MLW Fusion results (10/19): Powell’s review of the MLW Slaughterhouse fallout edition with Matt Cardona vs. 1 Called Manders, The Mane Event vs. Mr. Thomas and J Boujii, Ichiban vs. Love, Doug

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 187)
Taped September 3, 2023 and October 14, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Streamed October 19, 2023 on the MLW YouTube Page and FITE.TV

Fusion opened with a video package that recapped the Slaughterhouse premium live event… The Fusion opening aired… Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker checked in on commentary and said that security was tripled due to a brawl involving Alex Kane and Matt Cardona at Slaughterhouse…

Ring announcer Stephen DeAngelis delivered the introductions for the opening match took place. Footage aired of Salina de la Renta stealing chocolates from Love, Doug during his backstage interview with Sam Laterna…

1. Ichiban vs. Love, Doug. They started with a back and forth exchange that concluded with both men on their feet at the same time followed by Doug blowing a kiss to Ichiban. They cut to a break early in the match. [C] Ichiban caught Doug with a jawbreaker and then spiked him face first onto the mat before pinning him. The broadcast team said Ichiban earned the next shot at the MLW Middleweight Title.

Ichiban beat Love, Doug to earn a shot at the MLW Middleweight Championship.

After the match, Sam Laterna spoke to Doug on the stage and asked him how he felt coming so close to winning. A person that the broadcast team identified as one of B3cca’s dancers showed up and presented him with a card. Doug said “smooches” for B3cca while Dombrowski expressed surprise that she was giving him attention…

Powell’s POV: This match was taped at the Slaughterhouse taping, while the other two matches on this episode were taped in September at the Never Say Never tapings. The crowd was into the match and both wrestlers.

Tom Lawlor was interviewed by Sam Laterna in front of the MLW backdrop. Lawlor complained that the referee of his match with Alex Kane has a gambling problem. He claimed that the three count was actually a 2.8 count. He took issue with Don King promoting wrestling matches. He said he fought for Dana White and Oscar De La Hoya, and King is even worse than them. Lawlor said he joined the World Titan Federation and they will rebuild the company in their image and in the image of sports entertainment…

Powell’s POV: So the World Titan Federation is the Jericho Appreciation Society without Chris Jericho? I get that MLW and WWE are duking it out in court, but they are picking a bad time to take jabs at the industry leader. The masses seem pleased with the WWE product these days.

Tony Deppen and TJ Crawford boasted about taking out Kevin Blackwood. Deppen said he hadn’t felt that rush from pro wrestling in a long time. Deppen mentioned the idea of beating up someone else. Crawford told him he had an idea and then shoved the camera away…

Dombrowski announced that Deppen had been suspended…

The Second Gear Crew’s Mance Warner, 1 Called Manders, and Matthew Justice delivered an outdoor promo. Manders said he would give Matt Cardona a cowboy ass whooping…

Dombrowksi hyped Salina de la Rent’s latest big announcement… [C]

Mister Saint Laurent was interviewed by Sam Laterna. MSL said Matt Cardona would send 1 Called Manders back to the trailer court…

2. Mr. Thomas and J Boujii vs. “The Mane Event” Midas Black and Jay Lyon. Dombrowski noted that this was the first time that Boujii was wrestling as an official member of Bomaye Fight Club following his recent initiation. Black and Lyon got off to a fast start. Lyon did his dive through Black’s hook before executing a suicide dive. [C] In the end, Thomas performed a nice spinebuster on Lyon and pinned him clean…

Mr. Thomas and J Boujii defeated “The Mane Event” Midas Black and Jay Lyon.

Powell’s POV: A solid match that showcased the power of Thomas.

An Alex Kane promo aired. Kane was seated outside. He said the mission is submission and he would take on all challengers… Mance Warner was shown at an undisclosed location where he picked up various weapons. He found a screwdriver and spoke about getting some blood on it…. [C] A video aired for the MLW Fightland premium live event that will be held on November 18…

Salina de la Renta stood in her office and boasted about holding titles in multiple promotions. She said Court Bauer would be unable to appear next week, so she would serve as the show’s executive producer…

Matt Cardona made his entrance. What appeared to be a mother and her two young children were shown flipping off Cardona, and then 1 Called Manders made his entrance…

Powell’s POV: It’s like I always say, the family that flips the bird together stays together. Wait, what?

3. Matt Cardona (w/Mister Saint Laurent) vs. 1 Called Manders. Mister Saint Laurent sat in on commentary. Cardona wrestled in his t-shirt. Manders got the better of him to start with a lot of chops. Manders backdropped Cardona and then dropped an elbow on him for a two count. Cardona came back with a dropkick from the middle rope. Manders regained control and threw more chops and put Cardona down with a lariat for a two count.

Cardona got Manders down and went for his big boot in the corner, but Manders avoided it and sent Cardona to the floor. Manders approached MSL, who begged off while saying that he’s not a superstar. Back in the ring, Cardona low-blowed Manders, who then picked up a near fall from a popup powerbomb. Manders set up for a lariat, but Cardona pulled the referee in front of him. Manders pushed the referee out of the way and then Cardona poked Manders in the eye while the referee was facing the other way. Cardona hit Manders with a leg lariat and then pinned him.

Matt Cardona defeated 1 Called Manders.

They showed more fans flipping the bird at Cardona, who went to the stage where he and MSL were interviewed by Sam Laterna. Cardona took the mic from Laterna and boasted, “I did it.” Cardona said he’s undefeated and called MSL his new best friend. Cardona mentioned Mance Warner, who ran out and hit him from behind. MSL used Laterna as a human shield while Warner roughed up Cardona briefly to wrap up the show…

Powell’s POV: It was nice to see a little more star power than usual in a Fusion main event. They worked a pretty basic match and it was logical for Cardona to go over. Overall, this was a middle of the road episode. I like that they did a good job of recapping Slaughterhouse with the opening video package, but they didn’t provide any hooks to get viewers excited about next week’s Fusion. I will have more to say in my weekly MLW Fusion audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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