AEW Rampage results (5/26): Powell’s review of Big Bill and Lee Moriarty vs. Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor, Rush, Dralistico, and Preston Vance vs. Daddy Ass and The Acclaimed, Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir, Ethan Page, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn in action

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Rampage (Episode 94)
Taped May 24, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada at MGM Grand Garden Arena
Aired May 26, 2023 on TNT

The Rampage opening aired and then pyro shot off on the stage… The broadcast team was Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Chris Jericho were on commentary. Ross promised it would be a hell of a show…

Max Caster rapped while heading to the ring with Anthony Bowens and Daddy Ass. Their opponents were already inside the ring…

1. Daddy Ass and “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens vs. Rush, Dralistico, and Preston Vance (w/Jose). A “scissors me, daddy” chant broke out as the match started. The babyfaces were getting the better of Vance in their corner when Rush ran in and stopped the isolation. The heels stood over Caster heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Daddy Ass hit the Fameasser on Vance and had him pinned, but Jose reached in and put Vance’s foot on the bottom rope. Caster threw Jose inside the ring and then ran Dralistico into the barricade. Bowens and Ass performed Scissor Me Timbers on Jose.

Preston came back with a discus lariat on Ass and covered him until the pin was broken up by Caster. Rush put the boots to Ass. Bowens took out Rush with a superkick. Dralistico leapt from the ropes into a Codebreaker on Bowens, who came right back with a slam. Caster hit the Mic Drop elbow drop on Dralistico and pinned him.

Daddy Ass and “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens defeated Rush, Dralistico, and Preston Vance in 9:40.

After the match, Bowens took the mic and said they have been running through the trios division all month long. Bowens said they should do some gambling while in Las Vegas. Bowens said the House always wins, but never bet on Black. The broadcast team indicated that House of Black would defend the AEW Trios Titles against Daddy Ass and The Acclaimed in an Open House Rules match on Sunday… [C]

Powell’s POV: Wait, I thought Wesley Snipes said we should always bet on black. Anyway, the match was fine and I’m left assuming that Rush only beats the shit out of his opponents if he’s being pinned.

Ethan Page, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn made their entrance while their opponents were already in the ring. Ross’s nose grew as he spoke about how the trios division is gaining momentum…

2. Ethan Page, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn vs. three locals. The locals were not introduced during the broadcast. The Gunns hit their finisher on one of the locals and then Page got the pin.

Ethan Page, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn beat three locals in 2:35.

After the match, Page got a mic and called the fans “basic ass civilians.” He said he hoped the Hardys were watching because they just showed what a real three-man crew can do. Page assumed they would face the Hardys in a handicap match because he and the Gunns took out Isiah Kassidy.

Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy made their entrance and spoke from the stage. Jeff said the egos would be deleted. Matt said Page’s contract and ass would be his. Matt said they weren’t afraid to face them in a handicap match. Isiah Kassidy walked out with a brace around his neck and took the mic. He said the doctor didn’t clear him, but he found a replacement.

Hook made his entrance and bumped fists with the Hardys and Kassidy before they all walked to ringside. Page and the Gunns exited the ring while the babyfaces entered. A graphic listed the trios match for the Buy In pre-show…

Powell’s POV: The match was obviously just a spotlight win for Page and the Gunns.

Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee were interviewed by Lexi Nair on the backstage set. She said that Swerve Strickland and Brian Cage had been announced for the Blackjack Battle Royale. Dustin said that the match is for a shot at the AEW International Championship. Dustin said that he and Lee could clear everyone from the ring and then decide who goes for the title. Lee verified with Nair that the Embassy would be in the match and then channeled former NFL player Bart Scott by simply saying, “Can’t wait”…

Entrances for the women’s tag team match took place…

3. Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir. Shida put both opponents in a corner and then hit a running knee on Shafir. Baker checked in and ended up being isolated by the heels heading into another PIP break. [C]

Shida worked over Shafir and hit her with a missile dropkick that led to a two count. Baker tagged in and performed a neckbreaker for another two count. Rose put Baker over the top rope and went for her leg drop from the ropes, but Shida pulled Baker out of the way.

Baker and Shida took out Rose and then Baker put her glove on. Baker grabbed Shafir, who fired away with several strikes. Sharfir performed a judo throw and covered Baker, who hooked her into a pin for a two count. Baker held Shafir while Shida threw a kick at her. Baker applied the Lockjaw for the win.

Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida beat Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir in 9:00.

After the match, “The Outcasts” Toni Storm, Saraya, and Ruby Soho were shown on the big screen. The camera moved down to show that they were standing over AEW Women’s Champion Jamie Hayter, who was selling her injured shoulder… [C]

Powell’s POV: I guess we’ll find out after the break if the angle was meant to make Hayter look vulnerable heading into the match or she’s being pulled from it. The tag match was fine in terms of showing that former rivals Baker and Shida can work together.

Mark Henry previewed the main event while footage of the wrestlers involved were shown. Yes, Henry said it’s time for the main event…

Excalibur ran through the Double Or Nothing lineup. The Hayter vs. Storm match is still advertised. The only Buy In pre-show match announced thus far is the Hardys and Hook vs. Page and the Gunns. Excalibur hyped House of Black defending the AEW Trios Titles in an open challenge, so apparently the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass are not the official challengers…

Entrances for the main event took place. Rey Fenix, Penta El Zero Mideo, Bandido, and Komander were shown watching in one section, while Kip Sabian, Penelope Ford, The Butcher, The Blade, Josh Woods, Ari Daivari, and Tony Nese were shown watching together in another section in the crowd. Excalibur said they are entrants in the battle royale…

4. Big Bill and Lee Moriarty vs. “Best Friends” Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor. Big Bill tagged in a couple minutes into the match and cleared Taylor from the ring with a clothesline. He followed up by running Beretta into the corner, and Beretta sold it by going up and over and then tumbling to ringside. [C]

Bill tagged in again and hit his head on the turnbuckle when Beretta avoided his corner splash. The Best Friends did their hug bit. Jericho said he hated it. Bill came back with a sidewalk slam on Beretta. Moriarty tagged in hit a combo slam move with Bill on Beretta. Moriarty had the pin, but Taylor broke it up.

Later, Taylor performed a piledriver on Moriarty. Bill immediately hit Taylor with a big boot to the head. Bill followed up with a chokeslam and then pinned Taylor.

Big Bill and Lee Moriarty beat “Best Friends” Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor in roughly 9:00.

After the match, Bill and Moriarty left the ring and headed over to the lucha crew. Bill shoved Bandido, which led to a big brawl that included the Varsity Athletes and Sabian’s crew.

Orange Cassidy’s music played and he ran to the ring and joined the Best Friends while the others continued to brawl at ringside. Brian Cage made his entrance. Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes followed and roughed up Cage at ringside. Swerve Strickland’s music played and then he walked onto the stage with Prince Nana and smiled. Lee walked up the ramp, causing Strickland and Nana to head to the back while the brawl continued as the show concluded…

Powell’s POV: If that doesn’t get you ready for a 21-man battle royale for the AEW International Title than nothing will? The show closing brawl heading into a battle royal has been done a million times, but it’s actually been a while since I’ve seen a company do it, so it was fine. It’s just an odd choice to dedicate the strongest hype of the go-home show to a match that feels mid-card at best.

Overall, this was a missable go-home show. Hook replacing Kassidy and the Outcasts attacking Jamie Hayter were the only real storyline developments. I’ll never understand why AEW doesn’t beef up Rampage for go-home shows. And it has nothing to do with the uncertainty regarding when this show would air, as it’s not like the majority of past go-home editions have been any better. Anyway, I’ll have more to say about the show in my same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

Make your home for live reviews of AEW Double Or Nothing, WWE Night of Champions, and NXT Battleground.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. THEGREATESTTHREE May 27, 2023 @ 2:57 am

    You sometimes wonder if the powers to be at AEW even know that there is a pay-per-view this weekend? This was brutal.

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