AEW Dynamite results (1/10): Powell’s live review of Sting and Darby Allin vs. Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs in a Tornado Tag match, Hangman Page vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Sammy Guevara vs. Ricky Starks

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite “Homecoming” (Episode 223)
Jacksonville, Florida at Daily’s Place
Aired live January 10, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] The opening montage aired and then Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone checked in on commentary from a desk on the stage. Hangman Page was introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts, who then introduced Claudio Castagnoli for the opening match…

1. Hangman Page vs. Claudio Castagnoli. Page went right after Castagnoli once he arrived in the ring and then the bell rang to start the match. The referee tried to step in between the wrestlers when Page was in the corner, but Castagnoli poked Page in the eyes while the referee was shielded.

Excalibur ran through the card and said Jim Ross would join them for the tag team main event. Castagnoli performed an early giant swing on Page and then put him in the Sharpshooter. Page reached for the ropes. Castagnoli countered into a crossface that Page escaped.

Page and Castagnoli ended up at ringside. Page took a swig of a fan’s beer and then tossed Castagnoli back inside the ring and followed him. Page charged Castagnoli, who pressed him over his head and tossed him onto the ramp that is level with the ring heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Page ran from the stage down the steps and the ramp and clotheslined Castagnoli from the apron back inside the ring. Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Castagnoli stuffed it and hit him with a popup uppercut that led to a near fall.

Castagnoli taunted Page with light kicks to the face. Page got pissed and they traded slaps. Page clotheslined Castagnoli over the top rope and they both tumbled to the floor. Page went for a moonsault off the apron, but Castagnoli caught him and ran him into a concrete barrier. Page came back with a DDT on the floor.

Page climbed onto the concrete barrier and performed a moonsault onto Castagnoli on the floor. Back in the ring, Castagnoli caught Page when he attempted a crossbody block from the middle rope. Castagnoli hoisted up Page, who countered into a tombstone piledriver that led to a near fall.

Page went for the Deadeye, but Castagnoli countered and sent Page face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Castagnoli fired forearms at Page and then put him down with a short-arm clothesline before covering him for a two count. Castagnoli threw elbows at Page’s head.

Castagnoli set up for the Neutralizer, but Page countered into the Deadeye and got a close near fall. Page went for a move from the corner, but Castagnoli hit him with an uppercut. Castagnoli set up for a Ricola Bomb from the middle rope, but Page countered into a huracanrana. Page followed up with a pair of Buckshot Lariats and scored the clean pin…

Hangman Page defeated Claudio Castagnoli in roughly 17:00.

Powell’s POV: A really good back and forth match to start the show. While there was no reason to think that Castagnoli would go over, they worked a competitive style with both men having counters to the other’s bigger move attempts. They also made good use of the unique setting at Daily’s Place. Speaking of which, the hard camera appears to be pointed at a section that has a few rows of fans and a Daily’s Place sign behind them. It’s not ideal, but they cut to plenty of different camera shots throughout the match.

Highlights aired of the late Brodie Lee while Excalibur spoke of him as the greatest TNT Champion in history. Excalibur said he will live in the hearts of everyone in AEW, including his handpicked proteges Preston Vance and Anna Jay, who will be in eight-person tag matches later in the show… [C]

Orange Cassidy made his entrance while they showed a shot of an excited male fan who did the “raise the roof” dance. Not to pick on this guy in particular, but is there anything dorkier than an adult caucasian male doing the raise the roof dance? Anyway, the remainder of the entrances for the eight-man tag team match took place…

2. Orange Cassidy, Dustin Rhodes, Adam Copeland, and Preston Vance (w/Jose) vs. Lance Archer, Brian Cage, Toa Liona, and Bishop Kaun (w/Prince Nana, Jake Roberts). Excalibur pondered the idea that Tony Khan put Vance on the babyface team because he wants him to see the light. Schiavone said Khan knows Brodie Lee would want Vance in this match. Archer had Cassidy down at ringside heading into a PIP break. [C]

Vance checked in and had a flurry of offense and then pointed to the sky. Cage performed an F5 on Rhodes. Copeland ran in and Cage went for another F5, but Copeland slipped away and DDT’d him. Cassidy hit Kaun with an Orange Punch. Archer took out Cassidy. Vance avoided a big boot from Archer, which hit Cage. Cage clotheslined Archer over the top rope and then Copeland speared Cage. Dustin cannonballed onto one of his opponents at ringside and the production crew missed Vance performing a discus lariat on Kaun before he pinned him…

Orange Cassidy, Dustin Rhodes, Adam Copeland, and Preston Vance beat Lance Archer, Brian Cage, Toa Liona, and Bishop Kaun in 10:25.

Excalibur said Samoa Joe would appear after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: A crowd pleasing eight-man tag match. Vance going over was no surprise given the way the broadcast team framed him as Lee’s handpicked guy before the match.

Renee Paquette interviewed Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn on the backstage interview set. They spoke briefly about how they could do anything the Undisputed Kingdom can.

Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, and Billy Gunn showed up and made another pitch about joining forces and holding all the gold. Caster said they don’t have to hang out and be friends. “Bang Bang Scissors Gang, super faction” Bowens said before telling them to think about it. White said they are not a faction, they are gang. He said they would get back to them…

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe made his entrance dressed in a suit and had the title belt over his shoulder. Joe introduced himself as the champion. A “thank you, Joe” chant started. Joe said he was destined for it and no thanks were needed.

Joe said he’s making changes to the championship protocol. Joe said potential challengers don’t have to whine on the mic about their misfortunes. “No more will you have to go on social media and make your little ho ass comments,” Joe said while looking into the camera and smirking.

Joe said potential challengers could bring their record and reputation and submit it to the championship committee. He said he would stomp the asses of anyone approved by the championship committee. Joe said it was a new championship era and he said he would be waiting for anyone who wants a piece of him.

Swerve Strickland’s entrance music played. Prince Nana, Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, and Brian Cage walked out and then Strickland followed. Swerve said what happened with him and Hangman Page wasn’t personal, he wanted Page’s spot and he took it.

Swerve entered the ring and said that things don’t need to be personal between him and Joe, but he wants his title and will take it. Swerve said that once he does, if Joe wants to make things personal then he would be more than happy to.

Hangman Page made his entrance and entered the ring. Page recalled some of his key points in 2023. Page said the one thing he lost sight of last year was the AEW World Championship. Page went face to face with Swerve and said that he will make the title his in 2024. Nana pulled Swerve back and got him to leave with the rest of his crew.

Page went face to face with Joe and asked him what he was looking at. Page said he had not forgotten what Joe did to him and said he would take his title belt for it. Page exited the ring, leaving Joe alone. Joe held up his title belt and his entrance theme played.

Hook’s entrance theme played. Joe looked up and there was a Hook sign. Hook headed to the ring holding the FTW Championship belt. Hook entered the ring and went nose to nose with Joe, who talked smack to him. Hook pointed at the AEW World Championship belt and said, “One week.” Hook exited the ring while Joe shook his head in disbelief. Joe’s entrance theme played again…

Powell’s POV: I like the idea of a championship committee. I hope this means we’ll see less of the typically predictable and often random eliminator matches or battle royals used to determine future challengers. The overall segment was good in terms of setting up Hook for next week after establishing Swerve and Page as future challengers.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm, who was accompanied by Luther and Mariah May. Paquette asked for Storm’s reaction to everything that went down last week.

Storm said she didn’t see any of May’s debut match and asked how it went and whether she used an armdrag. Paquette brought up Deonna Purrazzo’s debut and said she thinks Purrazzo is coming for Storm’s title. Storm mispronounced Purrazzo’s name (intentionally) and told Luther to set up a meeting with her…

Sammy Guevara made his entrance while the broadcast team hyped the AEW Tag Team Title match for Saturday’s Battle of the Belts special.

[Hour Two] Ricky Starks made his entrance. Excalibur announced that Tony Khan made Joe vs. Hook for the AEW World Championship official for next week’s Dynamite…

3. Ricky Starks vs. Sammy Guevara. Both men fought on the apron a few minutes into the match. Guevara hoisted up Starks who slipped away and set up for his finisher. Guevara avoided it and chopped Starks, who then hit him with a shot to the throat. Starks slammed Guevara face first onto the apron heading into a PIP break. [C]

Starks countered a GTH attempt by rolling Guevara into a pin for a two count. Guevara came back with a superkick. Guevara caught Starks with another a superkick and then hooked him into an inside cradle before getting the three count.

Sammy Guevara defeated Ricky Starks in roughly 9:00.

After the match, Guevara spoke to Starks, who offered a handshake, which Guevara accepted. Big Bill attacked Guevara from behind and then threw punches at him. Starks joined in by kicking Guevara.

Chris Jericho made his entrance to “Judas” and brought a bat with him. Bill fought him off briefly, but Jericho hit him with a Codebreaker and cleared him from the ring. The two teams brawled into the crowd while “Judas” continued to play and the broadcast team hyped the AEW Tag Team Title match as a street fight for Battle of the Belts IX… [C]

Powell’s POV: If they play “Judas” during all of Jericho’s matches and appearances on television, they won’t have to worry about him being booed or those pesky NDA chants we heard at the pay-per-view.

4. Thunder Rosa, Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, and Anna Jay vs. Julia Hart, Skye Blue, Saraya, and Ruby Soho (w/Harley Cameron). The entrances for both teams were televised. The broadcast team played up Jay’s history with the late Brodie Lee. Willow went to the middle rope and was shoved down by Cameron while the referee was distracted before a PIP break. [C]

There was a big ol’ contrived quadruple suplex spot with the babyfaces all suplexing the heels simultaneously. The crowd ate it up. Late in the match, Jay took out Hart with a kick. Blue caught Jay with a kick and set up for a move, but Jay transitioned into the Queen Slayer submission hold and forced Blue to tap…

Thunder Rosa, Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, and Anna Jay beat Julia Hart, Skye Blue, Saraya, and Ruby Soho in 9:00.

Powell’s POV: Another eight-person tag with a Brodie Lee protege going over.

Excalibur said Wheeler Yuta has been “Mr. Rampage of late” and then set up a video package. Yuta took issue with Eddie Kingston referring to him as a young boy. Yuta boasted about a nine match winning streak on Rampage and regaining the ROH Pure Championship. Yuta challenged Kingston to face him “on my turf, on Rampage” for the Continental Crown Championship…

The Undisputed Kingdom members Adam Cole, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Wardlow, and Roderick Strong made their entrance while Bryan Keith was already inside the ring. Cole was still using crutches. Cole sat down on a chair inside the ring and held up the devil mask while the other posed behind him…

5. Roderick Strong (w/Adam Cole, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Wardlow) vs. Bryan Keith. Schiavone told viewers to set their DVRs for the extra five minutes the show had been granted. Keith got a little offense and went for a Tiger Driver that Strong stuffed. Keith rolled him into a pin for a two count. Strong came back with a knee strike and the End of the Heartache backbreaker before getting the three count.

Roderick Strong defeated Bryan Keith in 4:20.

After the match, Cole and the others entered the ring. Cole took a seat on a chair and delivered a promo. He said so many people were concerned with earning the respect of fans. Cole said he and the others are not worried about the fans.

Cole sang the praises of his allies. He said Taven and Bennett have never been given the respect they deserved and will go down as one of the greatest tag teams.

Cole heralded Wardlow as one of the most dominant men in AEW history. Cole said that now Wardlow is surrounded by people who respect him, “when the time is right, we are going to win the AEW World Championship.” Excalibur questioned who could stop the Undisputed Kingdom…

Powell’s POV: A quick spotlight match for Strong and a basic promo from Cole. They didn’t move anything forward, but it’s good to give the group consistent television time coming out of the big reveal. Rather than have the broadcast team tell viewers to adjust their DVRs, why doesn’t TBS just make the five-minute overrun permanent and add it to their listings like USA Network does with NXT?

Deonna Purrazzo was interviewed by Renee Paquette on the backstage ring set. Purrazzo said she was on Cloud Nine following her debut. She said she would have her people send Toni Storm a screener since Storm doesn’t seem to know who she is. Purrazzo said she would make her AEW Collision debut on Saturday.

Red Velvet walked onto the set and said she would be making her debut on Collision as well. She suggested they could stir it up and then did her strange mixing gesture. Purrazzo asked if Velvet was using her stirring hand. Once Velvet confirmed that it was, Purrazzo told her that it was good to know and then walked away… [C]

Justin Roberts delivered the introductions for the main event. He said it was anything goes and falls would count anywhere. Ric Flair came out first, then Sting and Darby Allin came out together. Powerhouse Hobbs and Konosuke Takeshita made their entrance with Don Callis…

6. Sting and Darby Allin (w/Ric Flair) vs. Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs (w/Don Callis) in a Tornado Tag match. Jim Ross was on commentary for the main event. Allin went for an early Coffin Drop, but Takeshita caught him on the floor. Takeshita executed a Chaos Theory on the floor heading into a PIP break. [C]

Sting set up for Stinger Splashes on both opponents in opposite corners. Sting hit Hobbs with a Stinger Splash, but then Takeshita caught him with a knee strike. Hobbs was about to hit Sting with a chair.

Flair entered the ring and threw chops at Hobbs, who no-sold them. Flair poked Hobbs in the eye. Takeshita grabbed Flair, but Sting and Allin intervened. Allin hit Takeshita with a suicide dive. Sting put Hobbs down with a spinebuster. Hobbs followed to the ramp and was followed by Sting.

Sting and Allin brought Hobbs and Takeshita to the stage. Allin climbed to the side of the stands and performed a wild Coffin Drop onto Takeshita, which drew a “holy shit” chant. Hobbs scooped up Sting and walked on the concrete barrier in front of the fans. Sting slipped off his shoulders and then performed a Scorpion Death Drop through two tables that were set up on the ringside floor.

[Overrun] Sting covered Hobbs and got the three count.

Sting and Darby Allin beat Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs in 10:00 a Tornado Tag match.

The trainer, the referee, and Flair checked on Sting, who ended up on the apron. Allin limped back to the ring and checked on Sting, who got to his feet and was cheered loudly.

Tony Schiavone entered the ring. Taz said he didn’t know how Schiavone got to the ring so quick. “Teleportation,” Excalibur quipped. Schiavone hyped Sting’s final match for AEW Revolution, then asked Sting who his opponents would be.

“The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson made their entrance sporting new mustaches. Nick was dressed in all white, while Matt was dressed in all black. The Jacksons stood on the stage with their hands in their pockets and looked at Sting and Allin.

Graphics listed matches for Collision and Battle of the Belts. Ross said he would join the broadcast team on Rampage. The Bucks headed to the back. Excalibur hyped Samoa Joe vs. Hook for the AEW World Championship for next week’s Dynamite. The referee raised the arms of Sting and Allin to close the show…

Powell’s POV: They took off all that time to grow cheesy mustaches?!? Kidding. Well, I guess that answers the question of who Sting will face in his final match. It should be fun. I just hope Sting makes it to his final match in one piece by avoiding any spots wilder than the one that closed this match. Fortunately, he seemed okay despite taking some time to get to his feet.

Overall, this was a solid edition of Dynamite. I don’t get nostalgic when AEW goes to Daily’s Place, but the company clearly does. I will have a lot more to say about the show during my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the January 10 Homecoming edition free polls


Readers Comments (15)

  1. The Mid Card Mafia with Atom Smol as their leader/mastermind is already the absolute shits.

    Y2NDA having his mediocre song cover up the crowd noise had to be his idea because Jinder Mahal’s bitch isn’t smart enough to figure that out.

    Opening with Hangmadam against Create-a-wrestler #7, having two moronic 8 person matches, and ending with the Douche Bros is just awful television.

    Last week’s episode lost over 350k viewers from Q1 to Q8, this week might lose even more.

    Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj are the real 4 pillars of AEW since they’re the only ones who can draw viewers.

  2. Joe mentioned a championship committee (like you said, great idea), but the announcers said Tony Khan made the match against Hook official?

    • I thought the same. He said all title shots would be decided via championship committee and then everyone from the locker room came out and confronted him, successfully getting title matches.

    • Tony Khan!!! They were doing better about not dropping his name obsessively, but they took a step back last night.

  3. I found UK’s entrance to be underwhelming. Bland music, a simple logo, etc.
    Archer looked rusty, out of it, or somethng in the 8 man.

  4. What was the biggest botch last night?

    A. Julia Hart going to the wrong side of the 4 v 4 suplex in the middle of the ring.

    B. 97 year old Sting’s head bouncing off the concrete?

  5. Gee, you come here to post negative comments about AEW. Shocking.

  6. >>…but is there anything dorkier than an adult caucasian male doing the raise the roof dance?<<

    Always like in todays society that if you pass a comment about a white person its fine, but if you had passed the same comment about a black person it's racist.
    Equality now equals hypocrisy.

    BTW, love the Jericho stuff….NDA chants? Did those hypocrite self-righteous idiots chant that to Vince McMahon for every sexual assault allegation against him, including a rape? You people are a joke.

    • No, they should be like you and justify everything that their favorites do by playing the “what about?” game. Please tell us more about your plight as a white man, Angry Mike. We’re all ears.

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