Deadlock Pro Wrestling “Spark” results: Vetter’s review of Lucky Ali vs. Robert Martyr in a proving ground match, Diego Hill vs. Labron Kozone, Chris Danger challenges an AEW wrestler

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Deadlock Pro Wrestling “Spark”
Available free via
August 13, 2023 in Durham, N.C. at Durham Armory

These are one-hour shows that run in advance of their major events (they film perhaps 8-9 matches total with 2-3 of them that air on Spark, and the rest are on their PPV on their website). Rich Bocchini and Chris Danger provided commentary. The crowd is perhaps 400.

* In a funny opening, Kevin Blackwood walked up to Chris Danger and said he got a text message that said “if you lose tonight, you need to turn heel.” Blackwood asked Danger what that meant, and Danger had no idea. We then flipped over to Lucky Ali, who talked about preparing for his match.

1. Diego Hill defeated Labron Kozone at 9:28. I always describe Diego as Wes Lee-meets-Cedric Alexander, and I think he’s absolutely a rising indy star. Labron also is a Black man, taller and thicker, with shoulder-length braids; I have compared him to how JTG looks today. They shook hands and Labron knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. They traded fast reversals; these two clearly are familiar with each other. Diego hit a huracanrana and a dropkick at 2:00 and he was fired up. Labron hit a hard back elbow that sent Diego flying, then he hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker over his knee for a nearfall, and Hill sold the pain in his lower back.

Labron hit a German Suplex but Diego rotated in mid-air and landed on his feet. Labron hit a Falcon Arrow. Diego hit a spin kick, sending Labron to the floor to regroup at 5:30. Labron dove through the ropes onto Diego. In the ring, Diego hit a Pele Kick, then an Arabian Press to the floor at 7:00, and he had the crowd fired up. In the ring, Diego hit a top-rope 450 Splash for a believable nearfall, with the crowd chanting, “That was three!” They traded rollups, and Diego hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall. Kozone hit a Frankensteiner. Diego hit an enzuigiri at 9:00. Kozone hit a standing powerbomb. Diego hit a mid-ring Spanish Fly, then a doublejump corkscrew moonsault for the pin. JUST fantastic. The crowd chanted “Dee-ayy-go!” and rightfully so… he just exudes star power. The crowd switched to a “both these guys!” chant as they shook hands.

Oliver Sawyer, a white guy, jumped in the ring and attacked Labron, hitting a short-arm clothesline. Diego ran back into the ring for the save, with Oliver scampering to the back.

* Outside, Jackson Drake is doing pushups. Kevin Blackwood walked up to him and asked him what it means to “turn heel.” Jackson also had no idea. These are funny skits.

* We go to another skit, where Killer Kelly showed off her Impact Women’s Tag Team championship belt, and she’s eager to face Emi Sakura.

* Another video, with Anthony Henry and JD Drake, showing off their DPW tag title belts. Drake said what changed is “they stopped giving a shit what any of us fans thought.” We then saw footage of “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini, who want their tag titles back.

* Back outside, Robert Martyr is on the phone, and he’s upset someone called him a “mark,” and he said, “my name is Robert.” Blackwood walked up to him and asked him about the text message that said he has to turn heel. Martyr also was clueless on what this means.
* BK Westbrook came to the ring and he wore Andrew Everett’s DPW National Championship belt; the commentators stressed that it does not belong to him, and he was loudly booed. BK got on the mic but the crowd loudly booed him. I’ve always said BK gives off heel Adam Cole vibes. He berated Andrew Everett for leaving the region to become an Impact star. He jawed at Andrew Everett’s dad, who is seated in the crowd. He challenged Everett to come take the belt back from him. He walked overe to Everett’s Dad, got in his face and said “you raised a giant bitch!” and he pushed him. That brought Andrew Everett racing out of the back, and they brawled in the ring, with them having to be separated by eight or so security guards. This is a hot angle and the crowd was totally into this. Bocchini wanted to make sure that the Dad is okay, saying he took a nasty spill from the shove. Everett has his belt back, but the commentators agreed he wasn’t too concerned about that.

* Kevin Blackwood walked up to Lucky Ali, asking him about the text message about needing to turn heel if he loses. Ali and Blackwood had a heated exchange.

* “Motor City Machine Guns” Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin talked about their upcoming match against Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini.

* Outside, Robert Martyr talked about his title match against Lucky Ali. He said he’s “the realest thing you’ve ever damn seen.” Good intensity.
2. Lucky Ali defeated Robert Martyr in a proving ground match at 8:42. If Martyr wins or can survive 10 minutes, he can get a title shot. Martyr is the white kid with a mullet and this is his DPW debut; I admittedly am not a fan. Ali wore his DPW Heavyweight title and he stopped and jawed at Andrew Everett’s dad, who has returned to his seat in the crowd. An intense lockup to start. Ali dumped Martyr over the top rope to the floor. In the ring, they traded more mat holds. Ali dropped Martyr throat-first on the top rope at 3:00 and he stayed in control. They traded punches. Ali applied a chinlock and kept Robert grounded. Ali has a bloody nose, probably from one of those punches.

Martyr hit a German Suplex at 6:00 and a hard clothesline, then a nice slingshot suplex for a nearfall. Martyr hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Martyr hit a standing powerbomb for a nearfall. Ali hit a swinging sideslam for the pin. Good match. Solid showing for Martyr; I have seen promotions try to use him as a plucky underdog but I have found him better as a heel, as I just think he comes across unlikable.

* Oliver Sawyer talked backstage. He is upset that Labron Kozone had a match on Spark and he didn’t.

* Backstage, JD Drake and Anthony Henry were asked about the Motor City Machine Guns debuting later. They dismissed the Guns as a team of the past. They were focused on their opponents, Kevin Blackwood and Kevin Knight.

Chris Danger hit the ring and he has a special announcement; he’s holding a clipboard with a DPW contract. He has issued a challenge for a match to an AEW star… adding “baby” to the end, making it clear he wants to fight Adam Cole! The crowd popped for the way he said “bay-bee.” He promised they are “going to set the world on fire.” Danger then did Adam Cole’s pose, pointing a thumb at himself.

Final Thoughts: I’m such a big fan of what this North Carolina-based promotion has been doing. These Spark episodes do a great job of setting up the PPV, highlighting the top matches.

Check out this promotion at They have many really good free matches on YouTube as well.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. >Oliver Sawyer, a white guy,,,<<

    Wow. Wonder what people would say if someone typed, "Joe Smith, a black guy…:.
    We all know what a lot of the hypocrites would say.

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