AEW Revolution results: Powell’s live review of MJF vs. Bryan Danielson in an Iron Man match for the AEW World Championship, Jamie Hayter vs. Saraya vs. Ruby Soho in a three-way for the AEW Women’s Title, Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page in a Texas Death match, Samoa Joe vs. Wardlow for the TNT Title, The Elite vs. House of Black for the AEW Trios Titles

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Revolution
Aired live March 5, 2023 on pay-per-view
San Francisco, California at Chase Center

The AEW Revolution Zero Hour Pre-Show

Shots aired from the top of the venue and of the crowd standing outside the building while an echoey Renee Paquette welcomed viewers to the show while standing on the main floor. She introduced RJ City as her co-host and he checked in from backstage (there was some mic feedback). Young ran through the Revolution card…

Backstage, City interviewed Orange Cassidy and Danhausen and asked who they were wearing. “Clothes,” both men replied. City asked if they had a team name. “We’re called Orange Cassidy and Danhausen,” Danhausen said. Danhausen also thanked a number of celebrities while Cassidy walked away…

A video package recapped the Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page feud…

Don Callis joined Paquette on the main floor and described Moxley as a sociopath. Callis said he had concern for Page and then described him as a nice guy. Paquette said her husband is underrated as a technician. Callis said the Texas Death Match is perfect for Moxley, who enjoys fighting. Callis said he hoped there would be a definitive winner and an end to it because the violence has shocked even him. Paquette shifted the focus to the AEW Trios Title match. Callis said he and The Elite don’t know how to prepare for the House of Black…

Powell’s POV: While everyone’s tastes are different, I’m enjoying this pre-show approach more than just hitting fans with three or four matches on the pre-show. Having a few pre-show matches inevitably takes a toll on the live crowd at some point during the main card and also make the shows feel long.

Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone checked in from their desk on the stage. Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced the first team for the pre-show match…

1. Mark Briscoe, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Josh Woods, Ari Daivari, and Tony Nese (w/Mark Sterling). Sterling introduced his team from backstage and then came out and headed to the ring with them. Penta was dominating Nese when Sterling climbed onto the apron. Penta released Nese and then pulled Sterling over the top rope. Daivari ran in and attacked Penta from behind.

Woods tagged in and the heels isolated Penta. They made quick tags and roughed up Penta until he performed a clunky move on Woods and then put down the other two with a double DDT. Penta clotheslined Woods and then made a hot tag to Fenix, who performed some flashy offense on Nese. Fenix put Woods down and went for a corkscrew dive, but Woods caught him with a knee strike on the way down. Woods performed a rough suplex into the corner and covered Fenix, but Penta broke it up.

A short time later, Mark set up for a Jay Driller on Woods, but Sterling distracted the referee. Daivari ran in and hit Briscoe with a tablet while the referee was distracted. Daivari covered Briscoe for a near fall. Daivari set up Briscoe for a move while Penta and Fenix pulled Woods and Nese to the floor. Penta and Fenix ran in and kicked Daivari before he could perform a move on Briscoe. Penta and Fenix hit a double team move on Daivari, and then Briscoe performed the Froggy Bow elbow drop and pinned Daivari…

Mark Briscoe, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Rey Fenix defeated Josh Woods, Ari Daivari, and Tony Nese in 12:50.

Powell’s POV: A good match. The crowd loved the babyface trio. There was no reason to think the heels would win, but the table spot seemed to leave the crowd wondering for a moment.

An ad aired for AEW Double Or Nothing returning to Las Vegas for Dynamite and Rampage on May 24 and May 26 at MGM Grand Arena, and then the pay-per-view will be held at T-Mobile Arena on Sunday, May 28…

City interviewed Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Daniel Garcia in the backstage area. Menard said his nipples weren’t hard because they are banned from ringside during the Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks match. Parker had to redo his hair because he was so upset. Garcia said they would have the celebration of a lifetime after Jericho won the match. Jericho showed up at the end and got fired up with his guys…

Paquette ran through the ways to order the event, and then City interviewed Toni Storm in the backstage area…

City asked what Storm and Saraya’s strategy would be. Storm said she wouldn’t tell him. City asked if Storm would challenge for the title if Saraya were to win it. Storm said they are so close that Saraya would probably give it to her. Storm confirmed that the awful name for her hip attack move is Sweet Cheek Music. Storm took out a spray paint can and sprayed an “L” on City’s jacket…

Britt Baker was interviewed on the main floor by Paquette. Baker said respect was on the line in the AEW Women’s Championship match. Baker said she made everyone pay attention while she was champion. She said that Jamie Hayter is the best women’s wrestler and is holding the belt. Baker said Hayter lives and breathes pro wrestling and just wants to hurt her opponents. Baker said they won’t mess with anyone unless someone messes with them first. Baker said Saraya and Toni Storm are frustrated because people don’t care about what they have to say.

Paquette asked if there was another match she was looking forward to. Baker mentioned the main event and said she hoped we were done hearing 30-minute MJF promos every week. She added that MJF is underrated as a wrestler and an evil genius. Paquette asked about AEW All Access. Baker said she’s not in the editing room for the show, but she said she “let it all fly”…

A Samoa Joe and Wardlow video package aired…

Powerhouse Hobbs was interviewed by City. Hobbs intimidated City and then indicated that he had no preference when it came to whether he would challenge Joe or Wardlow for the TNT Title on AEW Dynamite. City asked Hobbs what’s in his book. Hobbs asked if he wanted to be in teh book, and then City squirmed…

Sonjay Dutt was interviewed by Paquette on the main floor. Dutt guaranteed that Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal would wear gold by the end of the night…

A Jack Perry and Christian Cage video package aired…

Schiavone stood by a casket on the stage. He explained that the way to win the Final Burial match was to lock the opponent inside the casket and pour dirt over it…

A trailer aired for the AEW All Access reality show…

Adam Cole was interviewed by City. Cole said he thinks the fans deserve to see the struggles that he’s gone through on AEW All Access. They spoke about Cole returning on March 29 on the Dynamite before the reality show debuts. Cole said his opponent would not be City. Cole went into promo mode while hyping his return to the ring…

Paquette ran through the pay-per-view lineup and then an MJF vs. Bryan Danielson video package aired…

City joined Paquette on the main floor. They were interrupted by the Oklahoma fight song. Jim Ross made his entrance and joined the broadcast team…

AEW Revolution Main Card

Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Taz checked in on commentary while some pyro shot off on the stage. Ross recalled saying online that if you like a lot of wrestling, then this is your show. Excalibur set up an ad from AEW’s daily fantasy sports sponsor… Justin Roberts was the ring announcer…

1. Ricky Starks vs. Chris Jericho. The Jericho Appreciation Society was banned from ringside. Ross assumed that Jericho had a plan. Starks had his ribs wrapped. The wrestlers traded punches to start the match. Jericho knocked Starks off the apron and he crashed into the barricade. Jericho blew kisses and was booed loudly by the same fans who sang his entrance theme a few minutes earlier.

Jericho went to the floor and shoved Starks into the barricade. When they returned to the ring, there were dueling “Let’s Go Ricky” and “Y2J” chants. Jericho targeted the ribs with an abdominal stretch and threw jabs at Starks’s side. Starks rallied with a tornado DDT for a near fall.

Jericho came right back and performed a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Jericho went for a Codebreaker, but Starks caught him and slammed him to the mat and covered him for a near fall. Starks went for his finisher, but Jericho slipped away and ended up hitting a Codebreaker for another near fall.

Starks avoided Jericho coming off the ropes with an attempted move and then ran the ropes and speared Jericho for another two count. Starks and Jericho stood up and jawed at one another before trading punches. Jericho punched the ribs of Starks, who dropped Jericho with a thrust kick. Starks fired up and went for a second rope moonsault. Jericho avoided the move and Starks landed on his feet, but Jericho put him in the Walls of Jericho.

Starks rolled out of the move. Sammy Guevara ran down the ramp and was tackled by Action Andretti. Referee Aubrey Edwards turned her attention to what was happening at ringside for no good reason and then Jericho jabbed Starks with his baseball bat. Jerihco went for the Judas Effect elbow, but Starks blocked it and hit Jericho repeatedly. Starks hit his Roshambo finisher and scored the pin…

Ricky Starks defeated Chris Jericho in 13:35.

Powell’s POV: A good opening match with a satisfying finish. I really could have done without Guevara running out even though he didn’t factor into the match. He didn’t actually make it to ringside, so I guess they technically honored the stipulation, but it’s just silly to think that he could have interfered despite the stip. Perhaps it’s something they’ll address on Dynamite. Overall, though, this was a good win for Starks. I’m curious to see what’s next for both men since this should wrap up the feud.

2. Christian Cage vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry in a Final Burial match. The coffin and dirt were set up next to the stage (away from the broadcast team). Both men wore pants rather than their typical gear, and Cage hilariously wore a turtleneck with the sleeves cut off. They quickly fought into the crowd.

Cage returned to ringside and backed up the ramp with Perry in hot pursuit. Cage turned and looked at the coffin, and then though better of going to the stage. Perry attacked him. Cage slipped away and headed back to the ring. Perry followed and bit Cage’s head. Perry mounted Cage in the corner and threw punches while the crowd counted along, but Cage pulled his hair and threw him off the ropes. Excalibur pointed out that the hair pulling was legal.

They made a weird cut to a moving camera to show that Jungle Boy’s family was in the crowd. Cage put his foot over the throat of Perry and posed, and then they got a better shot of the Perry family. Cage stood on Perry’s hair and pulled up on his arms. A “f— you, Christian” chant broke out. Perry came back and hit a suicide dive that drove the back of Cage’s head into the barricade.

Cage ran Cage into the barricade and the ring steps, then slammed the back of Cage’s head against the steps. Perry tried to stomp Cage’s arm on the steps, but Cage pulled it away and then tripped Perry, who landed hard on the steps. Cage, who was bleeding, removed Perry’s belt from his pants and then whipped him with it several times (and hard!). Welts quickly formed on the back of Perry, who ended up on the stage along with Cage.

Cage opened the coffin and had chairs waiting inside. Perry came to life and attacked Cage before he could use the chair. They both went for coffin moves that the other avoided. Cage backdropped Perry next to the coffin. Cage set up a pair of chairs on the stage and set up for a Killswitch, but Perry avoided it and pushed Cage off the stage.

Perry performed a flip dive off the stage and then played to the crowd. Both men went back to the stage. Cage begged off. Perry wound up to hit Cage with a chair, but Cage kicked him in the balls. Cage slammed Perry’s head on top of the casket a few times and then placed him inside. Cage tried to close the lid, but Perry stopped him.

Cage threw dirt into the eyes of Perry and then hit his Killswitch finisher on the dirt pile. Cage placed Perry’s head over a chair. Cage picked up another chair and went for a Conchairto, but Perry rolled out of the way. Perry picked up a shovel and swung it while Cage slammed the chair into it. They took turns choking each other with the shovel. Cage gouged the eyes of Perry.

Cage swung the shovel at Perry, who ducked it and then placed the shovel handle inside the mouth of Cage and wrenched back on it. Perry placed Cage’s head over a chair. Perry grabbed the second chair and played to the crowd. Ross questioned whether Perry had the killer instinct. Perry looked to the sky and then slammed the chair down for a Conchairto.

Perry picked up Cage and dragged him to the casket and placed him inside. Perry placed Cage’s arms over his chest, spoke to him, and then stood up. Perry looked to the sky and closed the lid, and then the casket fell downward into the dirt…

Powell’s POV: Coffin matches typically don’t do much for me, but this one was really good. Cage was at his weaselly best, and both men worked really hard in what was a fun brawl that told the story of Perry developing a killer instinct. I’m surprised we didn’t get a Luchasaurus appearance either during or after the match. For those keeping score, hat’s back to back wins from younger AEW wrestlers over older wrestlers with WWE history.

A video package set up the AEW Trios Title match…

3. “The Elite” Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson (w/Brandon Cutler, Michael Nakazawa) vs. “House of Black” Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews (w/Julia Hart) for the AEW Trios Titles. Hart wore Freddy Krueger style blades on one hand during the HOB entrance. Yes, of course Rick Knox was the referee. Don Callis sat in on commentary. Omega and Matthews started the match. Excalibur noted that they were similar sized and were compared to one another from an in-ring style standpoint.

Black tagged in and avoided Omega’s One Winged Angel, and then Omega ducked his knockout kick and sat down. Black sat down crosslegged while the crowd cheered. Both men tagged out. King checked in and sent all three Elite members to ringside. The HOB trio set up for dives, but The Elite trio quickly returned to the ring and traded punches with them.

A short time later, Nick performed a 450 splash on King, who kicked out aggressively at one. King once again took out all three Elite members using his power. Black worked over Matt with kicks against the barricade. King splashed Omega with a crossbody block against the barricade. King returned to the ring and then the challengers isolated Nick while his partners were still down at ringside.

The isolation didn’t last long. Omega checked in and chopped King down with a kick to the knee and then performed an over the top leg lariat for a two count. Omega performed a rolling senton on King and then went for a move from the ropes, but King put his knees up. Matthews dropkicked Omega into his corner, which knocked the Bucks off the apron. They quickly returned and the Elite members all hit moves on HOB. Omega covered King for a near fall.

Omega set up for a One Winged Angel, but King hit him to prevent hit. Omega set up for a snap dragon suplex, but King stuffed it and turned Omega inside out with a clothesline. Matthews tagged in . HOB went for a triple team move on Omega, but Nick broke it up. Black took out Nick and Omega with leaping knee strikes. Black put Omega in a submission hold, which Matt broke with a top rope move. The Bucks took out King with a double superkick. Moments later, Matt took out Matthews with a cutter, but Black blasted Matt with a kick.

Omega and Black squared off while the crowd chanted AEW. They traded strikes. Omega blasted Black with a V-Trigger in the corner. Both men stayed down. Nick went for a move, but Hart grabbed his leg from the floor. King put Nick in a sleeper hold and let him dangle over the apron until Matt superkicked him. Omega knocked King off the apron with a V-Trigger.

Black threw kicks at Omega, who blocked one and then performed two snap dragon suplexes. Omega signaled for a V-Trigger, but Hart stood on the apron and stared at him. Omega sucked a kick from Black and set up for his finisher, which Omega avoided. Omega went for a V-Trigger on Black, who moved, causing Omega to hit Hart with it. Black put Omega down with his big kick and had the pin, but Nick broke it up. Matt broke up another pin moments later.

Moments later, King performed a suicide dive onto Matt and Nick. The House of Black trio entered the ring while Omega was down on his knees. Black used his foot to lift Omega’s face. The Jacksons pulled King and Matthews to ringside. The Jacksons had a superkick party. Omega joined in on the last one for a triple superkick. The Elite trio hit the BTE Trigger on Black and had him pinned, but Matthews broke it up.

The Jacksons went set up for a Meltzer Driver on Black, but Matthews blasted a flipping Nick with a knee strike when he landed. Black hit Matt with a spin kick. King performed a Gonzo Bomb on Matt, and then Black covered Matt for the win…

“House of Black” Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews defeated “The Elite” Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson in 18:00 to win the AEW Trios Titles.

Ross told the other broadcast team members that he enjoyed being there and he would be replaced by Tony Schiavone…

Powell’s POV: Wow, that was a hell of a trios match. I like the title change, in part because I’d rather see Omega in the singles division and the Young Bucks in the tag team division. I don’t know if that’s the plan or not, but it’s not like I’d complain about seeing a rematch. I really liked the way the made was laid out to really showcase King early on. The broadcast team also spoke about how upset Don Callis was afterward. Omega didn’t take the pin, but I wonder if this was another step toward Callis dumping Omega to manage Konosuke Takeshita instead.

Schiavone joined Excalibur and Taz on commentary and then the entrances for the AEW Women’s Championship match took place…

4. Jamie Hayter (w/Britt Baker) vs. Saraya (w/Toni Storm) vs. Ruby Soho in a three-way for the AEW Women’s Championship. Hayter performed an early uranage slam on Saraya, who tumbled to the floor where she was consoled by Storm. Soho worked over Hayter and got a near fall.

A short time later, Saraya returned to the ring and put Hayter down with a move. Soho performed a Saito Suplex on Saraya. Hayter came right back and slammed Soho onto her knee, which left all three women down. When they all stood up, Hayter and Soho took turns hitting Saraya with forearms. She fired back and told them to stop, and then they doubled up on her for a moment.

Soho used her legs to spike Hater’s head onto the mat and then covered her for a near fall. Soho went up top, but Hayter cut her off. Saraya caught Soho in a submission hold, which Hayter broke up. Storm climbed onto the apron and was knocked down by Hayter. Saraya put Hayter down and then Baker distracted the referee by hopping onto the apron.

Late in the match, Hayter went for a ripcord clothesline that Soho sucked, and Hayter ended up hitting Saraya instead. Soho rolled up Hayter for a two count. Hayter ducked a kick from Soho and rolled her up for two. Hayter rolled Soho into another pin and got the three count.

Jamie Hayter defeated Ruby Soho and Saraya in a three-way in 10:00 to retain the AEW Women’s Championship.

After the match, Storm entered the ring and attacked Hayter. Excalibur noted that Storm wiped out Baker at ringside right after the match ended. Saraya and Storm put the boots to Hayter until Baker stopped them momentarily. Saraya and Storm worked over Hayter and Baker while Soho watched.

Soho cleared Saraya and Storm from the ring. “You don’t love this place,” Soho said. “This is our home, bitches.” Hayter raised the arm of Soho, who then dropped her with a kick. Soho followed up by slamming Hayter to the mat. At ringside, Storm shoved a cameraman and then slammed his television camera to the ground. Saraya handed Soho a can of spray paint, which she used to paint “L” on Hayter and Baker…

Powell’s POV: These three were put in a tough spot by having to immediately follow the insane trios match. I’m surprised the company didn’t put the tag team title match in this position instead or at least run some video packages or interviews to give the crowd a chance to recover. But that’s nothing compared to the ridiculous storytelling they had to work with. Soho could have joined Saraya in double teaming Hayter to take the title from her. Oh, no, Soho waited to swerve Hayter instead. The post match angle with Soho tossing Saraya and Storm to ringside just to surprise Hayter and Baker was also an eye roller.

A video package set up the Texas Death Match and then the match entrances took place. Page came out first. Moxley entered through the crowd. Page attacked him once he arrived at ringside…

5. Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page in a Texas Death match. Moxley pulled out a roll of barbed wire early on. They also had a barbed wire board at ringside. Page ended up taking the barbed wire and raked Moxley’s head with it. Shockingly, Moxley bled. Can you believe it?!? Moxley ended up with a fork, but Page initially blocked him from using it. Moxley wrapped his legs around the head of Page and then stabbed him with the fork repeatedly. Both men bled heavily just a few minutes into the match.

Moxley continued to jab Page with the fork, which drew another rise out of the live crowd. Moxley tossed a chair wrapped in barbed wire into the ring and then wedged it a corner. Page hit Moxley with several forearms and whipped him toward the chair, but Moxley did a baseball slid. Page charged Moxley, who sidestepped him and then shoved him into the barbed wire chair. The referee counted, but Page was able to get back to his feet.

A short time later, Page powerbombed Moxley onto a pair of chairs that were positioned back to back with barbed wire on top (fortunately, he slammed Moxley onto the seat of just one chair rather than onto the tops of both chairs). Moxley ended up on the floor. Page went to the ropes and wrapped a piece of barbed wire around himself and then performed a moonsault onto Moxley. Page removed the barbed wire and had cuts on his back from it. Moxley beat the referee’s count.

Page grabbed the bared wire board and leaned it against a chair at ringside. When Page returned to the ring, Moxley put him down with a cutter. Moxley went to ringside and pulled out a chain with a couple of bricks. A “You sick f—” chant broke out. Moxley placed Page’s hand on one brick, put the other on top, and then stomped it with his foot.

Moxley put the chain in the middle of the ring and then performed a piledriver onto it. Page beat the referee’s count. Page bit the thumb of Moxley and then flipped him off before slapping him across the face. Moxley got pissed and then set up the barbed wire board over two chairs at ringside. Moxley returned to the ring and was suplexed by Page. Moxley shot right up, but Page dropped him with a clothesline.

Page wrapped barbed wire around his forearm and then struck Moxley with it twice. Moxley battled back, but Page ended up performing a fallaway slam onto the barbed wire covered chair in the ring. Page followed up with a Deadeye onto the same chair. Moxley beat the referee’s count by rolling to the floor. Page dove over the top rope and shoved Moxley onto the barbed wire board. Moxley acted like he was in agony, then laughed and called for more. Moxley beat the referee’s count and rolled back inside the ring.

Page was cut off on the ropes by Moxley, who then used his fingernails to claw his back. Page returned the favor. Moxley grabbed some barbed wire and raked Page’s back with it. Moxley grabbed Page by the head and was about to say something, but Page had barbed wire and raked Moxley with it. Moxley ended up seated on a chair. Moxley shot up tossed Page from the ropes onto a barbed wire board on the floor. Page returned to the ring and broke the count.

Moxley put Page down with a big lariat. Page eventually got up and returned the favor with a lariat of his own. Page went for a Buckshot Lariat, but Moxley ducked it and put Page down with a Death Rider. Moxley followed up by stomping the head of Page onto one of the bricks. A portion of the crowd starting chanting the Seth Rollins’ theme for a moment. Page stood up, but Moxley caught him in a sleeper. Page faded and then Moxley let him fall to the mat. Page beat the count.

Moxley and Page both ended up with an end of the chain. Page put Moxley down with a lariat. Page eyed up the brick and set up for a move that Moxley countered, but Page slipped away and choked Moxley with the chain. Moxley kicked Page below the belt to break it and some fans booed. Page stood up and hit Moxley with one of the bricks. Page hit a Buckshot Lariat on Moxley, who had the chain wrapped around his neck. Moxley stood up and was clotheslined over the top rope. Page grabbed the chain and hung Moxley with it until he tapped out.

Hangman Page defeated Jon Moxley in 24:45 in a Texas Death Match.

After the match, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta came out and helped Moxley exit through the crowd. Page stumbled to sell the effects of the match while celebrating his win…

Powell’s POV: A wild brawl that lived up to the carnage expected from a Texas Death Match stipulation even if it was more of a Last Man Standing match. In fact, it felt like a Monster’s Ball at times minus the awful Janice weapon and the tired thumbtacks spot. Both men worked really hard and the crowd was hot from bell to bell. As was the case with every main card match other than the Trios Title match thus far, this was another case of someone who is viewed as an AEW original beating a former WWE wrestler.

A video package set up the TNT Title match and then the match entrances took place…

6. Samoa Joe vs. Wardlow for the TNT Championship. Joe took offensive control early, but Wardlow ran up the ropes and dove onto him. Wardlow delivered shoulder blocks in the corner. Wardlow threw some awful punches and elbows at Joe’s head. Joe stuffed a move attempt and then swept the knee of Wardlow, which he then targeted with kicks. Powerhouse Hobbs, who will challenge the winner, was shown watching the match in a suite.

Wardlow rallied with a spinebuster and followed up moments later with a Swanton for a near fall. Wardlow went for a lariat, but Joe ducked it and put him in a rear naked choke. Joe maintained the hold as both men fell to the mat. Wardlow reached out for the ropes, but his hand went limp momentarily, and then he was able to grab the rope to break the hold. Joe performed a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

Joe placed Wardlow on the ropes to set up for his finisher. Wardlow slipped under Joe and then powerbombed him. Wardlow wanted to go for another, but Joe dodged it and then blasted him with a clothesline. Joe called for his own Powerbomb Symphony, but Wardlow slipped out. Wardlow headbutted Joe and then put him in a rear naked choke of his own. The referee checked Joe’s arm, which fell three times, and then called for the bell.

Wardlow defeated Samoa Joe in 10:40 to win the TNT Championship.

Wardlow celebrated with the title belt. Hobbs was shown in the suite and mocked the Powerbomb Symphony motion. Wardlow stood the ropes with his title and pointed to Hobbs, who held up the brass ring that he won in the Face of the Revolution ladder match. Wardlow held up his belt while the broadcast team hyped Wardlow vs. Hobbs for the TNT Title for Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite…

Powell’s POV: This match seemed to pay a bigger price for the rapid fire match approach, as I think they really would have benefitted from the crowd getting a breather after the bloody Texas Death match. I’m not a fan of Joe being choked out, but obviously they are really trying to make the AEW originals shine tonight. Wardlow has had better outings. He does some impressive things for a guy his size, but I can’t get past how awful those early punches looked.

Entrances for the AEW Tag Team Title match took place. Max Caster rapped his team to the ring…

7. Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn vs. “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens (w/Billy Gunn) vs. Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal (w/Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt) vs. Orange Cassidy and Danhausen in a four-way for the AEW Tag Team Titles. Early in the match, the Acclaimed put Jarrett in position for Scissor Me Timbers. Dutt ran in and the Acclaimed hit him with the move instead. Caster and Bowens followed up with a scissors spot and then the Gunns attacked them, which drew loud Ass boys chants.

Austin performed a vertical suplex on Bowens while the other heels cleared the other babyfaces from the apron. The four heels performed struts and then scissored once they met in the middle of the ring. Eventually, the Gunns turned on Jarrett and Lethal by clotheslining them. Singh entered the ring and grabbed both Gunns by the throats and then shoved them over the top rope.

Danhausen entered the ring and wanted to curse Singh, but Dutt stopped him. Danhausen cleared Dutt from the ring. Singh grabbed Danhausen by the throat, but Cassidy hit him with an Orange Punch. Billy entered the ring and hit Singh with a Fameasser. The Gunns attacked their father and cleared him from the ring.

The Acclaimed and Gunns fought. Caster hit the Mic Check on Austin, but Colten shoved Bowens into the pin to break it. Bowens pulled Colten to the floor. Colten threw Bowens over the barricade. Jarrett threw Austin out of the ring. Jarrett got a guitar and swung it at Caster, who ducked it. Caster wanted to hit Jarrett with hit, but referee Aubrey Edwards took the guitar away for no good reason. Lethal hit Caster with a weapon and then Jarrett covered him for a near fall.

Jarrett protested the count of Edwards and shoved her. Edwards shoved him back. Jarrett was cleared from the ring. Danhausen rolled up Austin for a two count and followed up with a German suplex. Danhausen went for another move, but the Gunns hit him a double team move and scored the pin…

Austin and Colten Gunn defeated Orange Cassidy & Danhausen, The Acclaimed, and Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal in a four-way in 13:35 to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles.

After the match, Renee Paquette entered the ring and spoke with the Gunns, who were booed loudly by the fans. “Who’s the Ass Boy now?” Austin asked. Colten said they beat FTR, The Acclaimed, Lethal and Jarrett, and they demand respect. He claimed that they were the best tag team in the world.

FTR’s entrance theme played. Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler made their entrance in jeans and t-shirts. FTR entered the ring and traded punches with the Gunns. Harwood cleared Austin from the ring. Wheeler and Harwood performed a spike piledriver on Colten. Austin returned to the ring and took a Big Rig from the FTR duo. Harwood was busted open somehow. Harwood and Wheeler picked up the tag title belts for a moment and then tossed them to the Gunns, who were down at ringside…

Powell’s POV: I didn’t get the spot with the referee taking the chair away because four-ways are No DQ matches, so that was odd. But the match was fine for what it was. It’s not what I want to see from the AEW tag team division and hopefully the return of FTR will cause the division to become more serious and feature more traditional tag team matches. Granted, my main complaint about FTR prior to their break was that they rarely worked traditional tag team matches in AEW, but I’m hoping that things will be better this time around.

A video package set up the main event and then entrances for the main event took place. Bryan Danielson made his standard entrance. A group of masked classical musicians came out and played MJF’s theme. MJF came out wearing a mask, which he removed once he got to the ring…

8. MJF vs. Bryan Danielson in a sixty-minute Iron Man Match for the AEW World Championship. Justin Roberts delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Danielson had his left shoulder taped.There was a countdown clock in a bottom corner of the screen when the match started and then it was removed. MJF stalled by rolling to ringside. Excalibur spoke about how MJF’s longest match was just a shade over 38 minutes, whereas Danielson’s longest match went 74 minutes.

MJF offered a handshake at one point, but Danielson didn’t fall for it. A frustrated MJF went to ringside and grabbed a drink from a woman and threw it on the person next to her. MJF played to the crowd. Danielson slid to the floor, but MJF spotted him and returned to the ring and then strutted. Danielson got back in the ring and did some jumping jacks. Danielson rolled MJF into a pin and got a two count.

A short time later, MJF ran Danielson’s left shoulder into the corner. MJF rolled to the floor, pulled out a water bottle, and then poured some in his mouth and on his body before returning to the ring. MJF continued to target the shoulder by running it into the ringside barricade. MJF told the fans to move and then teased that he would throw Danielson over the barricade, but he turned him around and threw him back inside the ring instead. MJF flipped off the fans. Danielson hit MJF from the ring. Danielson went for a suicide dive, but MJF ended up sending Danielson shoulder first into the barricade.

Back inside the ring, MJF performed a hammerlock DDT and then covered Danielson for a two count. Danielson eventually came back with a sunset bomb. MJF got up first and charged Danielson, who tripped him into the corner with a drop toe hold. Danielson threw kicks at MJF in the corner and then followed up with three running dropkicks. Danielson mounted MJF in the corner and fired punches at him while the fans counted along. Danielson placed MJF on the top rope and then performed a huracanrana before covering him for another two count.

A short time later, MJF catapulted Danielson over the top rope. Danielson skinned the cat, but MJF kicked him to the floor. MJF went for an Asai moonsault. Danielson avoided the move and then MJF sold a knee injury. Danielson returned to the ring and performed a suicide dive. Danielson eventually sent MJF back inside the ring. Danielson went for a move from the top rope, but MJF caught him on the way down and went for the Salt of the Earth, which Danielson blocked. MJF performed a pump-handle driver for a good near fall. The wrestlers followed up a short time later with back and forth pin attempts.

Danielson ran the ropes, but MJF put him down with a clothesline. Danielson got up and ran the ropes and then put MJF down with a clothesline. Both men were down as the countdown clock on the screen showed 35:20 remaining in the match before disappearing again. Referee Bryce Remsburg counted and then both men got to their feet at his nine count. Danielson hit MJF with a Busaiku Knee and pinned him to win the first fall.

Bryan Danielson pinned MJF in 25:28 to go up 1-0.

The broadcast team said there was no rest period between falls. Danielson wanted to perform his finisher again, but MJF dropped the mat. MJF low-blowed Danielson.

Bryan Danielson beat MJF by DQ in 26:35 to go up 2-0.

MJF caught Danielson in an inside cradle after low blowing him and then pinned him.

MJF pinned Bryan Danielson in 26:43 to make it 2-1 in favor of Danielson.

MJF immediately covered Danielson again and got another three count off the same low blow.

MJF pinned Bryan Danielson in 26:46 to even the falls at 2-2.

Powell’s POV: The disqualification was a bit confusing for a moment, but the broadcast team did a good job of explaining that MJF was disqualified for low-blowing Danielson in front of the referee. They also noted that his strategy paid off, as he was able to even up the falls by getting those two quick pins after the low blow.

The match spilled over to ringside and Danielson eventually took control. Danielson targeted MJF’s injured knee and wrapped it around the ring post. Back in the ring, Danielson continued to assault the knee and put MJF in a figure four. MJF fell to his back and sat up when the referee tried to count the pin. MJF slapped Danielson and told him that he hated him. Danielson leaned back in the hold and then slapped MJF.

MJF tried to roll it over. Danielson told him to “come on” and then motioned for him to do it. MJF was able to roll Danielson over, but Danielson rolled him right back into position. MJF grabbed the ropes to break the hold. Danielson smiled and then taunted MJF before kicking him as MJF rolled under the ropes. Danielson joined MJF on the apron and went for a piledriver, but MJF avoided it. MJF picked up Danielson, who punched his knee and then slipped away. The wrestlers traded strikes on the apron. Danielson knocked MJF down with multiple kicks to the thigh.

Danielson picked up MJF and placed him in a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Danielson went up behind MJF and hit him with elbow strikes. MJF caught Danielson with a punch that knocked him to the ringside floor. MJF dropped down from the ropes and went to the floor. The camera that is normally set up in the corner was lying on the ground. MJF ran Danielson into the ring post and then placed him on the timekeeper’s table. MJF went to the top rope and performed an elbow drop that drove Danielson through the table. MJF returned to the ring, and then Danielson barely beat the referee’s count to avoid being counted out with 21:40 remaining.

Excalibur noted that MJF was now officially in the longest match of his career. MJF took Danielson to the floor and then performed a leaping tombstone piledriver on what was left of the timekeeper’s table. MJF came up selling his left knee. Danielson came up with bloody forehead, which MJF gouged with his thumbs. MJF threw Danielson back inside the ring and then draped him over the ropes before piledriving him and then pinning him.

MJF pinned Bryan Danielson in 40:30 to take a 3-2 lead.

MJF sold knee pain and didn’t go for another pin. MJF rolled to the floor and drank some water, poured some on himself, and then sprayed fans with it before returning to the ring. “You’re the best in the world, huh?” MJF asked before kicking Danielson. “You f—ing suck.” MJF looked to the crowd and boasted that he’s the best. MJF grabbed Danielson by the face and told him to say hi to his kids. “I told you this would happen to Dada,” said MJF while looking into the camera.

MJF continued to get the better of Danielson and blew snot at him. MJF dared Danielson to give him his best shot. Danielson slapped him, but MJF responded with a headbutt that put Danielson down. At ringside, MJF put Danielson’s arm behind his back and tried to run him into the ring post, but Danielson reversed it. Danielson went to the apron and hit MJF with a flying knee. Danielson went up top and dove onto MJF on the floor with 14:00 remaining.

Back inside the ring, MJF placed Danielson in a seated position on the top rope. MJF went to the ropes, but Danielson slipped under him and crotched him on the ropes. Danielson went to the middle rope and threw punches at MJF and then suplexed him into the ring while hooking his own legs on the top rope.

Danielson sat up on the ropes and then turned around and stood on the top rope before performing a top rope headbutt. Danielson stayed down and reached for his shoulder. MJF came up bleeding heavily from the forehead and then Danielson covered him for a two count. Danielson hit MJF with a Busaiku Knee and then put him in a LeBell Lock. A bloody MJF tapped out with 10:40 remaining.

Bryan Danielson forced MJF to submit at 49:20 to even up the falls 3-3.

Danielson went for the LeBell Lock again, but MJF countered into a Salt of the Earth armbar. Danielson rolled out of the move and then applied the LeBell Lock, but he couldn’t quite lock it in. MJF inched toward the ropes, but Danielson rolled him into the center of the ring and then locked in the hold.

MJF teased tapping, then rolled onto Danielson and got a two count. MJF applied the Salt of the Earth again. Danielson nearly escaped, but MJF countered into an armbar. Danielson reached to grab the ropes, but MJF hooked that arm and put him in another submission hold. Danielson used his free leg to reach the ropes to break the hold with 7:20 remaining. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

MJF and Danielson traded strikes on their knees and continued to do so once they got to their feet. They hit each other with simultaneous punches and then both men fell to their knees. Justin Roberts announced that there were five minutes remaining, and then both men fired up and unloaded one one another with punches. They traded chops. Danielson hit a couple of elbow strikes and knocked MJF down. Danielson picked up MJF and charged at him, but MJF sidestepped him. MJF wrenched Danielson’s arm over the ropes and then hit him with another piledriver for a near fall.

MJF placed Danielson on the top rope and then went up and sat on it. MJF tried to put Danielson over his shoulder, but Danielson avoided it and hit him with several elbows. MJF raped the eyes and then performed a middle rope piledriver. MJF came up selling knee pain while Danielson as down on the mat as the now red (it had been white) countdown clock went to 2:00 remaining. The crowd chanted “fight forever.”

MJF pounded on the mat and covered Danielson, who kicked out with 1:15 remaining. Danielson hooked MJF in a single leg crab as the clock reached 1:00. MJF reached out for the ropes, but Danielson pulled him to the middle of the ring and then wrenched on the half crab. MJF pushed himself up and teased tapping, but instead swiped his hand under his body. Danielson continued to wrench on the leg and MJF teased tapping, but the clock expired. Once the clock his zero, MJF tapped out and then Danielson released the hold.

MJF fought Bryan Danielson to a draw in a 60-minute Iron Man match when both wrestlers finished 3-3 in total falls.

MJF was given oxygen by the trainer. Danielson got back to his feet and was upset as Justin Roberts announced that MJF was the winner via time limit draw. The fans booed and chanted bullshit. Tony Schiavone acted like he was getting word through his ear piece and said he would be happy to announce that. Schiavone stood up and walked to ringside and spoke with Roberts, who then announced that Tony Khan wouldn’t let the match end in a draw, so it would restart under sudden death rules.

MJF protested and the ref shoved him away. Danielson rolled him into a pin for a two count. MJF caught Danielson with a low blow and picked up a near fall of his own. MJF grabbed his title belt and wanted to use it as a weapon, but the referee told him that if he used it, he would lose it. “Be my guest,” the referee said. MJF handed the referee his title belt. MJF approached Danielson, who ended up performing a Poison Rana. Danielson got the crowd to chant yes, and then hit his Busaiku Knee for an amazing near fall.

Danielson acted stunned that the move didn’t put away MJF. Danielson grabbed MJF’s bad leg and kicked his bad knee a few times. Danielson applied the half crab. The referee spotted the Dynamite Diamond Ring on MJF’s finger and removed it. MJF pounded the mat with his fists while still locked in the hold. MJF reached the ropes with one hand and then pounded the mat with the other. Danielson released the hold and then MJF rolled to the floor while the referee explained to Danielson what had happened.

MJF grabbed the oxygen tank that had been used on him after the sixty-minute mark and hit Danielson with it while the referee was shielded. MJF returned to the ring and put Danielson in his own LeBell Lock finisher. The referee checked the arm of Danielson and it dropped twice, but he came to life on the third try. Danielson held up his arm and slowly faded and then tapped out to his own submission hold.

MJF defeated Bryan Danielson in 5:20 of overtime to retain the AEW World Championship.

MJF sat on the mat holding his title belt while Excalibur closed the show by saying that AEW is the home of professional wrestling…

Powell’s POV: A fantastic match and a strong early candidate for match of the year in my book. This was special. They went over and hour and had the live crowd with them every step of the way. I’m not a big fan of Iron Man matches, but MJF and Danielson killed it. What a great main event. And what a great credibility building moment for MJF as a wrestler. He’s had plenty of good matches, but there are some fans who still consider him to be more of a great talker than a great wrestler. This match should put an end to that once and for all.

Overall, a good pay-per-view that the main event elevated to great. The pre-show comedy was rough at times, but I think the approach of only having one pre-show match helped the prevent the match fatigue that some of AEW’s past pay-per-view events have suffered from. I’m not sure if this is an approach they intend to go with more often or if it was more about this show being headlined by an Iron Man match. I will have a lot more to say about Revolution my my same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by voting for the best match and grading the overall event.

Join us for Pro Wrestling Boom Live on Monday at 1CT/2ET at Sean Plichta and I will be taking your calls on AEW Revolution and other pro wrestling current events.

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. Are they pretending a last man standing match is Texas Death again?

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