Trish Stratus on her WrestleMania 39 match, advice she give her younger self ahead of her first WrestleMania match, balancing motherhood and working for WWE and as a judge for Canada’s Got Talent

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet) 

Vibe 105.5 interview with Trish Stratus
Hosts: Giancarlo Aulino and Aaron Zaretsky of Vibe 105.5FM Toronto
Interview available via

On her WrestleMania match with Damage CTRL: “I love that the unique thing about this match is you have this generational thing happening. So, you have the past, present, and then the future represented, right? Lita and I from the past, you have Becky [Lynch] and Bayley from the present, and you have the future in Dakota [Kai] and Iyo [Sky], so I think that dynamic is so interesting to see the different styles. To see Becky and Bayley like to get in the ring, you know, to be alongside or be against us knowing that we are the ones that inspired them to get in the ring is very cool and how will that play out.

“So, I think it’s gonna make for a real interesting match and I think people are digging it, I think people are interested in seeing…there’s always that nostalgic thing, the comebacks are always fun to watch around WrestleMania season, so it’s been fun. It’s an honor for me to do this with my bestie like for us to come back this many years later and you know 23 years we’ve been here now…And to be able to do it together, to have a WrestleMania moment together is so much fun. We’re traveling together, we’re enjoying it, we’re taking the moment, we’re passing the torch together whatever it is, right, we’re doing it together and it’s really fun to do that with Amy.”

What advice would she give her younger self prior to her first WrestleMania match at WrestleMania 18: “Just enjoy the moments. Sometimes in this business, it moves so fast and it’s really a frenetic pace. You’re suddenly your famous then you’re going at this pace and you have three new days, you’re on the road, you’re doing appearances, it’s so crazy. Stop and like really smell the roses and it sounds so cliche to say but it goes by so quick.

And really realize how special this is. I feel like there’s only a handful of people in this world that could do what we do, so recognize that and really relish in it, and take those moments and have your WrestleMania moments. And when I say WrestleMania moments, it doesn’t have to be on the WrestleMania stage, like we all have one version. Like for me, main eventing RAW was my WrestleMania moment. It was like one of the most pinnacle moments in my career, and so recognizing that and recognizing the journey, and really being just really being in the moment is so important because it flies by – it really does – and yeah, it’s a really special place to be.

Balancing her WWE and “Canada’s Got Talent” duties and being a mom: A whole meeting like, ‘Family, can we handle this? Mommy’s gonna go on the road. Can we handle it?’ I can ask my son, Max, what do you think of mom on the road? You liked it?…He likes it cause he understands now that like his mom’s a wrestler and people think it’s super cool…I’m doing a speaking engagement in Colorado and it’s like, ‘Oh, go wrestle and I could watch you on TV and I could tell my friends.’ Like it’s kinda cool, so it makes like letting mom go to do this wrestling thing kinda cooler and easier on the family. But also, just being grateful that I have this opportunity at this point of my career to go back and be at WrestleMania.

“You know, WrestleMania went Hollywood I don’t even know how many years ago, but…to do it again, I’m just thankful that I can go still, I’m thankful that I’m able to balance things and have child care in place and my family supporting me so that I can pursue this and kind of juggle all these things, but also super grateful that I am. I have a robust family life, we do things, we have this life that is amazing, but then I’m able to balance and show that like mommy goes to work and I’m this independent woman that has to go to work and that’s what makes me a better person with that makes me a better mom. So, to have that opportunity in WWE and also to have this new path of CGT judge, I feel so privileged and I feel it’s a really great place to be.”


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