TNA Hard To Kill results: Powell’s live review of Alex Shelley vs. Moose for the TNA Title, Trinity vs. Jordynne Grace for the Knockouts Title, Josh Alexander vs. Alex Hammerstone

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Hard To Kill
Aired live January 13, 2024 on Triller TV and TNA+
Las Vegas, Nevada at Palms Casino Resort

TNA Hard To Kill Pre-Show

1. Steve Maclin beat Rich Swann.

DJ Whoo Kid and AJ Francis (f/k/a Top Dolla) showed up to premiere their music video. Joe Hendry interrupted and mocked Francis, who ended up chokeslamming Hendry.

2. “The System” Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers (w/Alisha Edwards) beat Eric Young and Frankie Kazarian.

3. Crazzy Steve defeated Tommy Dreamer in a No DQ match to win the TNA Digital Media Championship.

TNA Hard To Kill Pay-Per-View

The show opened with a video package featuring Eric Young overlooking Las Vegas and then walking in the city while touting the return of the TNA name. Young walked onto the stage where Scott D’Amore, Gail Kim, and the other wrestlers were standing. “We’ve been slept on for the last damn time,” Young said. Young added that they are TNA Wrestling and they are Hard To Kill. Fans waved yellow towels that featured the TNA logo…

Entrances for the Ultimate X match took place. Meanwhile, Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt checked in on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer…

1. Tasha Steelz vs. Alisha Edwards vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Jody Threat vs. Xia Brookside vs. Dani Luna in an Ultimate X match for a future shot at the Knockouts Championship. There was an X hanging from the cables above the ring. Threat put Luna on the ropes. Edwards was late for her spot and was apparently supposed to be tripped by Threat and land on Luna, but she fell on the mat, got up, and then laid over Luna while Threat hit them both.

Luna performed a dive onto Shaw, which drew a TNA chant. Brookside dove onto Luna and Shaw, then Threat dove onto all three women on the floor. Threat returned to the apron. Edwards climbed onto her back and held on while Threat climbed up one of the structures outside each ring post. Threat shook Edwards off her back, causing Edwards to fall onto a group of wrestlers on the floor.

Back in the ring, Luna could be seen counting down while on bottom of a tower of doom spot. Brookside made the first play for the X symbol, but Luna pulled her down and powerbombed her. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Edwards made a play for the X. She dropped off the cable onto Luna and then powerbombed her.

Edwards went to ringside and returned to the ring with a kendo stick, which she hit her opponents with. Brookside put Edwards down with a lung blower. Threat put Brookside and Edwards on her shoulders and then performed a double F5 style move.

Threat made a play for the X, but she was speared off the cables by Shaw. The crowd chanted “Thank you, Knockouts.” Steelz, Shaw, and Threat all went after the X symbol. Shaw used the X symbol as a weapon. Luna fell from the tables and then Threat followed. Shaw pulled the X symbol down and dropped to the ring with it to win the match…

Gisele Shaw defeated Tasha Steelz, Alisha Edwards, Jody Threat, Xia Brookside, and Dani Luna in an Ultimate X match in 12:00 to earn a future shot at the Knockouts Championship.

Powell’s POV: There were some clunky moments, but the live crowd didn’t mind a bit. There was much more good than bad and everyone involved worked hard and didn’t take too many crazy chances.

The French broadcast team checked in briefly and then Hannifan and Rehwoldt ran through the remaining lineup… The broadcast team recapped footage of AJ Francis chokeslamming Joe Hendry on the pre-show… Footage aired of Francis and DJ Whoo Kid talking in a lobby area outside the actual venue…

2. PCO vs. Dirty Dango (w/Alpha Bravo, Oleg Prudius). Prudius is the former Vladimir Kozlov. Before the match, Dango told the crowd that he hates TNA Wrestling. PCO had an elaborate entrance with masked doctors wheeling a gurney onto the stage and then shocking him to life. PCO tossed Dango over the top rope and then hit him with a cannonball dive through the ropes.

Hannifan said the attendance for this event was the highest “in years” and then thanked the fans. Back in the ring, PCO went for a PCO Sault, but it was broken up by Bravo, causing the referee to call for the bell.

PCO beat Dirty Dango by DQ in 1:15.

Rhino came out after the match. Prudius stood on the apron and wanted to fight, but he was talked down by Dango and Bravo. Santino Marella came out and said there would be a six-man tag match. He introduced Jake Something as the third man for the babyface team…

3. PCO, Jake Something, and Rhino vs. Dirty Dango, Oleg Prudius, and Alpha Bravo. Something ran down the ramp (level with the ring) and dove over the top rope onto the heels. PCO followed up with a PCO Sault onto the heels at ringside.

Later, Rhino and Prudius ended up in the ring together. Rhino got the better of the brief exchange. Rhino tried to spear Dango, who moved, causing Bravo to take the move instead. Something powerbombed Dango onto Bravo. PCO performed a top rope moonsault onto Bravo and then pinned him…

PCO, Jake Something, and Rhino defeated Dirty Dango, Oleg Prudius, and Alpha Bravo in 7:20.

Powell’s POV: Formula stuff. It was fine for what it was.

Footage aired of a car arriving at the venue. A man opened a door and then a woman got out of the vehicle and walked toward the venue. The broadcast team said worlds would collide during the show. Reholdt indicated that he knew who it was, but he didn’t offer any hints…

Knockouts Tag Team Champions “MK Ultra” Masha Slamovich and Killer Kelly made their entrance. The broadcast team spoke about them having a surprise title defense and questioned which team they would face. The lights went out and then the Decay entrance video played. Rosemary and Havok made their entrance…

4. “MK Ultra” Masha Slamovich and Killer Kelly vs. Rosemary and Havok for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Kelly put Rosemary down and then seductively crawled over her. Rosemary sat up and screamed in her face. Fun spot. Havok checked in and went for a double chokeslam, but Slamovich and Kelly stuffed it. Havok put them down with a double clothesline, then followed up with a double suplex.

Slamovich put Havok down with a Snowplow and went for the cover, but Havok kicked out at one. Slamovich acted stunned. Havok performed an assisted sit-out powerbomb on Kelly and then scored the pin…

Rosemary and Havok defeated “MK Ultra” Masha Slamovich and Killer Kelly in 6:15 to win the Knockouts Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: Rosemary and Havok worked as Courtney Rush and Jessicka, so this is a case of the two of them reverting to their previous personas. It’s a welcome change, but I’m surprised to see them win the tag titles. I wonder what it means for Slamovich and Kelly.

Scott D’Amore stood with a trainer and members of the NFL Alumni. They promoted the Huddle For Health initiative…

Footage aired of Steve Maclin defeating Rich Swann in the pre-show opening match. Gia Miller conducted a brief interview with Maclin…

Scott D’Amore made his entrance and spoke on the stage. D’Amore introduced AAA promoter Dorian Roldan. A brief video package aired. Roldan spoke in Spanish and then switched to English to welcome fans to the first TNA pay-per-view of 2024. He spoke of bringing more AAA talent to the United States. D’Amore pulled out an “official partnership” contract that both men signed…

El Hijo del Vikingo made his entrance and shook hands with both promoters before heading to the ring for the X Division Title match. The entrances of Kushida and Chris Sabin followed…

5. Chris Sabin vs. Kushida vs. El Hijo del Vikingo in a three-way for the X Division Title. Kushida performed an early senton dive off the apron onto Sabin on the floor. Back in the ring, Vikingo performed an inverted flip from the top rope into a huracanrana on Kushida.

Viking took both opponents down with huracanranas, which sent them both to the floor. Viking performed a top rope dive onto both men. Sabin returned to the ring and was hit by a missile dropkick. Kushida took out Viking with a dive from the ropes, and then Sabin clotheslined both men, which led to all three men staying down. The crowd chanted “all these guys.”

Later, Kushida caught Vikingo in the Hoverboard Lock, but Sabin broke it up. Kushida put Sabin in the same hold. Viking hit Kushida with a top rope double stomp to break it. Moments later, Sabin jumped off the middle rope and performed a Destroyer on Vikingo on the ramp.

Back in the ring, Sabin, caught Kushida on the top rope and hit him with a German Suplex. Sabin set up for his Cradle Shock finisher. Kushida applied the Hoverboard Lock, but Sabin followed through with the move and scored the clean pin…

Chris Sabin defeated Kushida and El Hijo del Vikingo in a three-way match in 12:00 to retain the X Division Championship.

Powell’s POV: The match of the night to this point in the show. They made it feel pretty even between the three until Sabin pulled out the win. Meanwhile, the TNA and AAA working relationship is nice and all, but what does it really mean to the average TNA fan? In other words, I wish they would have done more to let fans know which AAA wrestlers they can expect to see beyond Vikingo.

A video package featured Alex Hammerstone issuing an open challenge online, followed by Josh Alexander accepting the match. Entrances for the match took place…

6. Josh Alexander vs. Alex Hammerstone. Hannifan acknowledged the championship reigns that Hammerstone had in MLW. There were dueling “Walking Weapon” and “Hammerstone” chants before the wrestlers locked up to start the match.

Alexander targeted Hammerstone’s left leg early on with kicks and a dragon screw leg whip. Hammerstone came back by launching Alexander with an overhead suplex. Alexander returned fire with a nice sequence and then applied an ankle lock. Hammerstone kicked Alexander, who then put him down with a kick. Hammstone sat up and pumped himself up.

Alexander kicked Hammerstone, who got to his feet. Alexander kicked him again, causing Hammerstone to fall to the mat. Hammerstone shot up again and pressed Alexander over his head before slamming him. Hammerstone shook the ropes and then hit Alexander with ten clotheslines in the corner.

Alexander sold his knee and then power slammed Alexander, which led to a two count. Hammerstone did the throat slash gesture and set up for his finisher, but Alexander avoided it and caught Hammerstone in an ankle lock. Alexander released Hammerstone’s leg and then stomped on it before reapplying the ankle lock. Hammerstone reached the ropes to break it.

Hammerstone came back with his Nightmare Pendulum finisher. Alexander was able to roll to the apron to avoid being pinned. Hammerstone hoisted up Alexander and performed a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Hammerstone sent Alexander back inside the ring and then hit him with a missile dropkick.

Hammerstone performed a TKO on Alexander and covered him for a good near fall. A “this is awesome” chant followed. Hammerstone and Alexander traded forearm strikes. Hammerstone went for a rolling forearm, but Alexander punched him. Hammerstone performed two suplexes and a sit-out powerbomb on Alexander for a near fall. Alexander came back with his C4 Spike and scored the clean pin…

Josh Alexander defeated Alexander Hammerstone in 15:00.

Powell’s POV: An enjoyable dream match for fans of TNA and MLW. It’s a shame this didn’t get the television build it deserved due to Impact going into “best of” mode throughout most of December and early January. It would have been a lot more interesting had Hammerstone gone over, but Alexander feels like Mr. TNA, and I have no idea if Hammerstone has actually signed with the company. In other words, the outcome may have been perfectly logical, albeit predictable.

A video package set up the four-way for the TNA Tag Team Titles and then entrances took place. The broadcast team said Trent Seven was out of the match due to travel issues and would be replaced by Laredo Kid. Entrances for the match took place…

7. “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. “The Rascalz” Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel vs. “Grizzled Young Veterans” Zack Gibson and James Drake vs. Mike Bailey and Laredo Kid in a four-way for the TNA Tag Titles. The rules allowed two wrestlers in the ring at one time. The broadcast team noted that this was The Rascalz contractually obligated rematch.

Gibson and Drake hit Austin with a Doomsday Device. A short time later, Bailey caught Drake with a Poison Rana and then followed up with a kick in the corner. Bailey followed up with the Ultima Weapon on Drake and had him pinned, but the Rascalz broke it up. The Rascalz hit a flurry of offense on Drake and eventually went for the pin, but Austin broke up their pin.

ABC and The Rascalz traded punches. Rehwoldt said this was the showdown that everyone wanted to see. Bey hit the Art of Finesse and then Austin hit The Fold, which led to Austin pinning Miguel…

“ABC” Ace Austin & Chris Bey defeated “The Rascalz” Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel, “Grizzled Young Veterans” Zack Gibson & James Drake, and Mike Bailey & Laredo Kid in a four-way in 14:15 to retain the TNA Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: I didn’t even try to keep up with the key spots until late in the match. Rehwoldt was right about ABC and The Rascalz being the showdown that people wanted to see. It’s a shame that they crammed all four teams into one match. I would have preferred two separate tag team matches, especially since they had Austin and Bey beat Wentz and Miguel in the end. Plus, it would have given the Gibson and Drake a chance to establish themselves by winning their TNA debut in a separate match. All of that said, this was really good action from bell to bell.

A video package set up the Knockouts Title match and then a tale of the tape was shown…

Ash by Elegance (Dana Brooke with a man) was shown in the crowd. Hannifan acknowledged her WWE background…

Powell’s POV: I’m really happy to see Brooke reinvent herself rather than simply be her WWE persona with a different name. I’m not sure who the man with her is, but this is the couple that was shown arriving at the building earlier in the show.

Entrances for the Knockouts Title match took place…

8. Trinity vs. Jordynne Grace for the Knockouts Championship. Jade Chung delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Grace brought the Call Your Shot trophy to the ring and it was noted that she cashed it in to get this match. Grace performed a Muscle Buster for a near fall around the 10:00 mark. Trinity came right back with Starstruck. Grace rolled onto her to break it, but Trinity caught her with a big kick and covered her for a near fall.

Both wrestlers fought on the apron. Trinity blocked a move attempt and then threw another kick at Grace. Trinity put her legs around the head of Grace and then drove into the apron. Back in the ring, Trinity covered Grace for a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Trinity powered up Grace and performed a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Trinity applied Starstruck. Grace powered up to her feet while still in the hold. Trinity released it to grab the ropes, but Grace pulled her off and suplexed her. Grace hit a spinning back fist and a Juggernaut Driver before scoring the pin.

Jordynne Grace defeated Trinity in 14:30 to win the TNA Knockouts Championship.

After the match, Grace leaned down and spoke to Trinity before exiting the ring.

Powell’s POV: Another good match. The outcome felt predictable due to the rumors that Trinity may be headed back to WWE, but it also didn’t feel like a lock to me because I felt like there was a chance that she could retain the title tonight an then drop it at tomorrow’s taping. If this was the last match of Trinity’s run with the company, she should be very proud of this run. She had some of the best matches of her career and really added to the Knockouts Division. By the way, the company announced the signing of Xia Brookside earlier tonight.

A video package set up the TNA World Championship match… A tale of the tape graphic was shown. Hannifan played up Moose’s size advantage. Moose made his entrance and was joined on the stage by Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, and former NFL running back DeAngelo Williams. Moose headed to the ring alone. Alex Shelley made his entrance with Chris Sabin and Kushida, and then went to the ring by himself…

9. Alex Shelley vs. Moose for the TNA Championship. Jade Chung delivered in-ring introductions for the title match and noted that Moose was using his Feast or Fired world title shot. Moose offered a handshake. Shelley slapped his hand away. Hannifan said Shelley saw through Moose’s antics.

Moose had a long run of offense around 9:00 and stomped the right leg of Shelley repeatedly. Moose told the crowd that he could do this all night and then hit Shelley. Moose also sold his left arm from Shelley going after it earlier. Shelley fired up, but Moose put him down with a uranage slam and covered him for a two count.

Moose chopped Shelley, who called for another. Moose complied. Shelley fired up more and then blocked two more and put Moose down with a DDT. Moose eventually tripped Shelley on the apron. Moose tried to hoist up Shelley, who slipped away and ran Moose into the ring post. Shelley performed Shellshocked on the floor. Moose barely beat the referee’s count and was immediately covered for a two count.

Moose came back with a powerbomb for a close near fall. Moose went for a spear, but Shelley moved, causing Moose to crash in the corner. Shelley hit Sliced Bread for a close near fall. Shelley showed frustration over not getting the three count.

DeAngelo Williams walked out. There was a brief brawl with Chris Sabin and Kushida fighting Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards to the back. Shelley and Moose ended up fighting on the ramp. Shelley dropped off the ramp and slammed Moose’s left shoulder on it.

Both wrestlers returned to the ring. Shelley kicked Moose’s bad arm and then threw chops at his chest. Moose fired back with a big chop. Shelley threw more chops. Moose tagged him with another chop. Shelley fired away with more chops, but this time Moose threw several chops in return.

Shelley dropped Moose with forearms and then threw kicks at him. Moose caught his leg and then headbutted Shelley. Moose ran the ropes and was turned inside out by a Shelley clothesline. Shelley played to the crowd and a “TNA” chant broke out. Shelley superkicked Moose, who then avoided Shellshocked. They jockeyed for position and then Moose speared and pinned Shelley.

Moose defeated Alex Shelley in 21:45 to win the TNA Championship.

Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, and DeAngelo Williams walked out to celebrate. Rock music played and then Nick Nemeth’s name appeared on the big screen. Moose looked to the stage, but Nemeth arrived in the ring behind him dressed in a Motley Crue t-shirt and jeans. A “holy shit” chant broke out. Nemeth superkicked Moose and then put him down with a Zigzag. Nemeth left the ring and went into the crowd. Nemeth stood on a chair and tore his Crue shirt off to reveal a TNA shirt underneath. The crowd chanted “TNA” to close the show.

Powell’s POV: A well worked main event with a hot post match debut. The main event didn’t do a lot for me on paper. It really surprised me going in that this is the match they kicked off their new era with because it didn’t feel like they did enough to heat up Moose. I was surprised to see him win and I can’t say The System faction does anything for me, but the arrival of Nemeth made it easy to see why they took the approach they did. I am looking forward to seeing how Nemeth does, but nothing screams old school TNA quite like treating a debuting former WWE wrestler like the biggest star in the promotion on night one.

Overall, this was a good show that played to a very receptive live crowd and closed on a high note. Although there have been better TNA/Impact shows, there wasn’t a bad match on the card and the company came through on a night when they hope to have extra viewers checking out the product due to the hype centered around the name change. I will be back shortly with my same night audio review of this event for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). And then I’ll get started on my AEW Collision and Battle of the Belts reviews, which will be up late tonight. Let me know what you thought of TNA Hard To Kill by voting for the best match and grading the overall show below.

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Readers Comments (6)

  1. I remember Vladimir Koslov, but I’m struggling to remember Alexander Koslov. 😛

    • Alexander Koslov actually was a wrestler who wrestled for AAA, TNA, ROH, and New Japan, he used to team with Rocky Romero.

  2. While it’s true what you said about old school TNA, they still desperately need star power, so Nemeth is worth highlighting.

    • Yep, Nemeth debuting in TNA is on par with Christian or Angle (to a lesser extent) debuting in TNA when they did. He should be treated like a big deal. They are a cut above the other ex-wwe guys that have debuted there.

  3. I thought Nemeth was in New Japan.

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