said they would add his name to that list soon.

Swerve said he’s done some terrible things, but he had to do them to get to where he is now. Swerve said he doesn’t regret any of it. Schiavone recalled Hangman Page saying that Swerve couldn’t beat him without help from the Mogul Embassy. The fans booed and then a “Cowboy Shit” broke out.

Nana tried to take issue with what Schiavone said, but Swerve indicated that he would handle it. Swerve said he’s beaten Page twice. He said the third time is the charm and he wants to put Page behind him and then he becomes Black History and beats Samoa Joe for the AEW World Championship.

Nana said the Mogul Embassy would be right beside the boss. Swerve cut him off and said Mogul Embassy is family, but there would be no interference and therefore no more excuses for Hangman Page…

Powell’s POV: A good promo and a cool development for Swerve vs. Page on Dynamite. I suspect that Mogul Embassy won’t interference, but Swerve is a ruthless heel, so I guess we can’t rule it out completely.

Footage aired from after Dynamite of Toni Storm delivering a promo about Deonna Purrazzo while Luther and Mariah May stood by. May interrupted to ask if Storm if she saw her match. Storm said that if you’ve seen one women’s match, you’ve seen them all. Storm switched her focus back to Purrazzo and told Luther to book her in a public workout…

Red Velvet made her entrance while her opponent was in the ring…

5. Red Velvet vs. Vertvixen. Kelly indicated that Toni Storm’s public workout will actually be her match against Red Velvet with Deonna Purrazzo on commentary. Velvet was in offensive control early on, but Vertvixen came back by slamming her to the mat for a two count. Vertvixen threw a running kick to the face. Velvet came back with knees to the back of Vertvixen and then hit her with a spinning kick before pinning her…

Red Velvet beat Vertvixen in 2:20.

The broadcast team hyped the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: A showcase win for Red Velvet. I like Vertvixen (even if I’ve never understood her name), but she’s not a regular in AEW. So it was good to see Velvet showcased properly as opposed to having another long and needlessly competitive match.

Christian Cage, Killswitch, Nick Wayne, and Shayna Wayne made their entrance. Daniel Garcia made his entrance and did his dance on the stage before FTR made their entrance…

6. Daniel Garcia and “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler vs. “The Patriarchy” Christian Cage, Killswitch, and Nick Wayne (w/Shayna Wayne). Matt Menard sat in on commentary. Garcia teased doing his dance, but Nick slapped him and did his own version while Shayna applauded from the floor.

Garcia slapped Nick and then tossed him over the top rope to the floor. Cage ran in and was also thrown to ringside by Garcia. Killswitch entered the ring, but he was pulled back when FTR joined Garcia heading into a PIP break. [C]

Garcia was isolated by the heels. Garcia eventually avoided Cage’s top rope headbutt attempt and then made the hot tag to Wheeler, who cleaned house on the heels. A short time later, Nick picked up a near fall on Harwood once they were the legal men.

Nick went up top, but Harwood cut him off. Harwood performed a side suplex from the top rope. Harwood had Nick pinned, but Killswitch broke it up. Killswitch backdropped Harwood. Cage wrenched Harwood’s neck over the top rope from the apron while the referee was distracted. Killswitch chokeslammed Harwood. Wayne covered Harwood for a near fall heading into the final PIP break. [C]

Harwood was isolated by the heels. Garcia eventually took a hot tag. Garcia worked over Nick with punches in the corner while Wheeler did the same to Cage in another. Wheeler performed a suicide dive on Killswitch and then Garcia picked up a near fall on Nick.

Nick came back and hit a fisherman’s suplex on Garcia for a two count. Garcia caught Nick in an inside cradle for a two count. Garcia followed up with a swinging neckbreaker for another two count. Garcia went up top, but Cage shoved him into Wayne’s World from Nick, which led to another near fall.

Wheeler took out Nick and was then chokeslammed by Killswitch. Garcia ran Killswitch into the post. Cage speared Garcia. Harwood took Cage down and put him in a Sharpshooter. Wayne hit Harwood with Wayne’s World to break the hold. Wayne went for the same move on Garcia moments later, but Garcia avoided it and hooked him into a pin.

Daniel Garcia and “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler defeated “The Patriarchy” Christian Cage, Killswitch, and Nick Wayne in 23:20.

After the match, Garcia did his dance while staring at Cage, who was watching from the floor. The broadcast team played up FTR and Garcia likely moving up in the trios division rankings. Garcia and Cage continued to stare one another down. Schiavone played up the possibility of Tony Khan signing a Cage vs. Garcia match for the TNT Title. Kelly jumped in and brought up Adam Copeland going after the title. Schiavone ran through the Dynamite lineup for Wednesday. FTR joined Garcia in doing his dance to taunt Cage, who held up the TNT Title belt in response…

Powell’s POV: Another strong six-man tag match to close the show. Overall, this was a well paced and easy to watch episode. The main event and Danielson vs. Hechicero were strong matches, yet most of the show felt fairly forgettable. I’m still surprised they didn’t beef up the lineup to capitalize on not having NFL or WWE competition. Fortunately, Wednesday’s Dynamite looks loaded on paper. Will Pruett will be by with his weekly AEW Collision audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons) by Sunday morning. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

Join John Moore for his live review of NXT Vengeance Day on Sunday night.

AEW Collision Poll: Grade the February 3 edition free polls


Readers Comments (6)

  1. Awesome, another useless new signing. I hope the announcement on Wednesday is to add another title.

  2. I was there live, I paid 80 bucks for 2nd row. That was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. I was surprised. Go Aew.

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