4/4 NXT TV results: Moore’s review of the Stand & Deliver fallout edition with Dragon Lee vs. Nathan Frazer, Dijak vs. Odyssey Jones, “Pretty Deadly” Elton Prince and Kit Wilson vs. Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live April 4, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Highlights aired from NXT’s Stand and Deliver Show in Los Angeles (I was in attendance at this show)…

John’s Thoughts: I usually don’t pop hard at live events, especially when there representing Dot Net; but Carmelo Hayes got me to pop with his Lakers tribute. Long live my hometown team, Go Lakers!

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary…

Alicia Taylor was in the ring and announced Indi Hartwell as the new NXT Women’s Champion. Vic Joseph noted that the first hour of this show will have limited commercial interruptions (as a person reviewing the show, ugh). Hartwell soaked in “you deserve it” chants. Hartwell said you don’t know how long she waited to hear that chant. An “Indi Wrestling” chant ensued. Hartwell said she can’t believe it’s real, she’s the new NXT Women’s Champion. Indi soaked in more cheers.

Indi said she gave up on thinking she’ll win the championship. She said she was start-stop in terms of momentum which led her to doubt herself. She said she won a championship with Candace, but never on her own. She said the Women’s title was a pipe dream. Indi said the one group of people that didn’t doubt her were “you guys”, the fans.

Indi said the crowd picked her up when she was down and chanted “Indi Wrestling” when it counted the most.  Indi said everyone’s love since Stand and Deliver makes the moment that much sweeter. A “you deserve it” chant ensued, and Indi thanked the crowd for it. A man in the crowd said “I love you Indi” and Indi responded “I love you too”. Indi said the next person she needs to talk to is Roxanne Perez because Roxanne gave her an opportunity to wrestle for the title in the first place.

Zoey Stark made her entrance and interrupted Indi’s promo. Zoey said this is all nonsense. Zoey mocked the reality of Indi actually being women’s champion. Zoey said that Indi is holding a title that was held by legends and future hall of famers. Zoey said the disgusting part is Indi is holding the title belt. Zoey said the legend brought the title to high prestige, while Indi is at a low level. Zoey said Indi is at floor level, not sky level.

A Zoey Sucks chant ensued. Zoey said the positive out of Stand and Deliver is that everyone has a beatable Women’s Champion. Zoey noted that Roxanne Perez has been radio silent since Saturday. Zoey said Roxy is at the back of the line. Stark said that if Indi wants to hand out title shots, why not hand Stark a title shot, tonight. The crowd gave a loud “no” chant. Hartwell took exception to being called a “beatable champion”. Indi said it’s fine, Stark can have her title shot tonight. Stark said Indi is about to make history by becoming the shortest reigning champion in history, point, blank, period…

Vic Joseph hyped Carmelo Hayes appearing later in the show (the graphic had a Lakers motif)…

John’s Thoughts: A great bounce back promo from Indi Hartwell who has been down in the dumps in terms of push in NXT. She has been spinning her wheels ever since Dexter Lumis and Persia Pirotta got released about a year ago. This was Indi’s best promo to date because it was a serious one. The bet part here was her interacting with the crowd while also showing emotion in reaction to the emotional response crowd. Props to the crowd too, they seem to be energetic tonight.

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in from the commentary table. They sent the show to an interview Wes Lee did on Twitter at an airport. He walked into Axiom at the airport, who was wearing his signature suit and turtleneck. Axiom asked Lee for a one-on-one title match on NXT. Lee agreed…

Entrances for the next match took place…

1. “Pretty Deadly” Kit Wilson and Elton Prince vs. Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. Stacks and Prince started with a collar and elbow stalemate. Wilson tagged in and gave Stacks an atomic drop. Stacks got a backslide and dropkick on Wilson. Stacks hit Wilson with a nice springboard forearm. D’Angelo tagged in and caught Wilson with a running knee. D’Angelo worked on Wilson with hockey punches.

Wilson escaped after hitting D’Angelo with a jawbreaker. Prince tagged in. D’Angelo regained control with Hockey Punches and a Suplex. Prince blocked Tony with a big boot. D’Angelo turned Prince inside out with a gut punch off a dive. Prince came back with a basement dropkick to the calf. Wilson tagged in and took a double leg takedown from D’Angelo.

Wilson came back with a knee and said you shouldn’t disrespect him because the people love him. D’Angelo rallied with punches to please the crowd. Stacks and Tony took down Pretty Deadly, and did their “ehhhhh” Italian pose. Stacks hit Wilson with a cannonball in the corner. Pretty Deadly walked to ringside to rest up. Wilson slammed Stacks to the mat by the arm. Booker said Prince baited Stacks like Click-bait. Pretty Deadly used tags to cut the ring in half on Stacks.

Tony D’Angelo caught the hot tag and gave Prince a Belly to Belly release Suplex. Tony hit Wilson with a German Suplex. Tony hit Prince with a Wheelbarrow German Suplex and Spinebuster. Wilson broke up Tony’s pin. Tony and Elton took each other out by running into each other. Prince and Wilson pulled Twin Magic, by hiding Wilson’s face under the apron as he acted injured. When Tony pulled back the apron, he was stopped by the ref because Prince was the legal man. Prince shoved Tony into the exposed turnbuckle and picked up the win after the rollup.

Pretty Deadly defeated Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo via pinfall in 7:13. 

John’s Thoughts: An unexpected treat of a television match. Good stuff from both teams. Tony and Stacks have finally clicked as a tag team in their last two matches and are starting to really get the crowds behind them. Pretty Deadly is something special. They were main roster ready the moment they showed up in NXT. That dirty finish was done so well and we don’t really see a finish like that. Call these guys up ASAP.

A Jacy Jayne promo aired. She mocked Gigi Dolin and called her a pathetic soul. She joked about screwing Gigi over at Stand and Deliver in the ladder match…

Entrances for the next match took place. Joseph noted that the next match was sparked by Dijak and Jones interacting during the battle royal last week…

2. Dijak vs. Odyssey Jones. Dijak took out Jones with a Cyclone boot for an early two count. Jones dumped Dijak to ringside with a powerful Irish Whip. Jones rallied with tackles and an elevated spinebuster. Dijak fended off Jones with a boot. Dijak went for a crossbody, but Jones reversed it into a World’s Strongest Slam for a two count.

Odyssey went high risk, but Dijak recovered and nailed Jones with a superkick. Dijak lifted his large opponent and hit him with a Death Valley Driver for a two count. Dijak hit Jones with a long reaching moonsault for the victory.

Dijak defeated Odyssey Jones via pinfall in 2:46. 

Dijak yelled in the camera and said he’s pissed off. The show cut to the first commercial 30 minutes in…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A short, but sweet match. Jones looked good in what little offense he got in. Dijak looked good in facing the larger oppoonent. No way he was getting his GTS  on Jones, so it was good to see him establish a beautiful moonsault as an alternate finisher…

Still shots from NXT Stand and Deliver were shown…

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams were shown pulling up from the parking lot…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed the complete Gallus trio of Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, and Wolfgang. Joe said that Gallus are on top of this ship. McKeinzie said what are Joe’s goals in NXT. Joe said he’s bringing more gold to Gallus by picking fights. Joe said Gallus will show the world that this is their kingdom…

John’s Thoughts: Simple promo, but you can already see that Joe is WAY more charismatic than his Gallus cohorts. Looking forward to the bruiser in the singles division. Could be a good opponent for Wes Lee, and even Carmelo Hayes.

Entrances for the next match took place. Dragon Lee got a cool slo-mo entrance. His graphic noted his accomplishments in CMLL and New Japan (at least Moustashe Vince isn’t paying attention to this show). The current NXT Heritage Cup Champion, Noam Dar took a mic at ringside.

He noted that after months or trying to bring him over, he’s back in NXT. He showed off his Heritage Cup Trophy. Dar said he’s going to be the person who decides his opponent for the cup. He said there are levels and he’s the top…

John’s Thoughts: Good to see Noam back in NXT. I guess he was on the same plane as Joe Coffey. Dar is special and is not only good in the ring, but entertaining as a character. Vince McMahon seemed to be a fan of his. He was of coruse famous for the way he says “Alicia Foooooooooooox”. The Heritage Cup is a unique championship from NXT UK. It’s one of those “Pure” type titles where the matches have special rules. The gimmick with the Heritage Cup is that the matches are contested under rounds matches.

3. Dragon Lee vs. Nathan Frazer. Lee and Frazer had a handshake to start the match. Lee and Frazer had a test of strength. Frazer dominated and got Lee to the mat. Lee escaped a with a monkey flip. Both men kept the Test of Strength locked in. Frazer escaped with a side headlock and standing switch. Frazer and Lee eluded each other and traded counters. Lee and Frazer had a cruiserweight stalemate. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Frazer was crotched on the top rope by Lee. Lee went for a Super German Suplex, but Frazer used back elbows to knock Lee off. Frazer escaped a German with a backflip. Frazer gave Lee a Dropkick. Lee hit Frazer with a pair of dropkicks that are a signature of he and his brother Rush. Lee hit Frazer with a Ushigoroshi and PK for a two count. Frazer recovered and met Lee on the top rope. Lee put Frazer in a Tree of Woe and hit Frazer with a double stomp.

Lee called for a running move, but ran right into the superkick of Frazer. Frazer picked up a nearfall. Lee dodged a Phoenix Splash attempt. Lee and Frazer traded kicks. Lee caught Frazer with a power bomb for a nearfall. Lee soaked in NXT chants and hit Frazer in the jaw with a running knee strike for the win.

Dragon Lee defeated Nathan Frazer via pinfall in 10:11.

Noam Dar gloated from a distance…

John’s Thoughts: Awesome singles debut for Dragon Lee. I felt Lee got lost in the shuffle on Saturday. The guy’s a good striker, which works better in singles matches. I’ve seen this guy work New Japan shows and NXT is blessed with a gem here. Nathan Frazer shouldn’t be slept on either. That guy leads everyone to their best matches in NXT. Maybe a trait he adopted from his teacher, Seth Rollins. What’s also meaningful is NXT added a midcard title with the return of Noam Dar. I’m intrigued to see where that goes? The Heritage Cup matches were entertaining in NXT UK and those feuds were booked by HBK, so he knows how to book that cup.

The show cut to an Andre Chase University skit. Chase said he was honored to beat the shit out of the Schism on Saturday. Chace said he was giving honors to Tyler Bate who helped out Chase U. Duke Hudson said Bate’s great, but he picked up the win. Chase said he thought Hudson wasn’t interested in awards.

Hudson took credit for saving Chase U at the biggest NXT event of the year. Hudson cut an inspiration speech and said he’s worth honoring. Chase agreed and said next week Hudson will be awarded the MVP trophy. Everyone cheered Hudson and Hudson did the chase U pose…

Indi Hartwell and Zoey Stark were shown heading to the ring from different parts of the Performance Center…[c]

More still shots were shown from NXT Stand and Deliver…

The show cut to Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre in their dark and gothic room. They talked about winning the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships. Fyre said they burned everything to the ground at Stand and Deliver. Dawn said they have sieged the championships, but haven’t fully scorched the earth. Some water in a mortar was vibrating, which Dawn saw as a symbol. Dawn said that the unholy union of Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn is here, and they’ve only cracked the surface of what they can do. She said she curses any team that dares to test her and Fyre. Fyre said they’ll save their energy for the day that challenge comes, but now they celebrate. They toasted over champagne…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Wes Lee. Lee said he’s riding on cloud nine after tearing the house down in Los Angeles. Lee said he was in the wildest match of his life. He said he’s proud that he picked the right mix of challengers. Lee gave props to each of his opponents. He said that Axiom was the man that stood out most. He said he owes Axiom one. He said he and Axiom may be sore, but they are about to wake up everyone from their WrestleMania hangovers by tearing the house down. Lee high fived McKenzie and left…

[Hour Two] Entrances for the NXT Women’s Championship match took place. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in-ring introductions for the championship match. Booker T noted that Indi Hartwell is another one of his students and earned the respect of Roxanne Perez during her time training at Booker T’s school…

4. Indi Hartwell vs. Zoey Stark for the NXT Women’s Championship. Hartwel worked on Stark with shortarm lariats. Stark came back with a kick. Hartwell hit Stark with a Big Boot. Stark dodged a forearm and came back with a basement kick for a two count. Stark stomped a mudhole into Indi in the corner. Booker said if Stark were in Basketball she’d be a point guard, and if she were in Football she’d be a Tight End (what? What are similar about those?). Indi turned the tables a bit and stomped on Stark.

Stark recovered and tackled Indi in the corner. Indi gave Stark a high knee. Stark hit Indi with a slingshot corkscrew meteora for a two count. Stark baseball slid Hartwell out of the ring. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Stark caught Hartwell with a basement lariat for a nearfall. Hartwell escaped a cravate and gave Stark a back elbow. Booker said Stark is a mechanic because she’s doing good body work. Hartwell hit Stark with a sidewalk slam. Stark escaped the corner and gave Indi a Gamengiri. Indi blocked a Slingshot Meteora by grabbing Zoey’s legs. Indi dodged a beautiful looking slingshot missile dropkick to get a moment of respite. Hartwell hit Stark with a top rope elbow for a two count.

Zoey and Indi traded boo-yay strikes. Stark hit Indi with a back hook kick. Indi reversed a springboard dive into a spinebuster for a two count. Stark recovered and hit Indi with a Half and Half Suplex. Stark hit Indi with her Tilt A Whirl GTS, but Indi stumbled out of the ring. Stark rolled up Indi for a two count. Indi rolled up Stark for the victory.

Indi Hartwell defeated Zoey Stark via pinfall in 10:32 to retain the NXT Women’s Championship. 

Indi posed with the title. Indi’s celebration was cut short by Tiffany Stratton making her entrance. Tiffany yelled that she took exception to Indi pushing her off the ladder. Out of nowhere, Cora Jade made her long-awaited return by blindsiding Indi Hartwell. Jade beat down Indi and posed with the Women’s title. Jade dropped the title on Indi and made her exit. Cora and Tiffany jawed with each other on the ramp a bit…

John’s Thoughts: A good match between two of the most tenured wrestlers in the NXT roster. Hartwell his hit or miss in the ring, but she was a hit here. This and her opening promo has me looking forward to a meaningful run with the title. I’m ultimately happy for her because her frustration storyline felt real given how they casted her as the babyface stepping stone. Stark might be ready for a call-up. Cool to see Cora Jade back too, who disappeared from her feud with Lyra Valkyria without explanation. NXT has invested a lot of time in her and she can definitely boast up the women’s division, maybe even being the next top heel to replace Mandy Rose.

Brooks Jensen was apologizing to Kiana James for not giving Brooks her bag at Stand and Deliver. Fallon Henley and Brooks Jensen showed up. Henley revealed that Kiana was cheating on Brooks. Kiana admitted that she’s dating around and playing the field, but they never said they were exclusive. James said things changed when they shared a kiss. James said she thought she could trust Brooks, but after Saturday, she’s not sure she could.

James left. Henley said that James is making Brooks out to be the bad guy. Briggs said there are bigger fish in the sea. Jensen yelled that Briggs and Henley need to get out of his business. Jensen left and Briggs and Henley talked about how Henley gets her title rematch next week…

Ivy Nile made her entrance. The show cut to Booker T and Vic Joseph. Joseph gave his condolences to Bushwhacker Butch Miller who just passed away…[c]

The unseen camera person tried to interview Cora Jade but Cora said that we’ll have answers next week. She was confronted by Lyra Valkyria. Lyra said she doesn’t care about the past, but Cora can’t escape fate…

Tatum Paxley made her entrance. A replay was shown of Paxley betraying Ivy a few weeks ago…

5. Ivy Nile vs. Tatum Paxley. Paxley tackled Nile. Nile escaped the corner and gave Paxley a series of kicks. Nile and Paxley brawled near the apron. Paxley hit Nile with a draping suplex. Paxley hit Nile with a body slam. Paxley yelled at Nile and slammed her on the mat. Nile tried to reverse with a juji gatame, but Paxley escaped. Paxley slammed Nile to the mat and hit her with a split legged elbow drop for a two count. Paxley had Nile in a grounded headlock.

Nile powered up and escaped the hold. Nile hit Paxley with a Gutwrench Suplex. Nile tossed Paxley into the corner and gave her body blows. The ref had to separate Nile after the ten count. Nile put Paxley on her shoulder and hit her with a modified Big Ending. Nile tackled Paxley and hit a lift Suplex on Paxley. Nile hit Paxley with a jump kick to dump her to ringside. Nile caught Paxley at ringside with a punt kick to the gut.

Paxley begged for mercy in the ring. Paxley blocked a bussaw kick, but Nile rolled into a Dragon Sleeper for the tapout.

Ivy Nile defeated Tatum Paxley via submission in 4:28. 

Brutus and Julius Creed held up Nile’s arms in victory…

John’s Thoughts: Good match, and I hope Tatum Paxley is in Ivy Nile’s rear view mirror. God help us. Their boring pairing has been together way too long. As I said, Paxley has been an anchor on the career of Ivy Nile. Heck, Nile has held back the development of Paxley. Here’s hoping they bounce back with Nile being a buzzsaw. She definitely needs a refresh after taking a long string of losses recently.

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Ilja Dragunov about not leaving Stand and Deliver as champion. He said he seeks monsters and challenges. He said there is no challenge to big for him to conquer. He said that Wes Lee is a great champion. Ilja talked about how he had blood trickling down his face on Saturday, meaning the match wasn’t easy. He said nothing in life comes easy.

Ilja was cut off by Von Wagner who said that Ilja is saying a lot of words to not leave LA as champion. Wagner said he’s the biggest man in NXT. Robert Stone showed up to drag Von away. Von said “I do what I want” in his goofy voice. Stone said he’ll get Wagner a match with Ilja next week, but if Von doesn’t win, his and Wagner’s business relationship is done…

Axiom made his motion blur entrance. Wes Lee made his DBZ inspired entrance. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in-ring championship introductions…

John’s Thoughts: Fiery crowd tonight. They’re also doing those quirky chants I’m not familiar with. Did the traveling European Mania fans travel all the way from Los Angeles to Orlando? Coast to Coast?

6. Wes Lee vs. Axiom for the NXT North American Championship. Lee blocked a snapmare with a cartwheel. Both men traded counters on the ground. Axiom rolled up Lee for a really really close nearfall. Axiom worked his way into a Butterfly hold on Lee. Lee reversed into his own Butterfly Hold. Axiom escaped and hit Lee with an armdrag and enzuigiri. Axiom fell to dodge a spinning roundhouse. Lee worked on Axiom with CQC and a dropkick.

Axiom powered out of a few pin attempts. Axiom did a tightrope into a Huracanrana. Axiom hit Lee with a suicide dive. Lee knocked Axiom off the top rope with a European Uppercut. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from the break, Axiom had Lee in an ankle lock. Lee escaped and both men traded fatigued strikes. Lee dominated with his CQC dropkick combo. Lee hit Axiom with a German Suplex. Axiom rolled under a Cardiac Kick but ate a stomp. Lee hit Axiom with a Michinoku Driver. The replay showed that Lee’s Cardiac Kick attempt actually blocked a Golden Ratio attempt. Axiom reversed a Cardiac Kick into a Rear Naked Choke.

Lee got to his feeet and was nailed with a German Suplex. Lee caught Axiom in the jaw with double boots. Axiom got a two count off a Small Package. Lee took out Axiom with a superkick. Axiom blocked The Final Flash (Spiral Tap) with double knees to the back. Axiom laid out Lee with a running knee. Lee did a slide to dodge a Golden Ratio Superkick. Lee hit Axiom with a Cardiac Kick for the win.

Wes Lee defeated Axiom via pinfall in 10:42 to retain the NXT North American Championship.

Lee helped Axiom to his feet and Axiom held up Lee’s arm in victory. The arena turned dark red and someone cut a promo behind a voice modulator. It’s F’n Scrypts-Reggie. Scrypts talked about how he can see through Axiom, crystal clear.

He said he can see the truth, the corners of Axiom’s mind. he said “I know you”. Scrypts tried to attack Axiom from behind, but Axiom nailed him with a superkick. Axiom yelled at Reggie and posed…

John’s Thoughts: Awesome match between Axiom and Lee. Axiom finally gets his long awaited match and puts on a good show with Lee. Wes Lee is becoming NXT’s version of Mike Bailey, where he’s lining up challengers and is a fighting champion. He’s really doing a good job building up his credibility as a singles wrestler. What I can see happening is that Lee’s defeated opponents might move into the Heritage Championship title picture? I hope that Scrypts being treated like a dork in the end means they’re pulling the plug on him soon. Can we give Reggie a wine bottle back? Reginald the sommelier was a cool dude. Scrypts Sucks!

The show cut to McKenzie Mitchell interviewing Nathan Frazer about coming short in his last match. Frazer said it’s a new year after Stand and Deliver. He said he hopes to turn things around. McKenzie said that’s a positive attitude to have and Frazer is a wise 24 year old. Frazer said when you have a moment of enlightenment your perspective changes, and when your perspective changes your reality changes…

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams were shown walking the hallways of the Performance Center…[c]

More still shots were shown from NXT Stand and Deliver…

A vignette aired for the debuts of  Tank Ledger, Dani Palmer, and Oba Femi. It was a very generic video with stock NXT graphics…

Vic Joseph plugged the following segments for next week: Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn vs. Kiana James and Fallon Henley, Cora Jade’s return promo, Ilja Dragunov vs. Von Wagner, Duke Hudson’s trophy ceremony.

[Overrun] Alicia Taylor gave a ring introduction for Trick Williams and the new NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes. Vic Joseph noted that Bron Breakker vs. Carmelo Hayes was the youngest NXT main event in NXT history. Trick took the mic to tell everyone “the champ is here”. Melo soaked in “Melo” chants. Melo told the crowd to calm down. He told Trick that the last Stand and Deliver was the biggest Stand and Deliver of all time. he said he was in the house that Kobe Bryant built and it was all up in that bitch.

Trick said Melo stood and delivered. Melo said he’s the NXT champion and “I am him”. Trick said it’s the Him Era (Personally, I would have called it “The Era of Him”). Melo said he’s had his eyes on the number one spot for 18 months. He said he didn’t get it handed, he took it. Melo said it’s a Melobration. Melo said every great champion had a great opponent. Melo said Bron Breakker deserves that praise. Melo said Breakker was one of Melo’s toughest opponents. He said he meant it when he said he respect Bron Breakker.

Melo asked Bron Breakker to come out to the ring to hear something from him. Bron’s theme played as Bron Breakker made his entrance. Bron looked a bit seldom and humbled on his way to the ring. Melo said it was cool of Bron to present him with the championship because he didn’t have to do that. Melo said no matter what the future holds for Bron, on behalf on him and the crowd, he wanted to thank Bron Breakker. A “Thank You Breakker” Chant ensued.

Bron said he appreciates it. He said the title has legacy. Breakker said every champion has to pass the torch. He said Tommaso Ciampa did it for him, and that’s why he did it for Melo. He said he doesn’t know what’s next for him. He said NXT is just as much about the stars as it is the fans. Bron said they all listen to the fans. Melo said he wants everyone to give it up to the next NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes.

Trick continued to play Hype Man by encouraging the crowd to make some noise. Bron was making his exit, but Melo asked him to come back for a dap and and hug. Bron Breakker held up Melo’s arm in victory. Out of nowhere, Bron hit Melo with a stiff lariat. Bron gave Trick a Military Press Slam. Bron then gave Melo a spear. Bron took off his shirt and disrespectfully threw it on Melo. Trick went to check on Melo as NXT closed…

John’s Thoughts: Unexpected heel turn, and a well done heel turn. The reason it was so unexpected was they were framing it as Bron Breakker’s potential call-up. He was good in his humble promo, which made the heel turn work. This also sets up Melo as sympathetic in time for their rematch. I guess Bron isn’t getting called up yet and they are going to see how he does as a heel. We’ll see. I’m hopeful here, he needs some freshening up. This also helps lean into the boos he was getting due to his dad being an asshole on Friday (My view on that, Rick Steiner was a real punk ass for what he did at wrestlecon. I wouldn’t put that heat on Bronson because the sins of the father shouldn’t be place on a possibly innocent son. I hope that Bron being of a different generation, doesn’t have the same bigoted views as his father).

This week’s NXT was good, throughout. Raw had Vince McMahon’s fingerprints all over it last night, but it looks like he’s not even bothering to pay attention to things happening in Orlando, which is good for wrestling fans. This week’s show had good matches and good startups to new storylines coming out of Stand and Deliver.

NXT TV Poll: Grade the April 4 Stand & Deliver fallout edition

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Readers Comments (2)

  1. Hopefully Vince sees NXT as “the weeds”

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