Warrior Wrestling 29 results: Vetter’s review of KC Navarro vs. Jordan Oliver for the Warrior Wrestling Title, “Top Flight” Darius Martin and Dante Martin vs. “The Velocities” Jude London and Paris De Silva, Zachary Wentz vs. Brian Cage, El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Arez vs. Gringo Loco for the Warrior Wrestling Lucha Title

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Warrior Wrestling 29
March 25, 2023 in Grand Rapids, Michigan at DeltaPlex
Replay available on YouTube.com

This show aired live, and free. However, because of AAA rules, the El Hijo Del Vikingo vs. Arez match was not shown on the broadcast.

* This is a high school gym, and attendance is maybe 500. Joe Dombrowski and Rich Bocchini provided live commentary; they told us upfront that they will not be able to show the Vikingo match today.

1. Clark Connors defeated Jake Something at 13:51. Jake is significantly taller and heavier. Connors tried a shoulder tackle but Jake didn’t budge. Jake grounded Clark on the mat. Jake hit a series of shoulder tackles at 3:30. Connors hit a crossbody block for a nearfall. Jake took control and applied a chinlock. Clark hit a powerslam, and they were both down at 9:00. Jake hit a dive over the top rope, barely clearing the top rope, at 10:30, drawing a “holy shit!” chant. Dombrowski said he’s “a modern day Mike Awesome,” which is a good comparison.

Jake hit a gut-wrench powerbomb for a believable nearfall. Connors nailed a spear for a nearfall. Jake hit a running body block. Connors got a rollup out of nowhere for the clean pin! Good big man-little man matchup.

* A pre-taped promo from Frank the Clown, who isn’t in the building tonight. I’m not sure I believe him, but I hope he’s telling the truth.

2. Max the Impaler defeated Warhorse in an intergender match at 13:26. Max attacked with a running body block to open. They immediately brawled to the floor, then over the guardrail and amongst the fans. The bleachers are packed, and they watched Max and Warhorse go up and down the risers. They returned to ringside, where Warhorse hit a running dropkick, and they were both down at 4:00. In the ring, Max grabbed Warhorse off the top rope and slammed him onto the mat, then Max hit a Stinger Splash.

Warhorse fired back with a top-rope missile dropkick at 6:00. Warhorse hit a flip dive through the ropes, and they were both down on the floor. They brawled some more in front of the fans, and Max flipped Warhorse onto a row of empty chairs at 8:30. Back in the ring, Max hit a senton for a nearfall. Warhorse fired back with a running knee to the face in the corner, then a top-rope double stomp onto Max’s back for a nearfall at 11:00.

Warhorse hit a top-rope elbow drop for a nearfall, and he was stunned he didn’t get the pin there. They got up and traded headbutts. Max hit a low blow and a short-arm clothesline for the pin. While I don’t care for intergender matches, Max is every bit as tall, and certainly heavier, than Warhorse, so this is more acceptable.

3. Johnny Warrior (f/k/a John Morrison) defeated Storm Grayson at 13:35. I’ve made this comparison before, but Grayson reminds me of a young Crowbar with his long, dark hair. Standing switches to start. Johnny teased a dive to the floor at 3:00 but pulled up. They brawled around the floor. Back in the ring, Grayson was in control with a headlock on the mat. Johnny hit a clothesline to the floor at 9:00.

Johnny got a red-and-yellow boa from a Hulk Hogan impersonator in the crowd; Grayson attacked him, and Johnny ‘hulked up,’ did the big boot and the legdrop for a nearfall at 11:00. The crowd loved the silliness of the Hogan moves. Grayson hit a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. Johnny nailed the Moonlight Drive swinging neckbreaker. Johnny went to the top rope, but Grayson hit a low blow, then a Blue Thunder Bomb for a believable nearfall at 13:00. Johnny then nailed a Split-legged Moonsault for the pin. Solid match; it started a bit slow but it ended on a high note.

* Dombrowski got in the ring to interview Jordan Kross, a scrawny white kid who has similar dark hair and haircut of Mike Bailey.

4. Jordan Kross defeated Beast Man at 7:59. Beast Man is 350+ pounds, looks like a cave man, and he carries a large bone. Kross is maybe half of Beast Man’s weight. Beast Man dominated the kid early on. They brawled to the floor. Beast Man slid Kross under the guardrail, then cranked up on his head at 3:00. Kross got the weight belt from the Hulk Hogan impersonator in the crowd and he hit Beast Man across the back with it. In the ring, Beast Man grounded Kross, and he hit a flying crossbody block on Kross.

Kross hit a Flatliner. The fought on the top rope in the corner. Beast Man sat down on his chest at 7:00, drawing a big reaction from the crowd. Beast Man got his bone, swung it, but it hit the top rope and it ricocheted onto his face, staggering him. Kross got a schoolyard takedown and a rollup for the pin. He basically got in no offense but won. This didn’t work for me, but the kids in the crowd absolutely loved it.

5. Brian Cage defeated Zachary Wentz at 14:00 even. Cage held Wentz in his arms and did some weight-lifting curls at 1:30. Wentz dove through the ropes onto Cage on the floor; he tried it again, but Cage caught him and dropped him face-first on the ring apron. They brawled on the floor. In the ring, Cage applied a modified Camel Clutch. Wentz hit a high knee that sent Cage to the floor, then Wentz hit a moonsault to the floor at 7:00.

In the ring, Wentz hit a deadlift German Suplex for a nearfall. Impressive. Wentz hit a series of kicks and a double stomp on Cage’s back. Wentz nailed a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall at 8:30. Cage hit a flipping faceplant for a nearfall. Cage hit an F5-into-a-faceplant for a believable nearfall. They traded superkicks. Cage kicked him in the face as Zach’s head was trapped in the turnbuckle, so Zach did the same move to Cage. Wentz hit a running Liger Bomb for a nearfall at 11:30.

Wentz went for another Swanton Bomb, but Cage got his knees up. Cage nailed a discus lariat for a believable nearfall. Wentz hit some jumping knees to the chest. Cage nailed a standing powerbomb, then the Drill Claw sit-out piledriver for the pin. Really good match.

6. “Top Flight” Darius Martin and Dante Martin defeated “The Velocities” Jude London and Paris De Silva at 11:49. The Velocities are Australians of average height and weight. Jude and Darius started. They all started hitting flips and kicks in the ring. Paris worked over Dante’s left arm; the sides of his head are shaved. Jude hit a standing moonsault at 5:00 on Dante. Darius hit a powerbomb on Paris for a nearfall, and they traded chops. Dombrowski talked about the Velocities high ranking in a PWI “top 50” tag teams list.

Jude hit a top-rope double stomp to the chest for a nearfall at 8:30. Darius hit a tornado DDT by launching off of Dante’s chest. Suddenly everyone was down. The Velocities hit some quick team moves on Dante. Paris hit a Shooting Star Press (he came up a bit short) for a nearfall. Darius hit a brainbuster on Paris. Dante nailed the Mamba Splash frogsplash on Paris for the pin. Good match.

7. KC Navarro defeated Jordan Oliver to retain the Warrior Wrestling Title at 16:40. Dombrowski noted that Oliver is still only 23. Oliver is a legit 6’2″ and is much taller. I always compare KC to Ace Austin in height, looks, and heelish demeanor. Lots of stalling early on. Oliver hit a dropkick, then a plancha to the floor at 5:00. In the ring, KC was in charge, and he choked Oliver in the ropes. Oliver hit his crossbody block, and they were both down at 8:30.

Oliver hit his Helluva Kick in the corner. KC hit a dropkick that send Oliver to the floor. KC nailed a flip dive onto Oliver. Oliver hit a top-rope superplex, and they were both down. KC pulled the ref between them for a distraction and he hit a superkick, then a Code Red for a nearfall at 11:30. KC hit a faceplant. Oliver hit a mid-ring Spanish Fly for a nearfall. Navarro hit a second-rope moonsault to the floor at 14:00.

As they got back in the ring, KC sold a left knee injury. “Do you trust KC here?” Dombrowski asked. They traded kicks on the ring apron. Oliver hit a piledriver on the ring apron. In the ring, Oliver hit the Clout Cutter for a believable nearfall. Oliver switched to an anklelock. KC hit a superkick; Jordan hit one; KC hit another. KC hit a low blow with the referee distracted, then a running Sliced Bread faceplant for the pin. Really good match, and KC keeps his title with another cheap victory.

* Navarro got on the mic and said that a year ago, he came to Grand Rapids and he beat Will Ospreay. (Not really; KC won a three-way with Ospreay the third person in the match.) He boasted about what he’s done as Warrior Wrestling Champion.

8. Gringo Loco defeated El Hijo del Vikingo and Arez to win the Warrior Wrestling Lucha Title. This is for the arena only. Again, this is AAA’s rules, not Warrior Wrestling’s decision. (They did provide audio commentary; I decided to opt out of listening to a match.) The match was supposed to be champion Vikingo vs. challenger Arez. However, Loco cashed in what is essentially a Money in the Bank opportunity to turn this into a three-way. While this match wasn’t shown, there are some good clips today on Twitter.


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