AEW Dynamite results (1/24): Powell’s live review of Adam Copeland vs. Minoru Suzuki, Hangman Page vs. Penta, Swerve Strickland vs. Jeff Hardy, Billy Gunn and The Acclaimed vs. Mogul Embassy for the AEW Trios Titles

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 225)
Savannah, Georgia at Enmarket Arena
Aired live January 24, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired and then Excalibur checked in on commentary with Taz and Tony Schiavone. Justin Roberts was the ring announcer…

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe made his entrance dressed in a suit. Joe said opportunities must be given. He said anyone who earns the right to face him will be beat down mercilessly, just as he did to Hook last week.

Hook made his entrance holding a microphone and was dressed in non-wrestling attire. Hook entered the ring and approached Joe. Hook said Joe won last week and he lost. Hook offered Joe a handshake, which Joe accepted. Hook pulled Joe in close and said he didn’t know when or where, but he will see him again.

Joe said he bets he will see Hook again, but then told him that he goes to the back of the line. Joe called for security to remove Hook from the ring. Three security guards entered the ring and were quickly taken down by Hook, whose entrance music played while he made his exit…

Powell’s POV: A simple follow-up with Hook looking virtuous for acknowledging his loss, yet also declaring that he would see Joe again somewhere down the road. Hook beating up the security felt flat. Even so, I like that they wasted no time in following up on last week’s match and the way the Joe was a heel for blowing off Hook.

Excalibur ran through the show’s lineup. Joe cut in and asked what Hook’s problem was. Excalibur went back to running through the remainder of the lineup. Joe was at the broadcast table and said he was there to see who his competition might be. Joe asked who raised that animal Hook. Taz last and noted that Joe was victorious… Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. Hangman Page vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (w/Alex Abrahantes). The wrestlers shook hands before locking up. Page put Penta down early and then stared at Joe, who said that’s all Page would do is stare. Page and Penta were down heading into an early picture-in-picture break. [C]

Penta performed a Death Valley Driver style move that resulted in a near fall. Penta tried to wrench Page’s arm, but Page powered out of it and hit a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall of his own. Both men fought on the apron and stuffed the other’s moves.

Penta ended up back in the ring and stuffed Page’s Buckshot Lariat attempt. Penta put Page down with Made in Japan for another near fall. Joe was shown looking like he was taken aback by Penta’s near fall. Back on the apron, Page performed the Deadeye.

Page went up top and moonsaulted onto Penta on the floor. Page rolled Penta back inside the ring. Penta ducked a Buckshot Lariat. Page put him down with a clothesline and then connected with the Buckshot Lariat before scoring the pin.

Hangman Page defeated Penta El Zero Miedo in 13:40.

After the match, Page jawed at Joe before heading to the back…

Powell’s POV: A competitive opening match. The outcome was never in question because Page and Swerve Strickland are clearly being presented as the top two contenders.

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy was interviewed by Renee Paquette on the backstage interview set. Cassidy was asked about Roderick Strong challenging him to a title match at AEW Revolution. Cassidy said he was willing to face him last week, but he’ll face him at the pay-per-view. Cassidy said he would keep wrestling.

Cassidy said he asked Tony Khan to put some of his friends and enemies in a match on Rampage and then he will defend the title against the winner on Collision. Cassidy said he had to go because Trent Beretta was going to face Wardlow. Cassidy asked Paquette if she saw Wardlow. “A lot of meat,” Paquette responded… [C]

“The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson were shown walking backstage. A man handed them show format sheets. They said it was about time and one of them said “banger alert.” Alex Marvez approached them for a comment. Nick said Marvez should show them more respect by calling them by their passport names of Nicholas and Matthew Jackson. Matt said they are the two surviving EVPs. He also said backstage morale is through the roof and took credit for taking care of the catering problem.

“Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin crossed paths with the Jacksons, who accused them of showing up late. Darius said they arrived at one. Matt asked for their credentials. Nick threatened to fine them next time. The broadcast team noted that the Jacksons just arrived at the building…

2. Wardlow (w/Adam Cole, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong) vs. Trent Beretta (w/Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero, Chuck Taylor). Both entrances were televised and Cole was still using crutches to get to ringside. Excalibur announced that Kip Sabian vs. Komander vs. The Butcher vs. El Hijo del Vikingo would compete in a four-way on Rampage to earn as hot at Cassidy’s title on Collision. Wardlow had Beretta down at ringside going into a PIP break. [C]

Wardlow wound up for a big lariat, but Beretta caught him with a knee strike and sent him to ringside. Beretta performed a suicide dive that failed to knock Wardlow off his feet. Beretta grabbed a chair and slammed it over the back of Wardlow twice while incompetent referee Rick Knox was busy arguing with people at ringside.

Back in the ring, Beretta picked up a near fall. Beretta went for a top rope crossbody block, but Wardlow caught him and powerslammed him. Wardlow placed Trent’s legs on to the rope and then let him fall into a knee strike. Wardlow performed a Last Ride style powerbomb and scored the pin…

Wardlow defeated Trent Beretta in 8:05.

After the match, Cassidy, Romero, and Taylor checked on Beretta. Taven, Bennett, and Strong talked Wardlow into exiting the ring…

Powell’s POV: Oh good, yet another random four-way to determine which wrestler gets a shot at one of the secondary titles. I guess this one is different because they gave it a cutesy Cassidy related name? Anyway, Wardlow going over was the obvious move. The Undisputed Kingdom still feels flat.

Excalibur hyped FTR and Daniel Garcia vs. House of Black in an elimination cage match, and Bryan Danielson vs. Yuji Nagata for Saturday’s AEW Collision…

A video package set up Adam Copeland vs. Minoru Suzuki. Copeland spoke about how they would beat the hell out of each other and told the fans to grit their teeth…

Renee Paquette hosted a sit-down interview segment on the stage. Deonna Purrazzo was introduced first and then AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm came out with Luther and Mariah May. Purrazzo’s side of the stage was shown in color, while Storm’s was in black and white.

Storm said Purrazzo was recently body shamed. Storm said it was ridiculous because there’s so much more to shame about Purrazzo. Storm accused Purrazzo of using their friendship to get a title shot. Storm said Purrazzo might be the greatest technical wrestler in the world, but if she steps in the ring with her she would twist her lips so hard she would need an epidural.

Purrazzo said she didn’t come to AEW to make friends. She said she was in AEW to become the world champion. Purrazzo said the champion used to be her friend and she has no problem earning her opportunity. Purrazzo said she doesn’t want to wrestle the delusional sham that Storm is now, she wants to face the Storm who lived in her house and was one of the best in the world.

Purrazzo begged Storm to dig deep and find that version of herself. Purrazzo told Storm to look at her ankle and said it probably looks a lot like hers. Purrazzo showed off her tattoo and then Storm showed off a matching tattoo. Storm threw her shoe at Purrazzo, who then threw one back at her.

Purrazzo put Storm down and went for her finishing hold, but May pulled Storm away. Purrazzo tried to kick May, who moved, causing Luther to take the kick instead. Storm and May ran backstage while Purrazzo picked up the title belt and raised it over her head before tossing it toward Luther… [C]

Jon Moxley delivered a backstage promo and asked if viewers know how many matches and titles the Blackpool Combat Club has won. He said he doesn’t keep track. He said they don’t throw victory parties because there’s always another challenge around the corner. Moxley said he will maim and pulverize anyone who can’t keep up. Moxley said he would cut his arm off and leave it in the ring on Rampage if that’s what he needs to do…

Excalibur announce Moxley vs. Lee Moriarty for Friday’s AEW Rampage…

Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie delivered a promo on the backstage interview set. Valkyrie said they are the most TV ready couple in AEW. Valkyrie took issue with Deonna Purrazzo trying to cut in line. Valkyrie said she knows Purrazzo very well and will face her on Dynamite next week and send her to the back of the line…

Swerve Strickland made his entrance while Prince Nana did his dance. Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy’s entrance followed.

3. Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) vs. Jeff Hardy (w/Matt Hardy). There were “Swerve’s House” and “Hardy” chants as the match started.

[Hour Two] Hardy removed a chain with his symbol on it after an early exchange. Both men fought to ringside. Swerve went back to the apron and was tripped by Jeff, who then ran and jumped off the ring steps and crashed into Swerve against the barricade, which caused Jeff to tumble over it heading into a PIP break. [C]

Both wrestlers fought on the ropes. Jeff knocked Swerve off the ropes and hit him with a Whisper in the Wind. Jeff followed up with a burst of offense that led to him getting a two count. Jeff went to the middle rope, but Swerve shoved him onto the apron and then ran him into the ring post.

Swerve stood on the ring steps that were pulled away from the post and then pulled Jeff up with him. Jeff fought back and put him down with a Twist of Fate on the steps. Jeff threw Swerve back inside the ring and then removed his own shirt. Jeff went for the Swanton Bomb, but Swerve avoided it. Swerve hit Jeff with a House Call kick and covered him for a two count.

Matt walked up the ring steps to show concern for a moment before returning to the floor. Jeff rallied with a couple of pin attempts and then hit three jawbreakers. Swerve put him down with a Flatliner and suplexed him. Swerve went up top and hit the Swerve Stomp and got the three count…

Swerve Strickland defeated Jeff Hardy in 13:55.

Powell’s POV: Jeff is clearly a step slower these days, but the effort was there and the crowds still react to him. The broadcast team keeps mentioning that the match outcomes will affect the rankings, which is the extent of the push to make the rankings matter thus far.

Paquette attempted to interview Hangman Page and noted that he is 3-0 this year. She said the rankings will be released at the end of the month. Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana showed up. Swerve pointed out that he’s unbeaten this year and asked Page who was the last person to beat him. “It’s new year, new me, dumbass,” Page replied. Paquette informed Page and Swerve that they would be in Dealer’s Choice matches next week, meaning they will choose each other’s opponents…

4. Thunder Rosa vs. Red Velvet. Both entrances were televised. Rosa and Velvet ended up at ringside. Velvet had the offensive advantage heading into an early PIP break. [C] Rosa hit Velvet with a shotgun dropkick. Rosa followed up with a double underhook into a slam and then scored the pin…

Thunder Rosa defeated Red Velvet in 7:15.

Members of the Savannah Bananas were shown in the crowd. They were listed as “baseball’s premier barnstorming team”…

Excalibur listed the following matches for Friday’s Rampage: Jon Moxley vs. Lee Moriarty, Christopher Daniels vs. Konosuke Takeshita, Anna Jay vs. Ruby Soho, and Kip Sabian vs. Komander vs. The Butcher vs. El Hijo del Vikingo in a “Freshly Squeezed Four-Way” for a shot at the AEW International Title on Collision…

Excalibur listed the following matches for Saturday’s AEW Collision: Orange Cassidy defend the AEW International Championship against the four-way winner, Serena Deeb in action, Bryan Danielson vs. Yuji Nagata, Mariah May vs. Lady Frost, FTR and Daniel Garcia vs. House of Black in an escape the cage elimination match…

Excalibur listed the following matches for next week’s AEW Dynamite: Taya Valkyrie vs. Deonna Purrazzo, and Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page compete in Dealer’s Choice matches…

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and introduced Darby Allin and Sting, who headed to the ring. Sting stopped and shook hands with a fan who dressed up like him. Allin said when he does radio and TV interviews, he’s asked what it’s like to team with Sting. He said he’s also told to slow down in the ring or he’ll retire before Sting.

Allin said Sting’s influence on him started in 2015. He recalled Sting’s career being cut short by a neck injury and it made him think about what if that happened to him. Allin recalled Sting coming to AEW and rolling around with him for five minutes and telling him that he still had it. The Young Bucks were shown looking annoyed while watching the segment backstage.

Allin said the rankings are back and he thinks their record should make them the No. 1 contenders. Allin told Sting that he still has it and said the fans would agree. A “you still got it” chant broke out. Allin asked Sting if he wanted to end his career as an AEW Tag Team Champion. Sting told the crowd that he is all in. Allin hugged Sting, who then howled… [C]

AEW Tag Team Champions Ricky Starks and Big Bill delivered a promo on the backstage set. Bill thanked Allin for finally acknowledging them by name. Bill accepted the challenge to a tag team title shot. Starks said it was fitting that Sting started his AEW career with him and a partner, and now Starks and “the best partner I have will be the end of you.” Starks told Sting he won’t make it to Revolution and said he should lay down so that they would walk over him and Allin…

Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona made their entrance. Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn walked onto the stage and then The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn made their entrance. Max Caster rapped on the way to the ring and told Prince Nana to stop sending emails to his mother…

5. Billy Gunn and “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens vs. Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona (w/Prince Nana) for the AEW Trios Titles. White and the Gunns did not accompany Gunn and The Acclaimed to ringside. Bowens was knocked off the apron heading into a PIP break. [C]

Gunn took a hot tag and had a brief run of offense until he was knocked down by Liona. Bowens took out Liona with some kicks. Cage hit an F5 on Bowens. Caster took out Cage. Kaun dropkicked Caster. Kaun put Gunn down and covered him for a near fall.

Prince Nana slid a chair inside the ring and then distracted the referee. Kaun picked up the chair, but Jay White showed up at ringside and took it away from him. Colten and Austin showed up and pulled Nana off the apron and then powerbomed him through a table. Gunn hit the Fameasser on Liona. Bowens followed up with The Arrival and then Caster hit him with the Mic Drop and pinned him…

Billy Gunn and “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens defeated Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona in 9:00 to retain the AEW Trios Titles.

Powell’s POV: I still couldn’t care less about trios or six-man tag team titles, so I’m hoping this Bang Bang Scissor Gang alliance doesn’t last long and they fight to unify these titles.

A Serena Deeb vignette aired. She said anticipation is a powerful emotion. She dubbed herself The Professor and said she’s ready to return. Excalibur hyped her return for Saturday’s Collision…

Adam Copeland made his entrance for the main event while the broadcast team played up his ongoing open challenge. Minoru Suzuki’s entrance followed…

6. Adam Copeland vs. Minoru Suzuki. A “holy shit” chant broke out after the opening bell rang. Both men traded strikes to start. Suzuki got the better of it and knocked Copeland down. Copeland got up and fired back, but Suzuki hit him with an elbow strike. Suzuki went for his Gotch-style piledriver, but Copeland countered into a back body drop.

Suzuki went to the apron. Copeland approached him and Suzuki tried to go for an armbar, which Copeland stuffed. Copeland went for a spear, but Suzuki hit him with a knee strike. Suzuki put Copeland in a guillotine and both men dropped to the floor. Copeland drove Suzuki through a barricade to break the hold and both men stayed down and barely beat the referee’s count at nine. Copeland and Suzuki traded elbow strikes and slaps across the face. Both men connected with slaps simultaneously and fell to the mat.

Schiavone announced that Tony Khan informed him that Ricky Starks and Big Bill vs. Darby Allin and Sting for the AEW Tag Team Titles will be held on Dynamite in two weeks from Phoenix.

[Overrun] Suzuki caught Copeland in a Fujiwara armbar. Copeland scrambled to reached the ropes and broke the hold. Suzuki went for a rear naked choke, but Copeland fought out of it and then speared him. Copeland covered Suzuki and got a near fall. Copeland showed surprise when he sat up. Suzuki sat up behind him and smiled.

Suzuki applied a rear naked choke. Copeland’s face turned purple and he started to fade, but then he came to life and sent Suzuki into an uncovered turnbuckle in the corner. Copeland hit the Killswitch on Suzuki and pinned him.

Adam Copeland defeated Minoru Suzuki in 9:25.

Christian Cage was shown watching the match on a backstage monitor. In the ring, Copeland called for a microphone and said he’d never been hit that hard in his life. “Suzuki, respect,” Copeland said. Suzuki got to his feet. Copeland offered a handshake, but Suzuki yelled and then exited the ring without shaking Copeland’s hand.

Copeland told the crowd he honestly would have been disappointed had Suzuki shook his hand. Copeland said their match was the type of war that Christian Cage knows noting about. Copeland told Cage that he’s still coming for him. Copeland went to ringside and put on a young fan’s Sting mask as the show concluded…

Powell’s POV: An enjoyable first-time match between two legends. Unfortunately, the overall episode was a weak follow-up to last week’s far better show. I will have a lot more to say about Dynamite in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Dynamite by grading the show below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade January 24 episode free polls


Readers Comments (8)

  1. Why is this old decrepit Japanese corpse on my tv? In the main event no less. No wonder AEW is getting their ass handed to them. Cocaine Khan has made Edge just another wrestler now

    • Adam Copeland may have wanted to work with talented Japanese workers.. Also, it’s the point of an open challenge, anyone not signed up to WWE could’ve showed/shown.

      • Well if he wanted to work with talented Japanese workers why did this old fossil show up?

      • Cool, so two guys in their 50s doing the stupid indy spot where they take turns letting each other throw shitty forearms at each other is okay because it was some moronic open challenge?

  2. I get that the rankings are supposed to make everyone have amnesia….but it’s very hard to forget that Swerve beat Page and is 2-0 against him in actual matches….so why is Page a contender

  3. A lot of the night that crowd sounded like there were only 30 people there. Dreadful episode

    • Every match in AEW is an empty arena match.

    • Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      Well, the arena holds 9500 and the ticket sales were under 2000 until “somehow” 300+ tickets sold in the final 24 hours (Tiny Con probably bought them to avoid a little embarrassment).

      Why would anyone go to an AEW show at this point? Their two biggest stars just had a great promo exchange on Raw.

      They diminished what little remaining star power Edge had in record time.

      MJF went the goofy “I need everyone to be my friend” route and is now off TV.

      Samoa Joe is about the only thing they have now.

      They continue to push the small, boring wrestlers over the little bit of talent they actually have so Tony can live out his fantasy of scrawny little losers like him beating up the bullies he obviously had in school.

      Their is almost no reason for any wrestling fan who stopped watching over the last 20 years to tune in to see what’s happening with AEW. Orange Cassidy is their most strongly booked champion (So far in 2024 his segments lose an average of 187k viewers) and they still feature other channel changers like Page and the EVPs.

      They need a hard reset with a real booker in charge (and 73 fewer titles) or else the only things that are going to work for them are gimmicks like shows at Wembley or Sting’s retirement match.

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