2/20 WWE Raw results: Powell’s live review of the Elimination Chamber fallout edition with Austin Theory vs. Edge for the U.S. Championship, Mustafa Ali vs. Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins vs. The Miz

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,552)
Live from Ottawa, Ontario at Canadian Tire Centre
Aired February 20, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with footage of Roman Reigns beating Sami Zayn to retain the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship in the main event of WWE Elimination Chamber. They also included the post match footage with Kevin Owens helping Zayn by fighting off The Bloodline members… Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves checked in on commentary, and Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Sami Zayn made an energetic entrance and was cheered loudly by the crowd. Once Zayn was in the ring, a loud “Sami” chant broke out followed by “Ole, Ole, Ole” while Zayn stood in the ring with a microphone. He raised the mic to speak and then another “Sami” chant started.

“Wow,” Zayn started. “I’m feeling a lot of feelings here, guys.” He said the one that came to the front more than anything was gratitude. Zayn said the fans have no idea what the ovations he’s received mean to him. The crowd chanted “you deserve it.”

Zayn said he also feels guilt after coming so close to putting a bow on a storybook ending. He said he felt like he let people down. Zayn said that after a couple days and now with the fan’s reaction in Ottawa, he realizes that the story is never over. Zayn said they were entering the final chapter. He said it’s not just about him and there’s one person he needs to talk to. Zayn called out Kevin Owens.

Kevin Owens’ entrance music played and he made his entrance to a strong ovation. A “KO” chant broke out once Owens joined Zayn inside the ring. Zayn said there was so much he wanted to say to Owens and now that he was in front of him, he didn’t know what to say. Zayn said he wanted to say thank you and he wanted to say he was sorry.

“Let’s be honest, things have gotten a little messy,” Zayn said. Zayn added that he knew there were some things that there may not be any coming back from, but one thing that Owens wants is to take down The Bloodline. Zayn said now he has a mission and he will take down The Bloodline if it’s the last thing he does.

Zayn said that Owens couldn’t take down The Bloodline alone and neither could he. Zayn said he thinks the only way to get the job done is to do it together. Owens turned his back to Zayn and looked to the crowd, which broke out in a “yes” chant.

Owens said he didn’t need an apology from Zayn or even his gratitude. Owens said he didn’t do what he did at Elimination Chamber for Zayn. Owens said he did it for his family and Zayn’s family. Owens said his family had to watch him get beaten down by The Bloodline and Zayn was involved. Owens said he didn’t want Zayn’s family to have to watch him take a beating.

Owens said he’d been fighting The Bloodline for months on his own. “And as far as I’m concerned, that’s fine and that’s the way I’m going to keep fighting them.” Owens recalled saying he was done with Zayn after Survivor Series. “If you need help taking down The Bloodline, just ask your buddy, Jey (Uso),” Owens said before dropping the mic and leaving the ring. Zayn turned and watched Owens head toward the back.

The broadcast team spoke from ringside and hyped the previously advertised U.S. Championship match, Bayley hosting the “Ding Dong, Hello” talkshow with Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai as her guests, the Seth Rollins vs. Miz match, and an appearance by Cody Rhodes.

Zayn was standing on the stage and looking back at the live crowd when Baron Corbin ran out and hit him from behind. Corbin’s attack continued while the show cut to a picture-in-picture commercial break. Zayn fought back during the break and then a group of officials ran out to pull them apart. Corbin got a cheap shot in and then ran Zayn into the video wall. Corbin headed to the ring.

Powell’s POV: A really good opening segment. Dot Net staffer Colin McGuire expressed his disappointment that we didn’t get the Owens and Zayn reunion at Elimination Chamber. Meanwhile, I gave WWE creative credit for not shooting their wad all in one night. I don’t know that either one of us is wrong as much as we have different perspectives. Colin felt that the reunion should have happened in Montreal to close out the pay-per-view on a high note, whereas I like that there’s more story to tell and they didn’t just dive right into Owens and Zayn being friends again too quickly.

Corbin stood in the ring with a microphone coming out of the break and asked Zayn how it felt. He complained about Zayn interrupting him last week and said that Zayn didn’t belong in the ring with Roman Reigns. Corbin boasted that he’s the last person to beat Reigns.

Corbin said he called it by saying that Reigns would destroy Zayn in front of his family and friends. Zayn was back on his feet and was being held back by referees and producers. Corbin said Zayn’s story is over and called him a complete and utter failure.

Zayn broke free and headed to the ring. Zayn tackled Corbin and threw punches at him. Once they were back on their feet, Zayn clotheslined Corbin over the top rope. A referee checked with both men and then called for the bell while Graves said that Adam Pearce had made the match official…

1. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin. Zayn set up for a Helluva Kick, but Corbin headed to the apron and then hit Zayn once he came after him. Corbin threw punches at Zayn and removed his t-shirt. They cut to another PIP break while Corbin was working over Zayn. [C]

Zayn went back on the offensive coming out of the break. Zayn ran up the ropes and hit Corbin with a DDT on the way down for a near fall. Zayn threw Corbin to ringside and then executed a flip dive onto him on the floor. Zayn rolled Corbin back inside the ring and went for a Helluva Kick, but Corbin cut him off by turning him inside out with a clothesline.

Corbin put Zayn down with a Deep Six for the usual near fall. Corbin hit Zayn with a couple of clotheslines in the corner. Corbin went to the opposite corner, but Zayn followed and dropped him with a Helluva Kick and then scored the pin…

Sami Zayn defeated Baron Corbin in roughly 9:00.

The broadcast team spoke at ringside and set up a sponsored highlight package of Edge and Beth Phoenix beating Finn Balor and Rhea Ripley at Elimination Chamber. The broadcast team hyped the U.S. Championship match and then a production crew member was shown clipping a microphone on Ripley, who was seated with Dominik Mysterio for an interview… [C]

Powell’s POV: A nice bounce back win for Zayn. Corbin is already better off without a bad had, a corny gimmick, and JBL. I wonder if Corbin has had back to back impromptu matches on Raw because they are coming up with a new entrance for him. That’s just a guess. Either way, I’d like to see Corbin actually pick up some wins with the Deep Six. I get that his finisher is End of Days, but the Deep Six is a good move that just screams “near fall” to fans who watch on a regular basis. With a little work, they could actually sell viewers on the Deep Six being an occasional finisher.

Ottawa Senators photos were shown while Patrick noted that they were in the NHL team’s home arena…

Byron Saxton interviewed Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio in a backstage room. Saxton asked about Ripley and Finn Balor losing to Edge and Beth Phoenix. Ripley pointed out that Phoenix referred to her as the real deal afterward and then said she’s looking forward. Saxton went for a follow-up question, but Dom cut him off.

Saxton asked Ripley about her WrestleMania opponent Charlotte Flair and losing to her at a past WrestleMania event. Ripley said everyone can see that she is now the best in WWE. Ripley said she doesn’t make the same mistake twice. Ripley said she will come out of WrestleMania as the new Smackdown Women’s Champion.

Saxton asked what would happen when Ripley and Flair meet face to face. Ripley said he’d have to watch to find out. Dom said his father has a match on Smackdown, so he intends to tag along with Ripley…

Patrick and Graves narrated highlights of Logan Paul attacking Seth Rollins and costing him the men’s Elimination Chamber match. Footage also aired of U.S. Champion Austin Theory issuing an open challenge at the Elimination Chamber press conference, which was followed by Edge accepting the open challenge later at the same presser…

U.S. Champion Austin Theory was interviewed by Cathy Kelley on the backstage ring set. Theory boasted about beating five wrestlers in the same match and doing just what he said he would. Theory said it bothers him that the headlines are not about him, they are about John Cena returning to Raw in two weeks. Theory said he loves that he gets to beat Edge in “crappy Canada” and said he will never lose his championship…

Dolph Ziggler made his entrance for his match against Mustafa Ali (this really should have taken place during a PIP break to spare me from hearing his shitty entrance theme)… [C] Mustafa Ali made his entrance while footage aired of a backstage clip recorded last week that set up their match…

2. Dolph Ziggler vs. Mustafa Ali. Ziggler got off to a quick start until Ali clotheslined him over the top rope. Graves spoke about how Ziggler tried to help Ali, but Ali mocked him and now Ziggler is showing him tough love. Ziggler caught Ali going for a rolling move and put him down with a DDT for a near fall.

Ziggler went for the Fameasser, but Ali used his hands to avoid having his head spiked into the mat. Ali caught Ziggler in a crucifix pin for the three count.

Mustafa Ali defeated Dolph Ziggler in 2:15.

After the match, Ali grabbed Ziggler’s hand and shook it until Ziggler pulled it away. Ali went to ringside and celebrated his win in an over the top manner…

Powell’s POV: I sincerely hope this feud with Ali somehow leads to Ziggler getting a presentation makeover. It feels like they’ve been taking an “If it’s broken, don’t fix it” approach to his act for far too long.

Cathy Kelley stood backstage and said she was supposed to be interviewing The Miz, who was busy kissing Maryse. Once they stopped Kelley approached Miz, but Maryse returned and wished him happy anniversary and presented him with a gift. Miz was blown away by whatever was inside the envelope.

Kelley asked what the gift was, but Miz said he would save it for himself, a world renown journalist, to announce next week. Kelley turned the focus to Seth Rollins. Miz said he was happy that Rollins was put in his place by his former protege Logan Paul. Miz took credit for Paul’s success and then said the gift that Maryse gave him made his dreams come true…

Powell’s POV: What gift would make Miz so happy? They better not be putting poor Marjo in a retirement home!!!

Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage while the broadcast team said he would appear after a break… [C] A graphic boasted that videos of Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn from Elimination Chamber generated nearly 20 million views thus far…

[Hour Two] Cody Rhodes made his entrance in the first crossover segment. A “Cody” chant broke out once he was in the ring. Cody held up the mic and then looked to the crowd. “So…” Cody said before he was interrupted.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Paul Heyman said. Heyman was shown on the big screen sporting a neck brace with the two title belts over his shoulders. Cody asked where Heyman was. Heyman said he was backstage. Cody told Heyman that he might as well come out and asked him to come to the ring.

Heyman said he was mauled by a kodiak and was subject to the miserable Canadian healthcare plan. Heyman said it should have been a celebratory weekend for his Tribal Chief, but it ended up tragic. Heyman told Cody that he can’t beat Reigns.

Heyman spoke hypothetically about Cody beating Reigns at WrestleMania and questioned what his life would be like. Heyman mentioned indentured servitude. Heyman said that if Cody beat Reigns and emphasized that he would not, but he said Rhodes would be on the road 200 days per year defending the championship, fifty days of doing red carpet events, and came up with other things that would keep Cody on the road for over 300 days.

Heyman said Cody would be home for roughly sixty days per year. Heyman said Dusty Rhodes lived that life and when he was home, he was truly never home. Heyman asked Cody if that’s the life he wants for his wife and child.

Heyman said Cody probably expected him to say something vile such as how Roman would keep Cody’s wife warm. Heyman said he wouldn’t do that and noted that Reigns is a married man. “But I’m not,” Heyman said. He added that Cody would find out that his WrestleMania dream would become his own personal nightmare.

Cody sold Heyman’s words by pacing around the ring. Cody looked into the camera and said: “You’re great, Roman. But I’ve seen this play before. Do not send this man again.” Cody said they will probably meet face to face soon and he will tell him that he’s the best champion in all of sports, but it doesn’t change a damn thing. “I have to finish the story,” said Cody. “I beat you at WrestleMania.” Cody dropped the mic and left the ring…

Powell’s POV: This wasn’t as strong or memorable as the in-ring segment that Cody and Heyman had previously, but it was still a good, effective exchange. Heyman did a good job with promo, and Cody did a wonderful job of selling Heyman’s comments while also acknowledging that he saw through the game that Reigns and Heyman were playing. Perhaps the most important part of all of this is that Cody was cheered heavily by the Canadian fans. While there are plenty of fans out there who feel that Zayn should have been in the WrestleMania main event, they don’t seem to be holding it against Cody.

Clips were shown of Asuka beating Carmella to win the Elimination Chamber match to earn a shot at the Raw Women’s Championship at WrestleMania… Asuka made her entrance for a match against Nikki Cross…

Graves set up the WrestleMania Goes Hollywood video that featured Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch doing their take on The Joker and Batman… [C] Nikki Cross ran to the ring while she was introduced…

3. Asuka vs. Nikki Cross. The bell rang to start the match and then Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair made her entrance. Asuka and Cross both watched Belair’s entrance and then started the match once she was at ringside. Belair took a seat near the broadcast table.

Asuka pulled Cross to the apron and hit her with a knee lift. Asuka threw a kick at Cross, who ducked it, causing Asuka to kick the ring post casing. Cross performed a reverse DDT on the apron heading into a PIP break. [C] Cross harassed Kevin Patrick at one point during the break.

Later, Asuka DDT’d Cross from the middle rope and then covered her for a two count. Belair was shown looking impressed by Asuka’s move. Asuka threw kicks to the chest of Cross, who called for one to the face, which Asuka obliged. Cross ducked a kick, but Asuka caught her with another once Cross was back on her feet. Cross rallied briefly, but Asuka caught her in the armbar and got the submission win.

Asuka defeated Nikki Cross in 9:30.

After the match, Belair entered the ring and had a face to face with Asuka. Belair held up her title belt and pointed to the WrestleMania sign. Asuka joined her in pointing to the sign while Patrick said the event is just 40 days away. Asuka acted like she was choking and then let blue mist come out of her mouth and laughed at Belair…

Powell’s POV: I’m really digging Asuka’s new look and attitude. It’s a welcome change from the previous persona that simply overstayed its welcome. I continue to hope that we’ll get some character developments to go along with the change.

Carmella was interviewed by Cathy Kelley, who asked if she’s considered her path to WrestleMania. Carmella spoke about owing a receipt to Asuka. Kelley was about to send it back to the broadcast team, but she approached Seth Rollins instead and brought up Logan Paul. Rollins said Paul has ruined his WrestleMania plans three times now. Rollins laughed and then got serious and said the joke is on Paul. Rollins said he would find Paul and hurt him. Rollins laughed and said that since Paul wasn’t at Raw, the man who takes credit for his success, Miz, feels like a perfect surrogate for suffering… [C]

A graphic noted touted Logan Paul’s TikTok video from Elimination Chamber being more successful than any from the NBA All-Star Game…

Graves recapped footage of Brock Lesnar low-blowing Bobby Lashley and getting disqualified at Elimination Chamber…

Backstage, MVP called Lesnar a coward. He said Lesnar realized he couldn’t escape the Hurt Lock, so he got himself disqualified. The camera pulled back and showed Omos standing next to MVP, who said Omos was challenging Lesnar to a match at WrestleMania. MVP told Lesnar to show up next week to accept the challenge in person if he has the intestinal fortitude…

Powell’s POV: Just say no, Brock. I hope this is an angle that will lead to something else. If not, I guess that means we’ll be getting Bobby Lashley vs. Bray Wyatt rather than Lesnar vs. Wyatt or a Triple Threat between the three.

The Miz made his entrance followed by Seth Rollins for their match… [C]

4. Seth Rollins vs. The Miz. Miz ended up at ringside. Rollins dropkicked him through the ropes, causing Miz to tumble over the broadcast table. Back inside the ring, Miz came back with a DDT for a near fall heading into a PIP break. [C]

Miz avoided a Stomp. Rollins set up for a Pedigree, but Miz avoided that move as well. Miz caught Rollins on the ropes and hit him with a Codebreaker that resulted in a two count. Miz followed up moments later with a flying knee. Miz threw kicks to the chest of Rollins. Graves said Miz mouthed Logan Paul’s name to Rollins before going for the grand finale kick, which Rollins stuffed.

Rollins hit Miz with a forearm to the back of the head and then put him down with the Stomp. The crowd chanted “one more time.” Rollins played to the crowd and then hit a second Stomp, but he still didn’t go for the cover. The crowd chanted for one more. Rollins set up for a third Stomp. The referee intervened and tried to talk Rollins down, but Rollins moved him aside and performed a third Stomp. The referee stopped the match…

Seth Rollins defeated The Miz via ref stoppage in 11:05.

Powell’s POV: This was more competitive than I anticipated prior to Rollins going over strong in the end. Miz has been made out to be such a joke in the ring that it now feels strange to see him having a competitive match, especially with someone as high on the food chain as Rollins.

Adam Pearce spoke with Carmella backstage and thanked her for having a positive attitude. He said it was refreshing and he was happy to give her the match against Asuka for next week’s show. Pearce got a call. It was hard to make out, but Pearce told Chelsea Green that he didn’t know what happened and would figure things out for her for Raw next week. He acted like he couldn’t hear her and then hung up on her…

Backstage, Chad Gable and Otis were checking themselves out in a mirror. Bronson Reed showed up behind them and asked if that’s how they prepared for a match. Gable said he’s on the cusp of a lucrative modeling career. Reed told him to be ready to model a full body cast. Otis stepped up and said no body talks to Gable like that. Reed and Otis went face to face. Reed laughed and walked away…

The production team was shown setting up Bayley’s talkshow set… [C]

[Hour Three] Bayley did her entrance through her talkshow set door. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai were seated on chairs (what happened to the nicer seating from NXT?!?), and Kai had a crutch with her.

Bayley asked Kai and Sky how it felt to be the greatest women’s champions of all-time. Kai credited Bayley for her guidance and boasted that they’ve been champion for over one hundred days. She ran through some of the teams that they’d already beaten and said the would dominate for another hundred days and another hundred days after that.

Becky Lynch made her entrance and spoke from the entrance aisle about how the titles are getting dusty because it’s been so long since they defended them. Lynch said she wants to take the tag team titles at WrestleMania. Bayley asked if Lynch was going to team with her daughter. Lynch said she didn’t know if the world was ready for that level of awesomeness, but said there’s someone she has in mind.

Lita made her entrance and then headed to the ring with Lynch. Bayley tried to stir the pot by pointing out that Lynch and Bayley were opponents the last time they were in the ring together. Lynch said she’s already apologized.

Lita said she wanted a fifth title run, but if she can’t get that title against Lynch, then she liked the idea of walking into WrestleMania as tag team champions. Lita issued the tag team title challenge. Bayley said they hadn’t done enough. Lynch ran through their credentials and said she thinks that’s enough.

Lita said that if Kai and Sky are the greatest champions, then they should want to prove it. Lynch asked if they were afraid. Bayley got upset and said they accept. Kai and Sky weren’t happy and turned to talk with Bayley, and then Lynch and Lita took the title belts off their waists and held them in the air before tossing them back at them. Graves asked if Bayley backed her cohorts into a corner…

Powell’s POV: Lynch and Lita got really good reactions coming out, but the segment seemed to lose the crowd a bit as it went on. They didn’t specify when this match will take place.

Candice LeRae was interviewed by Byron Saxton in the backstage area and asked for an update on Johnny Gargano. She said he was banged up during the match. She spotted Nikki Cross and ran off to confront her. LeRae asked Cross why she’d been following her around. LeRae said she had a match against Piper Niven next week and said she couldn’t concentrate on the match and Cross. LeRae asked to know why. Cross said something quietly. LeRae said that Cross told her that all of her friends are gone and she’s alone. LeRae looked troubled and told Saxton that Gargano would be back…

Chad Gable and Otis made their entrance for Gable’s match against Bronson Reed… [C] The WrestleMania 39 video aired. We are 40 days away from the two-night event… Bronson Reed made his entrance…

5. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable (w/Otis). Reed sent Gable to ringside and then hit him with a shoulder block from the apron. Reed stood up and went face to face with Otis before returning to the ring. Reed went for a move from the middle rope, but Gable avoided it and caught him in an ankle lock. Reed escaped the hold. Gable tried and failed to suplex Reed, but he was able to knock him down. Gable went up top and performed a flying headbutt for just a one count.

Maxxine Dupri showed up at ringside. In the ring, Gable suplexed Reed and bridged for a two count. Reed rolled to the floor. Otis was distracted by Dupri, who handed him her card. Gable called for Otis. Reed returned and splashed Gable in the corner. Reed powerslammed Gable and then hit his Tsunami splash for the win…

Bronson Reed beat Chad Gable in 3:15.

Austin Theory was shown warming up backstage…

Powell’s POV: Gable got the nice moment of impressively suplexing Reed, but this was basically a showcase win for Reed along with Dupri courting Otis in the background. On a side note, the company hasn’t done a very good job of making the U.S. Championship match feel important tonight.

Elias stood in the ring and said he hoped Rick Boogs was taking notes backstage. Boogs was shown watching on a backstage monitor. Elias put himself over as a star and a legend. Elias said the question on everyone’s mind is who wants to walk with Elias at WrestleMania.

Bobby Lashley made his entrance and slapped hands on the way to the ring. Once Lashley entered the ring, he slammed Elias to the mat. Elias rolled to ringside. Lashley followed and ended up flinging Elias into the ring post. Back in the ring, Lashley speared Elias and then played to the crowd before putting Elias in the Hurt Lock.

Lashley released the hold and then got a microphone. Lashley said everyone has a plan until he applies the Hurt Lock. Lashley said he put Brock Lesnar in the move and he had to resort to a low blow. Lashley said no one in the locker room breaks the Hurt Lock, including Lesnar, Elias, or Bray Wyatt. Lashley said no one will disrespect him and he’ll put them down if they do…

Powell’s POV: The crowd was pretty quiet for Lashley. I suspect the issue is that he came off heelish during the build to his match with Lesnar and now fans aren’t really sure what to make of him.

The broadcast team announced the following matches for next week’s Raw: Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky vs. Becky Lynch and Lita for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles, Candice LeRae vs. Piper Niven, Brock Lesnar responds to Omos’s WrestleMania challenge, Asuka vs. Carmella, and the “WrestleMania Goes Hollywood edition” of Miz TV…

Edge was interviewed by Saxton in the backstage area. Saxton asked Edge how he was feeling heading into the match. Edge said he was happy that Judgment Day was finally in the rearview. He said Beth Phoenix was home with the girls. He spoke about Theory having the ability to shape WWE for the next few decades, just as he did.

Edge said their similarities end there. Edge said that with age comes wisdom. He said he knows that all of this can be taken away faster than he could smack “that stupid duck face off his overly manscaped head tonight.” Edge said he hadn’t held a title lately and was running out of time. He spoke about his history in Ottawa and said it would feel good to win the title there and walk into WrestleMania as the champion…

Austin Theory made his entrance… [C]

Powell’s POV: That helped with the push for the match, but I actually think it should have occurred earlier in the night to keep the match fresh in the minds of viewers. Edge has really shifted into veteran wrestler dad mode. Dare I say that Edge lacks an edge?

Edge made his entrance for the main event…

6. Austin Theory vs. Edge for the U.S. Championship. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Edge performed a Russian leg sweep for an early two count heading into a PIP break. [C] Edge backdropped Theory at ringside coming out of the break. Edge went to the apron and clotheslined Theory on the floor. Edge brought Theory back inside the ring and covered him for a two count.

Theory regained control and caught Edge with a dropkick and then covered him for a two count heading into another PIP break. [C] Edge picked up some near falls coming out of the break. The best of the bunch was when Theory rolled coming out of the ropes and then Edge countered into a powerbomb.

Edge went for a spear that Theory avoided. Theory monkey flipped Edge, who landed on his feet and then put Theory in a crossface. Theory reached the ropes to break the hold. A short time later, Edge avoided Theory’s finisher and put him down with the Edgecution DDT for a near fall.

Edge got to his knees and looked to the crowd while Graves said Edge was tapping into something that’s been missing. Edge set up for a spear, but Finn Balor ran out and climbed onto the apron. Edge punched Balor off the apron. Theory went after Edge, who saw him coming and rolled him up for a two count. Balor returned to the apron and kicked Edge while the referee was telling the timekeeper that he had only counted to two on the rollup. Theory hit A-Town Down on Edge and got the three count.

Austin Theory defeated Edge in 18:55 to retain the U.S. Championship.

After the match, Balor entered the ring and put the boots to Edge. Balor went up top and hit the Coup De Grace. Balor performed the move a second time. The broadcast team recapped highlights of the match finish. Balor performed a third Coup De Grace and stood over Edge to conclude the show…

Powell’s POV: My guard was up for a run-in of some kind when Edge took the time to say that Beth Phoenix was at home, meaning they came up with a reason to explain why she wasn’t there to save her husband. The main event was well worked and the live crowd got behind Edge, but it was tough to really buy into the threat of him winning when all signs pointed to him doing more with Balor at WrestleMania.

Overall, a solid show that didn’t feel like it had much filler and yet they still lost momentum in the third hour. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the February 20 Elimination Chamber fallout show

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Readers Comments (5)

  1. I have faith in Triple H, I think the road to Mania is gonna be fun. It’s gonna be great when Cody beats Reigns. But man, after hearing the pop for Zayn tonight, I just can’t help but think that theres no way that ending will be as satisfying as if Zayn had won. At least I have faith in HHH. Didn’t have that with Vince

  2. It would’ve been completely out of character for Owens — one of the surliest sons of bitches in the company — to suddenly forgive Sami for everything he’s done just because. It makes perfect sense that he had no interest in helping Sami win the title given that Sami cost him that same title. But he hates the Bloodline enough to make their lives miserable.

  3. Speaking of Asuka’s character development, I hope Belair gets some in the next month. Fans are definitely still behind her but last week she was kinda the third wheel behind Lynch and Bayley and tonight she really did nothing but point at the sign. She needs a little juice heading into the stretch as she’s been getting a little stale as of late

  4. “(this really should have taken place during a PIP break to spare me from hearing his shitty entrance theme)” Jason, bless you, you never disappoint

  5. “Zayn tackled Graves and threw punches at him.”

    I truly wished that would happen. Graves is awful on the mic.

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