NXT TV results (10/10): Moore’s review of Carmelo Hayes vs. Bron Breakker with John Cena and Paul Heyman at ringside, Asuka vs. Roxanne Perez, Cody Rhodes’ announcement, Undertaker 

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live October 10, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

The show immediately started off with Cody Rhodes making his entrance. As usual, the crowd was singing along to his Adrenaline in my Soul song. Vic Joseph noted that this week’s NXT was the biggest and most star-studded NXT in history. He also announced the first 30 minutes of the show being commercial-free. Cody took his time to soak in the Cody chants. He also got “Yeet” chants (for Jey Uso who wasn’t there at the moment). He then did his what do you wanna talk about bit, which led to the crowd Yeet-ing more.

Cody said he’d be lying if he said he ever thought he’d be in the Performance Center ring on NXT, but now that he is, something feels right. He talked about how the Rhodes family spilled blood all across Florida. He said in the vein of gratitude he has an announcement. Cody then noted he had “announcements”. Cody said that we’ve been enjoying the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament. Cody announced that after the women’s tornament, the men will have one (for NXT’s version of Money in the Bank).

Cody then talked about how he also heard about a certain Tag Team Tournament that happens in NXT. The crowd chanted “Dusty”. Cody then announced that the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is also coming back to NXT. Cody said he has but one more announement. Cody noted that on the biggest night in NXT history, HBK has made Cody the guest General Manager of NXT for the night. NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov made his entrance in a business suit. The crowd showered Ilja in “Happy Birthday” chants (apparently it’s his birthday).

Ilja said he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to welcome Cody to NXT. He said Cody’s announcements bring hope to the future of the brand, bring excitement, and breathe life into NXT. Ilja said he also just wanted to meet a man, this man, Cody. The man that brings, this passion, this energy, and the will to suffer for all of the WWE Universe. Ilja said Cody fights with a fire and pushes everything he does to another level. Ilja said like Cody, he wants to do all that. Ilja said he wants to push the brand further with the fire that only the Mad Dragon can blow.

Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley made their entrance to Dom’s music. Dom talked about how Cody and Ilja are just patting each other on the back. Dom was showered by his usual loud boos. Dom said everyone came to see the biggest star this brand has to offer, Dom Mysterio. Dom said Ilja may be the NXT Champion, but he doesn’t compare to Dom, the Double-A Champion. Dom asked the crowd to ask Cody the energy he feels after Judgment Day leaves him lying.

Ilja said that nobody in this arena wants to hear the sound of Dom’s voice. Ilja said his father actually worked in a prison, which taught Ilja how to turn a barking dog into a squeeking puppy. Rhea whispered something in Dom’s ear. Dom said if Ilja wants to be a hero like Cody, Ilja should put the NXT title on the line against Dom, to see if Ilja is half the man he sees he is. Cody pointed out that it looks like Dom doesn’t want to put his title on the line. Rhea took the mic and said that Dom has been carrying WWE on his back all year.

Ilja cut off Rhea and said that today is a day of celebration. Ilja said as a gift to himself, he wouldn’t want anything more than to eat a man like Dom alive. Ilja called Rhea “Darling” and said he’s going to squash Rhea’s boy. Cody then said as General Manager, he’s making Ilja vs. Dom for the NXT Championship official for this week’s show. Cody then said he’s aware of Judgment Day interfering all the time, so this match needs a guest referee. The crowd chanted “Cody”. Cody said it wasn’t him, it was the hottest star in WWE, LA Knight. The segment ended wiht Cody’s theme playing…

John’s Thoughts: Star loaded opening with Cody and Judgment Day on top of the NXT Champion appearing. No “huge” announcements, but Cody delivering the news elevated it a bit and made it more meaningful, especially to hook new viewers if they are tuning in. Ilja was good here not seeming out of place with the main roster stars. The guy has a genuine passion about him that draws the viewer in. I feel like NXT giving him mic time in recent months has really improved his interview game since his NXT UK days.

A shot was shown of John Cena arriving to the WWE Performance Center “earlier today” in a Honda as blue as his T shirt. Vic Joseph and Booker T then checked in on commentary…

Roxanne Perez made her entrance. The picture in picture cut to Kelly Kincaid in the NXT Watchparty Room. She noted how the roster was filling the room because they had to be there for the hot Roxy vs. Asuka match. Back at the ring,

Asuka made her entrance. Before the match could start, Shotzi Blackheart made her entrance in the small version of her tank. Shotzi joined the commentary table. Shotzi talked about being excited about Halloween coming up. Shotzi also announced that she and Scarlett are hosting Night 1 of NXT Halloween Havoc, the themed show…

1. Roxanne Perez vs. Asuka. Perez avoided a kick leading to a square off reset. Roxanne hit Asuka with a slap and flying shoulder tackle. Asuka blocked a Suicide Dive with a forearm. Asuka hit Perez with flutter kicks and a snapmare. Asuka hit Perez in the corner with a hip splash and boot choke. Perez fired up and hit Asuka with overhead blows and a shotgun dropkick. Perez hit Asuka with a side Russian Legsweep.

Perez caught Asuka at ringside with a suicide dive. Perez hit Asuka with an elbow in the corner and a gamengiri to trip Asuka into the 2nd rope. Perez worked on Asuka with 10 punches in the corner. Asuka escaped at 5 punches. Perez hit Asuka with a crossbody for a nearfall. Asuka recovered and caught Perez with a leg clothesline for a nearfall. Perez rolled up Asuka a few times for a few two counts.

Perez went for a La Magistral into a Jackknife pin, but Asuka reversed it into a Rear Naked Choke. Perez rolled into a two count, but Asuka wouldn’t let go of the hold. Asuka hit Perez with a spinning heel kick and backfist combo. Asuka picked up the win after a Japanese Buzzsaw Kick.

Asuka defeated Roxanne Perez via pinfall in 6:15. 

Asuka bowed to Roxanne before leaving. Kiana James tried to attack Perez after the match, but Shotzi attacked James and sent her packing after a suplex…

John’s Thoughts: In all honesty, this was a bit underwhelming. One of the hooks of the show was Asuka vs. Roxanne Perez, and they only give them around 6 minutes?!? We know Perez can have main event level matches with any woman in pro wrestling. Asuka is a top tier opponent. Why they didn’t give these two top women time baffles me.

A shot from “earlier today” was shown where Paul Heyman arrived to NXT out of an SUV. Heyman was yelling about not knowing how to enter the Performance Center. Vic hyped up Carmelo Hayes vs. Bron Breakker as well as Ilja Dragunov vs. Dom Mysterio for the NXT Championship for later in the show…

Joe Coffey, Wolfgang, and Mark Coffey were hyping each other up in their locker room. The camera then cut to Butch firing up Tyler Bate. Ridge Holland showed up to lead them in their Fight Night and Banger catchphrases…

Butch, Bate, and Holland made their entrance to the Brawling Brutes theme. Gallus attacked the face team on the ramp to start the match…

2. Tyler Bate, Butch, and Ridge Holland vs. “Gallus” Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, and Wolfgang in a “Pub Rules” Match. Bate hit the pile of wrestlers at ringside with a dive. Bate poked Wolfgang’s eye with a pool cue. Butch jabbed a dart into the hand tape of Joe. Ridge sprayed Mark with a fire extinguisher and put him in a trash can. Bate rolled a bowling ball into the can. Holland gave Mark a crossbody in the tree of woe. Joe tossed around Butch and Holland at ringside.

Bate caught Joe with a rebound lariat. Wolfgang and Mark gave  Bate snake eyes on the apron. Mark and Wolfgang power bombed Butch through a table which spilled peanuts. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, Butch worked on Wolfgang with Joint Manipulation and an elbow stomp. Both teams retreated to opposite corners. A punching brawl ensued in the center of the ring. Butch gave Joe a Triangle Monsault. Bate and Ridge gave the other two guys helicopter spins. The face team gave all three Gallus members Sheamus’s Beats of the Bodhran. They then gave all of Gallus Stereo Bops and Bangs. Bate and Butch gave Joe a German Suplex Lariat to give Butch a nearfall on Joe.

Wolfgang caught the wrestlers at ringside with a Flip Dive (which was almost a Top Dolla dive. Thank God it didn’t get that bad). Joe and Bate traded cross bounter punches. Bate hit Joe with a knee. Joe reversed a diving Uppercut into a German SUplex. Joe put Bate in what looked like a Styles Clash Submission. Holland broke it up with a cane shot and put Joe in a Boston Crab. Butch put Mark in a armbar. Bate put Wolfgang in a cane assisted Crossface. Mark broke his and Wolfgang’s submissions by power bombing Butch on Bate. They also freed Joe.

Wolfgang and Mark hit Butch with their enzuigiri and power slam combo. Bate broke Mark’s pin on Butch with a Spiral Tap. After Bate set up a table in the ring, Wolfgang hit Bate with a Uranage. Ridge dumped Mark and Wolfgang to ringside with a backdrop. Joe hit Ridge with a springboard crossbody. Butch saved Holland from Joe with an enzuigiri. Joe came right back with a discus lariat and put him on the table.

Joe took a swig of bear and poured it on Butch. Bate took the mug and smashed it on Joe. Bate, Ridge, and Butch gave Joe a triple power bomb through the table. Bate picked up the pinfall.

Tyler Bate, Butch, and Ridge Holland defeated Gallus via pinfall in 11:49

Vic Joseph plugged the pre-sale of Becky Lynch’s new book…

John’s Thoughts: Fun brawl. Not a huge fan of Joe Coffey taking the pin, as they’ve spent most of the Global Heritage Tournament digging him out of the booking hole that they put him in initially. Wolfgang and Mark are there to take losses, let them take losses. This was a fun TV match that had good brawling spots. I would assume that if you want higher quality dramatic matches though, you might want to switch over to AEW (though NXT will still always be better at promoting more meaningful matches due to character development being a focus in WWE). In terms of chemistry though, Ridge, Butch, and Bate had good chemistry. I wouldn’t mind swapping out Sheamus for Bate if they want to try that configuration.

The show cut to a hype vignette which focussed on the upcoming Becky Lynch vs. Lyra Valkyria at Halloween Havoc. It was narrated by a man with an Irish accent. The person laid out all of Becky’s accolades and noted that Lyra started her career ten years later. The show cut to Becky and Lyra training in a wrestling gym in 2018. The narrator noted that both women have similar careers. The narrator then continued to hype up the title encounter coming up in a few weeks…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Lyra Valkyria. Before Lyra could speak, Tegan Nox showed up and congratulated Lyra on becoming number one contender. Lyra talked about how good Tegan Nox looked against Becky the night before. Nox said she was so close and Lyra needs to step aside before Nox gets a shot against Becky. Lyra looked baffled and she said she’s not letting anyone get in the way of the most important night of her career. Lyra left and Nox gave the camera a blank stare…

John Cena was shown walking through the hallway…[c]

John Cena made his entrance. Before his usual ring run, he joked about how he’s shocked that people are singing along to his theme positively these days. Alicia Taylor announced Cena as the greatest of all time. Cena took the mic and said the crowd gave him the most street cred he’s ever gotten in 13 years. Cena said people talk about NXT as the future, but they can’t see that NXT is making history tonight.

Cena talked about Cody being GM, LA Knight being a referee, the place turning to the pub, and the crowd chanting Cena’s theme, that’s what makes this place beautiful. Cena said it’s the fans and the ring work that makes this a big deal every tuesday night. A “NXT” Chant ensued. Cena said it’s been long overdue for him to arrive here and he’s honored to be in front of these fans. The crowd gave Cena a “Thank You Cena” chant (with about 5 fans chanting Cena Sucks).

Cena said he respects the small pocket of fans for being honest about their “Sucks” chants and he also thanked the rest of the crowd for their gratitude. Cena thanked the crowd for making NXT the environment everyone wants to visit from all over WWE. Cena said everyone is trying to kick down the door to appear on NXT. He said yes we are Raw, yes we are Smackdown, and yes “we are NXT”. Cena then talked about Carmelo Hayes. He talked about how Melo shows respect and defends his friends. He said he’s honored to be in Melo’s corner.

Bron Breakker made his entrance to interrupt. The crowd showered Breakker with “Bron Breakker Sucks” chants in the tune of the John Cena sucks chants. Cena joked about how he’s happy that the lyrics changed on the Cena Sucks theme. Breakker talked about it being a big night in WWE. He said the crowd didn’t come to see Cena, they “came to see me” Bron Breakker. Breakker said Cena is fooling everyone. It was then tough to hear the rest of Bron’s promo because the crowd was chanting “Bullshit” and USA was hitting th mute button.

Cena took the mic and said that everyone can see Breakker is athletically gifted, but his weakness is his attitude. Cena said Breakker lacks respect. He said he didn’t try to run Breakker down, but now that he’s here? Cena said this was a teachable moment, he’s excited to Breakker’s match later and he wishes Breakker good luck. Cena put out his hand for a handshake. Breakker instead floored Cena with a right hand to the head. Cena avoided a spear. Cena went for an Attitude Adjustment, but Breakker escaped and retreated up the ramp. Cena’s theme played to end the segment…

Vic Joseph hyped up the Ilja Dragunov vs. Dom Mysterio NXT Championship match…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A strong rah rah NXT promo by Cena. We’ve haven’t gotten one of these “We are NXT” promos since Paul Levesque was opening up shows to hype up the crowd. Cena is a natural wholesome promo, and he’s carried this wholesomeness to Hollywood. This was a good segment to empower the fans and not make them feel like they’re watching an “inferior” product. Breakker gained a bit sharing screen time with Cena (though he seemed a little bit basic in his appearance). What was a positive, was they didn’t have him eat an Attitude Adjustment and get buried by Cena.

Vic Joseph hyped Royal Rumble ticket sales…

Cody Rhodes ran into NXT Tag Team Champions Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo backstage. Tony D and Stacks said they were looking for their next tag team title challengers. Tony D proposed an elimination tag team match to find their number one contenders. Cody said he’s from Georgia (for some reason). Stacks then switched things up by saying that he proposes a tag team battle royal where the final two teams have a regular match at that moment to find out the number one contender.

Cody said he liked that because his dad used to come up with crazy match concepts. He said he wants to call this match the Badda Bing Badda Boom Battle Royal. Both men traded daps and “Eyy!”s. Cody walked away yelling “Gabagool!”…

John’s Thoughts: Gabagool!?! That cracked me up. Cody has his own brand of wholesomeness.

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Baron Corbin. Corbin talked about how he doesn’t like how Ilja is hyping himself up as NXT Championship. Corbin said he’s only challenging Dom Mysterio because he knows he can beat Dom to pad his record. Corbin said he’s not fooled by Ilja’s fake confidence. Corbin said Ilja is ducking out on Corobin.

Corbin talked about how he took Ilja down before. Corbin said Ilja is not giving the man who deserves a shot a shot. Corbin’s promo was then cut off when the show had to cut to LA Knight making his entrance…

[Hour Two] LA Knight made his entrance. NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio and WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley made their entrance. NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov then made his entrance…

3. Ilja Dragunov vs. Dominik Mysterio (w/Rhea Ripley) for the NXT Championship with LA Knight as Special Guest Referee. Ilja worked on Dom with some Judo side takedowns. Ilja then planted Dom with a body slam causing Dom to retreat to the ropes to stall. Ilja took down Dom again with a Judo hip toss for a one count. Ilja hit Dom with a lariat into a jumping Senton.

Ilja worked on Dom in the corners with stiff chops. Ilja hit Dom with two chained suplexes. Dom put a thumb into the eyes of Ilja when Rhea distracted the referee. Dominik gave Ilja a whiplash whip into the bottom rope heading into the picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, Dom hit Ilja with two of the Three Amigos before Ilja escaped. Ilja staggered Dom with an Enzuigiri. Ilja hit Dominik with the Constantine Special (Tiger Feint Lariat). Ilja gave Dom rapid chops in the corner followed by two chained snap suplexes. Ilja hit Dom with a delayed pumphandle German Suplex. Ilja continued to pummel Dom with stiff chops and slaps. Dom turned the tables and gave Ilja a loud chop to the chest. This drew a “you F’d up” chant, which led to the USA mute button censors.

Ilja responded with Kobashi Machine Gun Chops. Dom recovered and dialed it up with a dropkick and hook kick. Ilja ducked a 619. Dom reversed a Constantine Special to dial it up with a catapult. Dom hit Ilja with a 619. Ilja kicked out at two. Dom did the Eddie shimmy, but froze when Ilja glared at him in the corner. Ilja dragged Dom to the top rope and hit him with a Superplex. Ilja called for the Torpedo Moscow, but Dominik rolled to ringside.

Dom gave Ilja a Spike DDT on the apron. Ilja reversed the momentum and hit Dom with a Jackknife Power Bomb. Ilja hit Dom with a standing H Bomb (diving forearm). Ilja was going for Torpedo Moscow, but Finn Balor and JD McDOnagh ran out. LA Knight dumped Finn off the apron. LA Knight hit McDonagh with Blunt Force Trauma. Trick Williams ran out and pulled Rhea off the apron to prevent her from interfering. Ilja hit Dom with Torpedo Moscow for the win.

Ilja Dragunov defeated Dominik Mysterio via pinfall in 11:54 to retain the NXT Championship.

After the heels left, Baron Corbin made his entrance. From behind, Dijak showed up and hit Ilja with a Big Boot. Dijak got in Corbin’s face and told Corbin he beat Corbin to it and Ilja is now Dijak’s. The segment ended with Dijak’s theme playing…

John’s Thoughts: Good work from both guys with Ilja continuing to look dominant while Dom continues to make the crowd want to see his ass get beat. This was a good match for Dom to have since he was facing such a stiff brawler in Ilja. A good match for Dom’s in-ring development. I’m surprised they didn’t give LA Knight promo time before the match. In fact, they gave Baron Corbin a weak promo before the match that was weak due to getting cut off.

John Cena and Carmelo Hayes were chatting in the locker room. Melo thanked Cena for giving him advice last week and how he’s going to bring ruthless aggression against Bron. Trick Williams introduced himself to John Cena. Melo talked about how he’s sorry Trick lost the title unfairly last week. Trick said they can talk about that later. Cena said he’s sure both men will get their titles back. Cena said everything’s aright, that’s how it is. Melo and Trick joined in with their “that’s how it’s gonna be” catchphrase. Trick looked sour after Melo left and cena asked Trick if Trick was good. Trick asked Cena when Cena figured out it was his time. Cena dragged Trick aside and said ‘let’s talk”…

The “NXT_Anonymous” Stalker took a video of Paul Heyman chatting with Dwayne The Rock Jonson’s daughter, Ava backstage…

An SUV pulled up to the parking lot with former AEW TBS Champion, Jade Cargill, exiting the SUV. Cargill shook hands with NXT head booker Shawn Michaels…

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez made their entrance…[c]

Vic Joseph plugged the John Wick Continental spinoff show on Peacock…

Baron Corbin approached Cody Rhodes backstage and told Cody that he owes him. Cody wondered why he owes him? Corbin said Cody owes him for jumping him behind in Brooklyn one time. Cody said Corbin makes a good case for himself by being the last person who beat Ilja. Corbin said that’s true, and that’s why the match needs to happen at Halloween Havoc. Cody said Dijak made a good case by beating Corbin to the punch. Cody said Corbin will get his match if he can beat Dijak and the winner of Bron vs. Melo next week in a triple threat. Corbin left. Cody dropped the line “bookin’ ain’t easay”…

Dom Mysterio was icing his jaw and walking with Rhea Ripley. Nathan Frazer and NXT roster members were hanging out backstage. Nathan mocked Dom for mocking NXT and then getting his ass beat. Rhea told Dom not to mind Nathan since he’s a nobody…

Dani Palmer was in the middle of her entrance…

4. Lola Vice (w/Elektra Lopez) vs. Dani Palmer in a first round match of the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament. Vice took down Palmer. Palmer came back with a victory roll for a two count (Lola’s head looked like it got tagged a bit). Lola took down Dani into a leg scissors. Dani went for a leapfrog, but Lola caught Dani with a kick to the gut. Lola took Dani to the mat and got a two count.

Lola hit Dani with a 720 Tornado Thrust Kick. Lola yelled “I’m a Latina!” and hit Dani with a hip attack. Lola got a few two counts and a body scissors on Dani. Dani escaped and hit Lola with a springboard crossbody. Dani rallied with flying lariats and a shotgun dropkick. Dani caught Lola with a handstand boot. Lola dodged a corkscrew moonsault.

Dani hit Lola with a double knee combo. Lola reversed a moonsault into a Triangle. Dani reversed the Triangle Choke into a nice looking Jackknife pin. When Lola kicked out she caught Dani in the jaw with a spinning hook kick for the win.

Lola Vice defeated Dani Palmer via pinfall in 3:59 to advance to the semi-finals of the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament.

Dani was dancing and swinging her hips in beautiful ways to end the segment…

John’s Thoughts: Rough at points, which you should expect from WWE’s NIL types, but Vice and Palmer are two that show progression every time they’re in the ring. Lola Vice is someone I’m really high on. I like her because of her Tae Kwon Do moves and how she looks like she’s actually been in real fights with people (yes she has the Bellator background, but not all MMA transfers look good in pro wrestling immediately. See: Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke). Lola also has that sex appeal that will do her wonders if they tap into it. That and she tends to come out to some cool sounding entrance themes.

The show cut to the latest Chase U skit. Thea Hail returned to class and said she’s only returning if Jacy Jayne can attend class. Chase agreed. Chase said he was teaching everyone about Halloween Havoc. Hail and Jayne were talking in the middle of the lecture and had to be quieted by Chase. The rest of class got distract due to Jacy and Hail being distracted. Chase then cursed out “David” for being distracted by his phone. Chase then was about to call out Jayne. Jayne said she was just distracted on social media where she found out Chase and Hudson were in the Bada Bing Bada Boom match next week. Chase and Hudson were pleased but continued to be weary of Jacy Jayne corrupting young Thea hail…

Bron Breakker was doing bicep curls backstage. Paul Heyman showed up and told Bron how he worked with Bron’s father and uncle in the past. He said he’s the wise man because he sees the future and he sees the future as Bron Breakker being in the main event of WrestleMania. Heyman said the only man  standing in his way is Carmelo Hayes. Bron said he doesn’t care if it’s Melo or Cena, he’s breaking them all. Bron marched out. Heyman then pulled up his phone and told it to “call Roman Reigns”…

Carmelo Hayes and John Cena made their entrance…[c]

We got another vignette of the mystery man watching clips on an old CRT TV. They then panned the camera back to show a man with long blonde hair. The man then watched old Brian Pillman clips. The man, Brian Pillman Jr, talked about how his father was one of the most infamous superstars in the business. Jr talked about how people always talk to him about how his dad was a trailblazer. He said everyone has fond memories of his father, but his son doesn’t.

He said he never knew his dad because he lost him when he was only 4. Jr said being a WWE star was the last thing he wanted to do. he said he tried football and lacrosse, but he couldn’t escape the business in his blood. He said he had to embrace the business that brought him pain. He said when they see his face, he wants them to think of him, not his dead father. Pillman said he’s nobody’s Jr. He said he’s taking the last name of his real figure who’s last name is “King”. He said that’s his new last name…

John’s Thoughts: Very cool promo from Pillman Jr. Is he “Brian King” now? We weren’t told his new first name. Good lore to set up the name change. I’m interested to see how he develops now that he’s in a training facility. He never got a chance to develop in AEW, especially after he got stuck in AEW Dark hell. In MLW, he had some fun in-ring and promo moments, but he was overshadowed in the ring and on the mic by his charismatic stable-mate Teddy Hart. So far, I like what I see. He’s emulating his dad’s loose canon look, which is an upgrade over his mullet. Trying to find his own identity is also a fun and intriguing story to tell.

Kiana James Thanked Asuka backstage for taking care of Perez. James left. Blair Davenport showed up and talked in Japanese with Asuka while also being chummy with each other. After Davenport left saying “Ichiban Sugoi”. Kelani Jordan and Fallon Henley tried to introduce themselves to Asuka. Tiffany Stratton cut in and told Asuka if she needs anything to call her, one dominant champion to another…

The following segments were plugged for next week: Dijak vs. Baron Corbin vs. the winner of this week’s main event, The Bada Bing Bada Boom Battle Royal, and Lyra Valkyria vs. Tegan Nox…

Paul Heyman made his usual Bloodline introduction about how he represents Roman Reigns. He said it was his honor, pleasure, and privilege to introduce the most talented wrestler on the NXT roster and a WrestleMania moment waiting to happen, the Badass Bron Breakker. Bron Breakker made his entrance…

5. Carmelo Hayes (w/John Cena) vs. Bron Breakker (w/Paul Heyman). Melo worked on Breakker with right hands. Breakker came back with a front kick. Melo caught Breakker with a Gamengiri. Bron reversed a crossbody into a body slam press. Bron tackled Melo in the gut several times. Bron sent Melo to the mat with an uppercut. Both men showed off quick speed running the ropes. Melo floored Bron with a springboard lariat. Melo rolled to ringside to recoup. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, Breakker had Melo in a grounded Bow and Arrow stretch. Melo rolled to his feet and escaped with gut punches to Bron. Bron came right back with a knee to the ribs. Melo caught Bron with a boot. Bron dumped Melo off the top rope. Both men brawled across from each other on the apron. Bron used a front suplex to give Hayes a snake eyes on the top buckle. Bron gave Melo a catapult under the bottom rope for a two count.

Bron worked on Melo with methodical offense. Hayes tried to come back with right hands, but Bron fought through with a football tackle. Bron hit Melo with a gutbuster for a nearfall. Bron hit Melo with Cena’s 5 moves of doom. Melo blocked the 5 Knuckle Shuffle with a Superkick. Melo hit Bron with a few Stinger Splashes in the corners. Melo hit Bron with a Modified Final Cut (Final Cutter?) for a nearfall. Bron crotched Melo on the top rope.

Bron dragged Melo back to the top. Melo shoved Bron off the top, but Bron jumped back up to hit Melo with a Super Facebuster (or DDT) for a nearfall. Melo sidestepped a spear and sent Bron into the ringpost.

[Overrun] Bron blocked a Nothin’ But Net with a Gorilla Press Power Slam for the nearfall. Bron tried to hit Melo with steel steps, but Cena took the steps away from him. Cena kicked Bron while Heyman was distracting the ref for Bron. Solo Sikoa ran out to attack Cena. Cena and Solo brawled to the back. Melo hit Bron with a Codebreaker at ringside. In the ring, Melo hit Bron with the Nothin’ But Net Leg Drop for the win.

Carmelo Hayes defeated Bron Breakker via pinfall in 12:53.

While Melo was celebrating, Bron Breakker hit Melo with a Spear. Bron took the mic and said win or lose, there’s only one badass in WWE. The lights went out and the Undertaker Gong played. The lights went back on and you could hear a motorcycle. American Badass graphics aired on the video walls. If I’m hearing it correctly, Taker is coming out to a Kid Rock theme (No Limp Biskit!?!). Undertaker drove out on his motorcycle.

American Badass Undertaker posed in the ring. A “holy shit” chant ensued (which led to the USA censors kicking in. Ugh). Bron got in Taker’s face and called Taker an old timer. Bron said there’s only one Badass in WWE. Taker took the mic and said he’s been watching Bron for a long time. Taker said Bron is going to be a special talent one day. Taker said there’s just one thing, it ain’t today. Taker floored Breakker with a right hand hook. Taker grabbed Bron by the throat and gave him a Chokeslam in the center of the ring. Vic Joseph said “Bron Breaker, just made famous by the Undertaker”.

A “holy shit” chant ensued. The crowd then gave Taker an “Undertaker” chant. Taker stood over the laid body of Bron and said “young fella, I’m gonna give you a little bit of advice, there’s always an older bigger, badder, badass waiting around the corner; and I’m the baddest of them all”. Undertaker and Carmelo Hayes fired up the crowd to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: A good match, but a step back from their last two matches. The other two were PLE headliners, so it’s understandable that the television one would be less dramatic. Curious to see how new viewers take to Bron and Melo. I’m a bit surprised that they didn’t lean into any Rick or Scott Steiner reference here to build that connection with the crowd (Bron didn’t even pull off a Frankensteiner or Steiner Recliner here, which he does in all his matches). For weekly NXT viewers, Bron Breakker is still in creative purgatory continuing to take big loss after big loss (when he was at one point the most protected man in NXT).

Just call Breakker up and take him out of his wheel spinning and losing. The Undertaker segment was simple fun. Taker doesn’t appear often, so we can take whatever we can get from him. American Badass Taker appears even less, so that’s a nice piece of nostalgia. What I’m not nostalgic for is Taker’s Kid Rock theme. For one, Kid Rock is kinda lame. Two, the real nostalgia is “Keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin…. Yeah!” with Limp Bizkit. I’m pretty sure it’s that Taker theme that stuck with people.

Interesting NXT this week. I kinda expected a bit of a “pilot episode” to pitch to new viewers and television contract suitors. Instead, it was business as usual with the big stars stepping mostly aside to let the young stars shine. That’s the way it should be. What will be interesting is to see if this out-draws the hotshot-booked AEW show against it (an AEW show which I’m looking forward to see on DVR, which I have taped). If WWE can pitch that they can draw more viewers than the competitions A-show, that might be able to convince some business folk (though, in my opinion, I agree that AEW is fighting uphill without their built-in audience) Biggest disappointment of the night was Asuka vs. Roxanne Perez, which was kept short and brushed aside for some reason.

NXT TV Poll: Grade the October 10 edition

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Readers Comments (21)

  1. Opening the show with the guy responsible for the death of black and gold, and for the creation of the deplorable, puke-themed 2.0. What a stacked show this is.

    • Black & Gold is overrated and sucked! 2.0 is cool and it made NXT cooler. Continue to whine every night though about every wrestling company on here with your sock accounts.

  2. I hope Shotzi showing up for Asuka’s match doesn’t lead to them forming a tag team coz Shotzi’s act is not clicking at all.

  3. Holy hell, get Shotzi off the god damned mic. Fuck she’s even worse there than in the ring.

  4. Did nobody ever tell Wolfgang about Top Dolla.

  5. shut up powell! please!

  6. Oh crap, Corbin?! Did they forget about the Tuesday night war?

  7. Ilja is so good and Dom is becoming the total package. Great little match they had there.

  8. Cody said he was from Georgia as an “I can’t understand your stereotypical thick Italian accent” thing. Which is why they re-explained after

  9. I still don’t know who I despise more, Melo or Breakker? Definitely Breakker. I just wonder though, if they still take a beating to AEW. Booker T’s star power will probably carry ’em through.

  10. I could care less if Taker is 60 and moves like he is 90, that guy still commands respect and owns the room. Big assist to Breakker whose athleticism made it look like Taker scraped the ceiling with that chokeslam. Super fun moment

  11. Good show. Could have done without the lousy Roxanne and Shitzy being on TV, but everyone else was solid to really good all night.

  12. As I feared, the main roster stars completely overshadowed the NXT wrestlers, who have never seemed less important.

    • I agree with RP. The Cornette Cult will disagree

      • By they probably beat AEW in the ratings which was the only thing that matters to WWE.

        • That’s part of what matters, but WWE/TKO is trying to sell the rights to Raw and NXT as a package deal so they’re even more focused on propping up NXT ratings for that (hence the main roster stars showing up for the last 2 months).

    • Agreed. Clearly WWE officials are showing the NXT roster won’t draw against AEW, so they have to rely on the vets.

      • Then why have Dom, Rhea, Becky, and others been on NXT consistently for a couple of months then? AEW had little, if anything, to do with it. They’re shopping the broadcast rights to Raw and NXT as a package deal right now.

  13. Ava to the bloodline as a way to get her dad to come back?

  14. >Instead, it was business as usual with the big stars stepping mostly aside to let the young stars shine. That’s the way it should be. <<

    Umm…maybe you should go read what your fellow columnist here said regarding this in his review of AEW's show….LOL.
    OF COURSE you have to say whatever WWE does is the "way it should be".

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