AEW Dynamite results (1/31): Powell’s live review of Hangman Page and Swerve Strickland compete in Dealer’s Choice matches, Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Hardy, Taya Valkyrie vs. Deonna Purrazzo, Kyle Fletcher vs. Chris Jericho

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 226)
New Orleans, Louisiana at UNO Lakefront Arena
Aired live January 31, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired and then pyro shot off on the stage… Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone were on commentary, and Dasha was the ring announcer…

Jon Moxley made his entrance through the crowd for the opening match. Four CMLL wrestlers were shown in the crowd while they hyped Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero for AEW Collision. Jeff Hardy made his entrance via the stage and was joined by Matt Hardy, who did not accompany him to ringside…

1. Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Hardy. Jeff performed an early dive onto Moxley at ringside and then choked him with the long piece of cloth that he had in his pocket. Excalibur said the rules have been relaxed for the match. Moxley came back with a suicide dive.

Both men fought at ringside. Hardy tossed Moxley over the barricade and onto the CMLL wrestlers who were in the crowd. Moxley shoved them before returning to ringside. Hardy threw a chair at Moxley’s head (hopefully he got his hand up). Hardy ran and then jumped off the ring steps into a punch from Moxley heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Moxley had Hardy on the ropes coming out of the break and twisted one of his earrings. Hardy sent Moxley to the floor and then dove from the ropes and kicked him. Back inside the ring, Hardy threw a dropkick at a seated Moxley and then dropped an elbow on him before covering him for a two count.

Hardy performed a Whisper in the Wind and picked up a near fall. Hardy kicked Moxley in the corner and then went up top for his finisher, but Moxley cut him off and raked his back. Moxley superplexed Hardy and cam up holding his own lower back.

Moxley and Hardy stood up and traded punches. Moxley dropped Hardy with a cutter. Hardy came right back with a Russian leg sweep and got another two count. Hardy performed two Twist of Fates. Hardy removed his shirt and went up top. Hardy performed a Swanton that Moxley avoided. Moxley applied the Bulldog Choke and got the win.

Jon Moxley defeated Jeff Hardy in 15:00.

After the match, Moxley offered Jeff a handshake, but Hardy did the equivalent of flipping him off before he exited the ring. Moxley stood on the ropes and taunted the luchadores.

Volador Jr., Mistico, Hechicero, and Mascara Dorada entered the ring. Moxley threw punches and was quickly outnumbered. The broadcast team said the other Blackpool Combat Club members were not present. Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Matt Sydal, and Christopher Daniels ran out and chased off the luchadores… [C]

Powell’s POV: A decent opener with Hardy looking competitive before Moxley got the expected win. They are really taking their time with this Jeff Hardy heel turn. So I guess Moxley getting help from AEW wrestlers he has no affiliation with means AEW is feuding with CMLL? I can’t say it does anything for me, but we’ll see where it goes.

Hangman Page made his entrance. Meanwhile, Page’s promo from AEW Collision aired and included the tease for Rob Van Dam being his choice to face Swerve Strickland. Toa Liona made his entrance without his allies…

2. Hangman Page vs. Toa Liona in a Dealer’s Choice match. Excalibur said Prince Nana wasn’t at the show because he needed an MRI after being put through a table on last week’s show. Early in the match, Liona tossed Page over the top rope to the floor. Liona ran across the apron and then performed a crossbody block onto Page at ringside.

Once both men were back in the ring, Liona performed a shoulder block that sent Page over the top rope to the floor heading into a PIP break. [C] Liona had Page hung up in the ropes and then hit him with a diving headbutt. Page’s head ended up under the bottom rope. Liona went for a running senton, but Page moved, causing Liona to crash on the apron.

Page hit Liona with a suicide dive and then threw him back inside the ring. Page performed a crossbody block for a two count. Page went for the Deadeye and then collapsed under Liona’s weight. Liona threw a kick at Page and covered him for a two count.

Page turned Liona inside out with a clothesline and then hit the Deadeye. Liona no-sold it and then dropped Page with a headbutt. Liona threw a discus lariat and covered Page for a near fall. Liona went for a moonsault off the apron, but Page moved.

Page executed a top rope moonsault onto Liona on the floor. Page got Liona back inside the ring and went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Liona ducked it. Liona performed a Samoan Drop, but Page hooked him into a pin for the win.

Hangman Page defeated Toa Liona in 12:40 in a Dealer’s Choice match.

Excalibur said he was just informed by Tony Khan that the rankings would be revealed after Dynamite. Liona charged Page, who dropped to the mat, causing Liona to end up landing on his feet at ringside. Liona grabbed a chair and placed it on the apron. Page ended up with the chair and took a seat while Liona fumed at ringside…

Powell’s POV: A nice match that made Liona look good in defeat. I really wish that meant more than it does in AEW. We see a lot of wrestlers in AEW have competitive matches with the top wrestlers and it hasn’t amounted to much in most cases. As usual, it’s all about the follow-up. I hope they get it right this time.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson arriving in a limo. They were handed a format sheet by a staffer. Nick scolded the man for calling them Nick and Matt, then fined him $500. Once Nick walked away, Matt apologized for his brother, then told the man to make sure he pays the fine…

Powell’s POV: The Young Bucks are now sporting goatees rather than the Vince McMahon style mustaches. Good call.

“The Undisputed Kingdom” Adam Cole, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong, and Wardlow made their entrance. Cole was in a wheelchair. Komander made his entrance with Alex Abrahantes…

3. Wardlow (w/Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong) vs. Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes). Adam Cole sat in on commentary. Wardlow was dominant early on, but Komander came back and hit him with a Phoenix Splash for a two count. Wardlow came back with a twisting slam. Wardlow powerbombed Komander and stumped in the process. Taz said Wardlow clearly had a knee issue. Wardlow covered Komander for the three count.

Wardlow defeated Komander in 4:40.

After the match, Taven and Strong joined Wardlow inside the ring. Bennett tossed Komander back inside the ring. Strong told Komander that he should have taken the deal he offered him on Saturday and said now he would pay the price.

Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor ran out. Wardlow was down at ringside. Strong thanked Cassidy and his crew for coming out and then said see you later. Strong, Taven, and Bennett exited the ring. Wardlow was limping on the floor…

Excalibur hyped Chris Jericho vs. Kyle Fletcher for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure what happened to Wardlow’s right knee. It looked like it gave out while he was powerbombing Komander, but it’s possible he did something to it before then that I missed. Here’s hoping it’s nothing major.

Tony Schiavone conducted a sit-town interview with the teams of Sting and Darby Allin and AEW Tag Team Champions Ricky Starks and Big Bill. Schiavone noted that both teams agreed to no physicality. Starks praised Sting for his run in AEW and recalled that it started with Sting beating him, which he said didn’t sit well with him.

Allin took issue with Starks acting like he respected Sting. Allin told Starks that Sting’s career is not a stepping stone. Starks said he and Bill would keep the AEW Tag Team Titles. Starks said he would make sure that Sting doesn’t make it to his retirement match and told Allin that he has no respect for him.

Bill took issue with Sting and Allin claiming they would go to AEW Revolution as the AEW Tag Team Champions. Bill said they would take out their frustrations on Sting and Allin. Sting said he admired that Starks was the only one who initially had the balls to get in his face and talk smack. Sting said Starks has to earn respect. Sting said he’s been in the ring with a lot of big men who were killers, but he’s not sure if that describes Bill.

Allin told Starks that he respects him and what he does in the ring, but he always points the finger of blame at someone else. Allin said the only person that Starks should blame is Starks, who then threw water in his face. Allin stood up and went face to face with Starks. Sting pulled Allin back. Sting said he’s always hated talk. He said Allin would hit Starks in the ring. “Oh, and I will too,” Sting said…

[Hour Two] Chris Jericho made his “Judas” entrance. Excalibur said they would stick with the action on Dynamite as long as it took. Some fans sang along with Jericho’s theme. It sounded like there were some boos mixed in with mostly cheers once Jericho’s music stopped playing. Kyle Fletcher made his entrance with Don Callis and Powerhouse Hobbs…

4. ROH TV Champion Kyle Fletcher (w/Don Callis, Powerhouse Hobbs) vs. Chris Jericho in a non-title match. Early in the match, Jericho went to ringside then Callis ran away. Fletcher attacked Jericho from behind and then Callis returned to ringside. A short time later, Hobbs distracted the referee, allowing Callis to trip Jericho. Fletcher put the boots to Jericho going into a PIP break. [C]

Fletcher put Jericho down with a brainbuster that led to a two count. Jericho went for a Lionsault, but Hobbs hit him while Callis distracted the referee. Jericho came back and put Fletcher in the Walls of Jericho. Fletcher reached the ropes to break the hold. Fletcher dropped Jericho with a superkick and covered him for a near fall.

Jericho put Fletcher down with a Codebreaker for a two count. Schiavone noted that it took Jericho a long time to make the cover. Moments later, Jericho went to the middle rope and ate a kick from Fletcher, who followed up with a brainbuster onto the turnbuckle and covered Jericho for a near fall. Fletcher showed frustration over not getting the pin.

A short time later, Fletcher ducked the Judas Effect and then caught Jericho with a kick that sent him to the floor. Fletcher went for a suicide dive and was hit by a Judas Effect at ringside. Jericho ran Hobbs into the ring steps. Jericho sent Fletcher back inside the ring and then jumped from the ropes and hit him with another Judas Effect before pinning him.

Chris Jericho defeated ROH TV Champion Kyle Fletcher in 13:25 in a non-title match.

After the match, Konosuke Takeshita walked onto the stage while the broadcast team hyped his match with Jericho for next week’s Dynamite. Takeshita made the throat slash gesture…

Powell’s POV: More of the same with a younger wrestler coming close to beating the veteran only to lose in the end. If this happened infrequently, it would feel important and the younger wrestler could really gain something. It just doesn’t mean nearly as much as it should when it happens repeatedly during the same show.

A video package featured Deonna Purrazzo talking about how her tattoos represent times in her life. She said that she and Toni Storm got matching ducks. She said they were willy, but it also symbolizes her journey. Purrazzo asked what the matching tattoo means to Storm…

Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn made their entrance. White stopped on the stage and pointed to the back. Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, and Billy Gunn made their entrance and they all headed to the ring together. “The Bang Bang Scissor Gang has arrived,” Bowens exclaimed over the house mic.

White spoke briefly and then Caster took his turn and said something was missing. Caster told Bowens to get “Card Blade.” Bowens pulled out the cardboard cutout of White. The Bullet Club Gold members indicated that they fired Card Blade, so then they pulled out the cardboard cutout of Juice Robinson. Austin tried to do his father’s schtick, but Billy cut him off and did it instead. They all did the Gunns Up and scissored… [C]

Powell’s POV: Well, that happened.

5. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Taya Valkyrie (w/Johnny TV). Storm sat in on commentary while Luther and Maria May stood behind her. All of the entrances were televised. Storm said “no comment” when asked about the matching tattoos that she and Purrazzo have. TV created a distraction on the floor that allowed Valkyrie to spear Purrazzo. Valkyrie and TV made out next to the ring heading into a PIP break. [C]

Purrazzo hit Valkyrie with a kick under the ropes and they both ended up in front of the broadcast table. Purrazzo shoved Valkyrie into Storm. Back in the ring, Purrazzo threw a kick at Valkyrie, then placed her face down and held her arms behind her and got the submission win…

Deonna Purrazzo defeated Taya Valkyrie in 8:55.

Powell’s POV: Another showcase win for Purrazzo heading into her eventual title match with Storm.

Renee Paquette interviewed Darby Allin in the backstage area and asked him about his admiration for the Young Bucks. “Excuse me?” Allin replied. Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson walked into the picture wearing headsets and said it was a great question. Matt said they love Allin and then asked him why he lets a 65 year-old blood sucking leech take money out of his pocket.

Matt said once Sting goes, they could form a hot trio. Matt said they went through a goth phase in high school. Nick asked Allin if he had a problem with them. Allin said the only thing on his mind was the AEW Tag Team Titles. The Jacksons agreed they would need to get Allin’s attention in a different way… [C]

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe made his entrance while Excalibur hyped Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero, and Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Keith for Saturday’s AEW Collision. Joe joined the broadcast team for the main event. Swerve Strickland made his entrance.

Rob Van Dam made his entrance to Pantera’s “Walk” to a strong reaction while Swerve stared at him from the ring. Hangman Page interrupted on the big screen. He said Swerve didn’t read the contract closely because it also allows him to choose the match type. Page announced it would be a hardcore match…

6. Swerve Strickland vs. Rob Van Dam in a Dealer’s Choice hardcore match. RVD threw a chair at Swerve, who appeared to get his arm up. Swerve went to the floor. RVD followed and ran hm into the barricade. Swerve took a seat in a chair against the barricade and then ate a kick from RVD. The crowd chanted for tables while RVD continued to dominate the early action.

RVD hung Swerve’s body over the barricade. RVD jumped from the apron and hit Swerve with a spin kick. Joe was shown laughing. RVD clutched his back and then got to his feet heading into a PIP break. [C]

Swerve ran RVD into a chair that was wedged in a corner of the ring. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. RVD returned the favor by running Swerve into the chair and then hit him with Rolling Thunder. RVD put the chair out front of him and then dropkicked it into Swerve in the corner. RVD covered Swerve for a two count. Swerve powerbombed RVD onto another chair and covered him for a near fall.

RVD battled back and went to the ropes. Brian Cage came out and shoved RVD off the ropes. Cage entered the ring. Hook ran out and slammed a chair over Cage’s back. Hook and Cage fought to the back. RVD rolled Swerve into a pin for a two count and then hit him with a nice kick while the broadcast team hyped the possibility of the show running long.

RVD went for Rolling Thunder, but he aborted it when Swerve moved. Swerve put RVD down and covered him for a two count. Swerve set up a chair on the floor. RVD ended up at ringside. Swerve hit RVD twice and then booted him in the face. RVD sat down on the chair and then Swerve performed a double stomp off the apron.

[Overrun] Joe said they needed medical personnel to check on RVD. Joe said he was tired of the pretenders and wanted RVD to expose them for who they are. Swerve went up top. RVD threw a chair at his head. Swerve fell off the rope and through a table that he had set up on the floor.

RVD placed Swerve on a chair and then placed another one on top of him. RVD went for the Five Star Frog Splash, but Swerve moved and RVD landed on one of the chairs. Swerve kicked a chair at RVD’s head and then covered him for a near fall. Swerve went to the ropes. RVD cut him off, but Swerve slammed RVD’s face off the top turnbuckle. Swerve followed up with a Swerve Stomp and scored the pin.

Swerve Strickland defeated Rob Van Dam in 14:30 in a Dealer’s Choice hardcore match.

Hangman Page’s music played and he stormed to the ring with a microphone in his hand. Swerve got a mic of his own. Page congratulated Swerve while calling him an evil bastard. Page said the rankings will be out later and they are both undefeated, so he assumed they would be at the top of the list.

Page recalled Swerve saying he needs the AEW World Championship. Page told Swerve to look in his eyes and know that he will never let that happen. Page said he would be the next world champion. Swerve laughed at Page and said he repeats himself.

Swerve said he pinned Page twice now and didn’t have anything to prove. Swerve said Page was just upset that he can’t beat him. Page said Swerve didn’t beat him, it took the entire Mogul Embassy to beat him. Page said man-to-man, Swerve can’t lace his boots. Swerve said he would give Page one more match and then they are done. Swerve said once he gets past Page, his focus will be on the AEW World Championship. Samoa Joe was shown smiling while he watched from the broadcast table.

Excalibur announced that Tony Khan had just made Swerve vs. Page official for next week’s Dynamite and the winner will challenge Samoa Joe for the AEW World Championship at AEW Revolution. Excalibur hyped the two previously advertised matches for next week and added Blackpool Combat Club vs. CMLL stars in a trios match, and huge announcement from Tony Khan for next week’s Dynamite…

Powell’s POV: Mercedes Mone? Kazuchika Okada? Both? Anyway, the main event was very well received by the live crowd. They clearly picked up on the obvious hint that Hangman Page dropped in his Collision promo because they were clearly expecting RVD to be the dealer’s choice surprise.

Overall, this was a decent episode and an upgrade over last week’s show. Next week’s show looks loaded on paper. I will have a lot more to say about Dynamite in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the January 31 episode free polls


Readers Comments (4)

  1. Which match tonight even had .0000001% doubt on the outcome? They either need better storylines or less predictable outcomes. Or both?

  2. Yet another “aew results” review where 95% of the comments about the matches are, “Good, BUT…”followed by something negative.
    Wonder if the “hits” about this show will follow that same format….hmm….

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