AEW Dynamite results (5/31): Powell’s live review of Adam Cole and Britt Baker vs. Chris Jericho and Saraya, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, and Bandido, Kris Statlander vs. Nyla Rose for the TBS Title,  Orange Cassidy and Darby Allin vs. Gates of Agony, Swerve Strickland vs. Big Bill vs. Trent Beretta in a three-way

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 191)
San Diego, California at Viejas Arena
Aired live May 31, 2023 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired. Pyro shot off on the stage, which had video walls listing the release date of the AEW Fight Forever video game. The broadcast team was Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone, and Justin Roberts was the ring announcer…

“Wild Thing” played and then Blackpool Combat Club members Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta were shown walking through the concourse and into arena for the opening match. Footage aired from the Anarchy in the Arena match. Bryan Danielson sat in on commentary and said he couldn’t comment on whether Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita are part of the BCC, but he plugged Callis speaking later in the show. Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, and Bandido made their entrance…

1. Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, and Bandido (w/Alex Abrahantes). Graphics listed the upcoming matches and segments while the match took place. Yuta went for an early pin on Bandido and got a two count. Danielson recalled scolding one of Yuta’s covers last week and praised how much better this one was.

Bandido held up Yuta with one arm and had the crowd count along to sixty before performing the suplex. Meanwhile, Penta and Fenix had Moxley and Castagnoli locked in submission holds. A short time later, Penta performed a Backstabber on Castagnoli.

Yuta avoided a diving Bandido, who was then pulled to the floor where Castagnoli and Moxley performed a spike piledriver heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C] Danielson questioned where The Elite were. Schiavone said both teams had a hell of a match on Sunday. Danielson asked which team won and which team was fighting tonight.

Bandido fired up and removed the shirt that he was wearing before performing a popup cutter on Yuta. Bandido went up top while Penta and Fenix dove onto Moxley and Castagnoli. Bandido frog splashed Yuta and then covered him. Danielson said Yuta wouldn’t have kicked out of that move a year-and-a-half ago.

Bandido set up for his 21 Plex finisher on Yuta, but Moxley held Yuta to block the move. Castagnoli hit Bandido with an uppercut from the floor. Yuta caught Bandido with a flying knee and then hit him with repeated elbows to the head. Yuta hooked Bandido into a pin and got the three count.

Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta defeated Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, and Bandido in 13:00.

After the match, Danielson left the broadcast table and joined his faction mates inside the ring…

Powell’s POV: An entertaining opener. It was pretty obvious that BCC would win coming off their pay-per-view main event victory, but the babyface trio got a lot of offense and looked good in defeat.

Alex Marvez interviewed The Elite members Hangman Page, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson backstage. Matt, who was nursing his foot from the pay-per-view, said he never thought he would try to melt off another man’s face with an explosive sneaker and yet here they are.

Evil Uno showed up with Alex Reynolds and John Silver. They said hello to Page and then acted jealous because he was hanging out with his friends. Marvez said there’s a rumor that Kenny Omega left the country and was back in Canada. Page said Omega was hurt and pissed off and then added that he was not in Canada. Page ran off to speak with the Dark Order trio…

Excalibur ran through upcoming matches and said the three-way was up next… [C] Excalibur hyped the announcement regarding the AEW Collision debut for later in the show…

Tony Schiavone stood inside the ring and plugged the availability of the Double Or Nothing replay. Schiavone introduced Jay White and Juice Robinson as Bullet Club Gold. The duo made their entrance and then put their arms around Schiavone.

White said Ricky Starks probably felt like he was on top of the world after eliminating him and Robinson from the battle royal. White said Starks is not the AEW International Champion because he lost that match, just as he lost to White.

Robinson brought up AEW Tag Team Champions “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler. Robinson asked why they came to the aid of Starks. Robinson said Starks has no friends. White said FTR are southern boys and are a little slow and look dumb too.

Harwood and Wheeler made their entrance and entered the ring. Robinson assumed they were there to apologize. White assumed they wanted to join Bullet Club Gold and said all they had to do was ask politely. Harwood held out his hand for the mic, but White dropped it in front of him. Robinson hit Harwood with a cheap shot punch and then he and White attacked FTR.

Ricky Starks ran out with a chair, causing White and Starks to exit the ring and hope the barricade. Starks challenged White to face him next week with Robinson not at ringside…

Powell’s POV: Three babyfaces and two heels. I assume that if we get Starks vs. White with Robinson barred from ringside, we’ll get a new member of Bullet Club Gold next week.

Tony Khan stood backstage and announced that AEW Collision will feature CM Punk. The reaction received more boos than cheers. Camera shots showed some fans wearing Punk shirts and some fans giving thumbs down. Schiavone said Collision would be must see TV…

Powell’s POV: Punk should get a big babyface reaction in Chicago, but it will be very interesting to see how he’s received elsewhere and if they end up turning him heel if the fans don’t get behind him quickly.

Trent Beretta made his entrance for three-way match. Chuck Taylor joined him onstage and then headed to the back. Big Bill was accompanied by Lee Moriarty, who also headed backstage. Highlights aired of Swerve Strickland eliminating Bill from the Blackjack Battle Royale. Prince Nana, Brian Cage, and the Gates of Agony walked onto the stage and then Swerve Strickland made his entrance while they headed backstage. Highlights were shown of Orange Cassidy eliminating Swerve to win the Blackjack Battle Royale…

2. Swerve Strickland vs. Big Bill vs. Trent Beretta in a three-way. Swerve started the match at ringside. Bill put Beretta down with a big boot and then mugged for the camera heading into a PIP break. [C] Swerve and Beretta teamed up for a double team move on Bill from the top rope.

Bill came back with a sidewalk slam on Beretta and had him beat, but Swerve broke it up. Moments later, Beretta hit Swerve with a flying knee and then put him down with a piledriver and had the pin, but Bill broke it up. In the end, Bill chokeslammed Beretta from the apron into the ring. Swerve hit a top rope double stomp on Bill on the apron. Swerve rolled Beretta into a crucifix pin and got the win…

Swerve Strickland defeated Big Bill and Trent Beretta in 9:00 in a three-way.

Powell’s POV: Swerve continues to do really good work as the opportunistic heel. The finish was effective in terms of protecting Big Bill, who really should get a singles push.

A video package recapped Kris Statlander returning at AEW Double Or Nothing and defeating Jade Cargill to win the TBS Championship in an unadvertised match. She spoke about how it had been a long time and was emotional as she spoke about winning the championship. She said she would prove to everyone that they were right and would also prove it to herself by having the best title reign that anyone has ever seen…

Renee Paquette stood on the stage and introduced The Acclaimed duo of Max Caster and Anthony Bowens along with Billy Gunn. She said things didn’t go their way when they challenged for the AEW Trios Titles and noted that they asked for this time.

Gunn said anyone can be beaten at any time. He said he was disappointed that he let Caster and Bowens down. Caster said it was okay and said they are all the people’s choice. Bowens said they were screwed out of tag team gold a while back and they want the gold back. Bowens put over Gunn and said he deserves to hold gold one more time. Bowens said they love Gunn and everyone loves The Acclaimed…

Excalibur hyped upcoming matches and segments… [C]

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and said the vile rises in his mouth and throat when he says this name. “Here comes Don Callis and Takeshita,” Schiavone said. Callis and Takeshita walked to the ring without entrance music. Their video wall showed Callis turning on Kenny Omega, and Takeshita attacking Omega at Double Or Nothing.

Callis received Dominik Mysterio-like boos. He said he hoped they were for Kenny Omega and proclaimed himself the real victim. Callis took credit for the various titles that Omega won and said Omega chose his friends. Callis said he has to look at the scar on his head every morning and blames Omega for it.

Callis said Omega has destroyed his family. “Maybe I’ve lost a nephew, but I’ve gained a son,” Callis said. Callis pointed to Takeshita and said he’s the best athlete he’s ever seen in wrestling. Callis said Takeshita is better than Rikidozan, Antonio Inoki, Akira Maeda, Keiji Muto, Kazuchika Okada, and Kenny Omega.

Takeshita took the mic and spoke in Japanese briefly, then said they will destroy The Elite and namely Omega. Callis said his new family would take The Elite out of All Elite Wrestling…

Powell’s POV: It’s fun to see the nuclear heat that Callis and Takeshita received. The key names mentioned by Callis were Okada and Omega, as they are the only two active wrestlers of the bunch. Are they setting up a tag team match for Forbidden Door?

A video package featured Wardlow and Arn Anderson talking about Wardlow’s ladder match win over Christian Cage to retain the TNT Title at Double Or Nothing. Wardlow said that if Luchasaurus has anything left, he’ll be happy to finish the job…

[Hour Two] Gates of Agony made their entrance followed by separate entrances for skateboarding Darby Allin and AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy. More highlights of Cassidy winning the Blackjack Battle Royale were shown…

3. Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy vs. “Gates of Agony” Bishop Kaun and Toa Leona. Kaun attacked Allin and the referee rewarded him for it by calling for the bell to start the match. Swerve Strickland, Brian Cage, and Prince Nana walked onto the stage while Allin was being double teamed. Swerve sat in a chair while Cage and Nana stood on each side of him.

Kaun pulled Allin to the floor and ran him back and forth into the ring and the barricade, then threw him against another part of the barricade. Toa charged Cassidy and sent him flying with a shoulder block heading into a PIP break. [C]

Kaun placed Allin on the top turnbuckle and then picked him up while standing on the middle rope and dropped him on the top turnbuckle. Allin fell to the mat and was hit with an elbow from Toa, who picked up a two count on Allin moments later.

Kaun tagged in and then he and Toa grabbed Allin to set up for a move, but Allin sold by falling to the mat. Allin fired up when he got back on his feet, but they stopped him from tagging out. Allin eventually shoved the two together and made the hot tag.

Cassidy put his hands in his pockets and dodged the charging heels. Cassidy put Kaun down with a DDT for a near fall. The heels eventually regrouped and had Cassidy pined until Allin broke it up. Cassidy performed a lousy looking double huracanrana and then tagged out.

Allin worked over both heels. Allin ducked a punch from Toa, who was then hit with an Orange Punch from Cassidy. Moments later, Cassidy hit Stundog Millionaire on Kaun and then dove onto Toa on the floor. Allin followed up with a Coffin Drop on Kaun and pinned him…

Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy defeated “Gates of Agony” Bishop Kaun and Toa Leona in 11:20.

After the match, Strickland, Cage, and Nana walked to ringside. Sting made his entrance and walked out with a baseball bat in hand. Sting climbed on the apron and walked toward Swerve, who dropped to the floor. Sting entered the ring and stood with Allin and Cassidy…

Powell’s POV: I didn’t care for the way that Toa and Kaun went from being badasses to bumbling fools once Cassidy tagged in. While the outcome is no surprise whatsoever, I was actually hoping for a cheap finish to keep the Gates of Agony from taking a clean loss.

A video package recapped MJF defeating Darby Allin, Jack Perry, and Sammy Guevara in a four-way to retain the AEW World Championship at AEW Double Or Nothing. Footage aired of MJF talking backstage afterward about how time was running out and he was running out of competition. He boasted that nobody is on the level of the devil… [C]

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and was thanking fans when he was interrupted by Hook’s entrance music. Hook headed to the ring holding the FTW Championship. Schiavone asked Hook what’s next for him after helping Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy win their match at Double Or Nothing.

Jose the Assistant interrupted Hook with a microphone from the stage. Jose walked out with Dralistico and Preston Vance. He apologized for interrupting Hook, but he said it’s the only way they can get mic time. They headed to the ring and then Dralistico and Vance attacked Hook.

“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry came out with a chair. The heels went to the stage and met him. Perry hit them both with chair shots. Perry chased Jose back inside the ring where Hook suplexed him. Perry joined Hook inside the ring and bumped fists with him. Perry’s music played to end the segment…

Powell’s POV: I can’t be the only one who was hoping that Perry was going to turn heel by taking out Hook with a chair shot. Of course, that could be where this is going.

New AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm, Ruby Soho, and Saraya were interviewed on the backstage set by Paquette. Storm said no one in the back could carry her bags. Storm said she would be defending her title at the weekend house shows because that’s what a champion does. Saraya said Storm is so humble…

Justin Roberts stood in the ring and introduced the TBS Championship match. Nyla Rose made her entrance with Marina Shafir, who headed backstage while Rose went to the ring. Kris Statlander’s entrance followed…

4. Kris Statlander vs. Nyla Rose for the TBS Championship. Excalibur promoted the All In show and said that some floor seats had just been released for the Wembley Stadium show. Taya Valkyrie was shown watching the match on a backstage monitor. Rose suplexed Statlander into the corner heading into a PIP break. [C]

Rose had a run of offense and picked up a two count off a chokeslam. Statlander came back with a jawbreaker. Statlander went up top and performed a 450 splash for the win. Valkyrie was shown looking angry while watching the match on the backstage monitor…

Kris Statlander defeated Nyla Rose in 8:10 to retain the TBS Championship.

Powell’s POV: With Statlander coming off the feel good return and surprise title win, this actually felt like a night when they could have opened the show with her. More than anything, I’m just happy that she appears to be flying solo rather than hanging out with Best Friends. Meanwhile, it looks like Valkyrie will be turning heel, which should be fun. Valkyrie is a good babyface and an even better heel.

Excalibur announced the following matches for a “Championship Friday” edition of AEW Rampage: El Hijo Del Vikingo vs. Komander vs. Dralistico for the AAA Mega Championship, Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura for the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship, Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Action Andretti for the NJPW TV Title, and Katsuyori Shibata vs. Lee Moriarty for the ROH Pure Championship.

Excalibur announced the following matches for next week’s AEW Dynamite: Jay White vs. Ricky Starks with Juice Robinson and FTR banned from ringside, and Orange Cassidy vs. Swerve Strickland for the AEW International Championship…

A video package recapped Adam Cole defeating Chris Jericho in an unsanctioned match at AEW Double Or Nothing… Excalibur hyped the mixed tag match as the main event for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: It’s nice to see a quality lineup for Rampage for a change. I’m not sure how that card will play to more casual viewers, but it looks like a lot of fun on paper.

Entrances for the main event took place. Adam Cole and Britt Baker wore matching gear. Chris Jericho and Saraya both wore black gear. The crowd sang along with “Judas”…

5. Adam Cole and Britt Baker vs. Chris Jericho and Saraya in a mixed tag match. Schiavone wondered what Jericho had up his sleeve, adding that he didn’t think Jericho would have asked for the match if he didn’t have a plan.

Baker was dumped to ringside. Toni Storm and Ruby Soho ran out and put the boots to her and then rolled her back inside the ring while Jericho distracted the referee. Hikaru Shida ran out and beat Storm and Soho with kendo stick and they all quickly made their exists.

A short time later, Baker slapped Jericho and then they went to a split screen shot that listed the early AEW Collision dates and venues. Baker went to the ropes. Schiavone said he didn’t think he’d ever seen that. Baker was cut off by Saraya, but she knocked her into the ring. Jericho covered Saraya in hopes of stopping Baker, who then dove onto Jericho’s back. Baker covered Saraya for a two count.

Cole put Jericho down with a Backstabber. Cole went to the ropes and went for a Panama Sunrise, but Jericho stuffed it and countered into a Walls of Jericho. Saraya knocked Baker off the apron. Cole crawled toward the ropes, but Jericho pulled him back to the middle of the ring.

Baker returned to the apron and put her glove on before entering the ring. Baker stuck her fingers in Jericho’s mouth, causing him to break the hold. Baker then applied the Lockjaw while hooking Jericho’s arms until Saraya broke it up.

Cole tuned up the band in the corner and went for a superkick, but Jericho cut him off with a Codebreaker and covered him for a near fall. A short time later, both women tagged in and traded weak strikes. Saraya performed a wicked looking DDT for a near fall. Referee Paul Turner checked on Baker and the spot was replayed.

Jericho grabbed his baseball bat and went after Baker, but she ducked it and then Cole superkicked Jericho, and then Baker superkicked Saraya. Cole and Baker followed up with a double superkick on Jericho. Cole went back to his corner and tagged in. Cole lowered his kneepad and then ran the ropes and hit Jericho with a Boom knee before pinning him…

Adam Cole and Britt Baker beat Chris Jericho and Saraya in 13:15 a mixed tag match.

Afterward, Jericho threw a tantrum by tossing a chair inside the ring. Highlights from the match were shown while Cole and Baker stood tall inside the ring. Cole and Baker hugged and kissed while Jericho and Saraya consoled one another on the stage to close the show…

Powell’s POV: I guess Jericho didn’t have a plan? Oh well, I’m happy they doubled down by having Cole beat Jericho again rather than even things up after Cole beat him in the unsanctioned match. From a presentation standpoint, it’s baffling to me that the only mic work we heard from anyone in the main event was Saraya, who merely praised Toni Storm.

Overall, this was a solid show coming out of Double Or Nothing. They did a good job of recapping most of the matches on the show with highlight packages. I’m surprised we didn’t get a gloating MJF promo and some indication of what’s next for him, but perhaps he’ll be taking a bit of a breather as they work toward the Forbidden Door event. I will have a lot more to say about Dynamite in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the May 31 Double Or Nothing fallout edition free polls


Readers Comments (8)

  1. TheGreatestOne May 31, 2023 @ 7:10 pm

    So Moxley got hit with an “exploding” superkick and it didn’t leave a mark on his face 3 days later? Not even blackface?

  2. It’s 2023 why does anyone have “big” in his or her name. Shouldn’t we be able to identify that someone is “big” without the adjective

    Or could they be Big—“something” like “big head bill”?

    • You clearly missed Taz’s explanation at the pay-per-view. He told us that his name is Bill and he’s big, so he goes by Big Bill. Amazing insight. Insert your own Little Pete joke here.

  3. Not a critique just a question. Exactly how many titles are there in AEW? How many are AEW sponsored and how many others are tangentially related (ie defended on AEW promoted shows)?

  4. “Not a critique just a question. Exactly how many titles are there in AEW? How many are AEW sponsored and how many others are tangentially related (ie defended on AEW promoted shows)?”

    3 mens singles (World, International, TNT), 2 womens singles (World, TBS), tag team, trios, FTW title. There’s also the Owen Cup belts but they’re not defended (and last year only made an appearance for a couple of weeks).

    I think I’ve only seen one RoH title match since Honorclub started, one NJPW belt (Omega’s US title), and the AAA mega championship has been defended once too (twice this coming Friday).

    RoH belts are carried to the ring by their holders but they’ve been much better about having non-AEW championships contested on AEW programming.

  5. Lol @jason. You win the evening!!

  6. So all those title matches on Rampage and not a single one is an “AEW” title.

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